Quick Reference Notes: Non Science Courses Note: Electives from other faculties are taken with the permission of the Programme Convenor (Rule FB10.5) ACC104F (Introduction to Management Accounting) does not count. ACC106F (Financial Accounting Ia) is the first half of Financial Accounting I counts as a half course. ACC111S (Financial Accounting 1b) counts as a half course. ACC212W (Financial Accounting II) replaces ACC204W and counts as a full senior course. ACC213F (Financial Accounting IIa), 214S (Financial Accounting IIb) and 215S (Corporate Accounting) each count as a senior half course. ACC221W (Financial Accounting) counts as a full course. ACC309W (Accounting III) counts as a full senior course and major. ACC320W (Financial Accounting IIIT) counts as undergraduate major but cannot continue to Honours. AGE204Z (Archaeological Fieldwork) is a compulsory requirement for Archaeology majors but is a non-credit course. ANT200W (Anatomy I) counts as a full senior course. ANT201W (Anatomy IP) counts as a full senior course. ANT301W (Biological Anthropology and Applied Anatomy) counts only as a senior course without ANT204W (Anatomical Science). ARP (Architecture) courses do not count. ASP005F/006S (English for Academic Purposes) does not count for credit but does count for readmission. ASP101F (English for Academic Purposes - Arts) does not count for credit. ASP103H (Integrated Science) counts as a first-year half course; it can be counted with firstyear courses in the Earth and Life Sciences. BOT202F (Plant Diveristy & Evolution) is equivalent to BOT206F. BOT203S (Developmental & Reproductive Biol) is equivalent to BOT205S. BUS110F(Thinking about Business) counts as a first-year half course= BUS100F(Envir. Struct of Business) BUS101S/130S (from 1995) (Management of Human Resources) counts as a first-year half course. BUS103S Intro to Actuarial Science counts as first-year half course. BUS105H (Introduction to Corporate Finance) counts as a first-year half course. BUS130S/BUS131F (Human Resource Management) counts as a first-year half course. BUS132S (People, Work and Organisation) counts as a first-year half course. BUS211S (Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics 2) counts as a second-year half course BUS212F (Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics 1) counts as a second-year half course. BUS213F/S (Actuarial Science : Financial Mathematics) counts as a second-year half course. BUS230F (Organisational Behaviour) counts as a second-year half course. BUS231S (Personnel Psychology) counts as a second-year half course. BUS320F (Actuarial Science 1: Actuarial Mathematics 1) counts as a third-year half course. BUS321S (Actuarial Science 1: Actuarial Mathematics 2) counts as a third-year half course. BUS322F (Actuarial Science II: Survival Models) counts as a third-year half course. BUS323S (Actuarial Science II: Life and Pensions Mathematics) counts as a third-year half course. BUS333F (Labour-work relations) counts as a third-year half course. BUS334F (Labour-work relations and Psychological assessment) counts as a third-year half course. BUS335S (Occupational Psychology and organisational development) counts as a third-year half course. CEM108F/H (Chemisty for Engineers) counts as a half course if result is 70% or more but cannot be counted with CEM100W or 101W or 102W. CEM109S (Chemistry 109) is a first-year half course following on from CEM002F, or serving as a fallback position for students 'failing' full-year courses at mid-year. CEM304F (Physical Chemistry Lab) does not count. CHE209S (Process Flow and Heat Transfer) does not count. CHE215F/S (Heat transfer) does not count CHE216F/S (Fluid flow) does not count CHE230S (Unit Operations I) does not count. CHE223W (Chemical Process Analysis) counts as a full senior course. CHE221G (Chemical Engineering Calculations) counts as a senior half course. CHE237F (Materials and Energy Balances for Scientists) is the equivalent of CHE231F + CHE233F and counts as a second-year half course. CHE238S (Fluid Systems) is the equivalent of CHE236S + CHE234S and counts as a second-year half course. CIV (Civil Engineering) courses do not count. CMH (Community Health) courses do not count. CML (Commercial Law) courses do not count. CSC105W was replaced by CSC115F, CSC116S CSC106S (Introductory Computing A) plus 107H (Introductory Computing B) are the same as CSC105W. CSC108F (Computer Appreciation) does not count. CSC108S cannot be counted with CSC106S. CSC112F (Computer Science for Engineers) counts as a first-year half course if result is 70% or more. CSC114W (Computer Science for Engineers) credit for half a course will be given if result is from 50% to 69%. Credit for a full course will be given if result is 70% or more. DOH102F; DOH104S Does NOT count. ECO110F/S Microeconomics 110 counts as a first-year half course. ECO111F/S Macroeconomics 111 counts as a first-year half course. ECO104W counts for a first-year whole course. ECO106S (Economics 106) counts as a first-year half course. ECO203F Economics 203 count as a second-year half course ECO204S Economics 204 counts as a second-year half course ECO301W Economics 301 Counts as a third-year whole course and co-major. EEE205F does not count. EEE206F, 207S, 208S, 209S, 213F plus 214S, as a unit, count as a full senior course; any alone, or in combinations other than those described below, do not count. EEE206F, 207S and 209S, as a unit, count as a senior half course. EEE206F, 207S, 209S and 341W, as a unit, count as a full senior course. EEE206F, 207S and 213F, as a unit, count as a senior half course. EEE211F plus 212S, as a unit, count as a full senior course. Either one alone does not count. EEE216S does not count. EEE217W is the same as EEE206F, 207S, 208S plus 209S. Therefore, EEE217W plus 213F and 214S count as a full senior course. EEE219W counts as a full senior course. EEE221W is the equivalent of EEE225 plus 226 EEE225F (Electrical Engineering Part 1) counts as a senior half course. EEE226S (Electrical Engineering Part 2) counts as a senior half course. EEE349W counts as a senior half course (until 1994). EEE350W counts as a third-year half course. EEE462F does not count. EEE465S (2 credits) EEE364W (4 credits) END100W is the Aspect course in Mathematics and is equivalent to MTH105W (cannot be counted together with any first year Maths course given to Science students). END101W is the Aspect course in Engineering and does not count. END102W/S, END105W and END106W (Introduction to Engineering) do not count. END103W is the Aspect course in Applied Mathematics and is equivalent to AMA103W. END104W is the Aspect course in Technical Communication and comprises, inter alia, Mechanical Drawing. It counts as first-year half course, and is credited as MEC102W. END107W is the equivalent of MAM103W FACULTY OF HUMANITIES: Courses from the following departments in the Faculty of Humanities may be counted as credits in the Faculty of Science: English, History, History of Art, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Linguistics and Southern African Languages, Philosophy (see specific entry), Political Studies, Religious Studies, Social Anthropology. ILL/SLL courses = languages All courses from departments in the Faculty of Arts prior to 1999 counted, (apart from those specified in the IT programme) INF102f/s does NOT count INF 200/300 level courses(Information Systems) only counts as compulsory courses in the SCIB06 degree. MAM102W taken by students in the Faculty of Commerce give CX for MAM105H or CR for MAM100W in the Faculty of Science MAM103W (Mathematics for Engineers) credit for a half course will be given if result is from 50% to 69%. Credit for a full course will be given if result is 70% or more. MAM142S (Mathematics for Engineers) counts as a first-year half course if result is 70% or more. The following courses in Applied Mathematics may, if taken while registered in the Engineering Faculty, be counted as senior Science courses, on the basis of 12 credits per full course: MAM244S – 3 credits MAM343F – 3 credits MAM344F – 3 credits MAM345S – 3 credits MAM346S - 3 credits MAM347S – 3 credits MAM349S – 3 credits MAM350S – 3 credits Any four of MAM343F, MAM344F, MAM345S, MAM346S/350S and MAM347S/349S are the same as MAM340W. Any two of these courses are the same as MAM341H. MAM280W – 8 credits; counts as a half senior course. MAM281W – 4 credits MAM380F – 3 credits MAM381S – 2 credits MAM382F – 2 credits Credit cannot be given for both SMS202F and SMS206F. Credit cannot be given for more than one of SMS205S, SMS207S and MAM281W. Credit cannot be given for both SMS301F and MAM380F. Credit cannot be given for both SMS302S and MAM381S. If credit is given for MAM280W, then no credit will be given for any of SMS201F, SMS206F or SMS204S. MAM381S is the equivalent of SMS302S. The following MAT courses count on the basis of 6 credits per half course: MAT203F (2 credits) MAT314F (4 credits) MAT205S (3 credits) MAT316F (3 credits) MAT206S (1 credit) MAT318S (4 credits) MAT210F (3 credits) MAT319F (4 credits) MAT301F (2 credits) MAT320S (2 credits) MBI100W (Human Biology) counts as a full first-year course and can be counted together with BOT103F (BIO100F/S), BOT102S, ZOO103S, and BIO104F/S. MEC102W (Engineering Drawing) counts as a first-year half course if the result is 70% or more. MEC (Mechanical Engineering) courses otherwise do not count. NUR (Nursing) courses do not count. OCT (Occupational Therapy) courses do not count. PCU (Professional Communications) courses do not count. PGY200W (Physiology & Medical Biochemistry) counts as a full senior course. PGY200W cannot be counted together with PGY202W (Physiology IS). PGY201W (Physiology IP) counts as a full senior course. PHILOSOPHY: The only philosophy courses taken from 1997 and later which can be credited in the Science Faculty are: PHI109F (Critical reasoning in the Nat & Soc Sciences); and PHI215F (Science & Social Values) PHY106S (Physics 106) plus PHY107F/S (Physics 107) count as the equivalent of PHY100W. PHY108F/H (Physics 108) counts as a first-year half course. PHY100W has been replaced by PHY131F, PHY132S. PHY104W has been replaced by PHY121F, PHY122S. PHY110W /PHY111W(Physics for Engineers) credit for a half course will be given if result is from 50% to 69%. Credit for a full course will be given if result is 70% or more. PSY101W counts as a first-year whole course PSY200W (Psychology 200) cannot be counted with PSY250W (Industrial and Organisational Psychology 250). PSY300W counts as a third-year whole course and co-major. PTH (Physiotherapy Technique) courses do not count. RAY201W (Radiobiology) counts as a full senior course. SMS100W counts a full course (not with STA or MAM143H) SMS201F plus 202F do not count as a half credit. SMS201F plus 202F plus 204S count as a senior half course. SMS201F, 202F, 204S, 301F and 302S, together, count as a full senior course. SMS201F plus 204S plus 205S count as a senior half course. SMS201F plus 302S, together, are the same as AMA210H or AMA200H. SMS202F plus 204S plus 301F count as a senior half course; any of these alone do not count. SMS202F plus 204S do not count as a half credit. SMS203S has been transferred, or may be regarded, as a credit for STA100S. SMS204S plus AMA211F, together, are the same as AMA220H. SMS205S alone does not count. SMS206F is the same as SMS202F. SMS302S alone does not count. SMS302 is equivalent to MAM381S. STA100F/S (Statistics 100) cannot be counted with SMS100W (Statistics and Applied Maths). STA101F/S (Statistics Ic) does NOT count. STA102F (Statistics & Business Computing) does not count. STA103F (Probability and Statistics) is the equivalent of STA100F/S. STA104H (Statistics Intensive) does not count for credit. The following SUR courses count on a basis of 6 credits per half course: SUR109S – 4 credits SUR208F – 4 credits SUR215S – 6 credits SUR216F – 6 credits SUR217F – 6 credits SUR305F (Plane Surveying) counts as a senior half course. SUR307S (Remote Sensing and Cartography) counts as a senior half course. SWK (Social Work) courses do not count.