War Updated 05/13/08 War- General Materials Bunting, Eve. Gleam and Glow. 2001. jE Bun Holub, Josef. An Innocent Soldier. 2007. jF HoL 2007 Mead, Alice. Girl of Kosovo. jF Mea Mikaelsen, Ben. Tree Girl. 2004. jF Mik Miller, Wanda. U.S. History through Children’s Literature: From the Colonial Period to World War II. 1997. CML 973.071 M652u Walker, Alice. Why War is Never a Good Idea. jE WaL Walter, Virginia A. War & Peace: A Guide to Literature and New Media, Grades 4-8. CML 303.66 W234w War and the Pity of War. j811 W253 Weber, Chris. Nurturing the Peacemakers in Our Students: A Guide to Writing and Speaking Out about Issues of War and of Peace. 2006. CML 303.66 W373n French and Indian War Fiction Bruchac, Joseph. The Winter People. jF Bru Edmonds, Walter Dumaux. The Matchlock Gun. 1989. jF Edm Non-Fiction Gauch, Patricia Lee. The Impossible Major Rogers. 1977. j973.2 G265i Maestro, Betsy. Struggle for a Continent: The French and Indian Wars. 2000. j973.25 M186s Revolutionary War Fiction Avi. The Fighting Ground. jF Avi Borden, Louise. Sleds on Boston Common: A Story from the American Revolution. jE Bor Collier, James Lincoln. Jump Ship to Freedom. jF Col -----. My Brother Sam is Dead. jF Col -----. War Comes to Willy Freeman. jF Col -----. With Every Drop of Blood. 1994. jF Col 1997 Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain: A Novel for Old and Young. jF For 1987 Fritz, Jean. Early Thunder. jF Fri 1987 Gauch, Patricia Lee. This Time, Tempe Wick? jF Gau Landers, Judith. Timothy and the King’s Ship “Liberty”. jE Lan Moss, Marissa. Emma’s Journal: The Story of a Colonial Girl. jF Mos Myers, Anna. The Keeping Room. jF Mye O’Dell, Scott. Sarah Bishop. jF ODe Wibberley, Leonard. John Treegate’s Musket. jF Wib Non-Fiction Adler, David A. A Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin. j921 F831ad -----. A Picture Book of Frederick Douglass. j921 D737a -----. A Picture Book of Patrick Henry. j921 H523a -----. A Picture Book of Paul Revere. j921 R452a -----. A Picture Book of Thomas Jefferson. j921 j45adL Allen, Thomas B. George Washington, Spymaster: How America Outspied the British and Won the Revolutionary War. j921 W318a4 Archer, Jules. They Made a Revolution: 1776. j973.313 A671t Aronson, Marc. The Real Revolution: The Global Story of American Independence. 2005. j973.3 A769r Fleming, Alice. George Washington Wasn’t Always Old. j921 W318f5 Fleming, Thomas J. Everybody’s Revolution: A New Look at the People Who Won America’s Freedom. 2006. j973.3 F598e Fradin, Dennis B. Let it Begin Here!: Lexington & Concord: First Battles of the American Revolution. 2005. j973.331 F799L -----. The Signers: the 56 Stories Behind the Declaration of Independence. j920 F799s Freedman, Russell. In Defense of Liberty: The Story of America’s Bill of Rights. j342.73 U58f Fritz, Jean. And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? j921 R452fr -----. Can’t You Make Them Behave, King George. j941.073 F919c -----. Shh! We’re Writing the Constitution. j342.73029 F919s Graff, Stewart. George Washington, Father of Freedom. j921 W318g7 Griffin, Judith Berry. Phoebe the Spy. j921 W318g75 Gross, Ruth Belov. --If You Grew Up With George Washington. j921 W318g8 Harness, Cheryl. The Revolutionary John Adams. j921 A214h Irvin, Benjamin. Samuel Adams: Son of Liberty, Father of Revolution. j921 A217i Knudsen, Shannon. Nathan Hale: Patriot Spy. 2002. j921 H163k Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. j811 L853m 2002 -----. Paul Revere’s Ride: The Landlord’s Tale. j811 R452L8 2003 McDowell, Bart. The Revolutionary War: America’s Fight for Freedom. 1967. j973.3 M138r McGovern, Ann. The Secret Soldier: The Story of Deborah Sampson. j973.3 M146s Meltzer, Milton. The American Revolutionaries: A History in Their Own Words. j973.3 A5125 Milton, Joyce. The Story of Thomas Jefferson: Prophet of Liberty. j921 J45m6 Moehn, Heather. The U.S. Constitution: A Primary Source Investigation into the Fundamental Law of the United States. j342.73 M693u Sabin, Francene. Young Thomas Jefferson. j921 J45s Santrey, Laurence. John Adams, Brave Patriot. j921 A214s Shackburg, Richard. Yankee Doodle. 1994. j784 S291y 1994 Sullican, George. The Day Pearl Harbor Was Bombed: A Photo History of World War II. 1991. j940.5426 S949d Wallner, Alexandra. Betsy Ross. j921 R823w Wheeler, Mary. 13 Colonies! 13 Years! 2006. CML 372.89 W563t Wilson, Janet. The Ingenious Mr. Peale : Painter, Patriot, and Man of Science. j921 P358w Civil War Fiction Alphin, Elaine Marie. Ghost Cadet. jF Alp Arbuckle, Scott. Zeb, the Cow’s on the Roof Again!: And Other Tales of Early Texas Dwellings. jF Den Avi. Iron Thunder: The Battle Between the Monitor and the Merrimac. 2007. jF Avi Bearden, Romare. Li’l Dan the Drummer Boy: A Civil War Story. jF Bea Beatty, Patricia. Turn Homeward Hannalee. jF Bea Brenaman, Miriam. Evvy’s Civil War. jF Bre Brenner, Barbara. Wagon Wheels. jE Bre Bunting, Eve. Blue and the Gray. jE Bun Burchard, Peter. Jed, the Story of a Yankee Soldier and a Southern Boy. jF Bur Calvert, Patricia. Bigger. jF Cal Clapp, Patricia. Tamarack Tree: A Novel of the Siege of Vicksburg. jF Cla Collier, James Lincoln. With Every Drop of Blood. 1994. jF Col 1997 Crane, Stephen. Red Badge of Courage. jF Cra Denenberg, Barry. When Will the Cruel War Be Over?: The Civil War Diary of Emma Simpson. jF Den Forrester, Sandra. Sound the Jubilee. jF For Fritz, Jean. Brady. jF Fri Gauch, Patricia. Thunder at Gettysburg. jF Gau Gravios, Michael. Civil War. 2004. CML 973.707 G777c Hansen, Janis. The Heart Calls Home. jF Han Hansen, Joyce. Which Way Freedom. jF Han Hunt, Irene. Across Five Aprils. jF Hun 1986 Keith, Harold. Rifles for Watie. jF Kei Little Women. VT F Lit McMullan, Margaret. How I Found the Strong. 2004. jF McM Murphy, Jim. The Journal of James Edmond Pease, a Civil War Soldier. jF Mur Page, Thomas Nelson. Two Little Confederates. jF Pag Paulsen, Gary. Sarny, a Life Remembered. jF Pau -----. Soldier’s Heart: A Novel of the Civil War. jF Pau Peck, Richard. The River between Us. jF Pec Pfeffer, Susan Beth. Portraits of Little Women: Beth’s Story. jF Pfe Polacco, Patricia. Pink and Say. jE Pol Porter, Connie Rose. Addy Learns a Lesson: A School Story. jF Por -----. Meet Addy: An American Girl. jF Por Reeder, Carolyn. Shades of Gray. jF Ree Reit, Seymour. Ironclad!: A True Story of the Civil War. jF Rei Roop, Connie. Grace’s Letter to Lincoln. jF Roo Seabrooke, Brenda. Haunting at Stratton Falls. jF Sea Stolz, Mary. Ballad of the Civil War. jF Sto Swift, Hildegarde Hoyt. Railroad to Freedom: The Story of the Civil War. jF Swi Taylor, Mildred. The Land. jF Tay Turner, Ann Warren. Drummer Boy: Marching to the Civil War. jE Tur Non-Fiction Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided. DVD 973.7 L736 A159 Armstrong, Jennifer. Photo by Brady: A Picture of the Civil War. 2005. j973.73 A736p Baicker, Karen. The Civil War. 2003. CML 973.7 B152c Benet, Stephen Vincent. John Brown’s Body. j811 B465j Brarnes, Eric. War between the States. j973.7 B261w Burchard, Peter. Charlotte Forten: A Black Teacher in the Civil War. j921 F7365b Cary, Barbara. Meet Abraham Lincoln. j921 L736c Catton, Bruce. This Hallowed Ground: The Story of the Union Side of the Civil War. j973.7 C369t Chang, Ina. Separate Battle: Women and the Civil War. j973.7 C456s Chicago Historical Society. House Divided: America in the Age of Lincoln: A Teacher’s Handbook of Activities and Information. CML 973.7 C 532h Collier, James Lincoln. With Every Drop of Blood. RT F Col Cosner, Shaaron. War Nurses. j355.3 C834w Erdosh, George. Food and Recipes of the Civil War. j641.5 E66fc Fenner Phyllis R. Brother Against Brother: Stories of the War Between the States. j813.08 F336b Freedman, Russell. Lincoln: A Photobiography. j921 L736fr Fritz, Jean. Stonewall. j921 J14f Hamilton, Virginia. When the Birds Could Talk and Bats Could Sing: The Adventures of Bruh Sparrow, Sis Wren and their Friends. j389.2 H221w q Harness, Cheryl. Abe Lincoln Goes to Washington. j921 L736h28 Herbert, Janis. Civil War for Kids: A History with 21 Activities. j973.7 H536c Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald. Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys. jE How Ironclads of the Civil War. j973.7 A512i Jackson, Doris V. Civil War. CML 372.83 B724 v.2 Johnston, Robert D. Making of America: The History of the United States from 1492 to the Present. j973 J73m Jones, John. Civil War: When Americans Fought Americans. POSTER 1101 Kantor, MacKinlay. Lee and Grant at Appomattox. j973.7 K16L Katz, William. Breaking the Chains African American Slave Resistance. j975 K19b Kindersley, Dorling. The Visual Dictionary of the Civil War. j973.7 S784v q Kunhardt, Edith. Honest Abe. j921 L736k9 q Lester, Julius. To Be a Slave. j323.3 L642t McCarthy, Agnes. Worth Fighting for: A History of the Negro in the United States During The Civil War and Reconstruction. j301.451 M123w McPherson, James M. Fields of Fury: The American Civil War. j973.7 M172f Mettger, Zak. Till Victory Is Won: Black Soldiers in the Civil War. j973.7 M595t Miers, Earl Schenck. Billy Yank and Johnny Reb: How They Fought and Made Up. j973.7 M632b Monsell, Helen Albee. Robet E. Lee, Young Confederate. j921 L479m 1986 Morrison, Taylor. Civil War Artist. j070.44997 M882c Murphy, Jim. Long Road to Gettysburg. j973.7 M978L Myers, Walter Dean. Now is Your Time!: The African American Struggle for Freedom. j973.0496 M996n Oklahoma Heritage Association. Oklahoma Forts, Military History, and Civil War Map. MA 912.766 Ofm Ransom, Candice F. Children of the Civil War. j973.7083 R212c Rappaport, Doreen. Escape from Slavery: Five Journeys to Freedom. j973 R221e Ray, Delia. A Nation Torn: The Story of How the Civil War Began. j973.7 R263n Reger, James P. Life in the South During the Civil War. j975.03 R333L Reit, Seymour. Behind Rebel Lines: The Incredible Story of Emma Edmonds, Civil War Spy. j921 E24r Sandburg, Carl. Storm Over the Land: A Profile of the Civil War Taken Mainly From Abraham Lincoln. j973.7S213s Songs of the Civil War. RD 784.6 S Voices from the Civil War: A Documentary History of the Great American Conflict. j973.7 V889 Wade, Linda R. Prison Camps of the Civil War. j973.771 W119p Walker, Sally. Secrets of a Civil War Submarine: Solving the Mysteries of the H. L. Hunley. 2005. j973.757 W184s Zadra, Dan. Ulysses S. Grant: General and President. j921 G763z World War I Fiction Beatty, Patricia. Charley Skedaddle. jF Bea Breslin, Theresa. Remembrance. jF Bre Climo, Shirley. Month of Seven Days. jF Cli Foreman, Michael. War Game. jF For Frank, Rudolf. No Hero for the Kaiser. jF Fra Geras, Adele. The Girls in the Velvet Frame. jF Ger Hahn, Mary Downing. Anna All Year Round. jF Hah Hansen , Joyce. Out from This Place. jF Han Hartnett, Soyna. The Silver Donkey. 2006. jF Har 2006 Kudlinski, Kathleen V. Hero Over Here. jF Kud Lampman, Evelyn Sibley. Three Knocks on the Wall. jF Lam Larson, Kirby. Hattie Big Sky. 2006. jF Lar Oneal, Zibby. A Long Way to Go. jF One Rinaldi, Ann. Numbering All the Bones. jF Rin Rostkowski, Margaret I. After the Dancing Days. jF Ros Sedgwick, Marcus. The Foreshadowing. 2006. jF Sed Skurzynski, Gloria. Goodbye, Billy Radish. jF Sku Vogel, Ilse Margret. Tikhon. jF Vog Non Fiction Archer, Jules. World Citizen: Woodrow Wilson. j921 W754a Bishop, William Arthur. Courage of the Early Morning: A Frank Biography of Billy Bishop, the Great Ace of World War I. j921 B622b Cooke, David C. Famous American Fighter Planes, U.S. Air Force. j629.133 C722f Cooper, Michael. Hell Fighters: African American Soldiers in World War I. j940.403 C777h Famous Fighters of World War I. j940.3 A741f Flatley, Dennis R. Railroads: Opening the West. j385 F586r Goldston, Robert C. Road Between the Wars 1918-1941. j327.09 G622r Granfield, Linda. Where Poppies Grow: A World War I Companion. 2001. j940.3 G756w 2005 Gurney, Gene. Flying Aces of World War I. j940.4 G981f Hoobler, Dorothy. Trenches: Fighting on the Western Front in World War I. j940.4144 H776t Jablonski, Edward. Knighted Skies: A Pictorial History of WWl in the Air. j940.4 J11k North, Sterling. Rascal. j599.7 N867r 1990 Over There! : Stories of World War I. j808.83 F336o Snyder, Louis Leo. The First Book of World War I. j940.3 S675f Sullivan, Mark. Our Times: The United States, 1900-1925. j973.9 S951o Turning Points in World History Video Sampler. T Soc St GLE T955 Werstein, Irving. Many Faces of World War I. j940.3 W498m World War II Fiction Allan, Mabel Esther. A Strange Enchantment. jF All Anderson, Rachel. Paper Faces. jF And 1993 Avi. Who Was That Masked Man Anyway? jF Avi Baklanov, Grigorii. Forever Nineteen. jF Bak 1989 Barth-Grozinger, Inge. Something Remains. 2006. jF Bar Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler’s Shadow. 2005. j943.086 H675b Bawden, Nina. Carrie’s War. jF Baw Boyne, John. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: A Fable. 2006. jF Boy Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker. For Freedom: The Story of a French Spy. jF Bra Bunting, Eve. So Far from the Sea. jE Bun -----. Spying on Miss Muller. jF Bun Burch, Robert. Hut School and the Wartime Home-Front Heroes. jF Bur Cech, John. My Grandmother’s Journey. jE Cec Coerr, Eleanor. Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. 1999. jF Coe Corcoran, Barbara. Axe-time, Sword-time. jF Cor Corey, Shana. Players in Pigtails. jE Cor Deedy, Carmen Agra. Yellow Star: King Christian X of Denmark. jE Dee Feder, Paula Kurzband. Feather-Bed Journey. jE Fed Fife, Dale. Destination Unknown. jF Fif Fleming, Candace. Boxes for Katje. jE Fle Forman, James D. Horses of Anger. jF For -----. My Enemy, My Brother. jF For Gehrts, Barbara. Don’t Say a Word. jF Geh Giff, Patricia Reilly. Willow Run. 2005. jF Gif Green, Connie Jordan. War at Home. jF Gre Griffis, Molly Levite. The Feester Filibuster. 2002. jF Gri -----. Simon Says. 2004. jF Gri Hahn, Mary Downing. Stepping on the Cracks. jF Hah Hartman, Evert. War without Friends. jF Har Hesse, Karen. The Cats in Krasinski Square. 2004. jE Hes Hest, Amy. Love You, Soldier. jF Hes -----. Private Notebook of Katie Roberts, Age 11. jF Hes Hough, Richard Alexander. Razor Eyes. jF Hou 1983 Hughes, Shirley. Lion and the Unicorn. jE Hug Hunter, Sara Hoagland. Unbreakable Code. jF Hun Johnson, Angela. Wind Flyers. 2007. jE Joh Kadohata, Cynthia. Weedflower. 2006. jF Kad Kerr, M. E. Slap Your Sides. jF Ker Lee-Tai, Amy. A Place Where Sunflowers Grow = Sabaku ni saita himawari. 2006. jE Lee Lively, Penelope. Going Back. jF Liv Lowry, Lois. Autumn Street. jF Low -----. Number the Stars. jF Low Mah, Adeline Yen. Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society. jF Mah Mann, Peggy. Present for Yanya. jF Man Mattingley, Christobel. Angel with a Mouth-Organ. jE Mat Mochizuki, Ken. Baseball Saved Us. jE Moc Morpurgo, Michael. The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips. 2006. jF Mor 2006 Murphy, Claire Rudolf. Gold Star Sister. jF Mur Myers, Anna. Captain’s Command. jF Mye Nicholson, Dorinda Makanaōnalani Stagner. Remember World War II: Kids Who Survived Tell Their Stories. 2005. j940.53 N625r Nolan, Han. If I Should Die Before I Wake. jF Nol Noslinger, Christine. Fly Away Home. jF Nos Orlev, Uri. Island on Bird Street. jF Orl -----. Lydia, Queen of Palestine. jF Orl -----. Man from the Other Side. jF Orl Park, Linda Sue. When My Name was Keoko. jF Par Paulsen, Gary. Cookcamp. jF Pau Peck, Richard. On the Wings of Heroes. jF Pec Pelgrom, Els. Winter When Time was Frozen. jF Pel Penn, Malka. Hanukkah Ghosts. jF Pen Rappaport, Doreen. The Secret Seder. jE Rap Rubin, Susan Goldman. Fireflies in the Dark. 2000. j921 D549r Rylant, Cynthia. I Had Seen Castles. 2004. jF Rya 2004 Ryss, E. Search Behind the Lines. jF Rys Sachs, Marilyn. Pocket Full of Seeds. jF Sac Salisbury, Graham. Eyes of the Emperor. 2007. jF Sal 2007 Seabrooke, Brenda. Haunting at Stratton Falls. jF Sea Seredy, Kate. The Singing Tree. 1990. jF Ser Sevela, Efraim. We Were Not Like Other People. jF Sev Shemin, Margaretha. The Little Riders. 1963. jF She Siegal, Aranka. Grace in the Wilderness: After the Liberation, 1945-1948. jF Sie Smith, Doris Buchanan. Salted Lemons. jF Smi Taylor, Theodore. Cay. jF Tay Terlouw, Jan. Winter in Wartime. jF Ter Uchida, Yoshiko. Bracelet. jE Uch -----. Journey Home. 1992. jF Uch 1992 Van Stockum, Hilda. Borrowed House. jF Van Vos, Ida. Anna Is Still Here. jF Vos Watkins, Yoko Kawashima. So Far from the Bamboo Grove. jF Wat Westall, Robert. Blitzcat. jF Wes Westall, Robert. Time of Fire. jE Wes White, Robb. Frogmen. jF Whi Wolf, Jean M. Someone Named Eva. 2007. jF Wol Wolitzer, Hilma. Introducing Shirley Braverman. jF Wol Yolen, Jane. Devil’s Arithmetic. jF Yol Ze-e, Alk-e. Petro’s War. jF Zei Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief. 2006. jF Zus 2006 Non-Fiction Ambrose, Stephen. Ike: Abilene to Berlin: The life of Dwight D. Eisenhower from His Childhood in Abilene, Kansas Through His Command of the Allied Forces in Europe in World War II. j921 E36a Atkinson, Linda. In Kindling Flame: The Story of Hannah Senesh 1921-1944. j921 S475a Bradley, James. Flags of Our Fathers: Heroes of Iwo Jima. 2001. j940.542 B811f Bryant, Jennifer. Music for the End of Time. j921 M585b Colman, Penny. Rosie the Riveter: Women Working on the Home Front in World War II. j331.4 C716r -----. Where the Action Was: Woman War Correspondents in World War II. j070.433 C716w Cooper, Michael L. Fighting for Honor: Japanese Americans and World War II. j940.53 C777f Dank, Milton. D-Day. j940.5421 D187d Davis, Daniel S. Behind Barbed Wire: The Imprisonment of Japanese Americans During World War II. j940.5472 D261b Fenner, Phyllis. No Time for Glory: Stories of World War II. j808.83 F336n Foreman Michael. After the War Was Over. j921 F715f7 1996 Friedman, Ina R. Other Victims: First Person Stories of Non-Jews Persecuted by the Nazis. j940.53 F911o Gold, Alison Leslie. A Special Fate: Chiune Sugihara, Hero of the Holocaust. 2000. j921 S947g Goodrich, Frances. The Diary of Anne Frank and Related Readings. 1997. j812 F828f Granfield, Linda. In Flander’s Fields: The Story of the Poem by John McCrae. 1995. j921 M132g Hargrove, Jim. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Thirty- Fourth President of the United States. j921 E36h2 Hillman, Laura. I Will Plant You a Lilac Tree: A Memoir of a Schindler’s List Survivor. 2005. j921 H654h Hurwitz, Johanna. Anna Frank: Life in Hiding. j921 F828h9 Ingalls, Robert. Point of Order: A Profile of Senator Joe McCarthy. j973.918 I44p Ippisch, Hanneke. Sky: A True Story of Resistance During World War II. j921 I64i6 Jackson, Livia Bitton. I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust. j921 J135i Klein, Gerda. One Survivor Remembers: A teaching Kit for Grades 8 through 12. 2005. K 940.5318 k64o Knowles, John. A Separate Peace. 1998. j813 K73s Kopp, Kathleen. Technology Connections For World War II (challenging). 1997. CML 940.53 K83t Lawton, Clive. Auschwitz. j940.53 L425a Leckie, Robert. Story of World War II. j940.53 L461s Levine, Ellen. Darkness Over Denmark: The Danish Resistance and the Rescue of the Jews. 2000. j940.531 L665d Lidz, Richard. Many Kinds of Courage: An Oral History of World War II. j940.53 L715m Lobel, Anita. No Pretty Pictures: A Child of War. j940.5318 L797L Markl, Julia. The Battle of Britain. j940.5421 M346b Marrin, Albert. Secret Armies: Spies, Counterspies, and Saboteurs in World War II. j940.5485 M359s McGowen, Tom. Lonely Eagles and Buffalo Soldiers: African Americans in World War II. j940.5403 M146L McGowen, Tom. Midway and Guadalcanal. j940.5426 M146m McKissack, Pat. Red-Tailed Angels: The Story of the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II. j940.54 M158r Miner, Jane Claypool. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. j940.5426 M664h National Geographic Society. World War II. MA 940.530223 N277 Nelson, Peter. Left for Dead: A Young Man’s Search for Justice for the USS Indianapolis. j940.545 N428L Nelson, S.D. Quiet Hero : The Ira Hayes Story. 2006. j921 H4175n Nicholson, Michael. Raoul Wallenberg: The Swedish Diplomat Who Saved 100,000 Jews from the Nazi Holocaust before Mysteriously Disappearing. j921 W197n6 1990 Oppenheim, Joanne. Dear Miss Breed: True Stories of the Japanese American Incarceration During World War II and the Librarian Who Made a Difference. j940.531 O62d Poole, Joseph. Anne Frank. 2005. j921 F828p Reiss, Johanna. The Upstairs Room. j921 R378u 1987 Rubin, Susan Goldman. The Flag With Fifty-Six Stars: A Gift from the Survivors of Mauthausen. 2005. j940.531 M459r -----. Searching for Anne Frank: Letters from Amsterdam to Iowa. j921 F828r Saunders, Alan. The Invasion of Poland. j943.8 S257i Schoenberner, Gerhard. Artists Against Hitler: Persecution, Exile, Resistance. 1984. j700.943 A791 Shapiro, William. Pearl Harbor. j940.54 S529p Snyder, Louis. First Book of World War II j940.53 S675f Taylor, Theodore. The Battle Off Midway Island. j940.5426 T246bm Travers, P. L. I Go by Sea, I Go by Land. j940.53 T781i Tunnell, Michael. Children of Topaz: The Story of Japanese American Interment Camp: Based on a Classroom Diary. j940.531 T926c Videos The Battle of China. 1998. VT 940.54 B336 1998 The Battle of Russia. 1998. VT 940.54 B3365 1998 Carrie’s War. 2006. DVD 791.457 C316 Divide and Conquer: And the Battle of Britain. 1998. VT 940.54 D618 1998 Prelude to War: And the Nazi Strike. 1998. VT 940.54 P924 1998 War Comes to America. 1998. VT 940.54 W253 1998 World War II: Home Front. VT 940.53 W927 Korean War Fiction Bridgers, Sue Ellen. All Together Now. jF Bri Park, Linda Sue. When My Name Was Keoko. jF Par Non-Fiction Darby, Jean. Douglas MacArthur. j921 M116d2 Granfield, Linda. I Remember Korea: Veterans Tell Their Stories of the Korean War, 1950-53. j951.904 G756i Isserman, Maurice. Korean War: Updated Edition. j951.904 I86k 2003 Smith, C. Carter. Korean War. j951.904 S644k Stacy, Tom. Fifties. j301.5 S775f 1990 Vietnam War Fiction Boyd, Candy Dawson. Charlie Pippin. jF Boy Bunting, Eve. Wall. jE Bun Clark, Ann Nolan. To Stand Against the Wind. jF Cla Dunn, Marylois. Man in the Box: A Story from Vietnam. jF Dun Hahn, Mary Downing. December Stillness. jF Hah Haldeman, Joe W. War Year. jF Hal Hobbs, Valerie. Sonny’s War. jF Hob Hotze, Sollace. Acquainted with the Night. jF Hot Kadohata, Cynthia. Cracker!: The Best Dog in Vietnam. 2007. jF Kad Keller, Holly. Grandfather’s Dream. jE Kel Murphy, Claire Rudolf. Free Radical. jF Mur Paterson, Katherine. Park’s Quest. jF Pat 1989 Santana, Patricia. Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility. jF San Non-Fiction Cosner, Shaaron. War Nurses. j355.3 C834w Dolan, Edward. America After Vietnam: Legacies of a Hated War. j959.704 D659a -----. MIA: Missing in Action: A Vietnam Drama. j959.7043 D659m Lawson, Don. Album of the Vietnam War. j959.704 L425a -----. United States in the Vietnam War. j959.704 L425u -----. War in Vietnam. j959.704 L425w Leacock, Elspeth. Journeys in Time. j973 L434j Mabie, Margot. Vietnam, There and Here. j959.7043 M112v Randolph, Sallie G. Richard M. Nixon, President. j921 N736r1 Warren, Andrea. Escape from Saigon: How a Vietnam War Orphan Became an American Boy. j921 S822w Warren, James A. Portrait of a Tragedy: America and the Vietnam War. j959.704 W289p Middle East Conflicts Non-Fiction Barakat, Ibtisam. Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood. j921 B224b Ellis, Deborah. Three Wishes: Palestinian and Israeli Children Speak. 2004. j956.04 E47t Frank, Mitch. Understanding the Holy Land: Answering Questions about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. 2005. j956.9405 F828u Fiction Staples, Suzanne. Under the Persimmon Tree. jF Sta Terrorism and War on Terrorism Non-Fiction Gupta, Dipak K. Who Are the Terrorists? 2006. j303.625 G977w Jacobson, Sidney. The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation. 2006. j973.931 J17n Marcovitz, Hal. The Oklahoma City Bombing. 2002. j364.164 M321o Moghadam, Assaf. The Roots of Terrorism. 2006. j303.625 M696r Stein, Conrad. The Oklahoma City National Memorial. j976.638 S819o Whose Wars?: Teaching About the Iraq War and the War on Terror. 2006. CML 956.70443 W628 Created by Mary L. Williams Curriculum Materials Library Staff 001 Willard Hall, Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078