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African Americans
Updated 05/08/08
Aardema, Verna. Misoso: Once Upon a Time Tales from Africa. 1994. j398.2 M678
Aaseng, Nathan. Black Inventors. 1997. j609.2 A115b
Adler, David A. A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1989. j921 K53a2
-----. A Picture Book of Rosa Parks. 1993. j921 P252a
Adoff, Arnold. All the Colors of the Race: Poems. 1982. j811.54 A239a
-----. Black is Brown is Tan. 1973. jE Ado
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem. Black Profiles in Courage: A Legacy of African American Achievement. 1996.
j973 A136b
African American Life. 1996. VT 973.0496 A258
African-American Literature: An Anthology. 1998. CML 810.80896 A258 1998
African and African-American Religions. 1994. RT 299.6 A258
Aldred, Lisa. Thurgood Marshall. 1990. j921 M369a3
Altman, Susan. The Encyclopedia of African-American Heritage. 1997. j973 A468e
-----. Extraordinary Black Americans from Colonial to Contemporary Times. 1989. j920 A468e
Anderson, David A. The Origin of Life on Earth: An African Creation Myth. 1991. j398.2 A546o
Anderson, M.T. The Pox Party. 2006. jF And
Andrews, William L. African American Literature: Voices in Tradition. 1992. T Lit HOL A258 gr. 11
Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. 1970. j921 A584i, VT 921 A584i
-----. Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ‘fore I Diiie. 1971. j811 A584j
Banks, James A. March Toward Freedom: A History of Black Americans. 1978. j973.0496 B218m
Bankston, John. Alicia Keys. 2003. j921 K435b
-----. Venus Williams. 2003. j921 W7277b
Barbour, Karen. Mr. Williams. 2005. j921 W724b
Barrett, Mary Brigid. Sing to the Stars. 1994. jE Bar
Bausum, Ann. Freedom Riders: John Lewis and Jim Zwerg on the Front Lines of the Civil Rights Movement.
j323.092 B351f
Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn. Off to School. 1995. jE Bat
Benitez, Mirna. George Washington Carver: Plant Doctor. 1989. j921 C331b
Berger, Terry. Black Fairy Tales. 1970. j398.21 B496b
Berry, James. A Thief in the Village and Other Stories. 1988. jF Ber 1988
Bial, Raymond. The Strength of These Arms: Life In the Slave Quarters. 1997. j975 B576s
Bisson, Terry. Nat Turner. 1988. j921 T949b
The Black Americans: A History in Their Own Words, 1619-1983. 1984. j973.0496 B627
Black History Playing Card Deck. 1977. GA 920 B
Bogle, Donald. Brown Sugar: Eighty Years of America’s Black Female Superstars. 1980. j790.2 B675b
Bolden, Tonya. Cause: Reconstruction America, 1863-1877. 2005. j973.71 B687c
-----. The Champ: The Story of Muhammad Ali. 2004. j921 A398b
-----. Maritcha: A Nineteenth-Century American Girl. 2005. j974.71 L991b
-----. Rock of Ages: A Tribute to the Black Church. 2001. j811 B687r
-----. Tell All the Children Our Story: Memories and Mementos of Being Young and Black in America. 2001.
j973.049 B687t
-----. Wake Up Our Souls: A Celebration of Black American Artists. 2004. j704.039 B687w
Booth, Coe. Tyrell. 2006. jF Boo
Borden, Louise. Fly High!: The Story of Bessie Coleman. 2001. j921 C692b
Boulais, Sue. Vanessa Williams. 2001. j921 W7275b
Boyd, Herb. We Shall Overcome. 2004. j323.1196 B789w
Boyle, David. African Americans. 2002. j973.049 B792a 2003
Bradby, Marie. Momma, Where Are You From? 2000. jE Bra
-----. More than Anything Else. 1995. jE Bra
-----. Once Upon a Farm. 2002. jE Bra
Brooks, Gwendolyn. Bronzeville Boys and Girls. 2007. j811 B873b 2007
Bryan, Ashley. Ashley Bryan’s ABC of African-American Poetry. 1997. j811 A1105 q
-----. I’m Going to Sing: Black American Spirituals. 1982. j784.756 B915i
-----. Lion and the Ostrich Chicks and Other African Folk Tales. 1986. j398.2096 B915L
Bunting, Eve. The Blue and the Gray. 1996. jE Bun
Burchard, Peter. Charlotte Forten: A Black Teacher in the Civil War. 1995. j921 F7365b
Burns, Khephra. Black Stars in Orbit: NASA’s African-American Astronauts. 1995. j629.45 B967b
Campbell, Bebe Moore. Stompin’ at the Savoy. 2006. jE Cam
Carter, Dorothy. Wilhe’mina Miles After the Stork Night. 1999. jE Car
Chapman, Cheryl. Snow on Snow on Snow. 1994. jE Cha
Children of Promise: African-American Literature and Art for Young People. 1991. j700 C536
Children’s Songs. 1993. j782.742 C536
Chocolate, Deborah M. Newton. On the Day I Was Born. 1995. jE Cho
Clayton, Ed. Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior. 1964. j921 K53c
Clifton, Lucille. All Us Come Cross the Water. 1973. jE Cli
Clinton, Catherine. I, Too, Sing America: Three Centuries of African American Poetry. 1998. j811 I105
Cole, Melanie. Sinbad. 1999. j921 S615c
Coleman, Evelyn. White Socks Only. 1996. jE CoL
Coles, Robert. The Story of Ruby Bridges. 1995. j921 B851c
Collier, Bryan. Uptown. 2000. jE CoL
Commager, Henry S. Crusaders for Freedom. 1962. j920 C734c
Cooper, Floyd. Jump!: From the Life of Michael Jordan. 2004. j921 J815co
Cooper, Ilene. Oprah Winfrey: A Twentieth-Century Life. j921 W768c
Cooper, Michael L. Hell Fighters: African American Soldiers in World War I. 1997. j940.403 C777h
-----. Slave Spirituals and the Jubilee Singers. 2001. j920 J91c
The Coretta Scott King Awards Book: From Vision to Reality. 1994. CML 028.5079 C797
The Coretta Scott King Awards Book, 1970-1999. 1999. CML 028.5079 C797 1999
Cornish, Sam. Grandmother’s Pictures. 1974. j301.451 C818g
Cox, Clinton. The Forgotten Heroes: The Story of the Buffalo Soldiers. 1993. j978 C877f
Crane, Louise. Ms. Africa: Profiles of Modern African Women. 1973. j920 C891m
Crowe, Chris. Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case. 2003. j921 T5735c
Crutcher, Chris. The Crazy Horse Electric Game. 1987. jF Cru
Curry, Barbara K. Sweet Words So Brave: The Story of African American Literature. 1996. j810.9 C976s q
Curry, Jane. The Black Canary. 2005. jF Cur
Curtis, Christopher Paul. Bud, Not Buddy. 1999. jF Cur
-----. The Watsons Go to Birmingham- 1963. 1997. jF Cur 1997
Curtis, Gavin. The Bat Boy & His Violin. 1998. jE Cur
Curtis, Richard. The Life of Malcolm X. 1971. j921 M243c
Davis, Burke. Black Heroes of the American Revolution. 1976. j973.34 D261b
Davis, Ossie. Escape to Freedom: A Play about Young Frederick Douglass. 1978. j921 D733d2
Davis, Sampson. We Beat the Street: How a Friendship Pact Led to Success. 2006. j610.922 D264w 2006
DeAngelis, Gina. The Black Cowboys. 1998. j978 D284b
Deeter, Catherine. Heroes of Black History. 1989. POSTER 1120
De Veaux, Alexis. An Enchanted Hair Tale. 1987. jE Dev
Dillon, Leo. Rap a Tap Tap: Here’s Bojangles- Think of That! 2002. jE DiL
Douglass, Frederick. Frederick Douglass: In His Own Words. 1995. j921 D736f
Dragonwagon, Crescent. Half a Moon and One Whole Star. 1990. jE Dra 1990
Draper, Sharon M. Copper Sun. 2006. jF Dra
-----. November Blues. 2007. jF Dra
Du Bois, Shirley Graham. Julius K. Nyerere: Teacher of Africa. 1975. j921 N994j
DuBurke, Randy. The Moon Ring. 2002. jE DuB
Dudley, Karen. Great African Americans in Government. 1997. j920 D847g
Duggleby, John. Story Painter: The Life of Jacob Lawrence. 1998. j921 L421d
Eaton, Jeanette. Trumpeter’s Tale: The Story of Young Louis Armstrong. 1955. j921 A737e
Edwards, Pamela Duncan. Barefoot: Escape on the Underground Railroad. 1997. jE Edw
-----. The Bus Ride That Changed History: The Story of Rosa Parks. 2005. j921 P252e
Ehrhardt, Karen. This Jazz Man. jE Ehr
England, Linda. The Old Cotton Blues. 1998. jE Eng
English, Karen. The Baby on the Way. 2005. jE Eng
-----. Francie. 1999. jF Eng
Everett, Gwen. Li’l Sis and Uncle Willie: A Story Based on the Life and Paintings of William H. Johnson. 1992.
j759.13 E93L
Famous African Americans. 1990. VT 973.0496 F198
Feelings, Muriel. Moja Means One: Swahili Counting Book. 1971. jE Fee
Feelings, Tom. Soul Looks Back in Wonder: Collection of African-American Poets. 1993. j811 S722
Fenner, Carol. The Skates of Uncle Richard. 1978. jF Fen
Ferguson, Amos. Under the Sunday Tree. 1988. j811 F352u
Ferris, Jeri. Go Free or Die: A Story About Harriet Tubman. 1988. j921 T885f3
-----. What Are You Figuring Now?: A Story about Benjamin Banneker. 1988. j921 B219f
Flake, Sharon. Money Hungry. 2003. jF Fla
Flanagan, Alice K. The Buffalo Solidiers. 2005. j973.741 F583b
Flournoy, Valerie. The Patchwork Quilt. 1985. jE Flo
Fox, Mem. Sophie. 1994. jE Fox
Fox, Paula. The Slave Dancer. 1975. jF Fox 1975
Franklin, Jimmie L. The Blacks in Oklahoma. 1980. j976.6004 F832b
Freedman, Russell. Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. 2006. j323.119 F853f
-----. The Voice That Challenged a Nation: Marian Anderson and the Struggle for Freedom.
2004. j921 A548f
Fufuka, Karama. My Daddy is a Cool Dude and Other Poems. 1975. j811.54 F956m
Gaines, Ann G. Christopher Paul Curtis. 2002. j921 C978g
Garcia, Kimberly. Janet Jackson. 2003. j921 j125g
Gelman, Anne. Human Rights Film Guide. 1985. CML 323.4 G319h
Gilman, Michael. Matthew Henson. 1988. j921 H526g4
Giovanni, Nikki. Rosa. 2005. j921 P252g5
-----. On My Journey Now. 2007. j782.253 G512o
Golenbock, Peter. Teammates. 1990. j921 G625t
Granger, Stacey. Colin Powell. 2003. j921 P882g
Grant, R.G. The African American Slave Trade. 2002. j382.44 G762a
Gray, Nigel. A Country Far Away. 1989. jE Gra
Green, Michelle Y. A Strong Right Arm: The Story of Mamie “Peanut” Johnson. 2002. j921 J679g
Greene, Carol. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Man Who Changed Things. 1989. j921 K53g
Greenfield, Eloise. Africa Dream. 1992. jE Gre 1992
-----. Nathaniel Talking. 1988. jE Gre
Gregory, Susan. Hey, White Girl! 1970. j301.451 G823h
Grifalconi, Ann. Darkness and the Butterfly. 1987. jE Gri
-----. Osa’s Pride. 1990. jE Gri
Griffin, John Howard. Black Like Me. 1996. j975 G851b 1996
Grimes, Nikki. Talkin’ about Bessie: The Story of Aviator Elizabeth Coleman. 2002. j921 C692g q
-----. The Road to Paris. 2006. jF Gri
-----. Under the Christmas Tree. 2002. jE Gri
Grossman, Barney. Black Means... 1970. j155.9 G878b
Gurko, Miriam. Clarence Darrow. 1965. j921 D225g
Guthrie, Donna. A Rose for Abby. 1988. jE Gut
Hacker, Carlotta. Great African Americans in History. 1997. j920 H118g
Halasa, Malu. Mary McLeod Bethune. 1989. j921 B563h
Hamilton, Virginia. Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave. 1988. j921 B967h2
-----. The Bells of Christmas. 1989. jF Ham
-----. Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales. 1995. j398.2 H221h
-----. Junius Over Far. 1985. jF Ham
-----. Justice and Her Brothers. 1989. jF Ham 1989
-----. A Little Love. 1984. jF Ham
-----. The Magical Adventures of Pretty Pearl. 1983. jF Ham
-----. The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales. 1985. j398.2 H221p
-----. Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush. 1982. jF Ham
Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun and Related Readings. 1997. j812 H249r
Hansen, Joyce. Bury Me Not in a Land of Slaves: African Americans in the Time of Reconstruction. 2000.
j973.04 H249b
-----. The Captive. 1994. jF Han
-----. The Gift-Giver. 1980. jF Han
-----. I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly: The Diary of Patsy, a Freed Girl. 1997. jF Han
-----. One True Friend. 2005. jF Han
-----. Which Way Freedom? 1986. jF Han
Harrington, Janice N. Going North. 2004. jE Har
-----. The Chicken-Chasing Queen of Lamar County. 2007. jE Har
Harrison, Deloris. We Shall Live in Peace: The Teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968. j323 H297w
Haskins, James. Black Dance in America: A History through Its People. 1990. j793.3 H351b
-----. Black Music in America: A History through Its People. 1987. j781.7 H351b
-----. Black Theater in America. 1982. j792 H351b
-----. Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World. 1999. j382.44 H351b
-----. The Dream and the Struggle: Separate But Not Equal. 2001. j379.263 H351s 2001
-----. The Headless Haunt and Other African-American Ghost Stories. 1994. jF Has
-----. I Have a Dream: The Life and Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1993. j323.092 K53i
-----. John Lewis in the Lead: A Story of the Civil Rights Movement. j921 L674h
-----. Lena Horne. 1983. j921 H815h
-----. Space Challenger: The Story of Guion Bluford: An Authorized Biography. 1991. j921 B658h 1991
-----. Spike Lee: By Any Means Necessary. 1997. j921 L481h
Hayden, Robert C. Eight Black American Inventors. 1972. j920 H415e
-----. Kaleidoscope: Poems by American Negro Poets. 1967. j811.08 H415k
-----. Nine Black American Doctors. 1976. j610.922 H415n
Hayes, Donna. Brandy. 2000. j921 B821h
Heath, Amy. Sofie’s Role. 1992. jE Hea
Herbert, Solomon J. Bill Cosby. 1992. j792.7 C834h
Herron, Carolivia. Nappy Hair. 1999. jE Her
Hest, Amy. Jamaica Louise James. 1996. jE Hes
Hill, Laban. Harlem Stomp!: A Cultural History of the Harlem Renaissance. 2004. j810.989 H646h
Hoffman, Mary. Amazing Grace. 1991. jE Hof
-----. Boundless Grace. 1995. jE Hof
Hoobler, Dorothy. The African American Family Album. 1995. j973.049 H776a
Hopkinson, Deborah. A Band of Angels: A Story Inspired by the Jubilee Singers. 1999. jE Hop
-----. Sweet Land of Liberty. j973.049 H797s
-----. Under the Quilt of Night. 2001. jE Hop
-----. Up Before Daybreak: Cotton and People in America. 2006. j331.736 H797u
Howland, Elizabeth Fitzgerald. Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys. 2000. jE How
Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane. Celebrating Kwanzaa. 1993. j394.268 H871c
Hudson, Wade. Five Brave Explorers. 1995. j920 H886fe
-----. Five Notable Inventors. 1995. j920 H886f
-----. Jamal’s Busy Day. 1991. jE Hud
Hughes, Langston. Langston Hughes. 2006. j811 H893L 2006
Hunter, Clementine. Talking with Tebé: Clementine Hunter, Memory Artist. 1998. j921 H945h
Hunter, Layoya. The Diary of Layoya Hunter: My First Year in Junior High. 1993. j974.7 H945d 1993
Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. jF Hur 2006
Igus, Toyomi. I See the Rhythm. 1998. j780.89 I24i
In Daddy’s Arms I Am Tall: African Americans Celebrating Fathers. 1997. j811 I35
Isadora, Rachel. Peekaboo Morning. 2002. jE Isa
-----. Yo, Jo! 2007. jE Isa
Jakoubek, Robert E. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1989. j921 K53j2
Johnson, Angela. Lily Brown’s Paintings. 2007. jE Joh
-----. A Sweet Smell of Roses. 2005. jE Joh
-----. When I Am Old with You. 1990. jE Joh
-----. Wind Flyers. 2007. jE Joh
Johnson, Dinah. Sunday Week. 1999. jE Joh
Johnson, Dolores. Children’s Book of Kwanzaa: A Guide to Celebrate the Holiday. 1996. j394.2 J66c
-----. Onward: A Photobiography of African-American Polar Explorer Matthew Henson. 2006. j921 H526j
Johnson, Jacqueline. Stokely Carmichael: The Story of Black Power. 1990. j921 C287j6
Johnson, James Weldon. Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing. 1995. j784.7 J67L 1995 q
Johnston, Tony. Bone by Bone by Bone. jF Joh
Jones, Hettie. Big Star Fallin’ Mama: Five Women in Black Music. 1974. j920 J77b
Joosse, Barbara M. Hot City. 2004. jE Joo
Jubilee: And Related Readings. 1998. j813 J91
Jurmain, Suzanne. The Forbidden Schoolhouse: The True and Dramatic Story of Prudence Crandall and Her
Students. 2005. j921 C891j
Katz, William Loren. Black Women of the Old West. 1995. j978 K19b
-----. Breaking the Chains: African-American Slave Resistance. 1990. j975 K19b
Keats, Ezra Jack. Snowy Day. 1962. jE Kea
Kids Explore America’s African-American Heritage. 1992. j973 K46
King, Martin Luther, Jr. I Have a Dream. 1997. j305.896 K53i q
-----. The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2001. j921 K53k 2001
King, Sarah E. Maya Angelou: Greeting the Morning. 1994. j921 A584k
Kinshasa, Kwando. African American Chronology: Chronologies of the American Mosaic. 2006.
j973.049 K56a
Kranz, Rachel. The Biographical Dictionary of Black Americans. 1992. j920 K89b
Kroll, Virginia L. Faraway Drums. 1998. jE Kro
Krull, Kathleen. Wilma Unlimited: Wilma Rudolph Became the World’s Fastest Woman. 1996. j921 R917k9
Lasky, Kathryn. Vision of Beauty: The Story of Sarah Breedlove Walker. 2000. j921 W177L
-----. A Voice of Her Own: The Story of Phillis Wheatley, Slave Poet. 2003. j921 W557L q
Lawrence, Jacob. The Great Migration: An American Story. 1993. j759.13 L421g
-----. Harriet and the Promised Land. 1993. j811 L421h
Lee, Spike. Please, Puppy, Please. 2005. jE Lee
Lester, Julius. Black Cowboy, Wild Horses: A True Story. 1998. jE Les
-----. The Blues Singers: Ten Who Rocked the World. 2001. j781.643 L642b
-----. Days of Tears. 2005. jF Les
-----. From Slave Ship to Freedom Road. 1998. j759.13 B879L
-----. John Henry. 1994. j398.21 L642j
-----. The Knee-High Man and Other Tales. 1972. j398.2 L642k
-----. Long Journey Home: Stories from Black History. 1972. jF Les
-----. To Be a Slave. 2000. j306.362 L642t 2000
-----. What a Truly Cool World. 1999. jE Les
-----. Why Heaven is Far Away. 2002. jE Les
Levine, Ellen. Henry’s Freedom Box. jE Lev
Lewis, Patrick. Black Cat Bone. 2006. j811 J68L
Lincoln, C. Eric. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Profile. 1970. j921 K531
Lindbergh, Reeve. Nobody Owns the Sky: Story of “Brave Bessie” Coleman. 1996. jE Lin
Lisandrelli, Elaine Slivinski. Maya Angelou: More Than a Poet. 1996. j921 A584L7
Listen Children: An Anthology of Black Literature. 1982. j810 L773s
Littlesugar, Amy. Freedom School, Yes! 2001. jE Lit
-----. Jonkonnu: A Story from the Sketchbook of Winslow Homer. 1997. jE Lit
Lorbiecki, Marybeth. Sister Anne’s Hands. 1998. jE Lor
Lowery, Linda. Aunt Clara Brown: Official Pioneer. 1999. j921 B877La
Lucas, Eileen. Cracking the Wall: The Struggles of the Little Rock Nine. 1997. j379.263 L933c
Lutz, Norma Jean. J. C. Watts. 2000. j921 W351L
Lyons, Mary E. Master of Mahogany: Tom Day, Free Black Cabinetmaker. 1994. j749.213 L991m
MacCann, Donnarae. The Black American in Books for Children: Readings in Racism. 1972.
CML 810.9 M122b
Mangal, Melina. Virginia Hamilton. 2003. j921 H221m
-----. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Documentary, Montgomery to Memphis. 1976. j921 K52
Marx, David. Kwanzaa. 2000. j394.261 M392k
Masoff, Joy. The African American Story: The Events That Shaped Our Nation—and the People Who
Changed Our Lives. 2007. j973.049 M398a
Mathis, Sharon Bell. Listen for the Fig Tree. 1974. jF Mat
-----. Ray Charles. 2001. j921 C476m 2001
Mays, Osceola. Osceola: Memories of a Sharecropper’s Daughter. 2000. j921 M4735m
McDonald, Joyce. Devil on My Heels. 2004. jF McD
McGowen, Tom. Lonely Eagles & Buffalo Soldiers: African Americans in World War II. 1995.
j940.5403 M146L
McKissack, Fredrick. Black Hoops: The History of African-Americans in Basketball. 2000. j796.323 M158b
McKissack, Pat. Abby Takes a Stand. 2005. jF McK
-----. Black Hands, White Sails: The Story of African-American Whalers. 1999. j639.28 M158b
-----. The Civil Rights Movement in America from 1865 to the Present. 1987. j973.0496 M158c
-----. The Dark Thirty: Southern Tales of the Supernatural. 1992. j398.25 M158d
-----. Goin’ Someplace Special. 2001. jE McK
-----. The Honest-to-Goodness Truth. 2000. jE McK 2003
-----. Jesse Jackson: A Biography. 1989. j921 J13m1
-----. Let My People Go: Bible Stories Told by a Freeman of Color to His Daughter Charlotte, in Charleston,
South Carolina, 1806-16. 1998. jF McK
-----. A Long Hard Journey: The Story of the Pullman Porter. 1989. j331.88 M158L
-----. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Man of Peace. 2001. j921 K53m 2001
-----. Mirandy and Brother Wind. 1988. jE McK
-----. Paul Robeson: A Voice to Remember. 2001. j921 R653m
-----. Porch Lies: Tales of Slicksters, Tricksters, and Other Wily Characters. 2006. jF McK
-----. Rebels Against Slavery: American Slave Revolts. 1996. j970 M158r
-----. Red-Tail Angels: The Story of the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II. 1995. j940.54 M158r
-----. Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I a Woman? 1992. j921 T874m
-----. Tippy Lemmey. 2003. jF McK
Medearis, Angela. Big Mama and Grandma Ghana. 1994. jE Med
Medina, Tony. DeShawn Days. 2001. j811 M491d
-----. Love to Langston. 2002. j811 M491L
Mendez, Phil. The Black Snowman. 1989. jE Men
Mettger, Zak. Till Victory is Won: Black Soldiers in the Civil War. 1994. j973.7 M595t
Meyer, Carolyn. Denny’s Tapes. 1987. jF Mey
Mighty Times: The Children’s March. 2005. DVD 323.4 M636
Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks. 2002. VT 323.4 M636
Miller, Donald L. An Album of Black Americans in the Armed Forces. 1969. j358 M647a
Miller, Robert H. Reflections of a Black Cowboy. 1999. j920 M649b 1999
Mitchell, Margaree King. Uncle Jed's Barbershop. 1993. jE Mit
Milton, Joyce. Marching to Freedom: The Story of Martin Luther King. 1987. j921 K53m
Morrison, Toni. Remember: The Journey to School Integration. 2004. j379.263 M882r
Morrow, Babra. A Good Night for Freedom. 2004. jE Mor
Moses, Shelia P. The Legend of Buddy Bush. 2005. jF Mos
-----. The Baptism. 2007. jF Mos
Myers, Walter Dean. 145th Street: Short Stories. 2000. jF Mye
-----. Autobiography of My Dead Brother. 2005. jF Mye
-----. Fallen Angels. 1988. jF Mye
-----. Fast Sam, Cool Clyde and Stuff. 1975. jF Mye
-----. Here in Harlem: Poems in Many Voices. 2004. j811 M996he
-----. Hoops: A Novel. 1981. jF Mye
-----. It Ain’t All For Nothin’. 1978. jF Mye
-----. Jazz. 2006. jE Mye
-----. Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary, A Biography. 1993. j921 X1m
-----. Motown and DiDi: A Love Story. 1984. jF Mye
-----. Now is Your Time! : The African American Struggle for Freedom. 1991. j973.0496 M996n
-----. Somewhere in the Darkness. 1992. jF Mye
-----. Street Love. 2006. jF Mye
Nelson, Marilyn. Fortune’s Bones. 2004. j811.54 N428f
-----. A Wreath for Emmet Till. 2005. j811 T574n
O’Connor, Jim. Jackie Robinson and the Story of All-Black Baseball. 1989. j921 R662o
Parker, Margot. What is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day? 1990. j323 P242w
Parks, Rosa. Dear Mrs. Parks: A Dialogue with Today’s Youth. 1996. j323.092 P252p
Pascoe, Elaine. Racial Prejudice. 1985. j301.451 P281r
Pasternac, Susana. In the City. jE Pas
Patterson, Lillie. A. Philip Randolph: Messenger for the Masses. 1996. j921 R192p3
-----. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Freedom Movement. 1989. j921 K53p3
Perdomo, Willie. Visiting Langston. 2002. jE Per
Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse. My Mama Sings. 1994. jE Pet
Petry, Ann Lane. Harriet Tubman, Conductor of the Underground Railroad. 1996. j921 T885p 1996
Pettit, Jayne. Maya Angelou: Journey of the Heart. 1998. j810.92 A584p 1998
Pinkney, Andrea Davis. Bill Pickett, Rodeo Ridin’ Cowboy. 1996. j921 P597p5
-----. Duke Ellington: The Piano Prince and His Orchestra. 1998. j921 E46p
-----. Let it Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters. 2000. j920 P655L
-----. Pretty Brown Face. 1997. jE Pin
Pinkney, J. Brian. Max Found Two Sticks. 1994. jE Pin
Pinkney, Sandra L. Shades of Black: A Celebration of Our Children. 2000. jE Pin
Pinney, Roy. Slavery, Past and Present. 1972. j326 P656s
Plays of Black Americans: Episodes from the Black Experience, Dramatized for Young People. 1987.
j812 P7235
Polacco, Patricia. Pink and Say. 1994. jE Pol
Price, Leontyne. Aida. 1990. j782.1 P945a
Quackenbush, Robert M. Arthur Ashe and His Match with History. 1994. j921 A824q
Rand, Donna. Black Books Galore!: Guide to Great African American Children’s Books about Boys. 2001.
CML 015.73 R186b
-----. Black Books Galore!: Guide to Great African American Children’s Books about Girls. 2001.
CML 015.73 R186bg
Rappaport, Doreen. Freedom River. 2000. j921 P241r
-----. Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2001. j921 K53r2
-----. No More!: Stories and Songs of Slave Resistance. 2002. j306.362 R221n
-----. The School is Not White! A True Story of the Civil Rights Movement. 2005. j379.263 R221s
Raschka, Christopher. Yo! Yes? 1993. jE Ras
Raven, Margot Theis. Circle Unbroken : The Story of a Basket and its People. jE Rav
-----. Let Them Play. j796.357 R253L
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