Samsung Galaxy Prize Scam Email

Samsung Electronics (UK) Ltd, UK Head Office
1000, Hills-wood Drive
Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0PS
United Kingdom
Congratulations Candidate,
Your Registered E-mail address has won prize money of Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British
Pounds [650,000.00 Pounds], on the ongoing 2015 Samsung Galaxy charity prize Award. These said
amounts are giving out to winners in each country round the world.
An E-mail draws which was conducted by Samsung Electronics (UK) Ltd. For charity bonanza to
promote all new varieties of Samsung Galaxy design 2015.
The draw No. 7PWYZ1886 brought out your E-mail Address from world data base of Internet E-mail
users in World, And qualified you a beneficed winner of the stated winning amount.
To receive your winning prize, kindly fill the fund release form below and send it back to us immediately.
Full name:
Home Telephone:
Mobile Telephone:
E-mail address:
Marital Status:
Job Title :
Current Annual Salary:
Amount won:
Items won:
Draw Number :
Have you won any award before?( Yes/No )
Note. You must fill your form correctly and send to this E-mail
We shall immediately commence the process that will facilitate the release of your fund to you.
Please do check your email every time of your submission, to know the procedure for your prize award.
We advice you not to disclose your winning to anybody at list for now, until you receive your
winning price to avoid double claim from friends/relatives that might lead you to
Accept our hearty congratulations once again!!
Rev. Ephram Church