
Barbara Cartland
An Adventure of Love
From the moment their eyes met, in the gilded corridors of Hampton Court, Princess Zorina & the
passionate foreigner she knew only as Rudolf were wed in the miracle of their hearts’ silent vows.
But a cruel fate decreed otherwise. Before the assembled court, Queen Victoria herself promised
Zorina’s tender loveliness to a stranger, the aging King of distant Leothia – none other than the
father of the only man Zorina would ever, could ever love.
Barbara Cartland
An Arrow of Love
As far as Melissa Wade was concerned, the future could have hardly looked blacker. Her father’s
second marriage had been a disaster. His new wife was as crude as she was rich, interested only
in the unbridled pleasures of strong drink & the hunt. There would be no place in her debauched
household for a pretty, unmarriaged stepdaughter. Melissa would have to wed immediately a man
of her stepmother’s choosing. Violently dissatisfied with these arrangements, Melissa took the
only means of escape available: a job as companion to the wealthy young ward of the Duke of
Aldwick. But as Melissa stood before her new employer – a man whose cynical, commanding
presence terrified her, whose hatred of women was common knowledge throughout England –
she began to wonder if she hadn’t escaped into an even more dangerous trap.
Barbara Cartland
As Eagle Fly
While on a secret mission to the fanatical leader of a holy war against Imperial Russia, Lord
Athelstan is asked to escort a prisoner, the Countess Natasha, to Constantinople. There she
must enter the sultan’s harem in exchange for her brother Dimitri’s freedom. Ahtelstan refuses,
only to find that the beautiful girl escapes & joins his entourage, disguised as an Indian prince.
Athelstan refuses, only to find that the beautiful girl escapes & joins his entourage, disguised as
an Indian prince. Heedles of the many dangers, love comes swiftly & vioently as each realises
that the flames which burn so furiously in both of them cannot be denied. But would their new
found happiness mean Dimitri’s death?
Barbara Cartland
Beyond the Stars
Just when the fascinating Earl of Ardwick decides to marry, he is turned down – by an ambitious
beauty with her eye on the Dukedom! All of London will know of the proud Peer’s jilting. Then
Luck – or Providence – places Lady Lupita Lang in the Earl’s path…Of impeccable lineage, she is
young, unspoilt & lovely enough to outshine even the Earl’s erstwhile amour. Behind her delight
at her first Society Ball, Lupita bravely hides her fear for young brother, who is in the sights of a
ruthless cousin. Until the Earl names himself Guardian to the winsome orphans – a role he will
soon exchange for that of Husband to his Heaven sent Bride!
Barbara Cartland
The Castle of Fear
Tatika Lynch’s exotic good looks first aroused the attentions of the lecherous Lord Crowley. Later,
her with & intelligence captivated him. He would possess her – at any cost. But Tatika did not
love him & would not marry him. Desperate & alone, she fled to Scotland. There she took refuge
in Castle Craig with the Dowager Duchess & her son. The Duke was young & extraordinarily
handsome. Yet there was something hidden in his past, a dreadful secret people only whispered
about. How could anyone love such a man, Tatika wondered. Yet there was a strange magnetic
quality about the Duke. Tatika found herself drawn to him more & more.
Barbara Cartland
The Complacent Wife
When the Earl of Droxford hears that only a married man may be appointed Lord Lieutenant of
his county, he asks his attractive mistress, Lady Sibley, to find him a wife ‘a complacent,
conformable wife’. All seems to be resolved when the beautiful & unconventional Karina Rendell
strikes a bargain with the Earl. However, their marriage of convenience is soon threatened by a
series of scandals & misunderstandings, by lust & jealousy.
Barbara Cartland
The Dangerous Dandy
Alyna saw no escape. Her mother, a selfish & cruel woman, insisted that she marry the wealthy
Prince Ahmadi of Kahriz, a man who made the beautiful Alyna cringe in horror. She saw only one
way out – a cold leap into the Thames. And she would have done it if one mad had not saved her.
That man was Lord Dorrington, London’s famous dandy, pupil of Beau, & the most sought after
bachelor in Regency England. But now the danger had just begun for alyna. Hunted by the Prince
& his allies, she was trapped in a desperate web of agonizing fears, murder & intrigue. Could
Lord Dorrington save her one more time?
Barbara Cartland
The Dangerous Marriage
It was a marriage arranged for reasons of State – to protest would be to risk the displeasure of
Queen Victoria herself. So Lady Gloria Winton, young & lovely put aside her dreams of Love &
set out for the tiny kingdom of Arginos. There, Gloria was astonished to find that her intended,
Prince Darius, was hansome, charming, & as contrary to the match as she! Just as their mutual
reluctance was forming a bond between them, revolution flared & the pair fled to the countryside
to rouse the forces loyal to the throne. Together, Lady Gloria & Prince Darius restored peace, &
found a rapturous, everlasting bliss as the King & Queen of Hearts!
Barbara Cartland
The Dream and the Glory
Lady Cordelia & her brother, the Earl of Hunstanton, had sailed with Captain Mark Stanton to
Valetta where the Earl was to become a Knight of the Order of St John. Afterwards he wanted his
sister to enter the Convent of St Romanica. As Cordelia remembered & felt again the strange
wonder that Stanton’s kisses had aroused in her, she realized she could never contemplate
becoming a nun. Now Bonaparte’s fleet menaced Malta & Mark must be warned not to return.
Who could do this better than herself? Cordelia was to meet battle shipwreck & danger before
she could again thrill to the touch of the sea rover she loved.
Barbara Cartland
A Duel with Destiny
The Marquis of Swayne is injured in a carriage accident & is carried to the house of the local
physician. Here he is nursed by Rowena, oldest of a surprisingly beautiful family. The Marquis
learns that Doctor Winsford, dedicated to his profession, is so generous to his poorer patients that
his children suffer. He falls in love with Rowena, & she with him, & he offers her his protection.
How Rowena, horrified & disillusioned by such a suggestion fights against the Marquis’s charm &
determination, how she tries to defeat him in a battle of wills & fails is told in this 199 th both by
Barbara Cartland.
Barbara Cartland
The Enchanted Moment
When lovely but dowdy Sally St. Vincent leaves her quiet life in the Welsh Hills to go & live in
London with Lynn Lystell, the famous & beautiful actress, she has no idea of the intrigue which
surrounds her. How Sally eventually finds a solution to her problems, & ecstatic happiness is
vividly told in this exciting novel of passion & romance.
Barbara Cartland
Fire on the Snow
Alida Shenley, cruelly treated & humiliated by her Uncle & Aunt, the Duke & Duchess of
Berkhamstead, is taken to Russia by her cousin, Lady Mary, who is to marry His Highness Prince
Voronski. On the voyage, first by British steamer & then in the Tsar’s private yacht, they are
escorted by the Minister of Naval Affairs, Count Ivan Benkendorf, who becomes enamoured with
Mary. On the steamer Alida meets the son of a revolutionary who was beaten to death in Siberia.
Her sympathy is destined to bring her into conflict with the Russian Secret Police, & her
passionate, exciting story unfolds against a background of dramatic & violent change.
Barbara Cartland
The Flame is Love
Emmeline Nevada Holtz was the richest – and the most sheltered – girl in America. Temporarily
stranded in Paris without a chaperone, Emmeline realized that this was one chance to experience
life in a way she never had before. Her determination to enjoy her new found freedom would lead
Emmeline to some of the most dissolute pleasure palaces in Paris & to social acquaintances
whose respectability was just a front for a most horrifying evil. But it would also lead her straight
into the arms of the only man she would ever love.
Barbara Cartland
The Fragrant Flower
The mildness & beauty of Hong Kong were so welcome after the horrible English winters. As
lovely & delicate as the flower she was named for, Azalea needed warmth & sunlight to survive.
Not that Azalea would ever be truly happy in her new home. Her aunt & uncle kept her in a
humiliating state of domestic slavery> Her inferior position, they insisted, was more than justified
by the unmentionable disgrace in her past. Her vicious guardians had succeeded in breaking
Azalea’s spirit. But they couldn’t prevent a determined young man from falling in love with her.
Nor could they stop him from uncovering the shameful secret that clouded Azalea’s happiness.
Barbara Cartland
A Fugitive from Love
Her back criss-crossed with weals raised by the Prince’s whip. Selena first hesitated, then
plunged into the grey waves. Salena’s happiness at joining her father in Monte Carlo had quickly
turned to terror & despair when she learnt that she must marry the sadistic Prince Petrovsky to
pay her father’s debts. Saved from a watery grave & nursed back to health by the debonair Duke
of Templecombe, Salena finds a strange new contentment in exotic 19th century Tangiers. But the
long arm of the Prince brings unforeseen dangers before the touch of the Duke’s lips brings
Salena a rapture beyond words.
Barbara Cartland
A Gamble with Hearts
Amid the glittering ballrooms & salons of pleasure loving Baden2 in the 1860s, lovely Selina
Wade forgot the unhappy past. Lured to Paris & forced to kill a dissolute Marquis to protect her
virtue, Selina was rescued from a life of shame by the impecunious Quintus Tiverton, a gambler
living on his wits. But many more exciting adventures were to befall them both before Selina gave
Quintus her heart. When his kisses took possession of her, making her completely & absolutely
his captive, Selina knew she had won her gamble with love.
Barbara Cartland
Hungry for Love
The Marquis kissed her masterfully, passionately. “Tomorrow”, he said, “I will take you to a house
I have in the country. You will be safe there & no one will insult you or assault you ever again”.
Aramita felt as though an icy hand was squeezing the warmth of new love from her heart. Though
young & innocent, she understood the cold meaning of his words. Trapped in painful awareness,
Aramita fled from the garden in shame.
Barbara Cartland
The Husband Hunters
Andrina had made up her mind. Her 2 lovely sisters – orphaned, penniless, buried in the country
– would never find suitable husbands. Andrina would go to London & impose on her godfather,
the Duke of Broxbourne, to introduce the girls to society. Her sisters’ beauty would accomplish
the rest. As she watched her younger sisters sparkle at the endless round of balls & receptions,
Andrina marveled at how well her plan had been realized. There was only one snag: Andrina had
been so busy arranging her sisters’ futures, she failed to notice she was madly in love.
Barbara Cartland
The Incredible Honeymoon
The Earl of Lemsford stared at his prospective son in law in undisguised horror. ‘I think Your
Grace has made a mistake!’. Not at all, replied the young Duke, it was actually your second
daughter I had in mind – Lady Antonia’
Antonia? Of course, the Duke continued, if you do not wish to give your consent to such a
My dear fellow, I’m not saying you cannot marry Antonia, the Earl said quickly, I merely thought
you would prefer my elder daughter. No matter… Ah, Antonia, may I introduce His Grace the
Duke of Doncaster, the Duke has asked for your hand in marriage.
I’m indeed honoured, Your Grace, Antonia said in a quiet voice. But the Duke was certain that
she winked at him.
Barbara Cartland
The Innocent Imposter
Ursa & her elder sister were as different as night & day, or – more precisely – country & city. Yet
here was Ursa, guest at a splendid estate, impersonating the worldly, married Penelope. Enter
Prince Charming – the tall, irresistible Marquis of Charnwood, in need of a temporary fiancée. If
Ursa could play one role, she could play 2, especially when the 3n was herself! But the price was
high, for in the Marquis Ursa had found her dream of love, a dream that Honor forbade. The the
time for pretense was past, & Ursa & her Marquis reached for a rapture beyond measure,
destined beyond the stars.
Barbara Cartland
A Kiss for the King
Anastasia thought of how the King had lain beside her the first night they were married &
promised he would not touch her. Now, Maximilian of Maurona had ridden into the mist to lead his
loyal Dragoon Guards in a desperate fight for the crown & every hour he was away seemed
empty. She longed for the touch of his lips on her skin. How Anastasia helped to save Maurona &
its people from the French & found a King’s love to be an all consuming fire makes a thrilling,
dramatic story of Victorian romance.
Barbara Cartland
A Kiss of Silk
Varia thought Sir Edward’s proposal was outrages – but wildly attractive. He wanted Varia to
accompany his only son, Ian, on a business trip to France, posing as his fiancée. The agreement
was strictly business, of course, & she’d be paid handsomely for her help. The challenge
appealed to Varia, although Ian seemed to bear a grudge against her. But she swiftly learn that
acting can be dangerous when her heart makes her long to play a real life fiancée to the man who
has stolen her love.
Barbara Cartland
Lessons in Love
Miss Mitton found it impossible to look like a governess. She was far too beautiful with glorious
red hari & a delicately white, heart shaped face graced by a pair of long lashed green eyes. She
was, in fact, Lady Marisa Berrington-Crecy masquerading as a governess in the household of the
Duke of Milverly, determined to write the book which would expose the corruption &
heartlessness of Edwardian Society. She found herself responsible for a lonely, loveless child.
And also found the arrogant, philandering Duke capable of loving, & of being loved. Marisa had
much to learn – and much to teach.
Barbara Cartland
The Little Adventure
Lady Corinna Vernon escapes the brutal clutches of her aunt when she runs away to Paris, but
her little adventure lands her in the midst of trickery & intrigue. Why should the elegant Duke of
Milverton be so interested in a humble governess & her 6 year old charge? Against a backdrop of
the glittering, wildly extravangt society in the Paris of Napoleon III, Corinna struggles to disguise
both her identity & the passionate love that threatens to overwhelm her.
Barbara Cartland
Look, Listen and Love
As the sunshine pierced the leaves of the olive trees, Tempera looked at the Duke’s handsome
face, aware of nothing but her own confusion. She dared not listen to her heart telling her what
her mind knew as impossible. She was falling in love with the man her stepmother must marry!
When the Duke of Chevingham invited Lady Rothley, her beautiful but penniless stepmother her
disguised as an Edwardian lady’s maid. While at the Chateau Bellevue, Tempera discovered that
several pictures in the Duke’s famous collection were fakes. Her knowledge led to heartbreak &
danger before the Duke’s tempestuous kisses brought an ecstasy to be shared for all eternity.
Barbara Cartland
Look with the Heart
When fire razed her ancestral home, Erlina Sherwood sought shelter at Meldon Hall. Tha Manor
house of the arrogant Marquis of Meldon had been all but destroyed by neglect. Erlina was
astonished to find the Marquis himself in residence, amid the Hall’s faded magnificence. But he
could not mourn its lost splendor, for an accident had stolen his sight. As time passed, the lovely
orphan came to know the proud, private heart of the compelling Aristocrat. Her tenderness came
to heal hs wounded soul – and bind them in a brilliant dream come true of never ending joy.
Barbara Cartland
Love in the Ruins
Mimosa Shenson, daughter of a brillian historian, finds herself orphaned & penniless in Tunisia –
until chance presents the resourceful beauty with a dangerous & desperate opportunity. Mimosa
moves into the wealthy young woman’s life, to plan her own return to Britain. But Mimosa is
innocent of her cousin’s scandalous reputation, which lures to her luxurious Villa l’Astre Bleu, the
dashing Duke of Alrock, fresh from the pleasures of Paris. The Duke is fascinated by Roman
archaeology & soon the 2 are off to explore the ruins of an ancient Phoenician city nearby.
Attacked by malefactors, the Duke & his lovely guide prevail, & claim their sweet reward – the
divine & joyous gift of a lifetime love.
Barbara Cartland
Magic or Mirage
Devina looked out of the window, very conscious that Gordon Thorpe’s eyes were on her face.
“You are lovely in a way I did not realize when I first saw you,” he said quietly. “I find myself
looking at your spirit shining through your skin like a light!”
“Please you are taking advantage of our being alone.”
“And why not take advantage of an opportunity that will never happen again?”
“Because it is wrong.”
“Wrong?” he enquired fiercely. “Because you are a woman who is worth millions & that is
supposed to put you out of reach of ordinary mortals like myself?”
Devina drew her breath. He liked her because he believed she had money. But would he feel the
same if he knew the truth? Suddenly Gordon Thorpe bent towards her. “Suppose,” he said
passionately, “suppose I asked you to come away with me, to forget that we are expected at the
Castle, to forget the Duke is waiting for you – would you come?”
Barbara Cartland
Only a Dream
Fleeing the shocking advances of a lascivious Lord, innocent Isla Kenway sought safety with the
dashing Marquis of Longridge. Penniless & lovely, she was alone in the world, save for the
nobleman who enraptured her very soul – and who was captivated by the mystery of the
astonishing love that Fate had bestowed upon him. For how could the orphan daughter of a
London music hall performer be a lady that put the most aristrocratic society beauties to shame?
Barbara Cartland
A Tangled Web
Carola Greton is surprised when her brother, Sir Peter, comes home to tell her that their
neighbor, the Marquis of Broxburne, is opening Brox Hall. And she is more than surprised to hear
that he wants her to pretend to be the Marquis’s wife. For the Marquis has met Mr Alton
Westwood, the American multimillionaire who desires to marry off his daughter Mary Lee to an
English Lord. It is in Mr Westwood’s power to change all their fortunes; but it is far from a simple
matter for Carola & Mary Lee to find the love they have both been seeking.
Barbara Cartland
The Tears of Love
Her father had died on their way home to England, his career in shambles, his name disgraced by
accusations of treason. Now Canuela Arlington & her mother were alone in London in desperate
need of money. Canuela would have to find work. Knowing her delicate beauty was sure to
provoke unwelcome advances, Canuela pulled her long golden hair back sharply from her face,
obscured her dazzling grey green eyes with huge glasses & dressed in unflattering black. Her
excellent qualification soon interested an employer: Ramon de Lopez, the handsome Argentine
aristocrat, one of the wealthiest men in South America. Canuela trembled with rage at the mere
mention of his name: Ramon was an old friend of her father’s, one of the many who deserted in
the crisis. Canuela would repay him for his disloyalty. It would not be difficult to destroy him. If
only he were not so wildly attractive.
Barbara Cartland
Alone and Afraid
As the lid of the coffin was lifted off, Kitrina shrank from seeing the Sheikh’s black eyes ablaze
with passion. When she timidly opened her eyes it was to find the Marquis gazing down on her.
On holiday in Paris the Marquis of Elkesley found himself unexpectedly guardian to Kitrina, the
obviously illegitimate daughter of his cousin who had run away with one of Queen Victoria’s
ladies in waiting. Even as he strove to foil the evil plans of Sheikh Hassan who coveted Kitrina’s
blonde loveliness for his harem, the Marquis realized it was hopeless to fight against the love he
felt. But how could he take Kitrina home to face the contempt & condemnation afforded by society
to a girl born out of wedlock?
Barbara Cartland
The Dare Devil Duke
Kasia Ross is the only Child of a doting & exceedingly wealthy father – yet she will earn her own
living before she allows a husband to be chosen for her! Not long after she has set her mind to
course, Kasia is employed as governoss at Dreghorne Castle – home of the Dare Devil Duke
himself, Hero of Battlefield & Boudoir. Dedicated to the responsibilities of his estate, the duke is
shocked to find himself enthralled by his nephew’s lovely governess. But dreadful peril will unite
two bold hearts, & show the way to love’s everlasting, ever new adventure!
Barbara Cartland
Beauty or Brains?
The debonair Marquis of Sherwood was notorious in his disdain for the eligible young ladies of
Society preferring the glamorous worldly, & amusing company of the celebrated Gaiety Girls.
Then Lavina Vernon, shy & exquisite, was swept into a friend’s mischievous masquerade, a bold
scheme designed to teach the Dashers of the ton a lesson they wouldn’t soon forget. The
sheltered beauty was scandalized to find herself in the role of an actress. But she was more
shocked to discover that she was falling in love with the high handed, imperiously attractive
Marquis – intended victim of the Debutantes’ Revenge!
Barbara Cartland
The Bored Bridegroom
Forced by circumstance to marry the daughter of a wealthy neighbor, the Marquis of Merlyn
wondered what he would have in common with a bride of 18. Unfledged girls bored him to tears.
But Lucretia had long adored the Marquis in secret & planned to make him as much in love with
her as she was with him. Surprise follows surprise for this acknowledged Corinthian until
Lucretia’s impulsiveness leads to their sharing a dangerous mission – pursued by the soldiers of
Barbara Cartland
Call of the Heart
Lalitha Studley lives a nightmare, degraded & brutally beaten by her step mother, while Sophie,
her lovely step sister, reigns as the toast of the Regency Bucks. One dark night Lalitha is sent to
tell the rich & unpredictable Lord Rothwyn that Sophie will not elope with him. Angry & frustrated,
the proud nobleman uses Lalitha as the instrument of his revenge. In her surprising new life
Lalitha encounters many dangers, saves Lord Rothwyn from a violent death, & finds the call of
her heart answered with a wondrous, ecstatic love.
Barbara Cartland
Conquered by Love
Dawn was rising behind the snow capped peaks of Kavonia as Theola watched the Austrian
artillery enter the valley. Only a few weeks ago she had been in England, crushed & unhappy,
facing a life time of drudgery. Now she was married, in name only, to a handsome revolutionary
fighting for the freedom of his country. Theola hoped she could make the legend his people
believed come true, but did Alexius really love & need her? However uncertain the future, Theola
knew any danger would be worthwhile if she could again throb with the ectasy aroused by his
every kiss.
Barbara Cartland
The Cruel Count
In 1819, Lady Vesta arrives alone in Katona as bride by proxy to its hereditary Prince. To her
dismay the imperious Count Miklos tells Vesta that revolution has broken out & she must return to
England. This Vesta refuses to do & commands the unwilling nobleman to take her to the Capital.
After a hazardous journey & capture by brigands. Vesta arrives at the Royal Hunting Lodge only
to face new dangers for the Count who aroused in her an ecstasy such as she had never
Barbara Cartland
The Curse of the Clan
“What is your name?” the Duke addressed her in a deep, low voice. “Tara… Your Grace”
“Tara, you are to marry me. How old are you?”
“Tara, you are to marry me. How old are you?”
“Nearly 18, Your Grace”
“Very well,” he said as the door opened & the minister entered. Dazed, the last thing Tara
remembered was repeating the words, “I will.” Then it was over. She was married to a Highland
Chieftan – a man she had never seen until 2 minutes before!
Barbara Cartland
Desperate Defiance
Professor Carrow’s trip to Tibet on British Gevernment business provides an ideal opportunity for
his daughter, Vivian, to try to forget her recent heartbreak. She decides to make the journey alone
& by sea. The voyage, however, is not to be an uneventful one. She discovers, to her horror, that
Captain Alexander – a man she believes to be a murderer & a spy – is also on board. Vivian little
realizes that he is to play such an important part in the web of danger & intrigue that awaits her in
Tibet – adventures that are to lead to happiness & love.
Barbara Cartland
The Drums of Love
The Voodoo drums warned a danger as Andre & Saona fled before the blood crazed soldiers of
Gneral Dessalines. Unless they could outwit their pursuers, torture & death awaited them both.
Andre, Comte de Villaret, had come to Haiti to find the treasure which his uncle had buried before
he & his family were massacred by black revolutionaries. Disguised as a Mulatto his search led
him from the General’s exotic mistress to ruined plantation, from sensual, unrestrained Voodoo
ritual to Saona, the exquisite Saint of the Birds. As their steeds thundered towards the coast,
Saona wondered when next she would feel Andre’s lips on hers & the flickers of fire coursing up
& down her spine.
Barbara Cartland
The Elusive Earl
For once the handsome, self assured Earl of Helstone had been caught off guard. The young
lady had taken a nasty fall from her horse & the Earl rushed to her aid. But as he reached her
side, he realized that the pretty little redhead was shamming. Introducing herself to the startled
Earl, Calistra warned him to stay away from her mother’s country estate. Lady Chevington had
decided it was time her headstrong daughter married. And the Earl would be a splendid catch.
The notorious ‘Elusive Earl’ laughed off the warning. None of the scheming London beauties had
moved him one step nearer the altar. A matchmaking mother was no serious threat. But the Earl
underestimated his opponent. What love couldn’t accomplish, Lady Chevington achieved with
blackmail. And England’s most careful bachelor was walking blindly into an ingenious matrimonial
Barbara Cartland
A Frame of Dreams
The Marquis of Ruckford was enchanted. Vanessa was as delicately beautiful as the miniatures,
she worked so patently to restore. She was like no other woman the Marquis had ever known. In
fact, the more he saw Vanessa, the more he realized life without her would be unthinkable.
Matrimony was not the solution. The Marquis had planned his future carefully. It certainly did not
include marriage to an unknown artist’s daughter – no matter how lovely. There was only one
arrangement the Marquis could offer Vanessa. As she listened to him phrase it, Vanessa was
torn between longing for the man she had grown to love & honor at what he was proposing.
Barbara Cartland
The Frightened Bride
Beset by financial problems, Major Kelvin Ward, the best looking man in the British Army, resigns
from his regiment in India & returns to England. He hopes that his uncle the Duke of Uxbrige, will
help him become a partner in a Bombay shipping firm. The Duke refuses, but a complete stranger
offers Kelvin a fortune on 1 condition. He must marry his daughter - & immediately! Forbidden to
see his bride before the wedding, Kelvin expects someone altogether different from Seraphina,
who behaves in a very unexpected manner when confronted with the perils & pitfalls of an
eventful voyage.
Barbara Cartland
The Glittering Lights
When they were still children, their loving fathers had arranged that Cassanra Sherburn & the
Duke of Alchester would marry. Now that Cassandra was old enough to become his bride, the
wealthy & beautiful country heiress realized that more than anything in the world she truly wanted
to marry the handsome Duke. But the thought that the Duke of Alchester would marry a young
woman he hadn’t seen since childhood for money alone horrified Cassandra. Defying both her
family & an unyielding Victorian society, the stubborn heiress set out for London, fired by a daring
scheme to win the young Duke’s heart.
Barbara Cartland
The Karma of Love
Lady Orissa Fane is thrown out of the house by her drunken stepmother. It is late at night at the
beginning of January, 1885 & Orissa wonders desperately where to go. A hackney cab takes her
to her brother of the Royal Chilterns Regiment, who is in army lodgings near Wellington Barracks.
Orissa stays the night secretly but is seen by the Honorable Myron Meredith. He has special
duties connected with the North West Frontier of India where trouble caused by the Russians is
building up amongst the tribesmen. How Orissa goes out to India to stay with her Uncle in
command of the Royal Chilterns, how Major Meredith is on the same ship, how she discovers her
Uncle & a small force are besieged & how after great dangers she finds happiness is told in this
Barbara Cartland
A King in Love
‘I want to make love to you’
Zita could still hear the kings’voice. What had commenced as a light hearted escaped had
suddenly become serious. As she spurred her horse away from the King towards the Palace, she
knew she had left her heart behind. Because her parents wanted King Maximilian to marry her
sister, Princess Zitas was not to be allowed to meet him when he came to their palace. Knowing
that the royal cavalcade would pause at the Golden Cross Inn, Zita disuised herself as a waitress
& came face to face with Maximilian. The consequences of her masquerade were not at ll as she
had supposed. Zita knew she must disappear from Maximilian’s life & sought refuge in the
mountains – but love recognizes no boundaries when heart calls to heart.
Barbara Cartland
Light of the Gods
Sacha, the daughter of a poor Vicar who is however, a brilliant Greek scholar, is visited by her
first cousin Lady Deirdre Lang, who is the acknowledged belle of the London Season. Deirdre
tells Sacha she is secretly engaged to the Duke of Silchester but he has had an accident & is
temporarily blind. She should join him in Scotland but wants instead to go to a house party given
by Lord Gerard who is wildly in love with her. How Deidre persuades Sacha to take her place,
how she cheers, intrigues & inspires the Duke while he is blind & how he asks her to do
something very strange & frightening before his operation, is told in this novel.
Barbara Cartland
Light of the Moon
Despicable though it was to steal from her imperious host, Neoma knew, as she searched
frantically in the ornate desk, that this was the only way to save her brother from misery and
disgrace. The houseparty given by the Marquis of Rosyth for the Derby had been a nightmare
apart from her outings with this cynical Corinthian. It was difficult to imagine he had ever been in
love. What secrets did his past hold? A dangerous masquerade would lead Neoma into
excitement and heartbreak before the Marquis’s lips, fierce, demanding and passionate, brought
an indefinable ecstacy from the darkness of despair.
Barbara Cartland
Love is an Eagle
Armand, Viscount Sherringham, in Napoleon’s France as a secret agent, falls in love with the
beautiful Reve de Valmont, whom he finds bahing in the moonlight in a wood near Paris. Falling
in love was simple enough, facing the dangers which threatened to destroy then both was quite
another matter.
Barbara Cartland
Love is Dangerous
Melina’s job as secretary to the rich America Mrs. Schuster is short-lived, for when they reach
Tangier her employer finds herself a more interesting companion of the opposite sex. Alone in
Morocco, Melina suddenly finds herself plunged into a fantastic adventure where she has to risk
both her life & her heart in the course of passionate love.
Barbara Cartland
Love Lifts the Curse
Murdock Castle rose massive & splendid from the stern beauty of the Scottish Highlands. But for
Jacoba Ford, victim of a cruel hoax, it was a forbidding place that sheltered the bewildered young
orphan as an uninvited – and unwelcome – guest. For the fierce Earl of Kilmurdock had made a
passionate vow to ban all women from the great stone walls. And all around the countryside, the
people of Clan McMurdock whispered that the Earl’s ferocity had put a curse on them – a curse
that would only be put to flight the day sweet Love blessed Murdock Castle.
Barbara Cartland
Love on the Run
When the extremely wealthy Marina Martyn throws up all the comforts of her way of life, as well
as a handsome & equally rich young man who loves her, to leave London for Estoril, never in her
wildest dreams could she have foreseen that she would fall madly in love with a mysterious South
American & find herself together with him on the run for their lives!
Barbara Cartland
The Mask of Love
The Marquis of Melford was actually relieved to be alone on his yacht. Carnival in Venice was
every bit as gay & abandoned as the Marquis had remembered, but after a few days the reveling
had begun to bore him. Even the seductive charms of his dark eyed mistress had worn a bit thin.
Now the Marquis sat at the writing desk in his luxurious cabin, happy to be heading back to
England, delighted his demanding mistress had decided to remain in Venice. Women were such
a nuisance aboard ship, always. The constant faint thumping noise behind him had finally
succeeded in disturbing the Marquis’ thoughts. It seemed to be coming from the large painted
wardrobe that stood against one wall of the cabin. Opening the cupboard doors, the Marquis lost
both his composure & his well earned solitude. There, huddled in a corner, was the most beautiful
young woman the Marquis had ever seen – a fragile, blue eyed, golden haired stoaway.
Barbara Cartland
Moments of Love
To escape her would be abductors, Simonetta squeezed through the window. On reaching the
ground she ran frantically towards the Temple of Love, terrified she would be seen before she
could hide. When her father, the Duke of Faringham, visited France incognito as a struggling
Impressionist painter, Simonetta accompanied him in the guise of his pupil. In Provence her
beauty caused rivalry & open hostility between the arrogant Comte de Laval & the young artis
Pierre Valery. After a fairy tale beginning, her charade brought love & breatbreak, torment &
danger, before Paul could convince her that their moments of love were but the prelude to an
ecstasy that would last for all eternity
Barbara Cartland
Moon over Eden
Slim, athletic & accustomed to command, he was very different from his dissipated nephew,
Gerald, who had behaved so cruelly towards his discarded native mistress. While in Colombo,
Dominica, the eldest daughter of an impoverished clergyman, had thought it her duty to accept
Hawkston’s proposal on behalf of his nephew. Now, every nerve in her body shrank from the
thought of Gerald’s greedy lips on her bare skin. In the beautiful mystic wilderness of 19 th century
Ceylon, Dominca faces danger & death before Hawkston’s thrilling kisses hold her captive under
a lover’s moon.
Barbara Cartland
No Darkness for Love
For lovely Atalanta Lynton, the proposed marriage to her cousin William, Viscount Cottesford,
seemed an answer to her prayers – until she found herself deeply in love with Paul Beaulieu, a
handsome young painter. Atalanta is forced to choose between happiness & wealth. In this
passionate love story that vividly contrasts the glittering world of Paris with the colorful artist’s life
of Montmaretre.
Barbara Cartland
No Time for Love
Although he had dedicated much of his life to the pursuit of women, Wynstan Vanderfeld was
unprepared for his first sight of lovely Larina Milton in the temple of Aphrodite. Half convinced that
she is an adventuress intent of making capital from her friendship with his dead brother, the
wealthy American in unaware that Larina fears she will die in 21 days’ time. Why they meet in
Sorrento at the turn of the century & how a storm at sea brings Larina a rapture she never
believed possible, make this poignant romance a sheer delight.
Barbara Cartland
The Penniless Peer
All that Fenella had ever wanted was Lord Caorbury’s happiness. When he returned from
Wellington’s army penniless & in love with a wealthy beauty, Fenella knew she must rescue her
cousin from yet another scrape. In a daring bid to raise money for both Periquine’s marriage & his
need tenants, they commit robbery, become highwaymen, turn smugglers & face countless
dangers. It was only when Periquine found he might lose Fenlla that he realized it was impossible
to live without her.
Barbara Cartland
The Punishment of a Vixen
She was cruel, selfish & utterly spoiled. An American heiress as rich as she was beautiful, she
delighted in encouraging young men to fall in love with her so that she might break their hearts.
Enraged by her callousness, Tyrone Strome decided to teach the young lady a lesson. He
drugged her, abducted her, imprisoned her aboard his yacht & set out to sea – denying her
servants, forcing her to cook her own meals. Tyrone was determined to find the woman behind
the vixen.
Barbara Cartland
Running away to Love
Ivana Sherard was horrified! Her wastrel Guardian planned to sell her to a wicked, depraved
Lord. Only hours ahead of her pursuers, Ivana fled to London, where Fate brought her to the Earl
of Lorimer. The dark, magnetically attractive peer was working in the War Office, for the defeat of
Napoleon, & Ivana was Heaven sent – if she agreed to risk her life as a spy for England! Her
indomitable bravery saved the Prince of Wales himself from an assassin’s dagger. But her noble
heart won her the breathtaking reward of the Earl’s kill, sealing a Love born in dange, a Rapture
blessed & blossoming for all time.
Barbara Cartland
A Rhapsody of Love
Amid the noise & crackle of the flames Orlena could feel the Earl’s arms holding her close to his
leaping heart. At last he had found her; ever since she had run away, this was what she had
yearned for every night. Although the death of their miserly father left Orlena & her brother, Sir
Terence Weldon, rich beyond their wildest dreams, they must endure the Earl of Ulverston as
guardian until they come of age. This cynical Corinthian had a poor opinion of women until the
music loving Orlena triumphed over doubts, fears & danger to sweep them both into a rhapsody
of wild, magical delight.
Barbara Cartland
Revenge is Sweet
It seemed a miracle from Heaven itself, Valessa Chester, lovely, alone & penniless, would be
splendidly rewarded for her role in a house party charade, a harmless prank to be played on the
arrogant – and compellingly attractive – Marquis of Wyndonburry. But what was Valessa’s horror
to learn was that she was the unwitting instrument of a scorned woman’s revenge! Now, the
innocent beauty was the unwanted bride of the magnificent Marquis, the man who hel her untried
heart forevermore, a tender dream of love as unreachable as the distant stars above.
Barbara Cartland
Revenge of the Heart
The girl’s voice held a hopeless, pleading note & as she turned Warren could see her profile
silhouetted against the waters of the River Seine. Considering he had saved her from drowning,
Nadia feels she has no option but to comply with Warren’s request that she poses as his fiancée
& accompanies him to England. For the new Marquis of Buckwood it is an act of revenge, for
Nadia it offers an escape form perpetual terror. At Buckwood House new dangers threaten Nadia
as she falls more & more in love with the Marquis. Only after he rescues her from a cruel fate can
Nadia reveal the secrets of her past & seek new happiness in the wonder of Warren’s gentle
Barbara Cartland
The Goddes of Love
As Lord Warburton’s magnificent yacht Sea-Serpent flew toward Delphi’s ancient splendors,
golden haired Corena Melville discovered the Divine miracle of true love. Lord Warburton’s
powerful soul & his gentle, searching kisses had claimed Corena’s innocent heart once & forever.
Yet she was alone with the chill secret that haunted her joy. For on Apollo’s sun blessed isle, an
evil awaited that would force her to choose – between the man she worshipped & her beloved
father’s life!
Barbara Cartland
The Perfect Pearl
Alone in the world, Norita Combe found refuge as Governess to the little daughter of the haughty
Marquis of Hawkhurst, a Widower of compelling presence & mesmerizing charm, society’s
darling. Yet aboard his pleasure yacht, bound for the mysterious Middle East & the Perfect Pearl,
the arrogant Peer & the delicate, wellborn Norita discovered a wondrous treasure of their own.
Then danger struck, & they must name the love that claimed them, or lose its precious, once in a
lifetime gift – forever!
Barbara Cartland
Safe in Paradise
When Zarina Bryden’s parents die, she has to go to live with her uncle & his wife. A General & a
stern disciplinarian, he is also her Guardian & so has legal control over her, even though she has
been left a fortune by her Godmother. So when the General suddenly tells her that she must
accept an offer of marriage from the Duke of Mainesbury, a man many years her senior, Zarina is
devastated & at her wits’ end. Then, out riding, she discovers that the neighbouring estate is
being auctioned to pay off the debts run up by the owner. Darcy Linwood, who has killed himself.
Rolfe, the younger brother, has come home from India to arrange the sale. Zarina has an idea.
She will pay off the creditors & save the estate, if Rolfe will pretend they are engaged & save her
from the threat of forced marriage. Reluctantly, Rolfe agrees. Laying a false trail, they escape
from her uncle & embark on a strange voyage that is to lead to a totally unexpected love.
Barbara Cartland
Say Yes, Samantha
Lovely, red haired Samantha was whisked from a country vicarage to the gay social whirl of
London in the 20th & the heady world of haute couture. Despite her outward poise &
sophistication nothing in Samantha’s life had prepared her for David Durham, the famous young
author, whose magical kisses turned into thrills that went on & on. When they quarreled & David
left for Hollywood, her whole world crumbled. Would he ever return? The months ahead held
many pitfalls & surprises before Samantha found that the torment of love could be a passport to
Barbara Cartland
Saved by a Saint
Betrayed by a faithless Cyprian, the Marquis of Melverley quit the bejeweled temptations of
London’s Beau Monde for his Country Estate. Before long, the dashing Marquis saved a Damsel
in Distress the delicate young orphan Christina Churston was pursued by a brutish, unwanted
suitor. Now, safe under the Marquis’s protection, she discovered the magnificent Peer’s noble
soul. But wickedness was coiling & when it struck, she trusted in the mysterious Power between
them. United by danger, wed in grace, the Marquis & his Fairy Princess became one Heart, one
Hope, one Love.
Barbara Cartland
The Secret of the Glen
Leona stood before the Duke of Ardness, well aware that her whole body was trembling. ‘I
understand that you rode off my land today,’ the Duke began slowly. Although he was speaking in
a controlled, almost unemotional voice, Leona could feel the anger vibrating from him. ‘You
wished to visit Lord Strathcalm? I suppose you imagine you are in love with him?” Leona did not
answer & after a moment the Duke said: “I presume he has told you about his wife?’. “His wife?”
Leona could hardly whisper the words. She was sure she was about to faint.
Barbara Cartland
The Shadow of Sin
Celeste was terrified. Parentless & alone save for the companionship of her old nurse, she had
just learned that her brother Gilles had lost their family home at the gambling tables. Celesta
couldn’t stay in her tiny cottage at the edge of the estate without the permission of the new owner,
the Earl of Meltham. But as soon as he saw his pretty new tenant, the Earl had other plans for
her. He offered her his ‘protection’, convinced that the destitute girl would jump at the the chance
to become a wealthy man’s mistress. Celesta was horrified by the idea. But where could she turn
for help to resist the Earl’s unwanted advances?
Barbara Cartland
The Sign of Love
A few weeks after leaving her French school, Bettina Charlwood finds herself aboard a luxurious
steam yacht belonging to Varien, the imperious Duke of Alveston, & bound for the opening of the
Suez Canal. While knowing Varien to be everything that attracts women, she is still shocked by
the outrageous behaviour of the ladies in the Duke’s party. She discovers an ally in the most
unlikely addition to this party, Lord Eustace Veston, half brother to the Duke. The dark passions
of this somber reformer & his hatred for the Duke lead Bettina into terrifying situations before the
ecstasy & rapture of Varien’s love carries her towards the stars.
Barbara Cartland
The Slaves of Love
Yamina froze as a new wave of terror swept over her. Life had become so dangeours. Caught in
Constantinople during the Crimean War, the exquisite young Russian had been fored to seek
refuge in a Sultan’s harem from a mob that would have torn her apart. And when the harem
became too perilous – not to her life but her virtue – Yamina had to flee again. Hidden in the
bottom of an Oriental trunk masquerading as a gift from the Sultan, she was carried aboard a ship
in the harbor. Yamina felt she was safe at last. Until she heard the voice of the man accepting the
Sultan’s gift – a man she despised. She would rather be back in the harem – or dead at the
bottom of the Bosporus Straits – than be improsined aboard ship with such a monster!
Barbara Cartland
The Smuggled Heart
Lord Chard, commanded by King George IV to trap a smuggling gang on the Sussex coast,
comes as a self invited guest to the castle where Sir Hugh Ruckley lives with his young sister
Leona. The caves below the castle have been used as a cache for contraband for many years, &
Sir Hugh is heavily in debt to Lew Quayle, a ruthless killer who boasts that one day the beautiful
Leona will belong to him.
Barbara Cartland
Sweet Punishment
When Ian Carstairs returned from Africa he called on the lovely heiress Lady Diana Stanlier to
give her the last message of a man who’d died with her name on his lips. It was a case of hate at
first sight. And Diana set out to teach him a lesson in love.
Barbara Cartland
A Sword to the Heart
Lord Colwall, owner of a famous name & the most impressive Norman Castle in England having
experienced 1 disastrous marriage decides to choose the mother of his heir with care. He picks
out a girl of 15 with the right breeding, who is in fact a relative, & has her educated to his
instructions. At 18 he sends for Natalia to come from Cumberland to Herefordshire so that they
can be married. Natalia – sensitive & idealistic has already fallen in love with Lord Colwall, but he
has vowed never again to love any woman, nor if he can prevent it, allow her to love him! How a
terrifying experience of a child born without love has affected Natalia’s whole outlook, how in
consequence she cannot agree to Lord Colwall’s suggestions, how riot s from the underpaid,
harshly treated all told in this exciting 149th novel.
Barbara Cartland
The Taming of Lady Lorinda
As Lorinda selected her evening gown, she carefully mapped her strategy. If she was to gain her
own way & enslave her willful young husband as she had all her other admirers, she must first
captivate him. She would force herself to be charming, even though she told herself that she
hated him vehemently. “He shall love me,” she said grimly, ‘and when he does, I shall scorn him
as I have all the others.”
Barbara Cartland
Theft of a Heart
Amanda & Vernon, her brother, have vowed to avenge their father’s death & to repay some of his
creditors since, owing to the disloyalty of his business partners, his firm went bankrupt & he took
his own life in despair. Together with Major Jackson, with whom Vernon was a Commando in
Malaya, each coup has been successful, a man who owns a magnificent collection of modern
paintings. How Amanda gets into his villa, how she & Max Manton are kidnapped, how she
succeeds in rescuing him & yet finds herself in a desperately dangerous situation is told in this
fast moving story.
Barbara Cartland
To Scotland and Love
Talbot Marsham was Society’s darling, welcome at the most brilliant soiress. He was also
improverished & utterly without prospects. Who would employ a Gentleman? Then, as in a Fariy
Tale, an Emissary of Fate appeared on Talbot’s doorstep: He was now the 12th Earl of Carinloch
& wealthy with it. Talbot’s tutor in the ways of the Clans was Tara MacDowall, as lovely & quick
witted as she was devoted to Scotland. His Chieftan’s oath nearly cost Talbot his life, but won him
the sweetest reward – the noble hand of a great hearted beauty!
Barbara Cartland
The Treasure is Love
Major Tyson Dale returns home victorious from the wars against Napoleon to find his estate,
Revel Royal, fallen into decay & the title that was rightfully his stolen by his uncle. While drowning
his sorrows over a bottle of fine claret at the local posting house, he overhears a plot to abduct a
beautiful young girl. Determined to save her, he outwits the villains & hides the lovely girl, Vania,
in his crumbling mansion. Together, they set out to restore the fortunes of Revel Royal & to prove
that Tyson is the heir to the title of Lord Wellingdale.
Barbara Cartland
True on the Snow
As she entered the empty ballroom, Alida heard the sound of music. Almost without realizing it,
her feet carried her onto the polished floor on which the moonlight shone. She moved round the
room, waltzing in enchanted world. Then, her eyes half-shut with the ecstasy of the moment, she
no longer danced alone. Round & round the Prince swung Alida until the music stopped. She had
dreamed she would meet such a man, that she would fall in love & her whole world would be
changed because of it. The Prince’s noble good looks thrilled her. His kind words had touched
her heart. But Alida knew she loved in vain. For the Prince was the man her cousin was to marry.
Barbara Cartland
A Very Naughty Angel
And remember, Tilda, it is a great honor that Queen Victoria herself has arranged your marriage.
Lady Victoria Matilda Tetherton Smythe murmured assent to her mother’s reminder, but secretly
worried whether marriage to Prince Maximilian of Obernia would bring her real happiness. Her
worry increased as she toured palaces on the Continent en route to meet her bethrothed. Royal
conversation was so stuffy, palace life so boring. Desperate for one taste of exciment before her
wedding, Tilda persuaded her tutor chaperon to take her to a Bavarian beer hall. Her moment of
naughtiness would lead Tilda to a night she would never forget – a night of wild adventure with
the handsomest, most exciting man she had ever met.
Barbara Cartland
A Virgin in Paris
In the Spring of 1909 Gardenia Weedon arrived in Paris travel stained, weary & penniless to visit
her aunt, the Duchess de Mabillon. Her arrival was not a happy one. She found a wild & noisy
party in progress & a drunken French Comte tried to kiss her. How, through tears & hearbreak,
treachery & danger, Gardenia found happiness is told in this enthralling story.
Barbara Cartland
Where is Love?
Wing Commander Michael Fielding had promised a fellow officer, before his death, that he would
visit Cynthia Standish – although he believed that she had caused his friend much suffering.
Michael had always expected to dislike Cynthia; and when he finally meets her his hatred is both
confirmed & strengthened. Soon afterwards he encounters Mary – a wretched & pathetic
character bent on suicide – befriends her & employes her as his secretary. Then, by chance,
Cynthia enters his life again.
Barbara Cartland
The Wild Cry of Love
After Roydon’s lips took possession of her, Valda wanted only to stay in his arms & know again
the wild rapture that pulsated through her body. Determined to prove to her wealthy French
stepfather that she could take care of herself & even earn a living with her camera, Valda had
stolen away with the gypsies to the Camargue in search of its wild white horses. Since her first
surprising meeting with Roydon – soaked to the skin & barelegged under her red skrit – she had
found exicement, love & near heartbreak with this mysterious Englishman. This was the 19th,
surely no one could now part them forever?
Barbara Cartland
The Wild, Unwilling Wife
After pulling the gown from the shoulders of Jarita, his half drowned & unconscious bride, Alvaric
recoiled in horror. Why had her father beaten her so brutally? Returning from Africa to Regency
England the new Lord Vernham discovers the family heirlooms gambled away & the estate in
debt to a wealthy neighbor – who offers full restitution if Alvaric will immediately marry his
daughter. He reluctantly agrees, only to find a wife as wild as the animals he has brought home
for his menagerie. Drama follows drama & only after Jarita saves Alvaric from a cruel death can
they surrender to the divine rapture that makes them no longer 2 people but 1 in heart body &
Barbara Dawson Smith
Her Secret Affair
The only child of a notorious madam, Isabel Darling will risk anything to find the man who
murdered her mother – even if it means blackmailing her way into the exalted world of London
society. Even if it means indulging her forbidden dream to take her place among the aristocracy.
And even if it means battling Justin Culver, the Earl of Kern – the one man who can ruin her quest
for justice.
Barbara Delinsky
Secret of the Stone
Sculptress Paige Mattheson shied away from the glamorous New York galleries that displayed
her art. A private person, she was perfectly happy living by herself in her beautiful beach front
home until Jesse Dallas came along. Gentle, tough, fiercely independent, Jesse too was a loner.
But his passion wakened in Paige a burning need to love. And from their union came her greatest
Barbara Faith
Lion of the Desert
There was something about Sheik Karim al Raji that frightened Diane St. James. Still, she owed
him her life! And as they crossed the vast desert on their way toward Rashdant & freedom, she
began to fall under the spell of Karim’s dark, dangerous eyes. Diane St. James was the most
beautiful woman Karim had ever seen – one look at her glorious red gold hair & he knew she’d be
his woman! He’d promised her father he’d bring her home, but Diane belonged to him now. How
could he ever let her go?
Barbara Hannay
Claiming His Family
Erin has agreed to take her little boy to the outback to meet his father – her ex-husband – whom
she hasn’t seen for 5 years. Seeing Luke again, Erin’s not sure how she’s supposed to act
around the man she once loved so deeply. The memories of their marriage come flooding back,
the happy times, & the things that tore them apart. Now courage to give their marriage a second
chance, & let them become a family again?
Barbara Hannay
The Wedding Countdown
With just 4 days to go until Tessa’s big day, Isaac masters has come home! The soul mate she
always dreamed would be her husband. Isaac is now more attractive than ever. And when he
stands in for her self centered fiancé at the wedding rehearsal, Tessa knows she is marrying the
wrong man. Now she faces the biggest decision a bride to be can make. Should she go ahead
with her her marriage? Or does she dare stop the wedding in the hope that Isaac has a proposal
of his own?
Barbara Hannay
Needed: Her Mr Right
Simone is determined to finally deal with the dreadful secret she’s kept, & move on with her
life…that is until the diary into which she poured her troubled heart is lost & found by billionaire
journalist Ryan Tanner. Simone’s never been able to open up, to get close, but there’s something
about Ryan that invites trust. Maybe this beautiful, loving man can help her find the real her. He
just might be her Mr Right in a million.
Barbara McMahon
Angel Bride
2 years ago Angel loved Jake, & even started to believe he cared for her. But then, without so
much as a word, he dumped her. She had to pick up the pieces of her life & start over. Now, with
Jake back, Angel’s life is in chaos &, on top of it all, her home & office have been broken into.
Jake decides to take her off to the mountains until the perpetrator is caught. But he’s no angel.
And, while he might protect her person, heaven knows what he’ll do to her heart!
Barbara McMahon
A Bride to Love
Ashley Bennett was going to be organizing the most magnificent wedding in Spain, but the last
thing she needed was to have high & mighty Senor Juan Carlos Alverez lecturing her at every
turn. It seemed as if he was determined that this wedding would not take place! She knew he was
stubborn; what Ashley didn’t know was quite how far he was prepared to go.
Barbara McMahon
Georgia’s Groom
Georgia Beaufort is dismayed to find Dev Tolliver watching over his stepfather’s estate – and
keeping an eye on the new female gardener! Georgia’s not really a gardener – she’s there for a
very different reason – and the last thing she needs is to fall in love with Dev. Once Georgia
reveals her deception, she knows he’ll never want to see her again let alone ask her to marry
Barbara McMahon
The Forbidden Brother
Stunning gallery owner Laura Parkerson’s life is turned upside down by the appearance of Jed
Brodie. Not just because he’s broodingly handsome but because Jed is her ex fiance’s twin.
Looking at him, Laura feels butterflies. He’s nothing like his twin brother – but how can she be
sure she’s not just bewitched by the mirror image of a man she once promised herself to?
Barbara McMahon
The Nanny and the Sheikh
Melissa Fox’s trip to the kingdom of Qu’ Arim is a perk of her job with the Valentine family. When
she arrives she’s working for Bella Lucia, yet when she expertly calms Sheikh Surim Al-Thani’s 3
little children, the handsome Sheikh is determined she will stay on as his nanny. When she
realizes how much the children need her, Melissa agrees to stay – she will teach the guarded
Sheikh how to love & care for them. Only she finds herself in love with a man she could only ever
dream of marrying
Barbara McMahon
Sheik Daddy
A decade ago Ben Shalik had disappeared from Megan O’Sullivan’s life, leaving her with nothing
but memories & a baby. Now he was back, causing Megan to tremble with more than desire. For
Ben was of royal blood & his only heir was their daughter. Ben was determined to make things
right with the woman who haunted his dreams & the daughter he’d never known existed. Though
Megan swore it was over, he’d be damned if he’d allow fate to take away his family again.
Barbara McMachon
Triumph of Love
Jared Martin had been Kelsey’s childhood sweetheart. She had fallen in love with him & married
him – only it hadn’t turned out quite as she’d expected, especially when she’d caught him
sleeping with another woman. Now Kelsey had created a new life for herself in Australia. A life in
which there would be no place for Jared – whether he liked it or not!
Barbara McMahon
Wyoming Wedding
Charity Blackstone knew all there was to know about cowboys. After all, she’d married one,
Bobby Blackstone. Charity’s feckless husband, had been tragically killed in an accident. The only
things he’d left Charity were a ranch & a broken heart. The ranch she was determined to keep.
Men like Rafe Carstairs shouldn’t be allowed out in public looking that good. Charity didn’t care
what he looked like. Rafe was the only man who could save her ranch. In return for his help, Rafe
wanted to get married – to Charity. It wouldn’t have been a no good cowboy. It looked as if history
was going to repeat itself.
Barbara Metzger
An Angel for the Earl
Due to most unfortunate circumstances, Lucinda’s life on earth had been cut short in a most
scandalous & tragic manner. Now for penance the fates have given her a task: she can enter
Heaven, if (and only if) she can save Lord Stanford from hell. But the tangle of his affairs is
nothing compared to the mess of his mortal soul. Has Heaven linked her destiny with that of a
hopeless libertine? She would stand a better chance of reforming the devil himself!
Belinda Grey
Moon of Laughing Flame
Adam-Leap-the Mountain, a Navajo half-bread Indian born of the wilderness in the Western
plains of America – a man capable of killing ruthlessly to survive. Deborah, an English girl who
has ventured into a savage land & been befriended by gentle Quakers in the Wild West. Then,
horror strikes out of the lonely wilderness when the Quaker missionaries are massacred.
Surviving the attack, Deborah finds her future can be guaranteed only as the woman of AdamLead-the Mountain, who has already proclaimed his desire for her at their chance meeting beside
a waterfall. How can she reconcile her strict Victorian upbringing with life as an obedient Navajo
squaw? A man & a woman divided by civilization but bound by passion older than time itself.
Bethany Campbell
The Diamond Trap
‘Come home & marry Dennis!’ Such was her mother’s insistence after Dinal Macneil announced
she’d be postponing her wedding. But Dinah was heading for Nashville to help 1 of her students
get started in the country music business & protect him from the exploitation of men like Mitch
Carey – the enigmatic new owner of Diamond Horseshoe Records. But when Mitch sent her life
off balance & her emotions reeling, Dinah knew that she was the one in need of protection!
Betty Beaty
Amber Five
Amber Five was the air lane along which flew the aircraft of the Lancing Charter Company on
their journeying all over the world; the beam that brought them safely home. And it was a familiar
friend to pilots like Dick Sutherland & Keith Conway, to air stewardesses like nice little Sally
Matthews & not so dumb blonde Clare Saunders: perhaps even to passengers like beautiful
Adele Vandraton, whose father was rich enough to buy up Lancing & showed signs of intending
to so.
Betty Beaty
South to the Sun
Of all the professions open to women, the one with the highest marriage rate is surely that of air
stewardess. Here is the story of one of them, Susan Shelton of World Wide Airways, & the
officers – fickle or faithful, gay or serious – with whom she flew on the sunshine route to South
America & the Caribbean. Far & away the most attractive of them was the First Officer, Alan
Heathley, who was showing more than a passing interest in Susan. But Alan had been known to
show more than a passing interest in plenty of other girls before her; could Susan expect anything
more serious from him? And how much longer could she put up with the stern Captain, John
Jefferson, who seemed to take a delight in always reminding her that, on an airline, duty &
pleasure must never be allowed to mix?
Betty Neels
An Apple from Eve
Considering that she didn’t really like him very much, Doctor Tane van Diederijk did seem to crop
up in Euphemia’s life rather a lot. Perhaps she was being a bit unfair to him – she hadn’t wanted
to let her family home to anyone, so she was bound to be prejudiced about him living there
instead of her. But then he asked her to go to Spain to act as companion to his fiancee Diana –
and Euphemia’s dislike grow. How could the doctor be so stupid as to see anything in such a
spiteful girl as Diana, let alone to marry her? If only she could see the back of both of them!
Betty Neels
Cassandra by Chance
Cassandra’s young niece & nephew called him ‘the Ogre’ – and that was a pretty fair description,
Cassandra thought. He really was one of the surliest, most unfriendly men she had ever met! But
her attitude changed when she learned who & what he was; Benedict van Manfeld, a brilliant
Dutch surgeon who had been in an accident that had severely damaged his sight. For the time
being he had no idea whether or not he would be able to see again. So when he invited her to go
back to Holland with him as his nurse, she was feeling rather more sympathetic towards him &
agreed to go. It was soon something very much more than sympathy that she was feeling for
Benedict. But wasn’t she wasting her time? He needed her as a nurse, not a woman. After all,
why should he notice her as a woman, when his old & dear friend Paula could give him
everything in the way of looks & glamour that Cassandra could not?
Betty Neels
The Edge of Winter
Araminta Shaw went to Holland to nurse a sick relative – and within a few days, much to her
surprise, ran into Dr. Crispin van Sibbelt again. She had met Doctor van Sibbelt in England, &
had found him, to say the least, disconcerting – bad tempered & difficult to understand. Now, in
his own country, he seemed as difficult as ever – at first. But then things changed & Araminta
realized that she had fallen in love with him. Crispin, too, began to talk of marriage – but was he
serious? Did he really love her? Then Araminta found out about the girl he really did love.
Betty Neels
The Fifth Day of Christmas
On the 5th day of Christmas the girl in the old English folk song received 5 gold rings from her true
love. As Julia commented ‘What more could any girl want?’ But it seemed that the disturbing Ivo
van den Werff had no intention of offering any such pledges of his affection to Julia. The only
woman in his life was the fragile invalid, Marcia – and Julia could never compete with her! Was
there anything she could do about the situation that confronted her?
Betty Neels
The Gemel Ring
That annoying Dutchman Everard van Tijlen had rubbed Charity Dawson up the wrong way from
just about the first moment they met – and things didn’t improve at all as they saw more & more
of each other. It was work, not romance, that threw them together, both in England & Holland, &
as he was a very distinguished doctor & she only a humble member of the nursing staff Charity
was more or less obliged to put up with his overbearing ways & sarcastic remarks – a doormat,
he described her as, on more than one occasion, although she at one point was stung to retort, ‘I
hope you will believe me when I say that I dislike you more than anyone else I know!’ But perhaps
it was just as well that he didn’t take her words too seriously!
Betty Neels
A Girl to Love
Although her life in a small Dorset village was quiet and uneventful, Sadie had always been
happy and contended, just wanting life to go as it always had done – and she couldn’t believe that
it was all going to vanish overnight and that she would have to part with her beloved home. Then,
at the eleventh hour, Mr Oliver Trentham saved the situation, by buying her house and then
offering her a job as his housekeeper. But if Sadie thought that means things could go on just the
same, she was very much mistaken! Because she hadn’t taken into account the fact that she
might fall in love with Oliver Trentham – and a fine waste of time that was!
Betty Neels
Esmeralda Jones was a very nice girl, & she had made a success of her career as a nurse
nevertheless at the ripe old age of 26 she was still unmarried, & looked like remaining so. She
had always supposed that the real reason was the crippled foot with which she had struggled
since her childhood – so when the brilliant Dutch surgeon Thimo Bamstra announced that he
thought he could cure it, Esmeralda was over the moon with delight. Perhaps now at last the
attractive Leslie Chapman would look her way? But it didn’t turn out like that at all
Betty Neels
An Innocent Bride
Aunt Thirza had been a lifeline to Katrina Gibbs, but her death left Katrina with little money & no
marketable skills. She had inherited her aunt’s small cottage in Dorset. She also, though she
didn’t know it, had Simon Glenville, the wonderful doctor who cared for Aunt thirza. Simon knew
he loved Thirza, & he thought Katrina loved him, but so much had happened to her he wasn’t at
all sure this innocent but gallant girl was aware of it. When the time was right, he would propose,
they’d plan w white wedding, & he would chersh her all their days.
Betty Neels
A Kiss for Julie
Julie Beckworth enjoyed her work as a medical secretary at St Bravo’s Hospital in London, so it
was a nasty surprise when her elderly boss, Professor Smythe, announced that he was retiring.
After a moment’s panic, she was partly reassured when told Professor Simon van der Driesma
was willing to keep her on, but Simon turned out to be a very different proposition. He was
younger, more energetic, & worked Julie much harder – all of which she could have accepted if
he would only call her Julie, & not Miss Beckworth in that cool voice! Both of them had the wrong
impression of the other – what would it take for the truth to be revealed?
Betty Neels
The Little Dragon
Constantia swore she would never marry a rich man – as private nurse to wealthy, spoiled people
she had seen too much of the misery too much money could bring. Jeroen van der Giessen,
however, was only a poor & overworked G.P. & even Constantia’s self indulgent employer, Mrs
Dowling, knew that he couldn’t afford to get married. But then Constantia found herself stranded
in Delft without money or passport & when Jeroen offered to marry her, she accepted, even
though she knew he didn’t love her. At first she was quite happy with her loveless marriage,
although Jeroen was being recklessly extravagant – but then she began to discover things, about
herself & him, that took away all her new found happiness.
Betty Neels
Pineapple Girl
It was a pineapple given to her by a grateful patient that had led to Eloise Bennett meeting the
Dutch doctor Timon van Zeilst. They seemed fated to meet, for when shortly after that Eloise
went to Holland for a short time to nurse a patient, there was Doctor van eilst again! And, thrown
more & more into his company, Eloise soon realised that she had fallen in loeve with him. But
Timon was going to marry the beautiful Lise, wasn’t he? And who could blame him – for Liske
was also rich & a girl of his own nationality. Why on earth should he look twice at Eloise?
Betty Neels
An Old-Fashioned Girl
A quiet country girl with a sharp tongue & an abominable taste in clothes – definitely not the sort
of person to attract the attention of wealthy Dutch surgeon Julius van der Beek! And yet there
was something about Patience which made her stand out from the crowd. But just because Julius
deigned to notice her it didn’t mean that he would ever fall in love with her. Not with the
glamorous Sylvia van Teule making it clear that she wanted to be his wife.
Betty Neels
A Small Slice of Summer
Letitia Marsden had been very much in love with Mike Brent, & she was deeply hurt as well as
mortified when she realized that he had just been amusing himself with her. After that experience
she decided that she just couldn’t trust any man. In future, she determined, she would not get
involved in romance. But then she met the enigmatic Dutch doctor Jason Mourik van Nie - &
speedily changed her mind. This time, she felt, things were going better & looked like working out
to a happy ending – until Jason began to get wrong ideas about Letitia’s friend Karel.
Betty Neels
Britannia All at Sea
It was love at first sight for Britannia Smith when she met Professor Jake Luitingh van Thien, & in
the most unmaindenly way she went rushing off to Holland in the hope of seeing him again. She
was more successful than she had expected to be, for she did meet him again, & eventually he
asked her to marry him. Britannia joyfully accepted, of course. But then, just as everything
seemed so perfect, she met Madeleine de Venz – and began to have second thoughts. For in
every way Madeleine was so much more right for Jake than Britannia would ever be. Should she,
knowing that, ruin his life by going ahead with the marriage?
Betty Neels
Blow Hot, Blow Cold
Nurse Sophy Greenslade’s relationship with the attractive & distinguished Dutch surgeon
Maximillan Oosterwelde was very much of the blow hot blow cold variety. She was drawn to him
from the first – but she would be the first to admit that she was just a Plain Jane & not likely to
appeal to a man who could have his pick of women friends. Yet why did Max pretend to have at
least some sort of interest in her? For one of the first things Sophy discovered about Max was his
close friendship with a lovely Dutch girl who was obviously going to mean far more in his life than
Sophy ever would.
Betty Neels
Caroline’s Waterloo
Caroline wasn’t pretty or clever or brilliant in any way; & she had certainly never imagined that
anyone would want to marry her – let alone the imposing Professor Radinck Thoe van Erckelens.
But he did propose to her - & as in any case she had speedily fallen in love with him she
accepted. Radinck had made it clear that the marriage, for him, was only a convenience; he
wanted a wife, but only as a convenient hostess; there would be no romance about it at all. Could
Caroline settle for that, or would it in the end just make her dreadfully unhappy?
Betty Neels
Cobweb Morning
Sister Alexandra Dobbs first met the distinguished Dutch doctor, Taro van Dresselehuys, when
he asked her to help him cope with the mysterious teenager, Penny, who was suffering from loss
of memory. It did not take her long to fall in love with her inscrutable employer – but unfortunately,
it seemed, young Penny had fallen in love with him as well - & Taro did little to discourage her!
Couldn’t he see it was only a teenage crush on Penny’s part? And why did he persist in always
taking the girl’s part against Alexandra? And then Alexandra began to suspect that Penny was
not at all what she appeared to be.
Betty Neels
Damsel in Green
It was chance that Nurse Georgina Rodman was on duty when the Van den Berg Eyffert children
came into the hospital after a car accident, & chance that their guardian, Professor Julius Van
den Berg Eyffert, was staying near George’s home in Essex, & was able to arrange with Matron
to have her ‘on loan’ for a time to see the children through their convalescence & later
accompany them to Holland for a stay. For some reason, it was not long before George found
herself wishing that she could be there ’for keeps’!
Betty Neels
Enchanting Samantha
Perhaps Samantha should never have got herself involved on a personal level with the elderly
Dutch patient who was admitted into her ward – but she had never realized the heart searching
that would ensue as a result of her relantioship with Juffrouw Boot’s employer, the striking Giles
ter Ossel. It was in fact another patient, the attractive young Antonia, who was the real cause of
Samantha’s heart searching – for she could hardly refuse Gile’s request to go to Holland & nurse
Antonia through her convalescence, could she? And yet it meant having to watch Antonia happily
looking forward to her marriage – to Giles, of course. Giles admired & trusted Samantha’s nursing
ability – but how she wished he could see her as a woman & not a nurse!
Betty Neels
Fate is Remarkable
Sarah Dunn had known & worked with Hugo van Elven for a long time; nevertheless she was
astounded when he suddenly proposed to her. ‘But why are you so surprised?’ he asked her.
‘We’re well suited, you know. We both need companionship & roots. Many marriages succeed
very well on mutual respect & liking – and I ask no more than that of you, Sarah – at least until
such time as you might feel you have more to offer!’. The fact that both of them were still smarting
from previous unhappy love affairs was the real reason Sarah decided to accept; there seemed
little likelihood that either of them would wish to get emotionally involved again for a very long
time. But she had not paused to consider what would happen if her feelings for Hugo underwent a
change, while his remained the same.
Betty Neels
Heaven Round the Corner
Louisa didn’t want to marry the boring Frank, & she didn’t want to live with her disagreeable
stepmother – so when, on completing her nursing training, she immediately got what sounded like
a pleasant & challenging job which involved going to Norway, she was delighted. But her patient,
Claudia Savage, did give her a lot of problems – which weren’t helped by the austere,
uncooperative attitude of Claudia’s brother Simon. Why did he have to be so disagreeable, when
Louisa was only doing her best?
Betty Neels
Henrietta’s Own Castle
When Henrietta was unexpectedly left a house in a Dutch village she decided to make her home
there. She soon settled happily into her new abode, & decided she was going to like everything
about Holland – everything, that was, except Marnix van Hessell. The local ‘lord of the manor,’ he
really behaved like something out of the Middle Ages. Well, he’d better not do it to Henrietta! Let
him go & marry his fiancée, that nasty little Loes Rieveld, & leave the new tenant in peace!
Betty Neels
Maiden Flight
To most girls, the career of air stewards must seem one of the most romantic & interesting of all,
Pamela Hughes thought so too. She was the youngest & most eager of the embryo stewardesses
on Skywide Airlines Air Hostess Course, enjoying every moment of her training, the excitement of
her trips to colorful faraway places & the crowning dignity of her first transatlantic flight. But even
the most glamorous job has its problems, & Pamela was to have her share – in the form of Roger
Carson, the attractive Technical Instructor, who disapproved of women on the airline in general, &
it seemed, of Pamela in particular.
Betty Neels
Midsummer Star
When Celine’s family’s fortunes began to dwindle, they all had to sink their pride & turn their
home into a bed & breakfast business. However, it all turned out to be more fun than Celine had
anticipated – and best of all, it led to her meeting Nicky Seymour. But Nicky, alas, tunred out to
have feet of clay. It was no use dreaming romantic dreams about him after all; he was not for her
& never would be now. But she did wish that Nicky’s masterful cousin Oliver would not keep
trying to interfere – if she’d wanted his advice she would have asked for It! Why wouldn’t he leave
her alone to sort her own life out?
Betty Neels
Nanny by Chance
Born to elderly scholarly parents, Araminta Pomfrey had found it difficult to pursue her own
dreams. Finally, about to begin training as a nurse at St Jules’ Hospital, she found herself instead
looking after the twin nephews of Dr Marcus van der Breugh! He was taking the children to his
home in Holland & needed someone to care for them. Araminta only agreed when Marcus kindly
undertook to make everything right with St Jules’, but when the time came for her to leave him &
the boys, she seriously began to wonder whether nursing was really what she wanted to do.
Betty Neels
Never while the Grass Grows
Sister Octavia Lock was only too pleased to stand in for a sick friend & take her place as nurse on
board a liner cruising the Mediterranean. And she was delighted to find that the ship’s doctor was
none other than the pleasant stranger who had come into Casualty just a short time ago, & who
now turned out to be the Dutch doctor Lucas van de Weijnen. Nor did the end of the cruise mean
that she was going to see the last of him – not by any means!
Betty Neels
Pineapple Girl
It was a pineapple given to her by a grateful patient that had let to Eloise Bennett meeting the
Dutch doctor Timon van Zeilst. They seemed fated to meet, for when shortly after that Eloise
went to Holland for a short time to nurse a patient, there was Doctor van Zeilst again! And, thrown
more & more into his company, Eloise soon realized that she had fallen in love with him. But
Timon was going to marry the beautiful Liske, wasn’t he? And who could blame him – for Liske
was also rich & a girl of his own nationality. Why on eart should he look twice at Eloise?
Betty Neels
Ring in a Teacup
Falling asleep during a distinguished consultant’s lecture was hardly the best way to attract his
attention – but at least it made Nurse Lucy Predergast more than aware of the attractive Dutch
Doctor Fraam der Linssen, especially as after that he somehow kept on appearing in her life – at
the hospital, at her home, in Holland when she went there on holiday. If only, though, he were
equally aware of her! But how could that be, when a positive bevy of far prettier girls – Eloise,
Adilia, & Lucy’s own friend Mies – was obviously his for the asking?
Betty Neels
Sister Peters in Amsterdam
Sister Adelaide Peters was delighted to be chosen, under the new exchange scheme, as the
British representative to work in an Amstermdam hospital for a year. It would be most interesting,
it was an honour, of course & there would be plenty of challenge. Needless to say, there were
problems, but Adelaide was used to those & soon took them in her stride. But the biggest
challenge came from the distinguished doctor, Coenraad van Essen. He just couldn’t be ignored,
either in the hospital or outside it. Adelaide had to admit that she was becoming more & more
aware of him – but how did he feel about her? He seemed to admire her as a nurse, but his
private life seemed to be so taken up with his old friend Margriet Keizer – did Adelaide really have
much hope of anything more?
Betty Neels
Stars through the Mist
As she had been secretly in love with him for a long time, Staff Nurse Deborah Culpeper should
have been thrilled when the distinguished Dutch surgeon Gerard van Doorninck asked her to
marry him. But he had made it clear from the start that his reasons for wanting a wife were
practical, not romantic – in his position he needed a hostess, & it had to be someone competent
& sensible, unlikely to try & make complications out of the situation: someone just like Deborah, in
fact. So Deborah married him, realizing that she must accept Gerard on his own terms & see how
it all worked out. It might, indeed, have worked out very happily – had Gerard’s friend Claude van
Trapp not done his best to try & spoil things.
Betty Neels
Sun and Candlelight
Dr Sarre van Diederijk did a lot to restore Alethea’s damaged pride when Nick Penrose badly hurt
& humiliated her, so when, after a short time, he asked her to marry him & go to Holland to live,
she accepted. Sarre was, after all, a very nice, kind man, & Alethea might be happier with him
than she would have been with Nick, even though there was no love on either side. But all she
found in Holland was a different kind of unhappiness – rejection by the children & rejection by
Sarre. That, she found, was what hurt the most.
Betty Neels
Tabitha in Moonlight
Sister Tabitha just could not damp down her feelings for the attractive Dutch surgeon, Marius van
Beek, but what future could there be for her in that direction? He appreciated her as an efficient
colleague – but she could hardly convince herself that he ever saw her as a woman. Indeed, why
should he? Tabitha had always had it drummed into her – notably by her stepmother & her
stepsister Lilith – that she was plain, that no man would ever take a second look at her. And, as a
last straw, Marius had called Tabitha a Cinderella & asked her when the prince would come along
with the glass slipper. Little was he aware that only he himself could give the answer to that one!
Betty Neels
The Awakened Heart
Sophie had experienced the bitterness of a love which had gone wrong and wasn’t sure she
wanted to be swept off her feet again. Perhaps friendship was a safer foundation for a good
marriage? Successful brain surgeon Rijk van Taak ter Wijsma seemed to think along the same
lines when he proposed to Sophie. He spoke of shared interests, companionship, a partnership
which would offer quiet happiness, but not the ups and downs of passionate romance. Sophie
accepted his offer on exactly that basis. So why did she find herself hoping for something more?
Betty Neels
The Course of True Love
Claribel had never met a man who annoyed & exasperated her quite as much as Marc van
Borsele. She was very grateful to him for helping her when she met with a minor accident, but
that was no reason for him to keep turning up on her doorstep in search of her company just
when it suited him. It might be the way they behaved in his part of the world but it certainly wasn’t
what she was used to! After all, he didn’t care for her as a woman, not with the glamorous Irma
on hand to charm him. Or did he?
Betty Neels
The End of the Rainbow
Olympia’s overbearing aunt used her as a dogsbody, until attractive Durchman Waldo van der
Graaf quite rescued her. He suggested that she exchange her life of drudgery for the role of his
wife. Since Waldo needed someone to look after his small daughter and run his home it would, he
said, be a marriage of convenience. Olympia was thankful and accepted his proposal, but found
she had exchanged one set of problems for another. The child refused to accept her, and then
Olympia feel in love with her husband.
Betty Neels
The Hasty Marriage
Laura had always been used to taking 2nd place to her young sister Joyce. If Joyce wanted
something, she got it! It was no surprise to Laura when she fell in love with the attractive Dutch
doctor Reilof van Meerum that he chose Joyce instead. But when Joyce walked out on him to
marry another, richer man, to Laura’s utter astonishment, Reilof asked her to marry him. He
needed a wife & Laura, it seemed, would do as well as anyone. So she accepted – but could she
really expect to be happy with a man who did not love her.
Betty Neels
Last April Fair
Although Phyllida was drifting into marriage with Philip Mount, if she was honest her heart wasn’t
really in it. So the chance of a working trip to Madeira seemed just what she needed to get away
from him for a short while & assess the situation. The Madeira trip had its problems too, though,
in that she found herself stranded, & had to be rescued from her predicament by the kindly Pieter
van Sittardt. Here was a man about whom Phyllida immediately found herself feeling enthusiastic;
in fact in no time she was admitting to herself that she would be only too happy to marry him. But
far from asking her, all he seemed interesting in was urging her to go back to Philip.
Betty Neels
The Magic of Living
When Nurse Arabella Birch is involved in a road crash on her very first trip to Holland, she is
thankful that Dr Gideon van der Vorst should be the first on the scene. After that, Arabella
gradually finds herself becoming more & more involved – in a professional way – with the
imposing doctor. But when Arabella’s professional relationship suddenly becomes much more
personal, can she, just this once, keep Gideon out of the clutches of her man-eating cousing
Betty Neels
Midnight Sun’s Magic
Spitzbergen, not so very far from the North Pole, would not seem to be the most likely place to
find romance – but when Annis went to work there for a short time she managed to fall in love
with a handsome Norwegian. The affair was brief & disappointing, though, and when instead the
Dutchman Jake van Germent asked her to marry him Annis was more than pleased to accept.
Jake wasn’t handsome, but he had everything else she could possibly want. But Jake knew about
her other romance & Annis couldn’t make him see that she had married him for love & not on the
rebound. Could she ever convince him?
Betty Neels
The Moon for Lavinia
Lavinia Hawkins had applied for a nursing job in Holland because it seemed to be the only way
she could ensure a home & security for herself & her young sister Peta. She had certainly not
expected to find herself, within weeks of her arrival, married to the devastating Professor Radmer
ter Bavinck. When he proposed, Radmer had assured her that marriage would be on a friendly
basis only; he needed a kind stepmother for his daughter & a competent housekeeper to run his
home. It would seem to be the ideal arrangement for Radmer himself, for his daughter, & for
Peta. But was it really what Lavinia wanted?
Betty Neels
The Quiet Professor
Megan had everything to be thankful for – a good job which she enjoyed doing, a loving family &
a fiancé who everyone agreed would make her a good, steady husband. And then her world fell
apart. Suddenly nothing seemed a certainty. Unless she could count the reassuring presence of
Dutch Professor Jake van Belfeld. He seemed determined to help her get her life together – but
what exactly were his motives? He couldn’t possible care for her, could he?
Betty Neels
Visiting Consultant
Sister Sophy Greenslade is drawn to the attractive & distinguished Dutch surgeon Max van
Oosterwelde from the first, but why is it that she somehow always manages to make herself look
foolish when he is around? And why does she find it necessary to pretend that she has a
boyfriend who does not in fact exist? Above all why does not in fact exist? Above all, why does
Max appear to continue to be interested in her – especially when there are more glamorous
women in his life?
Betty Neels
When May Follows
Apart from feeling herself slightly the odd 1 out in her family because she was built on a rather
more generous scale than they were, Katrina didn’t really find her life disagreeable to marry Prof.
Baron Raf van Tellerinck – unless it was because he was even bigger than she was! She didn’t
love him, after all, & certainly he didn’t love her. It was only when Raf’s former girl friend Beyke
turned up that Katrina realized, too late, that she had been kidding herself after all about her
feeling for him.
Betty Neels
Wish with the Candles
Emma Hastings was a splendid theatre sister. She knew it, without being conceited; & the
devastating Dutch surgeon Justin Teylingen, who was visiting her hospital, knew it too. He had
the greatest respect & admiration for her. But respect & admiration, though well worth having, are
not quite the same thing as love – and it did not take Emma long to realize that it was love she
would have liked to have from Justin. What was the use of wanting, though? For Emma was far
from being a glamour girl, while Justin. Well, in Holland there was Emma’s pretty sister Kitty who
was obviously interested in Justin – and they were not the only ones. How could Emma ever
hope to make him see her as anything but an efficient colleague?
Beverly Barton
Blackwood’s Woman
J.T. was a Blackwood, all right. Six feet four inches of whipcord lean man, a Stetson shading
those amber eyes, a glare that burned hotter than the New Mexico sun. A bodyguard, the
handsome half breed was the one man who could help Joanna Beaumont. But as a Blackwood,
he was dangerous in his own right. At first J.T. thought Joanna was just some spoiled socialite
roughing it on Blackwood Ranch. But then he discovered what she’d fled from, why she needed
him. And suddenly, all that mattered was seeing her safely through the long, hot nights.
Beverly Barton
Paladin’s Woman
Nick Romero, Navy SEAL, DEA agent, Latin lover, was a man alone – and satisfied to remain
that way. Until the night he rescued Addy McConnell, a tall, cool woman with hair like fire. And,
rumor had it, a soul like ice. But anyone who fought off a potential kidnapper as fiercely as she
had must have a tigress sleeping under her skin. And Nick knew he was just the man to awaken
Addy & make her purr. Addy McConnell felt like a stranger in her own body. For Nick Romero
raised in her a near consuming hunger more frightening than the threats against her. Now he
swore to protect her life with his own. But could she give him what he desired in return?
Beverly Barton
The Tender Trap
It took just one brief touch of Adam Wyatt’s lips to Blythe Elliott’s mouth to ignite a fire so hot
neither could deny it. And now, thanks to that one reckless night of passion, Blythe has an
unplanned surprise for Adam & he has an unexpected proposal for her! Blythe is sure she has
nothing in common with stubborn, old fashioned Adam – except for the baby she carries, the
signed marriage certificate & the house they share. But living together soon makes them realize
that it wasn’t sex, but love, that created their child. If only one of them would admit it first.
Beverly Barton
The Wanderer
First impressions sure are deceiving! I was positive Leah Marshall was snob – after all, she’s one
of the Marshalls here in Marshalton, Tennessee. She looked down her nose at me, with my
scraggly hair, ragged clothes & hobo friends. If she kenw the truth, she’d be shocked, but that’s
my secret. No one was more surprised than I was when Judd Barnett worked his way into my
heart. Now here I am, involved with a vagabond who’s hardly suitable for marriage & fatherhood,
as my biological clock ticks away, Marshallton is a small town – people are talking. Imagine what
they’d say if they kenw I’m carrying his baby! But that’s my secret, & no one – including Judd –
must never know.
Beverly Sommers
Silent Night
Obsessions were for people who had time and Nancy Frey made sure she didn’t have a spare
minute. She taught an unorthodox version of the English curriculum to some of Manhattan’s
toughest kids. Then, when she wasn’t accidentally breaking the rules of survival in her rough and
tumble neighborhood, her time belonged to Joe Sullivan, neighbor, friend and self appointed
guide to the city. Nancy was beginning to understand that keeping busy wasn’t enough. She’d
never be free to live her new life until she solved the nightmare that had shattered her old one.
For her own sake, and for Joe’s, Nancy had to find some answers
Brenda Novak
Big Girls don’t Cry
Thanks to a devastating revelation about her husband, Reenie Holdbrook’s once perfect marriage
is over. For 11 years she had the life she wanted – and now it’s gone. Reenie decides that the
first step in recovering from her ordeal is to find work; after all, she has 3 young children to
support. She’s thrilled when she lands a job at Dundee High teaching history – until Isaac
Russell, the man who triggered the unraveling of her marriage, accepts a temporary position
teaching science. Then she’s tempted to quit. Reenie doesn’t care of the whole town admires
Isaac & she won’t admit that, secretly, she admires him, too. She doesn’t want to see him or his
sister in ‘her’ town. But a friendship with the most unlikely woman leads to a relationship with the
most unlikely man.