© by PSP Volume 12 – No 7. 2003 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin CONFORMATIONAL BEHAVIOR OF LIGNITE HUMIC FRACTIONS SEPARATED BY SEQUENTIAL pH-EXTRACTIONS J. Kučerík1, P. Conte2, M. Pekař1, A. Piccolo2* 1 Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, Purkyňova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic 2 Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo della Pianta e dell’Ambiente, Università di Napoli Federico II, via Università 100, 80055, Portici (Na), Italy SUMMARY A bulk humic acid (HA) extracted from a South Moravian lignite was further fractionated by sequential extraction in buffers at different pHs. All samples were analyzed by high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) and elemental analysis. Weight-averaged molecular weights (Mw) of fractions dissolved at pH 7, 8, and 9 were larger than for the parent bulk HA, thereby indicating that Mw of humic matter is related only to molecular size as affected by sample hydration rather than its molecular mass. Moreover, hydration radius was a function of the specific chemical properties of humic fractions. Addition of small amount of either mineral (HCl) or organic acids (formic, acetic, propionic) to humic solutions induced significant changes in conformational arrangements of the treated sample with respect to control. Also the conformational changes among humic fractions depended on their different molecular composition and suggested a weakly-bound supramolecular association of different humic molecules in solution. polymers [6], with molecular weights ranging from 500 to more than 10 6 Dalton [1], arranged either in a random coil [7] or in micellar conformations [8, 9]. Recent findings have lead to an alternative understanding of humic substances structure that is described as a supramolecular association of different small and heterogeneous molecules self-assembled by weak forces such as van der Waals, -, CH- bonds, and hydrogen bonding [4, 1017]. Therefore, the loosely-bound humic conformations have an apparently large molecular size that can be reversibly altered by treating humic solutions with low concentrations of mineral or carboxylic acids [12, 13]. Fractional precipitation at different pH is a commonly applied procedure [18] to separate polydisperse macromolecules according to their molecular sizes. Simpson et al. [19], have shown that dissolution of humic substances in water can be achieved by sequential extraction with buffer solutions at increasing pH values. In the present work a sequential pH-based extraction was applied on a humic acid (HA) from a South Moravian lignite in order to obtain humic fractions of different molecular sizes and composition. High performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) was used to evaluate the conformational behavior of the pH-extracted humic fractions and their response to treatments with mineral and organic acids. KEYWORDS: HPSEC, humic substances, lignite, supramolecular associations, molecular weight distribution, sequential extraction. INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Humic substances are the most widely-distributed natural organic compounds on the Earth’s surface derived from decomposition of plant tissues and dead animal bodies [1]. They are present in soils, waters, and sediments and play important roles in sustaining plant growth [1], stabilizing soil structure [2], and protecting from environmental contamination [3, 4]. However, there are still opened questions on their basic chemical structure and conformational properties [5]. The traditional view depicts humic substances (HS) as polydisperse macromolecular Humic samples A humic acid (HA1) was isolated from a South Moravian lignite collected from the Mír mine in the area of Mikulčice, nearby Hodonín, Czech Republic. Extraction of the humic acid was as by established procedures [1]. Briefly, 50 g of previously air-dried and 0.3-mm-sieved lignite, were added with 500 mL of a 0.1M NaOH solution and shaken for 24 h. After centrifugation, the super- 1 © by PSP Volume 12 – No 7. 2003 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin natant was treated with concentrated HCl until pH 1 in order to precipitate the humic acid (HA1). The HA1 was treated overnight with a 0.5% (v/v) HCl-HF solution to remove residual ashes, dialyzed (Spectrapore 3 dialysis tubes, 3500 Mw cut-off) against distilled water until chloride-free and freeze-dried. and subjected to HPSEC analysis. The same solutions were then added with HCl, acetic, propionic or formic acid to lower the pH to 3.5 before HPSEC analysis. The small addition of these acids (<10-2 M) did not change the ionic strength of the humic solutions [11]. All solutions were filtered through quartz filters (Glass Microfibre Filterm Whatman International, LTD) before injection. The HPSEC analyses were conducted in duplicate and no significant differences were observed between measurements. The freeze-dried HA1 was further shaken in aqueous buffer solutions to sequentially extract fractions soluble at different pHs. First, 1 liter of phosphate buffer at pH 7 (0.062M NaH2PO4·H2O+0.038M Na2HPO4·12H2O, ionic strength 0.176M) was added to 2 g of HA1, and the suspension shaken for 24 hours. The supernatant was separated by centrifugation, added with concentrated HCl to pH 1, and freeze-dried as humic fraction HA2. The solid residue was again added with 1L of a phosphate buffer at pH 8 (0.014M NaH2PO4·H2O+0.086M Na2HPO4·12H2O, ionic strength 0.272M). The resulting humic extract, HA3, was obtained as for HA2. The solid remaining after extraction of HA3, was further added with 1L of a buffer solution at pH 9 (0.002M NaH2PO4·H2O+0.098M Na2HPO4·12H2O, ionic strength 0.296M) and the extracted humic acid, HA4, was isolated as for HA2. Finally, the solid residue from the HA4 extraction was treated with 1 L of a pyrophosphate buffer solution (0.10M, ionic strength 1M) at pH 10. A humic acid sample, HA5, was obtained as above. All samples were characterized for their elemental content using a Fisons EA 1108 Elemental Analyzer, whereas the ash content was obtained by muffle burning 50-100 mg of each material at 750C for 8 hours. Elemental and ash contents are reported in Table 1. All humic samples (50 mg) were suspended in distilled water (60 ml) and titrated to pH 7 with a CO2 free 0.1M NaOH solution by an automatic titrator (VIT 90, Videotitrator, Radiometer, Copenhagen) as described by Conte and Piccolo [10]. The resulting sodium humates were freezedried and homogenized in an agate mortar for further HPSEC analyses. Weight-average molecular weight (MW) Weight-average molecular weight (Mw) was calculated using the PE-TC-SEC 4.01 software and the following relationship: N MW (h M i i 1 i ) N h i 1 i where Mi and hi are the molecular weight and the height of each ith fraction in the chromatogram, respectively [20]. All data were processed using a SEC noise threshold of 100, and a Savitzky-Golay smoothing with a filter size of 5. Standards of known MW, such as polysaccharides (PSC) of 186, 100, 23.7 and 12.2 kD (Polymer Sciences Laboratories, UK) and sodium polystyrenesulphonates (PSS) of 169, 123, 30.9 and 6.78 kD (Polymer Standard Service, Germany) were used for column calibration. Water was used to determine the total volume of the column (21.40 mL), whereas blue dextran (2000 kD) was used to measure the void volume (11.04 mL). Calibration curves were semi-log linear over the range defined by standards and were used to obtain the molecular weights of humic samples. Standard samples were measured several times and relative standard deviations never exceeded 5%. HPSEC analysis The HPSEC system consisted of a Perkin–Elmer LC200 pump equipped with two detectors in series: a Perkin–Elmer LC295 UV/VIS detector set at 280 nm for humic analyses, and a refractive index detector from Fisons Instrument (RefractoMonitor 4.0) for calibration with polysaccharides. A rheodyne rotary injector, with a 100 μl sample loop, was used to load HPSEC solutions and a Phenomenex Biosep S2000 (600 x 7.5 mm) column was used for size exclusion separations. The column was preceded by a Biosep Guard column and a 0.2 m stainless-steel inlet filter. Flow rate was set at 0.6 ml min-1, while the HPSEC eluent was a 50 mM NaH2PO4.H2O solution adjusted at pH 7 with 1M NaOH. The salt concentration was chosen to have a constant ionic strength of 50 mM in order to minimize ionic exclusion or hydrophobic interactions with the column [10, 11]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The elemental composition of the bulk humic acid (HA1) and the pH-separated humic fractions (HA2-HA5) is reported in Table 1. HA1 showed a C/H ratio of 12.4, whereas the C/H ratios of the humic fractions were in the order: HA2>HA3>HA4=HA5. Decreasing C/H ratios appears to be related to decreasing aromaticity or degree of unsaturation [19]. The HA2 sample, with the largest carbon amount and the lowest hydrogen content, was extracted from HA1 by a pH 7.0 buffer solution. This fraction may then be composed by aromatic systems possessing acidic groups with pKa values <7.0. In fact, Simpson et al. [19] found that fractions extracted with buffer solution at pH 7.0 was aromatic and had a large content of highly acidic groups. Fractions HA3 and HA4, were extracted with buffer solutions at pH 8.0 and pH 9.0, respectively. Literature [1, 19] reports that decreasing C/H ratios Freeze-dried sodium humates were dissolved in the HPSEC eluent to achieve a 0.6 mg mL-1 humic solution 2 © by PSP Volume 12 – No 7. 2003 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin TABLE 1 - Ash content and ash-free based elemental analyses of HAs. Sample HA1 HA2 HA3 HA4 HA5 Ash 2.27 2.11 1.17 3.11 2.44 C (%) 57.2 53.7 50.1 47.6 50.9 H (%) 4.6 4.7 6.4 6.8 7.2 N (%) 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.1 are attributed to increasing aliphatic contents. Therefore, the aliphaticity of HA3 and HA4 can be considered larger than for HA2 (Table 1). The oxygen content of HA2, HA3, and HA4 varies in the order HA2<HA3<HA4 (Table 1). Increasing amount of oxygen may be attributed to an increasing polyacidic nature of the humic systems [21]. Fractions HA3 and HA4 are thus not only more aliphatic than HA2, but also more polyacidic. The HA5 fraction revealed the largest amount of hydrogens, whereas carbon and oxygen content was comparable to that of other humic fractions (Table 1). Simpson et al. [19] reported that humic fractions extracted at pH 10.0 showed the largest amount of hydrogen and related the elemental content of their alkaline-extracted fractions to a large degree of aromaticity. Furthermore, Piccolo et al. [22] reported that 12.8 O (%) 37.2 40.6 42.2 44.3 40.8 C/H 12.4 11.5 7.9 7.0 7.1 C/O 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.3 phenols were extracted from humic matter more by alkaline pyrophosphate solutions than by sodium hydroxide solutions. We may then assume that the HA5 fraction was selectively enriched in polyphenols as compared to fractions extracted in phosphate buffers at lower pHs. The molecular size distribution of the bulk humic acid (HA1) and the fractions sequentially extracted from HA1 are shown in Figure 1 as HPSEC chromatograms. The profile of size distribution for HA1 shows two peaks (Figure 1). The first one is centered at 12.8 mL, whereas the second peak is at around 17.3 mL of elution volume. The weight-averaged molecular weight (Mw) corresponding to that molecular size profile is 9,961 D based on PSS calibration and 18,878 D based on PSC standards (Table 2). 17.3 FIGURE 1 - UV-detected HPSEC chromatograms of humic samples. HA1: isolated from lignite with NaOH; HA2: isolated from HA1 by phosphate buffer at pH 7; HA3: isolated from HA1 by phosphate buffer at pH 8 after extraction of HA2; HA4: isolated from HA1 by phosphate buffer at pH 9 after extraction of HA3; HA5: isolated with 0.1 M pyrophosphate at pH 10 after extraction of HA4. 3 © by PSP Volume 12 – No 7. 2003 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin TABLE 2 - Weight-averaged molecular weight (Mw), in Dalton, of humic samples based on the calibration by polystirenesulphonates and polysaccharides (PSS/PSC) after treatment with different acids. Mw Sample Control HCl Formic HA1 9,961/18,878 10,592/19,475 8,108/14,648 5,133/8,838 3,144/5,317 HA2 11,829/21,437 14,143/26,616 11,820/21,813 9,337/16,650 7,176/12,671 HA3 11,363/20,588 14,467/27,198 13,470/25,235 9,048/16,243 5,402/9,361 HA4 13,515/26,204 13,394/24,944 14,436/27,147 9,444/16,971 6,693/11,758 HA5 4,768/8,036 2,581/4,302 2,663/4,438 2,485/4,030 3,248/5,419 Although HA2 and HA3 fractions revealed different molecular-size profiles (Figure 1), being that of HA2 larger than that of HA3 and both larger than the HA1 profile, they showed similar Mw values. In fact, Mw values for HA2 were 11,829 D with PSS and 21,437 D with PSC, whereas those for HA3 were 11,363 D with PSS and 20,588 D with PSC (Table 2). The HA4 fraction that showed the first peak at the void volume comparable to that of HA1 but a considerably lower absorbance for the second peak, revealed the largest Mw values, being 13,515 D with PSS and 26,204 D with PSC (Table 2). Finally, HA5 showed a molecular sizeprofile with the lowest absorbance and a predominant peak at larger elution volumes with consequent lowest Mw values: 4,768 D with PSS and 8,036 D with PSC (Table 2). Acetic Propionic ular size smaller than that of HA2, HA3, and HA4, but larger than that of HA5. This because the parent HA1 was a mixture of all fractions and showed a molecular size that was a weighed average of those components selectively extracted at different pHs. The molecular sizes of HA1 and its pH-extracted fractions were altered after addition of small amount of either mineral (HCl) or organic (formic, acetic and propionic) acids (Table 2). As a general trend, addition of HCl and HCOOH to reach pH 3.5 increased the Mw values of HA1, HA2, HA3, and HA4, whereas HA5 showed a strong diminution of its Mw (Figure 2). The acid groups present in both HA1 and most acidic fractions (HA2, HA3, and HA4) are deprotonated partly (HA2) or fully (HA3 and HA4) at pH value 7.0 of the control solutions. When a strong acid such as HCl or HCOOH is added to the solution until pH 3.5, a protonation of the dissociated functional groups may occur, thereby leading to formation of intermolecular Hbonds and increase of molecular sizes. Conversely, addition of CH3COOH and CH3CH2COOH provided decreasing Mw values (Figure 2). As previously observed [12, 13], the loosely-bound supramolecular nature of HA1 and its pH-extracted fractions may account for the decrease of Mw values after addition of acetic and propionic acids. In fact, both protons due to low pH and alkyl chains present in the added organic acids may act together in disaggregating amphipilic humic matter and lowering its Mw. Conversely, the polyphenolic HA5 did not change its molecular size when HCl, formic, acetic or propionic acids were used (Figure 2). This behavior can be again explained by considering that Mw is a mathematical elaboration that summarizes the full size-exclusion chromatogram without accounting for relative changes of molecular size profiles [15, 23]. In fact, Figure 3 shows that notwithstanding the similar Mw values calculated for HA5 for different acid additions, the chromatograms are significantly different. After addition of HCl and HCOOH, the chromatographic profile appeared broader and of lower intensity than for control solution. Conversely, addition of acetic and propionic acids leads to chromatographic profiles attributable to more uniform and lighter material. Differences in Mw values can be attributed to the different chemical composition of the humic fractions. The bulk HA1 contains all the molecular characteristics of HA2, HA3, HA4, and HA5, and its molecular size can be used as a reference to explain the conformational behavior of the humic fractions solubilized from HA1 at different pHs. Moreover, it is obvious that the Mw values of the fractions derived from HA1 cannot be higher than the bulk material itself as the calculations of Mw seem to indicate. The explanation of such a contradiction should be attributed to the hydration of each material in solution that, in turn, depends on its molecular composition. Due to the pH of their extraction, the HA2, HA3, and HA4 fractions had a higher acidic nature than HA5 that was solubilized only at pH 10 and implies a contribution of hydration water to the molecular size. It should be assumed that the hydration sphere of the materials isolated at pH 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0 fractions is larger than that of HA5. In fact, the higher the amount of acidic functional groups, the larger is the hydration sphere of a water soluble organic system [20]. On the other hand, the polyphenolic character of HA5 confers a larger degree of hydrophobicity to this fraction, thereby preventing the formation of a bulky hydration sphere. The Mw values of Table 2 appear to confirm this view, since HA2, HA3, and HA4 revealed higher Mw values than HA5. Conversely, the bulk HA1 had a molec- 4 © by PSP Volume 12 – No 7. 2003 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Mw Control 20000 HCl 15000 Formic 10000 Acetic Propionic 5000 0 HA1 HA2 HA3 HA4 HA5 Sample FIGURE 2 Changes in weight-averaged molecular weights (Mw) of humic samples with addition of acids. FIGURE 3 - UV-detected HPSEC chromatograms of HA5. A. HA5 dissolved at pH 7.0. B. As in A but added with formic acid to pH 3.5; C. As in A but added with acetic acid to pH 3.5; D. As in A but added with propionic acid to pH 3.5; E. As in A but added with HCl to pH 3.5. 5 © by PSP Volume 12 – No 7. 2003 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin [9] CONCLUSION Experimental data indicated that sequential pHfractionation of a humic acid from lignite produced fractions of different chemical composition. 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