NORTH MIDLANDS AREA of NAFAS COMPETITION SCHEDULE HARDWICK HALL Derbyshire S44 5RW 27 – 29th June 2014 Staging: 26th June 2014 Competitions open to ALL NAFAS MEMBERS Competition Schedules can be downloaded from: FLORESCENCE 27 – 29 JUNE 2014 The North Midlands Area of NAFAS are delighted to be holding a Competition and Exhibition of Floral Designs and Photography at Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire. Hardwick Hall is a National Trust property and is situated just off junction 29 of the M1. The building is an outstanding example of Elizabethan architecture and was commissioned by Bess of Hardwick in 1590. It is a wonderful setting in which to hold our Show. The competition classes will be staged within the Hall itself, the grounds and in a marquee. There will be seventeen flower classes two of which are for Juniors. The Photography competition has five classes and one reserved for Juniors. We hope that you will be inspired by the location of our Show and will enter the competition. We are very keen to encourage entries from Juniors. The Show is a great opportunity to bring our art form and NAFAS to a wider public. Throughout the Show there will be mini demonstrations and “hands on” activities and we hope to encourage visitors to share our interest in all things floral. Competitors will be issued with a badge that will enable them to visit Hardwick and explore the house and grounds. We anticipate a great Show and we hope that you will join us. Judi JUDI CRIPPS AREA CHAIRMAN All classes in this schedule to be regarded as exhibits Class 1 INSIDE OUTSIDE Space allowed: width 100cm, depth 100cm, height 100cm. To include a wooden crate which will be provided. Further details will be advised on acceptance. Staging: Outside on grass. Viewed all round and judged from the front. Class 2 NOSEGAY PETITE Class Space allowed: width 25cm, depth 25cm, height 25cm. Competitor to provide own display staging. Staging: In Hall on tabling 75cms from floor covered in black fabric. Viewed and judged from the front. MAY BE BROUGHT READY ASSEMBLED. Class 3 ESSENCE OF AN ERA Space allowed: width 70cm, depth 70cm, height optional. Staging: In Hall on a neutral box base height 20cm. Viewed and judged from the front. Class 4 GLIMMER CRAFT Class A candlestick design Natural plant material to predominate. Space allowed: width 40cm, depth 40cm, height 50cm. Staging: In Hall on dark oak tabling 80cm from floor. Viewed all round and judged from the front. MAY BE BROUGHT READY ASSEMBLED. Class 5 SPLENDIFEROUS CRAFT Class Floral Jewellery item/s Natural plant material to predominate. Space allowed: width 40cm, depth 40cm, height 50cm. Competitor to provide own display staging. Staging: In Hall on dark oak tabling 80cm from floor. Viewed all round and judged from the front. MAY BE BROUGHT READY ASSEMBLED. Class 6 SYMMETRY Space allowed: width 50cm, depth 50cm, height 80cm. Staging: In Hall, including a neutral plinth, width 40cm, depth 40cm, height 56cm. Viewed and judged from the front. Class 7 BELOW STAIRS STILL LIFE Exhibit Space allowed: width 61cm, depth 61cm, height optional. Staging: In Hall on bleached wooden tabling 80cm from floor. Viewed all round and judged from the front. Class 8 CULINARY COLLECTION Space allowed: width 61cm, depth 61cm, height optional. Staging: In Hall on bleached wooden tabling 80cm from floor. Viewed all round and judged from the front. Class 9 NAUGHTY, BUT NICE! PALISADE Exhibit Space allowed: width 45cm, depth 45cm, height 45cm. Competitor to provide own display staging. Staging: In Hall on bleached wooden tabling 80cm from floor. Viewed all round and judged from the front. Class 10 FRAGRANT FUSIONS Space allowed: width 60cm, depth 45cm, height optional. Staging: In Hall, on bleached wooden tabling 80cm from floor. Viewed all round and judged from the front. Class 11 ELEGANCE WITH EDGE Space allowed: width 95cm, depth 95cm, height optional. Staging: Outside under the colonnade on a neutral base 3cm thick. Viewed and judged from the front. Class 12 ORGANIC ART Space allowed: width 76cm, depth 76cm, height optional. Staging: Outside on grass. Viewed and judged all round. Class 13 AWESOME Space allowed: width 100cm, depth100cm, height 183cm. Staging: In Marquee (off-white background) on a neutral base 1cm thick. MAY BE STAGED BY UP TO 2 PEOPLE. Viewed and judged from the front. Class 14 GARDENER'S BOUNTY Space allowed: width 76cm, depth 76cm, height optional. Staging: In Marquee (off-white background) on tabling 75cm from floor covered in black fabric. Viewed and judged from the front. Class 15 A RICH TAPESTRY JUNIOR CRAFT Class 13 - 17 YEARS Open only to Juniors affiliated to NAFAS Space allowed: width 40cm, depth 40cm, height 7cm. Staging: In Marquee on tabling 75cm from floor covered in black fabric. Viewed all round and judged from the front. TO BE BROUGHT IN OR POSTED READY ASSEMBLED AND STAGED BY THE SHOW COMMITTEE. Class 16 TABLE FLAIR JUNIOR CRAFT Class 8 - 12 YEARS To depict a PLACEMAT and COASTER Open only to Juniors affiliated to NAFAS Space allowed: width 40cm, depth 40cm, height 3cm. Staging: In Marquee on tabling 75cm from floor covered in black fabric. Viewed all round and judged from the front. TO BE BROUGHT IN OR POSTED READY ASSEMBLED AND STAGED BY THE SHOW COMMITTEE. Class 17 "INSPIRED BY............." Title to be stated Space allowed: 91cm circular diameter, height optional. Staging: In Marquee on black circular base 2cm thick. Viewed and judged all round. REGULATIONS 1. The competition is OPEN to ALL members of NAFAS Clubs and affiliated societies. No competitor may represent more than one Club or affiliated society. 2. All exhibits will be judged in accordance with the NAFAS Competitions Manual Second Edition 2009. The Judges decision is final. 3. All exhibits must be the unaided work of the competitor and must be assembled in the designated area with the exception of Class numbers: 2, 4, 5, 15 & 16 which may be submitted ready assembled. 4. Any complaints by the competitor should be handed to the Competitions Secretary, in writing, before the end of staging at 4 pm on Thursday, 26 June 2014 5. All exhibits and competitors property will be at the risk of the competitor and neither the North Midlands Area, nor National Trust, nor the owners of the property in which the competition or any part of it is held can accept any liability whatsoever for any loss or damage sustained by any competitor. 6. Natural plant material to predominate in all classes. 7. The use of aerosols, paint and other sprays, glue guns and other electrical equipment is STRICTLY PROHIBITED throughout all areas of HARDWICK HALL, the GROUNDS and MARQUEE. 8. ENTRIES All entries to be on the official entry form. Competitors may enter up to 3 classes; only one entry per class. Entry fees: Junior Class entries are FREE. No deposit is required. Classes 15 & 16 apply. All other Class entries: £4 for the first entry with £1 for each additional class entry. DEPOSIT: A deposit of £10 is payable by each competitor, irrespective of the number of entries and will be returned to the competitor on staging day. Entry fees are non-refundable and non-attendance forfeits the right of return of the deposit. Entry forms to be sent to the Competition Secretary: Mrs Moira Galloway Oakwood Kirmond Le Mire Market Rasen Lincolnshire LN8 6HZ Tel: 01472 399119 E-mail: To include: - C5 Stamped Addressed Envelope. - Entry form & two separate cheques made payable to North Midlands Area of NAFAS. Entry forms will be accepted in date order of receipt no earlier than Monday, 24 March 2014 closing date Monday, 7 April 2014 Competitors will be advised of acceptance as soon as possible after closing date. 9. STAGING The Competition will be staged in 3 separate locations at Hardwick: The Hall, the grounds and in a Marquee. Lighting levels in Hardwick Hall are poor with little natural light. There is no additional light in the marquee. Dates and Times: Staging Day: Thursday, 26 June 2014 - 9.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m. Dismantling: Sunday, 29 June 2014 - 4.00 p.m. until 4.45 p.m. and is the responsibility of the competitor. Competitor badges MUST be worn at all times. The Area's Competition Committee will decide the positions of all exhibits. ALL staging dimensions are approximate. All exhibits must be staged within the space provided. Exhibits for Class numbers 2, 4, 5, 15 & 16 may be brought ready assembled. JUNIOR competitors (class numbers 15 & 16) may also pre-submit their completed exhibit by post to: Mrs Elizabeth Lomas Westgate Cottage West End Elton Derbyshire DE4 2BZ To be received no earlier than 3 June 2014. Final receiving date 11 June 2014. Refreshment facilities: On STAGING DAY a room will be set aside for competitors use. Tea and coffee facilities will be provided; competitors may bring own food and have the use of a microwave. Food and beverages must NOT be taken into the Hall. There is also a restaurant and snack bar in the grounds of Hardwick Hall. 10. JUDGES Anna Steven, NAFAS National Judge Lesley Sturdy, NAFAS National Judge 11. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES AND AWARDS Mrs Gillian Platt JP, National President of NAFAS Sunday, 29 June 2014, 3pm in the Marquee. 12. AWARDS In addition to the Special Awards (trophies listed), prize money/ gift tokens will be awarded as follows: Classes 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 17: 1st £ 50 2nd £40 3rd £30 Classes: 2, 4 & 5: 1st £30 2nd £25 3rd £20 Junior Classes 15 & 16 prize winners will receive gift tokens: 1st £20 2nd £15 3rd £10 SPECIAL AWARDS BEST IN SHOW The VERONICA GIBBS SALVER Classes 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 17. In addition the 2014 FLORESCENCE SHOW AWARD will be awarded and retained by the winner. RUNNER UP TO BEST IN SHOW The ELSPETH HALLER CUP Classes 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 17. In addition the RHS GRENFELL MEDAL will be awarded and retained by the winner. BEST USE OF COLOUR All Classes The DERU SISSON PLATE BEST USE OF TEXTURE The RUBY WATERFIELD BOWL All Classes BEST USE OF FRESH GARDEN PLANT MATERIAL The REG TAYLOR MANTLE CLOCK - All Classes MOST INNOVATIVE EXHIBIT The PAM HILL GALLERY TRAY All Classes ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE The SUTER GLASS BOWL All Classes OUTSTANDING CRAFTMANSHIP The KAY GAUNT CANDELABRUM - Classes 4 & 5 BEST JUNIOR EXHIBIT 13 – 17 YEARS The SHEILA URQUHART CUP – Class 15 BEST JUNIOR EXHIBIT 8 – 12 YEARS The SHEILA URQUHART CUP – Class 16