I APPENDIX 1 QUESTIONNAIRE This survey questionnaire aims at investigating students’ needs in ESP course at Business Management Department of Vietnam Forestry University. The researcher highly appreciates your support by completing this questionnaire. Your answer is of great value to the research. The data collected is confidential and is used in the research paper only. Please fill it out and give it back to the researcher. Thank you for your co-operation. I PREVIOUS LEARNING EXPERIENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. How long have you been studied English? A. 1-2 years B. 2-5 years C. 5-9 years D over 9 years Where did you learn English? A. at school B at language center C. by yourself D. with tutor Why have you learned English? A. it is compulsory B. you like English D. for fun What level of English are you at? A. Elementary B. Pre-inter C. you need it C. Intermediate D. upper-inter Listening Speaking Reading Writing Grammar 5. 6. What subject knowledge do you know? A. nothing B. a little C. enough D. a lot What teaching style are you used to? A. Individual B. Pair work C. small group D. Whole class II. TARGET NEEDS 1. What do you learn English for? A. for study B. for work 2. How will the English be used? Medium A. speaking B reading Channel C. For study D. for hobby C. writing D. Listening A. Telephone B. face to face C. internet Types of texts A. academic B. lecture D. mail C. technical manuals D. reports II 3. 4. 5. 6. Who will you use English with? A. college B. teacher C. friends Where will the language be used? A. lecture theatre B. at work D. customer C. workshop D. library How often will the language be used? A. seldom B. sometimes C. often D. frequently What is your motivation in using English? A. I like it B. promotion prospects C. respect my teacher D. want to improve English III LEARNING NEEDS 1. What is your attitude to English or to the cultures of the English-speaking world? A. it is boring B. it is difficult C. it is interesting D. it is funny 2. Why are you taking the course? A. compulsory B. for job 3. C. enjoyable D. for study What are your strengths and weaknesses in a foreign language? Poor fair good advanced Listening Speaking Reading Writing Grammar 4. What English skill do you need to improve to meet your professional goals? Not at all little some very much Listening Speaking Reading Writing Grammar Pronunciation Vocabulary 5. 6. 7. What methodology will appeal to you? A. teacher-centered B. student-centered How do you like learning? A. individually B. in pairs C. in small groups You like learning ( more than one answer is possible) D. in one large group III A. by memory? B. by problem solving? C. D. E. F. G. 7. by getting information yourself? by listening to tapes / cassettes and taking notes? by reading and taking notes? by copying from the chalkboard or overhead projector? by repeating what you hear? What resources are available? A. teachers B. books C. internet D. mass media 9. What are your opportunities for out-of-class activities? A. None B Few C. Enough D. a lot 10. How many hours a week do you want to study English? A. 1-3 hours B. 3-5 hours C. 5-7 hours D. more than 7 hours 11. Do you want to do homework? A. yes B. no If 'Yes', how much time a week do you spend on doing homework? A. 1-3 hours B. 3-5 hours C. 5-7 hours D. more than 7 hours 12. What do you think you will achieve? A. Improving your vocabulary and being able to use words appropriately in different contexts. B. Familiarizing l with different rhetorical functions of Scientific English. C. Developing key techniques that could be adopted while reading texts. D. Developing listening skills for academic and professional purposes. E. Acquiring the ability to speak effectively in English in real life situations. F. Realizing the meaning potential of a text and becoming familiar with different reading strategies. G. Acquiring interpretative and study skills, including library and Internet reference skills. H. Getting trained in organized academic and professional writing. I. Developing aural competence and oral fluency of learners. J. Achieving proficiency in the effective use of language in various authentic career-related situations. IV APPENDIX 2 QUESTIONAIRE FOR TEACHERS This survey questionnaire aims at investigating instructors’ performance in ESP course at Business Management Department of Vietnam Forestry University. The researcher highly appreciates your support by completing this questionnaire. Your answer is of great value to the research. The data collected is confidential and is used in the research paper only. Please fill it out and give it back to the researcher. Thank you for your co-operation. Name: Course: INSTRUCTIONS: a. You may choose more than one answer: b. After each section , there will be space for you to include any additional comments c. The scale used to determine the frequency of use is as follows How often? Always Sometimes Rarely 1 2 3 I. UNIT ORGANIZATION: 1. What criteria do you take into account to organize your teaching units? a. Around a theme b. According to language functions 1 2 3 c. In relation to the vocabulary of the text d. Degree of difficulty of the discourse e. Other II. ACTIVITIES: 2. How often do you organize the activities of the teaching units? a. Pre-reading activities 1 b. Reading activities c. Post-reading activities d. Other: III.LESSON PLAN: 3. For your everyday lesson how do you………… 2 3 V 1 a. Use a detailed lesson plan? 2 3 b. Use a general lesson plan? c. Just follow the content of the text? d. Other. IV. PRE-READING ACTIVITIES: 4. For what purpose do you use the pre-reading activities? a. To motive the students at the beginning of the unit. 1 2 3 b. To introduce the general theme of the reading c. To deal with the difficult vocabulary present in the reading d. To deal with difficult grammatical structures e. To familiarize students with the concepts and ideas that will appear in the reading. f. To teach any of the objectives of the text 5. What kind of activities do you have in this pre-reading stage? a. You ask students to scan for specific information b. You ask them to skim for the general idea c. You ask them to read the text in order to discuss the content through general discussion or open-ended questions. d. You deal with vocabulary: 1) You give students a list of the difficult words and ask them to look up in a dictionary 2) You provide them with excerpts of the reading with the difficult words underlined and ask them to guess the meaning from context. 3) You ask them to provide synonyms or antonyms of these words. 4) You give students the difficult words and provide the same words in a different context (from the original text) which will clarify their meaning. 1 2 3 a b c d1 d2 d3 d4 6. In relation to the pre- reading activities, what proportion of the time do you assign to the prereading activities? a. 25% b. 50% c.75% d. Other: VI V. READING ACTIVITIES 7. What kind of activities do you have in the reading stage? How often? (Explain how you go about it in the spaces provided. Please be brief) a. Skimming 1 b. Scanning 2 3 c. Content comprehension d. Discourse comprehension e. Information transfer f. Summary g. Synthesis h. Expansion i. Other 8. Do you carry out the following activities? a. Group work 1 2 3 b. Individually c. Other 9. How do you sequence the activities mentioned before? (Use the same letters) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… VI. POST-READING ACTIVITIES: 10. For what purpose do you use post-reading activities? How often? a. To reinforce: a.1. Vocabulary a.2. Reading skills dealt with previously a.3. Grammatical aspects a.4. Concepts related to the content a.5. Other: b. To expand any of the concepts dealt with in the reading c. To summarize the contents of the unit d. Other 1 2 3 VII APPENDIX 3 DATA COLLECTED FROM STUDENTS (158 STUDENTS) This table provides the data collected from questionnaire to students in an effort to find out students needs in ESP course at Business Management Department of Vietnam Forestry University. Question A B C D 14 158 158 158 (L&S) 32 39 126 67 (R) 0 16 20 39 112 76 20 158 (W&G) 97 (R) 23 76 117 76 18 158 158 67 67 20 39 10 39 158 56 20 158 76 158 158 92 158 158 158 158 158 10 96 39 158 76 158 158 ( L&S) 120 (W&G) 158 (R) 38 (W&G) E Previous learning experience 1 2 3 4 5 6 Target needs 1 2 Medium Channel 3 4 5 6 Learning needs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J 15 21 22 158 158 47 (1-3 hours) 158 158 79 79 79 45 45 36 36 12 113 130 158 158 111 158 30 137 130 49 96 36 49 130