Date: Period

Name: _____________________________________ Date:_______________ Period:________
Karyotyping on the Web Handout
Part I. Patient Karyotyping
Patient A
1. ______________________________ (notation)
2. ______________________________ (diagnosis)
Patient B
1. ______________________________ (notation)
2. ______________________________ (diagnosis)
Patient C
1. ______________________________ (notation)
2. ______________________________ (diagnosis)
Part II. Internet Research
Research two of the following genetic disorders. List the genetic disorder, title of site, URL and write a
paragraph for each summarizing a description of what the cause of the disorder is and what is
abnormal about the people that have the disorder.
Patau Sydrome
Fragile X
Edward’s Syndrome
Supermale XYY
Down Syndrome
Turner’s Syndrome
Klinefelters Syndrome
Genetic Disorder: _______________________________
Site Title & URL: _______________________________________________________________
Summary Paragraph:
Genetic Disorder: _______________________________
Site Title & URL: _______________________________________________________________
Summary Paragraph: