Publication : Date : Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - March 04, 2009 Putri Prameshwari Jamkesmas in Dire Need Of a Public Face-Lift As a result of gross oversight and haughty misgivings the Health Ministry is struggling to find a manageable way to make the public aware of its free health care provisions. Chalik Masulili, the head of Health Budget and Security Center, said that the ministry continued to face problems that restricted the implementation of the free health insurance program for low-income residents, known as Jamkesmas. Last week, a survey by Indonesia Corruption Watch found that 80 percent of Indonesians were not fully aware of the benefits made available by Jamkesmas. The survey included 868 participants and was conducted in four cities surrounding Jakarta between late 2008 and early 2009. It also indicated that community leaders were skimming money from the program by taking petty bribes from patients, which they considered “thank you” contributions. Minister of Health, Siti Fadillah Supari refuted the findings, calling the survey “invalid” and “not comprehensive.” Local governments, Chalik said, had overlooked a large amount of underprivileged families which were in dire need of Jamkesmas cards. “This is a huge program,” he said. “It takes a lot of effort, but we are repairing the damage one step at a time.” In theory, the program provides care to some 76.4 million people across Indonesia, excluding Jakarta, which provides its citizens with a separate health insurance program. Chalik said that Supari had recently issued a letter ordering governors to make public the names of Jamkesmas members in residing in their subdistricts. “This is also to prevent privileged people from being included in the program,” he said. As an example, Chalik cited the Sleman district in Yogyakarta, where special stickers labelled houses of Jamkesmas card holders. “We still find civil servants with a decent salary included in the members’ list,” Chalik said. Publication : Kompas Date : Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - Di Luar Kuota, Tanggung Jawab Pemkab: Jamkesmas Kamis, 5 Maret 2009 Masyarakat miskin dan tidak mampu yang tidak tercakup dalam kuota nasional Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan tidak masuk dalam SK Bupati/Walikota menjadi tanggung jawab Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota. Hal itu dikemukakan Kepala Pusat Pembiayaan dan Jaminan Kesehatan (PPJK) Depkes dr Chalik Masulili di Jakarta, Rabu (4/3). Menurut Chalik, orang miskin dan tidak mampu bukan pemegang kartu Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas) punya hak sama dalam memperoleh layanan kesehatan seperti pemegang kartu. Bagi masyarakat yang tidak memiliki identitas seperti gelandangan, pengemis, dan anak telantar akan dikoordinasikan PT Askes dan Dinas Sosial setempat. Belum akurat Pemaparan Chalik untuk merespons hasil riset Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) yang menyebut, data peserta Jamkesmas belum akurat. Dari 868 responden yang dipilih secara acak, ditemukan 12,4 persen tidak memiliki kartu Jamkesmas. Ada 3 persen anggota ternyata orang meninggal, 3,1 persen pindah alamat, 9,9 persen nama tidak dikenal, serta 22,1 persen responden tidak dapat diverifikasi. †Ini jelas menunjukkan tidak ada updating data dari pemerintah daerah. Seharusnya kuota peserta yang telah meninggal atau pindah alamat bisa dipindahalihkan kepada masyarakat miskin lainnya yang membutuhkan,†kata Ade Irawan, Koordinator Divisi Monitoring Pelayanan Publik ICW. Sosialisasi yang belum optimal juga menjadi masalah. Sebanyak 25,8 persen responden tidak mengetahui apa itu Jamkesmas. Hal ini berimbas kepada pengetahuan responden tentang manfaat Jamkesmas. Rata-rata 80 persen responden tidak tahu manfaat kartu Jamkesmas. Informasi yang diperoleh sebagian besar ketua RT/RW (42,6 persen) sering tidak menyeluruh. Hanya 3 persen responden menjadikan TV dan koran sebagai sumber informasi Jamkesmas. (LOK) Publication : Date : Tuesday, March 3, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - March 03, 2009 Dessy Sagita Co-Sharing Good for Askes Card Holders: Official A system of co-sharing health insurance payments for Askes card holders, where the insured pays part of the overall cost, is necessary to make health care more effective, an official said on Tuesday. “Co-sharing the health insurance payment is not [supposed to] burden insurance holders more, but is aimed more at educating them to think more carefully before asking for a health check or treatment,” said Umbu Marisi, operations director of state insurance company, PT Askes. Umbu said Askes aimed to cooperate with more private hospitals to broaden access to health services for its policy holders, mostly civil servants and war veterans. “Millions of Indonesians are reluctant to seek medical help at private hospitals even in emergency situations,” he said, after signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Siloam Hospital in Lippo Karawaci, in Tangerang, Banten Province. “They are afraid they won’t be able to pay,” he added. Last month, Health Minister Siti Fadillah Supari expressed her disagreement with the co-sharing concept, which she labeled as an additional burden for Askes policy holders, who are mostly from the middle- to lower-income families. Supari added that ideally, all health expenses should be covered by the insurance provider, instead of only partial coverage. Umbu said the co-sharing system was stipulated by law and was needed to balance the expenses for Askes. He said some 14.5 million civil servants and war veterans in Indonesia relied on insurance from Askes to get health service. Unfortunately, the public often associates insurance from Askes with poor health service. Banten Vice Governor Muhammad Masduki said many civil servants preferred not to use their Askes card because they were afraid of being treated poorly at hospitals. Publication : Date : Tuesday, March 3, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - He said that by allowing the policy holder to enjoy a more affordable rate at private hospitals, these patients would no longer hesitate to avail of health care services. Masduki also urged private doctors to give equal treatment to patients who held Askes health policies. “Discrimination against Askes holders should be stopped because it has intimidated patients and prevented them from seeking medical help,” he said. Umbu said the government has earmarked Rp 5 trillion ($415 million) in 2009 for health insurance claims. “Ideally, every private hospital in this country should serve the insurance holder so all civil servants and war veterans can enjoy affordable health care,” he said. Publication : Date : Monday, March 2, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - New health scheme still gives the poor less benefits Erwida Maulia , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Mon, 03/02/2009 2:12 PM | National Waltrionggo, 17, had to move from one hospital to another for two months before he could finally undergo surgery paid for in part by his Jamkesmas health insurance card for the poor. The senior high school student was injured in a traffic accident while riding his motorcycle. Soon after the accident, he was admitted to a public hospital in Bekasi, West Java, only to find the medical center did not have the equipment needed for the surgery. It then referred him to a state hospital in Central Jakarta, which rejected him because, the management claimed, it was running out of room for new patients. His family then brought him back to Bekasi, where he was admitted to a private hospital that similarly rejected him because it did not receive payment using Jamkesmas cards. Waltrionggo ended up having surgery at another private hospital, which this time accepted his Jamkesmas card. However, he still had to pay Rp 14 million (US$1,200), or 70 percent of the total hospital fees of Rp 20 million. "The Jamkesmas card only covered Rp 6 million of the total fees," he said. The Jamkesmas program is a new health insurance scheme for poor people launched by the government in early 2008 to replace the Askeskin program. The difference between the two is that under Askeskin, insurance claims were verified by state health insurance company PT Askes and the money was paid to hospitals through the firm, while with Jamkesmas, claims are verified by independent auditors and the money is paid directly to hospitals. The scheme was changed after Health Minister Siti Fadillah Supari found alleged markups at PT Askes. But little has changed in terms of both the insurance schemes' coverage for the poor and the meagerness of help it affords them, according to Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). The antigraft watchdog said that of 868 Jamkesmas cardholders it had surveyed in the Greater Jakarta area, 40 percent said they still had to pay a large part of hospital fees. Publication : Date : Monday, March 2, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - The ICW also found most respondents were unaware of the privileges they were entitled to with Jamkesmas cards. The survey also showed 7.5 percent of respondents were still charged when applying for Jamkesmas cards. A Health Ministry official, who asked not to be identified, said the Jamkesmas should cover all medical costs for cardholders at hospitals, including registration fees, checkup fees, surgery fees and prescription medicine. Only general checkups and beauty treatments were not covered in the scheme, the official said. This year the government has allocated Rp 4.6 trillion for the Jamkesmas program, the same amount it earmarked in 2008, to cover 76.4 million poor Indonesians. Publication : Date : Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - March 05, 2009 Dessy Sagita Parties Slammed For Disregarding Health Care Issues Most political parties running in next month’s elections have shown no concern about health issues, a health organization said on Thursday. “The role of political actors in determining the future for a healthy Indonesia is crucial, but unfortunately, most political parties are not interested,” said Syahrul Aminullah, the secretary-general of the Indonesian Public Health Association, or Iakmi. Syahrul told a press conference that health issues were not a political priority because legislative candidates were not obligated to detail their health agendas. He said most parties promised free health care instead of promoting healthy lifestyles to minimize illness. Syahrul said if legislators did not pay more attention to the health care system, they would be likely to repeat the mistakes of the current government. Syahrul said candidates should master health issues before they were elected, particularly those with ambitions to join the House of Representatives’ Commission IX, which oversees health and social issues. “This commission will determine how much money will be allocated for health care,” he said. Syahrul said health issues were an important part of the political process and leaders should explain their health care programs in detail. Does Sampoerno, a former chairman of Iakmi, said political parties should analyze the current health care system and formulate a platform to explain the changes they might implement to voters. “We need to know their health care programs immediately, otherwise we will be casting our vote blindly,” he said. Does said the public needed assurances that the next political leaders had a plan for how to provide the best health care. Publication : Date : Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - “They should learn from the Ministry of Health’s mistakes,” he said. Does said the ministry was too focused on curative steps to treat sick people instead of preventing medical problems in the first place. He said this was seen in the imbalance in the allocation of funds for community-based insurance, or Jamkesmas, and the budget for health promotion. “The ministry only earmarked 1 percent of its budget to promote health awareness to the public,” Does said. He said the ideal health care system should focus on preventive and promotional efforts to ensure Indonesians remained free from illness and healthy enough to work. Interviewed separately, Golkar Party’s deputy secretary general, Rully Chairul Anwar, disagreed with Iakmi’s assertion that political parties did not focus on health issues. He said that his party had a detailed program for health care, but added that those programs remained unpublished. “I know we only mention health issues in passing in most debates because of time limitations, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care,” he said. Rully said Golkar’s main objective was to achieve a prosperous Indonesia in which health issues were always considered. Publication : Koran Tempo Date : Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - Jamkesmas Diakui Ada Masalah Pemerintah juga membuat program penguatan puskesmas. Edisi 05 Maret 2009 JAKARTA -- Departemen Kesehatan mengakui pelaksanaan Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas) masih bermasalah. Kepala Pusat Pembiayaan dan Jaminan Kesehatan Chalik Masuli mengatakan peserta program ini masih banyak yang tidak tepat sasaran. "Banyak yang menyalahgunakan surat keterangan tidak mampu," kata dia kemarin. Menurut Chalik, semakin besar suatu kota dan semakin besar rumah sakitnya, maka potensi penyalahgunaan tersebut semakin besar. Masih ada masyarakat miskin yang belum mendapatkan pelayanan dan sebaliknya ada masyarakat mampu yang memperoleh pelayanan. Penyalahgunaan tersebut terjadi pada periode 2006-2007. Akibatnya, realisasi anggaran Jamkesmas membengkak menjadi Rp 5,7 triliun, sementara anggaran yang tersedia hanya Rp 4,6 triliun. Utang sebesar Rp 1,13 triliun dibebankan dalam anggaran Jamkesmas 2008 dan telah dilunasi pada Agustus 2008. Untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan tersebut, pemerintah telah menghentikan surat keterangan tidak mampu. Selain itu, pemerintah daerah diminta ikut membiayai kesehatan masyarakat miskin yang tidak masuk kuota. Pemerintah telah menetapkan kuota masing-masing daerah berdasarkan kemampuan fiskal daerah. Chalik mencontohkan, Provinsi Papua dan Irian Jaya Barat memiliki porsi terbesar, yakni 97 persen. Selain itu, Nusa Tenggara Timur memiliki porsi 62 persen dan Nusa Tenggara Barat 54 persen. Provinsi yang memiliki kemampuan besar mendapatkan kuota kecil misalnya DKI Jakarta, yang mendapatkan 8 persen. Rata-rata setiap daerah mendapatkan kuota 34 persen. Ia menambahkan, pemerintah juga membuat program penguatan bagi puskesmas agar pasien tidak perlu dirujuk ke rumah sakit. Puskesmas membuat program yang sifatnya promotif, preventif, dan kuratif melalui perencanaan mikro lintas sektor, antara lain bekerja sama dengan Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional. Hal itu untuk menekan biaya pengobatan pasien. Pasien dirujuk ke rumah sakit hanya jika alat tidak tersedia di puskesmas. Sebab, memberi rujukan pasien ke rumah sakit akan menambah beban biaya pasien, antara lain untuk transportasi, opname pasien, serta biaya menunggu keluarga. Publication : Koran Tempo Date : Thursday, March 5, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - Program Jamkesmas merupakan program yang sangat besar karena mencakup 74,6 juta penduduk sangat miskin, miskin, dan tidak mampu. Angka kematian bayi dan ibu juga masih tergolong tinggi. Untuk itu, Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari mengeluarkan surat edaran kepada seluruh pemerintah daerah agar ikut mengawasi. Pemerintah daerah juga diminta mengumumkan nama-nama peserta yang masuk Jamkesmas melalui papan pengumuman pada lingkup rukun tetangga/rukun warga agar mendapat masukan langsung dari masyarakat. Indonesia Corruption Watch sebelumnya mengumumkan hasil survei yang menilai program Jamkesmas belum optimal. Hasil survei ICW menunjukkan, 12,4 persen warga tidak memiliki kartu. Sosialisasi yang dilakukan pemerintah belum optimal sehingga ada 25,8 persen responden tidak mengetahui program ini. Survei dilakukan di Kota Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi sejak 24 Desember 2008 hingga 31 Januari 2009. Respondennya 868 orang dari populasi peserta Jamkesmas sebanyak 579.192 orang. ICW menyarankan pemerintah memperbaiki program ini. Aqida Swamurti Status Kesehatan Masyarakat 2004-2009 Indikator 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 Angka kematian bayi (per 1.000 LH) 30,8 29,4 28,1 26,9 26 Angka kematian ibu (per 1.000 LH) 270 262 255 248 226 Balita kurang gizi (%) 25,8 24,7 23,6 21,9 20 Usia harapan hidup 66,2 69,8 70,2 70,5 70,6 Bahan: Pusat Pembiayaan & Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat Departemen Kesehatan Publication : Kompas Date : Saturday, March 14, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - Negara Tanpa Jaminan Sosial Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009 | 04:32 WIB Sulastomo Cita-cita buat apa negara ini didirikan adalah mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang berkeadilan sosial. Kesejahteraan yang berkeadilan sosial itu dapat terwujud melalui pengembangan sistem jaminan sosial. Begitulah amanat UUD 1945. Namun, setelah lebih dari 60 tahun merdeka, program jaminan sosial belum mencapai 20 persen penduduk. Sebagian besar penduduk belum terlindungi program jaminan sosial. Hal ini tidak hanya berdampak sosial, tetapi juga ekonomi. Sebab, cakupan program jaminan sosial juga mengindikasikan kemampuan ekonomi, selain tingkat kesejahteraan rakyat yang berkeadilan sosial. Lengah Negara dapat dianggap lengah jika tidak peduli dengan pelaksanaan program jaminan sosial meski pemerintah telah banyak melancarkan program bantuan sosial dari Jamkesmas, bantuan langsung tunai, beras untuk rakyat miskin (raskin), dan sebagainya. Hal ini disebabkan kita telah memiliki UU tentang Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional sejak tahun 2004 (UU Nomor 40 Tahun 2004) dengan amanat masa transisi sampai tahun 2009. Sampai menjelang berakhirnya tahun 2009, program jaminan sosial belum berjalan sebagaimana diamanatkan UU No 40/2004. Setidaknya, masih berjalan di tempat. Sudah tentu hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan dari berbagai kalangan, khususnya di kalangan Serikat Buruh. Buat apa kita bekerja, kalau masa depan kita tidak terjamin? Tidak memiliki jaminan kesehatan (JK) dan jaminan pensiun (JP)? Apalagi, juga tidak memiliki jaminan pemutusan hubungan kerja (JPHK) meski berhak pesangon ketika PHK? Pada kenyataannya, pesangon itu sering sulit terwujud disebabkan kemampuan perusahaan yang terbatas sehingga utang pesangon pada tahun 2008 mencapai lebih dari Rp 500 miliar? Demikian juga jaminan kecelakaan kerja bagi pegawai negeri sipil dan anggota TNI/Polri sehingga ketika mereka mengorbankan jiwanya saat bertugas, tidak memperoleh jaminan yang semestinya? Berbagai faktor mungkin menjadi penyebab lambannya pelaksanaan UU No 40/2004. Publication : Kompas Date : Saturday, March 14, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - Pertama, tidak adanya kesamaan persepsi di antara para penyelenggara negara, baik di pusat maupun di daerah. Persepsi antara ”jaminan sosial” (social security), ”bantuan sosial” (social assistance), dan ”pelayanan sosial” (social services) sering rancu. Semuanya, sepanjang terkait dengan kesejahteraan sosial, dianggap jaminan sosial. UU No 40/2004 sebenarnya telah memberikan definisi yang jelas mengenai program ”jaminan sosial”. Ciri-cirinya, antara lain, sebuah program berkelanjutan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar hidup yang layak, sejak manusia dilahirkan sampai meninggal dunia, yaitu program jaminan kesehatan (JK), program jaminan kecelakaan kerja (JKK), program jaminan hari tua (JHT), program jaminan pensiun (JP), dan program jaminan kematian (JKM). Mestinya hal tersebut juga menyangkut program jaminan pemutusan hubungan kerja, yang dalam hal ini termaktub dalam UU No 13/2003 tentang pesangon yang ternyata sering menimbulkan perselisihan disebabkan ketidakmampuan perusahaan menjamin dana pesangon itu. Kedua, ada persepsi keliru, program jaminan sosial akan membebani anggaran negara. Padahal, justru sebaliknya. Negara akan amat terbantu dengan terselenggaranya program jaminan sosial melalui terbentuknya dana jaminan sosial, yang dapat amat bermakna, sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pembangunan ekonomi. UU No 40/2004 bahkan akan meringankan beban anggaran negara melalui pembaruan program jaminan pensiun PNS/anggota TNI/Polri. Kontribusi peserta program jaminan sosial, khususnya program jaminan hari tua dan jaminan pensiun, akan mampu membentuk tabungan nasional yang amat besar sehingga bisa mendukung program pembangunan ekonomi bangsa. Ketiga, adanya pemikiran yang menganggap penyelenggaraan program jaminan sosial sebagai suatu yang sulit, bahkan tidak layak untuk diwajibkan, sehingga sebaiknya program jaminan sosial diselenggarakan secara sukarela, bahkan diserahkan penyelenggaraannya ke masyarakat sendiri atau dunia usaha. Keempat, kepentingan bisnis yang menganggap penyelenggaraan program jaminan sosial yang diselenggarakan sesuai dengan UU No 40/2004 merupakan ancaman bagi eksistensi perusahaan asuransi kesehatan dan asuransi jiwa swasta. Kelima, kepentingan politik, sehingga para politisi lebih tertarik program bantuan sosial jangka pendek, populis, meski tidak akan berkelanjutan, bahkan akan membebani negara dalam jangka panjang. Beberapa pemenang pilkada adalah yang menjanjikan kesehatan gratis atau pendidikan gratis. Publication : Kompas Date : Saturday, March 14, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - Perubahan paradigma Kenyataan itu mengesankan bahwa sosialisasi UU No 40/2004 masih amat diperlukan, justru di kalangan para decision–makers, para elite politik, dan dunia usaha, bahwa tanpa penyelenggaraan program jaminan sosial akan sulit mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang berkeadilan sosial. Dampaknya, bisa mengganggu kelangsungan pembangunan ekonomi dan kehidupan dunia usaha. Dapatkah dibayangkan, jika pada tahun 2015 mendatang (misalnya) puluhan juta lansia tidak memiliki jaminan kesehatan dan jaminan pensiun? Dapatkah dibayangkan, jika pada tahun itu negara juga tidak akan mampu (lagi) memikul beban berat bagi penyelenggaraan program jaminan kesehatan dan jaminan pensiun para pensiunan PNS dan anggota TNI/Polri? Tidakkah semua itu bisa memicu ledakan sosial yang dahsyat? Dapatkah dibayangkan, jika Indonesia akan memperoleh predikat negara tanpa sistem jaminan sosial? Perubahan paradigma tersebut diperlukan untuk dapat melakukan reformasi dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang berkeadilan sosial. Antara lain, dengan mewujudkan program jaminan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat meski secara bertahap. Peta jalan untuk itu telah diamanatkan oleh UUD 1945 dan UU No 40/2004. Sulastomo Mantan Ketua Tim Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional Publication : Date : Saturday, March 28, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - Rp 18 billion allocated for free medical treatment Panca Nugraha , The Jakarta Post , Mataram | Sat, 03/28/2009 2:10 PM | The Archipelago Hundreds of thousands of people in West Nusa Tenggara are not accommodated in the government's health security program for the poor (Jamkesmas), forcing the local administration to roll out its own program to help the needy. Provincial health agency head Muhammad Ismail said Friday the government had only included 2,288,491 out of the province's 2,589,667 poor people in its Jamkesmas scheme. He added the administration would grant Rp 18 billion (US$1.6 million) to finance free medical services for the 301,176 poor people not covered by the Jamkesmas. "To provide the 301,176 poor people with similar health services, the provincial administration has allocated Rp 18 billion from its budget this year," Ismail said. "The funds from the government cover only 2,288,491 people, leaving hundreds of thousands more uncovered." He added those not accommo-dated in the Jamkesmas were mostly residents of Mataram, Bima city, Bima regency, and West, East, North and Central Lombok, Sumbawa, West Sumbawa and Dompu regencies. However, Ismail said the Rp 18 billion from the provincial budget could only cover half of the 301,176 people, adding the remainder would be covered by the respective regencies and municipalities. "The administration will apply a sharing method with regencies and municipalities to finance the free medical services. The regencies and municipalities will contribute to the fund in accordance with the number of poor people in their areas," he said. He added the free medical services would be managed by the Health Security Cooperation Agency, which was established based on a gubernatorial decree. Agency Lalu Budarja said his office would receive the Rp 18 billion grant from the provincial budget on Saturday, along with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the governor and mayors and regents. Publication : Date : Saturday, March 28, 2009 Page : - Circulation : - "The free medical services program will be available this April in all regencies and municipalities in the province," Budarja told The Jakarta Post. He added the program would pay for hospital bills, including labor and prescription. He said the program would cover medical treatments for the poor at community health centers and hospitals in the province, as well as at reference hospital Sanglah General Hospital in Denpasar, Bali. "We can only finance treatment at Sanglah General Hospital, while the government program can finance treatment at hospitals in Jakarta," Budarja said. He added the 301,176 people would soon be given a card for the free medical treatment program, similar to those covered by the Jamkesmas program. The program's Rp 18 billion price tag is based on a calculation that poor people are allocated Rp 10,000 a month or Rp 60,000 a year for medical treatment. The calculation is similar to that used in the Jamkesmas program. Budarja said the provincial administration would provide Rp 5,000 per poor person, while regencies and municipalities would provide the remaining Rp 5,000.