SBI3U ASSIGNMENT GENETIC DISORDER NAMES__________________ and___________________ GENETIC DISORDER_____________________________ In this assignment you and your partner will research and prepare a 3-5 minute oral presentation on a genetic disorder. Your presentation will include the following information Chromosome # of gene disorder Type of disorder (chromosomal or point mutation) Is the disorder recessive or dominant ?(if it is a point mutation and/or the information is known) Frequency of disorder Features of disorder Diagnostic tests for disorder Treatment and/or lifestyle modifications for disorder Any other interesting facts or issues? Evaluation: Research Skills Content Key Visual Creativity Oral Skills (eye contact, voice projection etc.) TOTAL /20 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 6 8 4 Topic List-ONE group per topic Sickle Cell Anemia Cystic Fibrosis Down Syndrome Hemophilia Klinefelter's syndrome Prader Willi Syndrome Sickle Cell Anemia Tay Sachs Disease Turner Syndrome Jacob Syndrome Huntingtons Disorder Progeria Werner Syndrome Marfan Syndrome THIS SHEET MUST BE HANDED IN TO THE TEACHER ON THE DATE OF YOUR PRESENTATION