NORTH EAST AREA OF NAFAS NAFAS Designer of the Year 2015 North East Area Elimination Competition to be held at the Folk Hall, New Earswick, York prior to the May Area Council Meeting Date: Saturday 16th May 2015 10a.m. – 1p.m. Venue: The Folk Hall, New Earswick, York YO32 4AQ Title: A Spring/Summer mantelpiece design. To be judged in accordance with the attached criteria. Space allowed: 1metre width x 30cm depth, height unlimited. Plant material may flow over the front of the design but must not touch the floor. Staging: A black painted shelf structure, measurements 1m width, x 30cm depth x 46 cm high will be placed centrally and on the edge of a table covered in black drapes, providing a total measurement of 120cm from the floor. To be viewed and judged from the front. Judge: Staging: (NAFAS National Judge) Set up time: 10a.m. until 1p.m. – prior to the NE Area Council Meeting Dismantling: After the Council meeting – approximately 3:30p.m. Rules and Staging details: Exhibitors must be a fully paid up Club member of the North East Area of NAFAS Exhibits remain the sole risk of the Competitor. The North East Area of NAFAS will not be liable for loss or damage from any cause whatsoever. Exhibit must be arranged by Competitor without assistance. Aerosol/spray painting may not be used in the Hall Glue-guns and other electrical equipment must be P.A.T. tested. Drapes may be used. All measurements are approximate. Natural plant material to predominate. Artificial plant material of any kind is not permitted. Items requiring special time and expertise for their preparation may be brought ready assembled for incorporation in the design. These items should not predominate in the exhibit. Judging: Judged according to attached criteria (same as for the Blackpool competitions) Winner and Runner up result will be announced during the Council Meeting Prizes donated by the North East Area. Winner: £30 Runner up to Winner: £20 Closing date for entries: Saturday 31st March 2015 to Sue Spencer Exhibitors are invited to stay to the Area Council Meeting. Conditions: The winner of the Area’s competition will go forward to compete at the National Competition, to be held at the Festival Flower and Food Show, Winter Gardens, Blackpool, from 12-15 November 2015. Runner up to the winner on standby. Up to £150 from Area funds is available towards staging costs for entering the Blackpool competition, along with accommodation in Blackpool. Should the winner be unable to compete, the same monetary conditions apply to the Runner Up. To officially register your entry, please complete and return the attached form, by post or email. To: Mrs Sue Spencer 45 Hoodhill Road Harley Rotherham S62 7US email: Questions or queries to Sue on 01226 351897 or as above. North East Area of NAFAS Elimination Competition to be held on Saturday 16th May 2015 at The Folk Hall, New Earswick, York YO32 4AQ Re: NAFAS Designer of the Year 20-15 CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: SATURDAY 31st MARCH 2015 Full name in Capital print please: I, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… North East Area Club ………………………………………………………………………………………………… WISH TO ENTER THE NORTH EAST AREA ELIMINATION COMPETITION on: at: Saturday 16th May 2015 – staging from 10a.m. until 1p.m. Dismantling: approx. 3:30p.m. The Folk Hall, New Earswick, York YO32 4AQ I understand and will fully comply with all staging/dismantling requirements and conditions as provided. Signed (signature) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Dated …………………………………….. Home Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Postcode ………………………………………. Telephone ……………………………………………………… Mobile Telephone …………………………………………………………………………………………………… e.mail …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. NORTH EAST AREA OF NAFAS ELIMINATION COMPETITION To find the North East Area representative to go forward and compete at the Festival Flower and Food Show competition, Blackpool Winter Gardens 12-15 November 2015 for NAFAS Designer of the Year 2015 Award on Saturday 16th May 2015 JUDGING CRITERIA Description ARTISTIC MERIT The creative and imaginative use of all Elements and Principles of design: Colour, Form, Line, Space and Texture. Five marks each. PRACTICAL MERIT INTERPRETATION DISTINCTION Maximum Mark 25 Balance, Contrast, Dominance, Harmony, Proportion, Rhythm and Scale. Three marks each 21 TOTAL FOR ARTISTIC MERIT 46 Conditioning and Choice of Plant Material 10 Techniques and Finish 10 Staging – Method of Construction – Attention to detail. 10 TOTAL FOR PRACTICAL MERIT 30 Exciting and Imaginative Interpretation 15 TOTAL FOR INTERPRETATION 15 An Outstanding Exhibit which is emotive and uplifting 9 TOTAL FOR DISTINCTION 9 TOTAL MARKS 100