Mock CAT – 2 (English)
CAT paper for me has always remained, irrespective of whatever section we are talking
of a test of reasoning and logic, English section is also no exception to this strong belief
of mine. Infact, attempting mock2 was just another reconfirmation of it. Lets see how?
Before I begin, let me verbalize 3 cardinal principles that always guide me while
attempting CAT
1. It is primarily a test of logic and reasoning and nothing else.
2. While attempting, I will keep my mind very permeable and open to everything
that I have ever read, even casually, i.e. I will squeeze every bit out of my
learning so far however meager it may be.
3. The answer is in front of me, and thankfully unlike quantitative aptitude section or
DI, I didn’t need to solve it. I am really going to scrutinize the options to
eliminate the wrong ones, even if I cant arrive at the right one. This remains a
solemn promise that I give to myself.
MOCK2 the experience
First thing that struck me was, 50 questions, with all questions of 1 mark. Good that
makes my job pretty simple, and secondly 25 questions of RC and 25 questions of
usage, which is nothing but pure reasoning with a bit of vocabulary thrown in. (my
set was 222)
I decided to start from fill in the blanks, since I find them easy, less time consuming
and a good way to gain confidence and momentum, since if in first 3 to 4 minutes if I
can put 5 crisp marks in my pocket, it feels like heaven. I strongly believe in the
maxim of “well begun is half done”, and fill in the blanks is one section whether
tough or easy one can score 3 to 4 marks. Further, it attunes my mind towards
English so that at a later stage I can go to passages. Rather than straight away going
to passages, I find that it is a good and easy way to built momentum for passages
51. No idea for first fill in the blank, but second one has “ swallowed by myth” now I
know if you are being swallowed, you disappear, so evidently, second fill in the blank
had to be disappearance, no other option suited, so answer is option 4, although I have no
idea what apotheosis means.
52. This fortunately I knew straight away from patricians being the ruling class, and
plebeians the lower class. However even logic wise answer could not have been option 3
and option 4, as first fill in the blank cannot be filled with either pioneer or pushover, it
has to be a word which shows strength, assuming you don’t know meaning of patrician or
53. I remember from school days that ampere is the unit of current so easy again
54. “Even more complex” in the question suggests that first fill in the blank will be
something that makes things difficult or complex, both serpentine and daunting fit the
bill, but second fill in the blank makes sense only by consolidation. Anyway I know
conservatives have consolidated power in Iran, because I read my newspaper, you see it
always helps.
55. Elementary biology I know this is hibernation, any way second fill in the blank can
only be filled by dormancy because I know when your heart rate stops, and metabolism
slows, one can only become dormant and not active.
56.This is a sitter and application of pure logic I know if it should not be “a dull one” and
it still is then the narrator can only be mediocre, hence option 1
57. A tough one, however I know it cant be option 4 or 1 since it will be something
related to mood or spirit of the time, so either it is option 2 or 3, zeitgeist I know is spirit,
but I don’t know quotidian. I ponder, think for 20 seconds still can’t decide between 2 or
3, although tempted towards 3, encircle it and plan to come to it later.
58. This was a sitter primarily because of not so good options, second fill in the blank
will most likely have suspected, since two options talked of it. Further substituting
“extreme” and “other” in first fill in the blank, made no sense, so option1 and 4 ruled out.
Lastly second fill in the blank can’t be juxtaposed, again makes no sense, so obviously
answer is 2
Up till now about 5 minutes are over and I have attempted 7 questions
Next I go to Para jumbles, I could have gone to passage as well, but Para jumbles
are one area where I am comfortable. Further I don’t want to leave them for the
end of my 40 minutes, since I have found out that I err in them, if I try to rush in
them due to time pressure. Lastly, I know I take about 5 minutes per passage
including questions, but for Para jumbles my time per Q varies a lot. So, if I do Para
jumbles earlier, I can better allocate the net time left, to passages, giving myself a
target of 3 or 4 passages depending on the net time left.
In Para jumbles, based on my experience I have found that, given time I can solve
almost all of them, so I don’t skip them, rather go to solve them serially, leaving a
question only in the instance when either it is really very large or I am clueless about
it even after spending 30 seconds on it.
59. Looking at the options, two had E as the first line and one A and C. Both A and C do
not make sense as starting lines. So it boils to option 1 or 2, with E being the first line,
next looking at the options, it had to be either EA or EB, I do a consistency test with both
and find that EB makes logical sense so option 2 is the answer.
60. Looking at options first line can be either B or C, after reading B it is discarded as it
cannot be the opening line, so first line is E now second line could be either C or A, I
check EC make a mandatory pair, since C talks of lowering prices of mobile calls after
the high rates that A talk’s off, so easy my answer is 1
61. Once again options tell me that first line can be either D or E, E makes more sense,
but I am not sure, I read all options, think for at least two minutes, still cant decide, look
at the watch, curse myself and move ahead
62. Long one, but a sitter, options tell me, opening line can be only A or D, D is
immediately ruled out, it is hopeless, then second line can be either B or C, I check and
easily decide that ABC make a mandatory triplet rather than a pair, so answer is 1
63. Again moving from options, opener is C, and it is followed by either E or D, it can’t
be E since no clue from where these men came from, next to choose is CDE or CDB,
again easy DB is a mandatory pair, so my answer is 1
64. Again options tell me opener can be A or B or C, I check B first and eliminate it
straight away, it is an in between line, so it boils to A or C, again A cannot be the opening
line, so 2 is the answer, to reassure myself I do a truth test on CBAD, and tick it.
65. Once gain, opening line is either A or B. it could begin with either, I could not
decipher, initially but stick with B since AB make a mandatory pair. Since the crisis in B
is the famine. Next I have to decide whether AB is followed by D or C, this is easy since
D furthers the role played by Taliban , so my answer is 4
66. A sitter, since from options the first line cannot be D or B, so answer is 3. I do a truth
test to verify and find it as ok, so answer is 3
I look at the watch, it is15 minutes, and I have done 14 questions, not bad I reassure
myself and move ahead.
67. Wrong use, hmm, option 2 and 3 appear ok, answer is either 1 or 4, but then it strikes
to me it is rash driving not rash drinking, Now please don’t ask why I know it, so quickly
4 is the answer.
68.I read option 1. Key of success sounds shady, I rake my brains, it strikes to me, it is
key to success, and not key of, never have heard of key of, so 1, is the answer, still I
glance at the other options, to reassure myself, all others appear ok.
69.Again option 1 and 4 sound ok, cant figure anything wrong in them, so it has to be 2
or 3, but which one, I am tempted for 3, but even 2 appears shady, 2 or 3 2 or 3 I brood
over a minute at least and still cant decide, still spend 30 more seconds and then decide it
to leave. Perhaps will come back to it. I strongly realize that this dithering is not very
intelligent of me.
70.This I know you don’t enshrine diamonds you either put them or better still embed
them. So answer is 3
71. Again a sitter, I know you don’t further your future. You advance it. Have you ever
heard anyone saying furthering my future? , When in doubt it is helpful to try to recall,
how you normally read that word as it appears in various contexts, or how people in your
circle who are good in English use it.
Another 5 minutes gone, Infact 18 minutes since I started.
I move ahead to summaries, just before moving on to passages, because it makes
perfect sense to read short passage (in summary) immediately before going on to
proper long passage.
I have good accuracy in them, but they are time consuming
All are almost of same length, so I begin in normal order
72 I read it carefully, comprehend its meaning and then look at the options. Option 1
gone, since the passage clearly says patriotism and nationalism are different things, by
same logic option 4 also goes, since it says once again the same thing for both of them, I
am by and large ok with 2 but then patriotism doesn’t demand a person to be submissive,
defensive is not the same as submissive, so eliminated, therefore by elimination answer is
3 and anyway it does captures the essence.
73. A long one, I don’t get a nice feeling from this one, I glance, so many? , Looks
confusing, has terms like self-revelatory. Bad vibes right from the word go. I leave it
Anyway it has been a long time, I left a question, and I decide to leave this one.
74. Something on women, I read on rather a bit casually, read it completely, it is ok
Option 1 eliminated straight away, the passage nowhere talks that women have to prove
them superior, again in 4 it suited men is not derivable, again feeling inferior, is too
strong in option 2, so by elimination it should be 3, I read it looks ok. But I am not fully
convinced, reread the passage, re read 3, I am more convinced, mark answer as 3, but I
have wasted 1 whole minute in reading it again.
75. I get angry with myself for taking too much time with the above one I have taken
about 5 minutes to do only 2 questions, I decide not to even see this one and move on to
I have attempted 20 questions in about 23 minutes, out of which I am sure at least
19 will be correct, I haven’t taken any risks so far, so I am at least at 18 plus, now 17
minutes in hand I think I can easily attempt 3 passages. It was this idea that I was
talking of earlier on basis of which I decided to do passages later, with a given
timeline my sense of urgency is higher while reading. If I begin with passages, right
in the beginning, I lack this sense of urgency.
I decide on passage I, for the simplest reason, it is the shortest. Period, I have no
other reason. Further, first line talks of a cocktail party and diplomatic mission,
now this can’t be difficult.
76. I am confused between 2 and 3, but can’t figure out which one, I take a gamble and
rashly mark3. I don’t want to waste more time on this.
77. I know simply by my general reading that eastern bloc countries have seen adverse
times, and further in light of passage I infer that option 3 is the most apt, 2 and 4 doesn’t
make any sense.
78. Simple GK tells me that Sahara is a desert and it fits the context well as well. So
easily 3 is the answer.
79 WOW a sitter directly from the passage, no trouble in doing it. 1 is the answer.
80. Again easy, further by elimination, 1 and 4 are too narrow and 3 too generalized, so 3
becomes the best available.
It took 5 minutes, to do the passage including questions and I am feeling confident,
primarily egged on by my good performance in first passage, I decide to somehow
increase my target and include one poem as well, primarily because, it is so short, in
two minutes I can read it thrice.
I sniff here and there in the poem; it is not making much sense to me. Still I prod after
wasting 2 solid minutes I decide this is not meant for me. I feel angry and frustrated at
wasting two minutes.
Sense of urgency and regret force me to accelerate, I look at passage 3 and 4, four
has heavy names like Locke and Hobbes sprinkled. I know they are philosophers
and I am no good in philosophy. On the other hand 3 is related to psychology,
where I am comfortable. It talks of Prozac, which from my earlier reading I know is
an antidepressant kind of a drug. In fact since I know about it I decide to go to the
questions straight away to check if I can do few questions even without reading the
I discover that I could do Q 88, even without reading passage answer is 3, 2 also appeal
somewhat but option 3 is better defined.
I read the first 3 paragraphs and look at the questions
86. Obviously 3, straight from passage.
87. Wow a sitter looks to be a bounty, in this passage. I am almost forgetting my fiasco
with the poem.
88. Done earlier, still I reconfirm
89.well I know my Shakespeare to remember that Hamlet was a tragedy and Hamlet, a
sad depressing hero, further the options 1, 2 and 4 were poor, they did not confuse me.
90 I read the question, go to the related paragraph. Couldn’t make head or tail out of it, I
don’t press my luck further in this passage, in just 3 minutes I have got 4 questions I skip
Passage 5 is the only passage left by default. Further, I can see name of Kurt Godel
there, I remember he was a famous German mathematician, so I think I can safely
venture. I have already ruled out passage 4.
With 6 minutes to spare, I comfortably read the passage. Infact I enjoy it and move to the
96. Can’t exactly decide between, neutral and critical; spend some time dithering then
tick option 3, neutral, more in frustration although I am not very sure between 2 and 3,
but since I have spend 30 seconds on this and answer is either 2 or 3 I take the risk.
97. Sitter straight from passage so 2
98. After 2 readings of the question could not comprehend it, so I decide to leave it
99. The easiest question possible. Bless the paper setter; author is obviously a
100. Once again options 3 and 4 are too vague and between 1 and 2, 2 is a much better
choice and in sync with the passage
And I finish it just in time,
Had there been time, even a minute or so, I would have gone back to the Para
jumble and fill in the blank that I was not able to close, in the first go.
Now let me score. My scores are:
Attempted: 33
Correct: 31
Wrong 2, Q76 and 96, both in passages, hmm
Net score = 30.33, I reckon not bad, but could have been slightly better.
The mistakes that I committed:
Major was wasting time on questions like poem, a Para jumble, and also twice in
passages, which I didn’t finally attempt. I spend 2 minutes on a question and still don’t
attempt it, want to come back, never got the time to come back. So, be cautious of poems,
or better still practice with them.
Secondly, I learn that I am a bit too risk averse, I find that in questions where I
eliminated 2 options I was right, I can take a bit more risk, considering that my accuracy
is not that bad. I am bit overcautious. I can safely accelerate more
Thirdly, I read one summary casually and had to read it once again, it again wasted one
minute. So I should read with full concentration the first time.
Reference for future: Add two new words apotheosis, and quotidian, to vocabulary.
Further should practice this poem at leisure.
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