7th Grade Social Studies Enrichment Resources U n i t 8 : E u r o p e E n t e r s t h e M o d e r n Ag e Biography Resources Resources from www.teachtci.com TCI does not offer any biographical sources for this unit. Literature Resources Types Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (about 1660 - 1731) Writing Ideas from www.teachtci.com Comments Additional Ideas Pick an explorer, invention, or philosopher of interest, research independently, and present information to the class. Ideas for presentations: PowerPoint, poster/tri-board, essay, graphic novel, poem/song/rap, original play, or dramatic dialogue. Students write a journal about an imaginary voyage of exploration. The excerpts from Robinson Crusoe should stimulate the imagination of students. This activity could be a lot of fun! Write a letter to your family at home, describing your voyage so far, and explaining why it was necessary for you to leave in the first place. Write a short original story about a voyage that ends in shipwreck. Explain why you braved great danger to go on this voyage. Investigating Primary Sources Essays Biological and Cultural Exchanges During the Age of Exploration The source material for these assignments is meaty and requires high level reading skills. Both sources can be used to write expository or persuasive essays. Create a string map with index card summaries. European Missionaries and the Spread of Christianity, 1500 - 1750 Students print out a world map and color it with symbols to illustrate the spread of Protestantism and Catholicism from 15001750. Freedom of Thought and Religion by Baruch Spinoza (1632 - 1677) After reading an excerpt from Spinoza’s Freedom of Thought and Religion, Students answer questions and offer a considered opinion on the topic of natural rights. Students will be more successful with this challenging assignment if they have a good grasp of the content in chapter 35. They may need to refer back to it to compare. Class discussions would strengthen the background knowledge needed to make this source meaningful. Translate Spinoza’s ideas from the excerpt into plain English. Write your own philosophical tract on “natural rights” and the role of government. Students write an illustrated children’s story that depicts the successes and challenges of European explorers. Students can draw from chapter 33 for this, and are advised to use the internet connections for further research. Create a comic strip or graphic novel of an explorer’s adventures. Unit 8: Europe Enters the Modern Age Internet Project Students fill out a matrix detailing the biological and cultural exchanges amongst several continents. Internet Connections: http://www.pbs.org/opb/conqui stadors/home.htm Think of a leader (past or present) who has violated Spinoza’s ideal. Write a letter to him/her explaining how they have breached Spinoza’s “code”, and why they should change their behavior. Create an explorer’s journal, with maps and other illustrations. Great internet connections! http://www.ucalgary.ca/applied _history/tutor/eurvoya/ http://www.mariner.org Write a letter of advice to a potential explorer, warning him/her of the challenges ahead, and how best to prepare for them.