Group Project – 40%
Group projects will consist of 3 phases, which combined will represent a fully develop research
plan. Each phase of the research plan will be submitted as an assignment. During the last week of
class each group will present their research findings.
Assignment #1 – Revise research proposal from MARK 2044 to include a quantitative study.
Assignment #2 – Design quantitative research questionnaire.
Assignment # 3– Execute questionnaire, create an SPSS database, analyze data and report results.
40% of your final grade
DUE DATES: Week 3 Week 6 Week 14 Week 14 -
Revised proposal due – 5%
Questionnaire and sampling plan due – 10%
Final report and analysis – 20%
Group presentation – 5%
Each team (4-6 students) will act as a marketing research company, and, using project
management skills, will propose, plan, implement, and evaluate a marketing research
project of your choosing. Your analysis of findings and recommendations (in a business
report format ((Cerlox bound) will be presented in-class in a manner that encourages
buy-in. This project will allow you to apply the learning from lectures in a meaningful
way that demonstrates the full spectrum of issues involved in conducting consumer
Task Administration Details
1. This assignment is to be completed in teams of 4-6 members.
2. All materials are due at the beginning of class on the specific due dates.
3. Late submission of written work will not be accepted. Additionally, students not able
to present on the day assigned will be penalized with a mark of 0 on the presentation
portion, unless alternative arrangements are made prior to the published deadline.
The Deliverables
Part One: Research proposal
 Title of the Project
 Introduction
 Background
 Research Problem / Opportunity
 Hypothesis to be tested
 Research Objectives
 Information Needs
 Methods
 Research Design
 Data Collection Method
 Sampling Plan
 Administration
 Capabilities to conduct the research
 Budget
 Schedule
*** The proposal should be accompanied by a cover letter ***
The research proposal will be marked and returned to each group before work begins on
the second part of the assignment. To improve the overall project, groups should make
alterations as indicated by this feedback.
The Deliverables (cont’d)
Analysis of data should include appropriate statistical analysis as discussed in class.
 Title Page
 Table of Contents
 Executive Summary
 Introduction
 Key Results – Conclusions of hypothesis testing
 Conclusions
 Recommendations
 Introduction
 Background
 Objectives
 Methodology
 Results
 Detailed Results
 Limitations
 Conclusions and Recommendations
 Appendix
 Copies of Data Collection Forms
 Detailed Calculations
 Detailed Tables and Charts
 Details of statistical analysis conducted
 Bibliography
 You will have a maximum of 15 minutes in which to present your Research
Report. There will be time for questions and answers after the presentation.
 You are to hand in both your final written report and a copy of your presentation
material, at the beginning of this class. Advise the week prior to your
presentation of any special AV requirements.
*** Critical Considerations ***
The project should be undertaken for your “client”. Make sure you meet your
client’s information needs, and write your report so it is understandable to
your client. You are preparing a business report, not an academic report. All
reports should begin with a short Executive Summary.
Normal practice in the marketing research industry is for a client to ask for
proposals from a number of competing suppliers. As a result, proposals become
a selling document. Make sure your proposal does an adequate job of
“selling” your approach and your firm.
In developing your methodology and in preparing your report, you should specify
the “ideal” procedures to be followed given the nature of the problem under
investigation. In conducting the study, however, deviations from the ideal will
be permitted to reduce the scope of the work to manageable proportions. An
example of the type of change permitted is in sample size. In most cases the
actual sample size you work with will be considerably lower than the ideal.
Carry the analysis of your data as far as you can. Because of your small sample
size, you will have to accept statistical results lower than you normally would.
Be sure to report the basic frequency distributions in addition to other
statistical results.
In establishing your budget, use the following costs as a guideline:
 Project Manager / Analyst
 Field Interviewers (Phone or personal)
 Printing / Copying
 Data Entry
 Computing Charges
 Contingencies
10% of total budget
Make sure your report contains a very clear statement of your objectives and the
information needs of your client. It would be useful to develop a chart of some
kind showing the relationship between objectives, information needs, and
specific questions.
*** Critical Considerations *** (cont’d)
Include easy-to-read charts and tables in your report. Your client undoubtedly is
a busy person and will want to read a concise, yet comprehensive report. Charts,
graphs, tables, etc. should be included with (integrated to) the text and at a
point close to where they are referenced. Do not simply attach them at the end.
Very detailed information may be put in an appendix at the end of the report.
Effective presentation of your results is critical.
Your reports will be assessed on the basis of:
 Extent to which you address your client’s needs and are able to
provide clear-cut recommendations for action
 Proper use of marketing research approaches
 Ability of your written documents to clearly communicate your ideas
Team Work Perils
If you find that a member of your group is not pulling their fair share, please advise me
(prior to the presentation date) and I will provide a method for dispute resolution.
Please ensure that your expectations of each other are clear. People
operate at different levels of intensity and have varying schedules with
school, work and family commitments. Make sure that the detail of work
expected, and meeting requirements, are clearly laid out. Superior
project work occurs when the material is worked on over time. A lastminute crash attempt usually shows up as a shoddy or unbalanced final