Hertfordshire Employers Workshop

Employers Workshop
Automatic Enrolment
What is Automatic Enrolment?
Why has it been introduced?
What is different to the current system for LGPS and Teachers
Pension Agency (TPA)?
Can I leave it to the pensions people?
When does it
apply from
Automatic Enrolment is effective from your staging date:
Why has the Government given employers different staging
• Do you know your staging date?
• If not do you know how to find out your staging date?
Decisions each
employer must make
Are you going to use transitional delay?
Are you going to use postponement?
Who is going to issue letters and communications to staff?
Who will change the recruitment process?
Who is going to register with The Pensions Regulator when you
have passed your staging date?
What we can do to
support you?
Important to realise that Automatic Enrolment is an
employers issue.
Suggested wording for letters;
Posters and communication document’s; and
Experts (staff who have lived through the process previously).
Typical Problem
Casual employees;
Councillors; and
Maternity leave.
An example below employer staging date 1/4/13 recruits a new
employee 1/5/13 on her 21st birthday
1/5/13 - Brought into scheme under scheme rules (opts out)
1/5/14 - Auto enrolled at age 22 (opts out)
1/5/15 - Goes on nil pay on trip of lifetime/maternity leave
1/10/15 - returns to full pay so is auto enrolled (opts out)
1/4/16 - Third year anniversary of staging date so is auto
enrolled (opts out)
Problem Employers
Employers with multiple schemes:
Teachers and Local Government;
Lots of casual employees;
Multiple payroll providers;
Local Government plus defined contribution schemes; and
Employer where the Local Government scheme is a closed fund.
Suggested Timetable
I have a little spread sheet to help employer keep track
of communication requirements.
• Staging date;
• General steps to consider;
• Split between if you use transitional delay or not; and
• Responsibility.
Good News
Reasons to be cheerful
The LGPS is a qualifying scheme;
Other employers have gone through the process;
Current practise complies with the majority of the requirements; and
Electronic opt out route being prepared;
Bad News
Reasons to remain vigilant
I stress it is the employers decision on who to AE and ultimately
the Pension Regulator has the powers to fine employers who do
not comply with their requirements;
There will be upset staff/complaints; and
The administration will be a pain.
Employers issue;
Employer cannot issue any opt out forms;
Need to repeat every 3 years;
LPFA can offer assistance; and
There will be complaints.
Thank you
Contact details:
Neil Lewins
Technical Officer
0207 369 6066