COMMITTEE ON ENERGY HOUSE BILLS PROPOSING AMENDMENT TO THE EPIRA (R.A. 9136) EPIRA HB 3958 HB 351 HB 3633 HB 3676 HB 2922 HB 3847 (R.A. 9136) Rep. Masongsong Reps. Colmenares & Zarate Reps. Ridon, Teodoro & J. Belmonte Rep. Evardone Reps. Rivera & Batocabe Rep. J. Dela Cruz Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the policy of the State: (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx (d) To enhance the inflow of private capital and broaden the ownership base of the power generation, transmission and Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the policy of the State: (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx (d) To enhance the inflow of private capital and broaden the ownership base of the power generation, transmission and HBs 4198, 4422 and 4389 HB 4479 HB 987 Rep. R. Umali Rep. T. Baguilat POSITION PAPERS Reps. R. Rodriguez and M. Rodriguez, Jr. Sec. 2.Declaration of Policy.- It is lweby declared the policy of the state: XXX. PIPPA suggests amending pertinent laws that require the approvals and permits for power projects, otherwise, declaration of policy in EPIRA will have little to no effect. The intention of creating a “onestop shop” for energy projects may be done by an EO or the JCPC can direct or mandate the DOE to create a task force which may facilitate issuance of permits NEA supports H.B. 3958, 3633, and 3676. These important pieces of legislation, in addition to the various views, comments and distribution sectors; distribution sectors IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE THE FINANCIAL RISK EXPOSURE OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENTAN D THEREBY RATIONALIZE OWNERSHIP TO PREVENT MONOPOLY AND OLIGOPOLY IN ANY OF THE SECTORS OF THE INDUSTRY; recommendation of various stakeholders on EPIRA, are very helpful in identifying the issues and concerns on how to address the same through legislation, policy and regulatory issuances. (e) TO ENSURE TIMELY COMPLETION OF POWER PROJECTS FOR ENERGY SECURITY AND MINTMIZE COSTS BY CONSIDERING POWER PROJECTS AS PROJECTS OF NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE, [AND/OR ARE] IMBUED WITH PUBLIC INTEREST;' (e) To ensure fair and nondiscriminatory treatment of public and private sector entities in the process of restructuring the electric power industry; f [(e)] To ensure fair and nondiscriminatory treatment of public and private sector entities in the process of restructuring the electric power industry; (g) [(f)] xxx (f) xxx H [(g)] xxx (g) xxx (h) To promote the utilization of indigenous and new and renewable energy resources in power generation in order to reduce dependence on imported energy; (i) To provide for an orderly and transparent privatization of the assets and liabilities of the National Power Corporation (NPC); (j) To establish a strong and purely independent regulatory body and (h) To promote the utilization of indigenous and new and renewable energy resources in power generation in order to reduce dependence on imported energy AND COME UP WITH POLICIES THAT WOULD ENCOURAGE RATHER THAN RESTRICT INVESTORS IN THIS AREA; (i) To provide for an orderly and transparent privatization of the assets and liabilities of the National Power Corporation (NPC), WITH THE ASSURANCE OF PROVIDING A WELL UNDERSTOOD PROCESS GIVING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OF PARTICIPATION; (j) To establish a strong and purely independent regulatory body, system to ensure consumer protection and enhance the competitive operation of the electricity market; and (k) xxx Sec. 4.Definition of Terms. – (a) "Aggregator" refers to a person or entity, engaged in consolidating electric power demand of end-users in the contestable market, for the purpose of purchasing and reselling electricity on a group basis; xxx MANNED BY INDEPENDENT OFFICERS WITH EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND OF INDUSTRY PRACTICE, and system to ensure consumer protection and enhance the competitive operation of the electricity market; and (k) xxx” Sec. 4.Definition of Terms. – (a) "Aggregator" refers to a person or entity, engaged in consolidating electric power demand of endusers in the contestable market, for the purpose of purchasing and reselling, MANAGING FOR THE OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF THE AGGREGATED DEMAND, OR SIMPLY POOLING FOR THE TENDERING PROCESS IN LOOKING FOR SUPPLY, OF electricity on a The proposed amendment is unnecessary. The term “entity” may be considered to refer to a firm, partnership, company, corporation, business, organization and the like. (PIPPA) group basis; (pp) "Privatization" refers to the sale, disposition, change and transfer of ownership and control of assets and IPP contracts from the Government or a government corporation to a private person or entity; xxx xxx (pp) "Privatization" refers to the sale, disposition, change and transfer of ownership and control of assets and IPP contracts from the Government or a government corporation to ANOTHER CORPORATION OR FIRM OR a private person or entity; xxx Sec. 6.Generation Sector. - Generation of electric power, a business affected with public interest, shall be competitive and open. Upon the effectivity of this Act, any new generation company shall, before it operates, secure from the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) a certificate of Sec. 6. Generation Sector. Generation of electric power, a business [affected] IMBUED with public interest, [shall be competitive and open] IS HEREBY DECLARED A PUBLIC UTILITY. Sec. 6.Generation Sector. Generation of electric power [, a business affected with public interest,] shall be competitive and open. Upon the effectivity of this Act, any new generation company shall, [before it operates,] secure: Upon the effectivity of this Act, any new generation company shall, before it operates, secure from the Energy Sec. 6.Generation Sector. - Generation of electric power, a business affected with public interest, shall be competitive and open. Upon the effectivity of this Act, any new generation company shall, before it operates, secure from the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) a certificate of The proposal to declare the generation side of the power business as public utility may result in the further reduction of investors’ interest in participating in the gov’t’s privatization program. Prospective investors of PSALM may view the sudden change as a complete shift of policy. Investor confidence may be adversely affected. compliance pursuant to the standards set forth in this Act, as well as health, safety and environmental clearances from the appropriate government agencies under existing laws. 1) FROM THE CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES A NATIONAL FRANCHISE, 2) from the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) a certificate of compliance pursuant to the standards set forth in this Act, [as well as] 3) Health, safety and environmental clearances from the appropriate government agencies AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS under existing laws. ALL EXISTING POWER GENERATION COMPANIES ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO SECURE A NATIONAL FRANCHISE FROM THE CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES. Regulatory Commission (ERC) a certificate of compliance pursuant to the standards set forth in this Act, as well as health, safety and environmental clearances from the appropriate government agencies under existing laws. compliance pursuant to the standards set forth in this Act, as well as health, safety and environmental clearances from the appropriate government agencies under existing laws. (PSALM) The Congressional franchise requirement may deter prospective investors. May entail significant period of time to complete attendant processes and documentary requirements. These may serve as a disincentive for investors to participate in the power industry, which is the present challenges being experienced by the govt. (PSALM) The proposal to amend this section might not be attractive to investors in power generation due to added cost and time in seeking a national franchise and the unstable regulatory environment due to the revision of the EPIRA. Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, power generation shall not be considered a public utility operation. For this purpose, any person or entity engaged or which shall engage in power generation and supply of electricity shall not be required to secure a local or national franchise. [Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, power generation shall not be considered a public utility operation. For this purpose, any person or entity engaged or which shall engage in power generation and supply of electricity shall not be required to secure a local or national franchise.] Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, power generation shall [not] be considered a public utility WHOSE operation SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE ACT (COMMONWEAL TH ACT NO. 146). [For this purpose, any person or entity engaged or which shall engage in power generation and supply of electricity shall not be required to secure a local or national franchise.] EVEN UNDER A REGIME OF RETAIL COMPETITION AND OPEN ACCESS, THE EXISTENCE OF WHICH SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) AND THE ENERGY REGULATION Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, power generation shall not be considered a public utility operation. For this purpose, any person or entity engaged or which shall engage in power generation and supply of electricity shall not be required to secure a local or national franchise. (Transco) Sec 6 clearly defines that the generation sector is not an ordinary business, as it is a business affected with public interest. Thus, it would have to secure from the ERC a certificate of compliance (COC), as well as other requirements. In securing a COC, the generation company shall comply with ERC rules and regulation necessary for the generation sector. Thus, the generation sector, although without a national franchise, may be considered as subject to special regulations. It is worth noting that the generation sector does not serve the public directly. Generators only deal with the transmission, Upon implementation of retail competition and open access, the prices charged by a generation company for the supply of electricity shall not be subject to regulation by the ERC except as otherwise provided in this Act. COMMISSION (ERC) AND CONCURRED TO BY THE CONGRESSION AL POWER COMMISSION, THE PRICES CHARGED BY A GENERATION COMPANY FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY SHALL REMAIN THE SUBJECT OF REGULATION UNDER SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS MAY BE PROMULGATED BY THE ERC. Upon implementation of retail competition and open access, the prices charged by a generation company for the supply of electricity MUST NOT EXCEED THE TWELVE (12) PERCENT RETURN ON RATE BASE (RORB) UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITY LAWAND shall [not] be subject to regulation by the Upon implementation of retail competition and open access, the prices charged by a generation company for the supply of electricity shall not be subject to regulation by the ERC except as otherwise provided in this Act. Upon implementation of retail competition and open access, the prices charged by a generation company for the supply of electricity shall not be subject to regulation by the ERC except as otherwise provided in this Act. distribution and supply sectors. They do not deal with the household level. Generators do not even have captive customers, since distribution utilities have the right to choose the generator they will have a contract with. Moreover, the profits of a generation company are not guaranteed. Investments in the generation sector depend on economic principle of price signal under a competitive environment. Subjecting the generation sector to requirements of a public utility under the Public Service Act will make investment in the generator sector harder. It will be an additional barrier to the entry of new players, which will result to even more ERC [except as otherwise provided in this Act]. Pursuant to the objective of lowering electricity rates to end-users, sales of generated power by generation companies shall be value added tax zero-rated. The ERC shall, in determining the existence of market power abuse or anticompetitive behaviour, require from generation companies the submission of their financial statements. library Pursuant to the objective of lowering electricity rates to end-users, sales of generated power by generation companies shall be value added tax zero-rated. The ERC shall [, in determining the existence of market power abuse or anticompetitive behaviour,] require from generation companies the ANNUAL submission of [their] INDEPENDENTL Y AUDITED financial statements.” supply deficit and higher prices. (PIPPA) Pursuant to the objective of lowering electricity rates to end-users, sales of generated power by generation companies shall be value added tax zero-rated. The ERC shall, in determining the existence of market power abuse or anticompetitive behaviour, require from generation companies the submission of their financial statements, OPERATIONAL PLANS AND SCUH OTHER NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO MAKE SUCH DETERMINATIO N IN AS FACTUAL AND PROPER A MANNER AS POSSIBLE. Pursuant to the objective of lowering electricity rates to end-users, sales of generated power by generation companies shall be EXEMPT FROM value added tax (VAT) [zero-rated]. The ERC shall, in determining the existence of market power abuse or anticompetitive behaviour, require from generation companies the submission of their financial statements. PIPPA suggests to amend the EVAT law rather than the EPIRA NPC agrees the declaration of power generation companies as public utilities; however, it has reservation on the requirement that a new generation company shall secure from Congress a national franchise because under the current situation, this requirement is not practical as it will be burdensome esp for private sector participation in missionary areas. In the main grids, tis will discourage dispersed entrepreneurshi p which is essential in achieving true competition. On putting a cap on the price charged by a genco, NPC cited that: - NPC-SPUG is the only genco adopting RORB. Other gencos are using the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) - May not be attractive to some power industry players, hence, they will shy away from the generation business, invariably resulting to lack of generation capacities in the future. - In implementing RORB cost control, there is natural tendency of proponents to bloat their costs, thus, the need for ERC to be properly and adequately manned with competent, dedicated and knowledgeabl e personnel who will implement such RORB cost control mechanics. - An alternative to cap on price and perhaps the better tact is to benchmark our electricity price with those with other similarly situated countries as provided in section 43(f) of the EPIRA. The 12% cap on corporate profit may be seen as a disincentive by prospective investors compared to the present RORB rate-setting methodology. Even with the arguably more attractive set-up in terms of RORB, investors are hesitant to put in huge resources due to potential changes in the EPIRA. Changing the policy at this point may therefore prove to be more detrimental to the energy security goals of the govt. (PSALM) 12% RORB cap for generator will be beneficial to the consumers. (Transco) SEC. 22. Distribution Sector. – The distribution of electricity to endusers shall be a regulated common carrier business requiring a national franchise. Distribution of electric power to all endusers may be undertaken by private distribution utilities, cooperatives, local government units presently undertaking this function and other duly authorized entities, subject to regulation by the SEC. 22. Distribution Sector. – The distribution of electricity to endusers shall be a regulated common carrier business requiring a national franchise. Distribution of electric power to all endusers may be undertaken by private distribution utilities, cooperatives, local government units presently undertaking this function and other duly authorized entities, subject to regulation by the ERC. ERC. SEC. 23. Functions of Distribution Utilities.- xxx Sec. 23. Functions of Distribution Utilities.- xxx SALES OF ELECTRICITY BY DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES TO THE END-USERS SHALL BE EXEMPT FROM VALUE ADDED TAX (VAT) SEC. 23. Functions of Distribution Utilities. – xxx xxx xxx xxx A distribution utility shall have the obligation to supply electricity in the least cost manner to its captive market, subject to the collection of retail rate duly approved by the ERC. xxx A distribution utility shall have the obligation to supply electricity in the least cost manner to its captive market THROUGH A PUBLIC AND COMPETITIVE SELECTION PROCESS OR SWISS CHALLENGE PROCEDURE, AS THE CASE MAY BE, subject to the collection of retail rate AT SUCH AMOUNTS AND IN SUCH MANNER AS PROVIDED HEREIN, duly [approved] AUTHORIZED by the ERC[.]; PROVIDED, THAT THE ERC, WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS FROM THE EFFECTIVITY OF THIS ACT, SHALL PIPPA is supportive of tne Competitive Selection Process (CSP) for contracting of power supplu by DUs/ECs, however, there is no need to amend the EPIRA since the proposed amendments are already covered in the current provisions of EPIRA and the ERC can issue new rules and regulation for CSP. DUs should be required to fully contract the requirements of their captive customers from price spikes. A time standard PROVIDE THE PARAMETERS FOR THE CONDUCT OF A PUBLIC AND COMPETITIVE SELECTION PROCESS OR SWISS CHALLENGE PROCEDURE AS THE CASE MAY BE; PROVIDED, FURTHER THAT, ALL DISTRIBUTION UTILITES SHALL BE REQUIRED TO FULLY OR ADEQUATELY CONTRACT THEIR CURRENT AND FUTURE ENERGY AND DEMAND REQUIREMENTS FROM BILATERAL POWER SUPPLY CONTRACTS AS DETERMINED BY ERC BASED ON MARKET CONDITIONS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH RULES AND REGULATIONS TO BE PROMULGATED BY THE COMMISSION. FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS SECTION, ËNERGY AND DEMAND REQUIREMENT” SHALL MEAN THE AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY THAT IS REQUIRED FOR THE DISTRIBUTION should also be set for regulator’s approvals of short term power supply contracts to regulated utilities. UTILITY TO SUPPLY THE ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS OF ITS ELECTRICITY ENDUSERS AT ANY GIVEN TIME. TO ENSURE LEAST COST SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS, ALL DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES, TN ITS POWER SUPPLY CONTRACTING, SHALL ENSURE THAT THE BASE LOAD, MIDMERIT AND PEAK LOAD REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONTRACTS BASED ON THE LOAD PROFILE, SHALL BE FULLY OR ADEQUATELY COVERED BY BILATERAL CONTRACTS.' To achieve economies of scale in utility operations, distribution utilities may, after due notice and public hearing, pursue structural and operational reforms such as but not limited to, joint actions between or among the distribution utilities, subject to the To achieve economies of scale in utility operations, distribution utilities may, after due notice and public hearing, pursue structural and operational reforms such as but not limited to, joint actions between or among the distribution utilities, XXX guidelines issued by the ERC. Such joint actions shall result in improved efficiencies, reliability of service, reduction of costs and compliance to the performance standards prescribed in the IRR of this Act. Sec. 28. Demonopolization and Shareholding Dispersal.- In subject to the guidelines issued by the ERC. IN PURSUING JOINT ACTIONS PARTICULARLY IN AGGREGATING DEMAND TO ATTRACT INVESTMENTS THAT WOULD RESULT TO THE REDUCTION OF THE PER KILOWATT HOUR OF ELECTRICITY, THE DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES MAY CREATE A SUBSIDIARY COMPANY, THE OWNERSHIP OF WHICH SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS IMPOSED UNDER THE CROSSOWNERSHIP PROVISION. Such joint actions shall result in improved efficiencies, reliability of service, reduction of costs and compliance to the performance standards prescribed in the IRR of this Act. xxx. Sec. 28. Demonopolization and Shareholding Dispersal.- In As with the existing policy on crossownership, it compliance with the constitutional mandate for dispersal of ownership and demonopolization of public utilities, the holdings of persons, natural or juridical, including directors, officers, stockholders and related interests, in a generation company, distribution utility and their respective holding companies shall not exceed twenty five (25%) percent of the voting shares of stock unless the utility or the company holding the shares or its controlling stockholders are already listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE): Provided, That controlling stockholders of small distribution utilities are herby required to list in the PSE within five (5) years from the enactment of this Act if they already own the stocks. New controlling stockholders shall undertake such listing within five (5) years from the time they acquire ownership and compliance with the constitutional mandate for dispersal of ownership and demonopolization of public utilities, the holdings of persons, natural or juridical, including directors, officers, stockholders and related interests, in a generation company, distribution utility and their respective holding companies shall not exceed[ twenty five (25%)] TEN (10%) percent of the voting shares of stock unless the utility or the company holding the shares or its controlling stockholders are already listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE): Provided, That controlling stockholders of small distribution utilities are herby required to list in the PSE within five (5) years from the has been observed that Sec 28 on demonopolizatio n is too liberal and should be made stricter to prevent the creation of a cartel to preclude any incidents of collusion. The 25% cap on shareholdings should be reduced to 15% for distribution utilities that are not listed in the PSE (FGD proposal as consolidated by Philreca) The proposed changes will restrict flow of investments in a very capital intensive industry, and may ultimately turn out to be a barrier to entry of new players. This is contrary to the intent and policy behind EPIRA to enhance the inflow of private capital into the electric power control. A small distribution company is one whose peak demand is equal to or less than Ten megawatts (10MW). enactment of this Act if they already own the stocks. New controlling stockholders shall undertake such listing within five (5) years from the time they acquire ownership and control. A small distribution company is one whose peak demand is equal to or less than Ten megawatts (10MW). SEC. 29. Supply Sector. – The supply SEC. 29. Supply Sector. – The industry. Moreover, with no entity owning more than 10%, it is likely that no one shareholder will pay attention to the management of the utility or support it when needed. From the point of view of preventing abuse of market power, EPIRA already imposes very high ownership and market share restrictions. The existing safeguards in the EPIRA are sufficient and sound policies. EPIRA was a product of numerous congressional debates and studies, which spanned three congressional terms. As such, its policies should not be changed overnight because of recent issues. (PIPPA) The supply sector is already sector is a business affected with public interest. Except for distribution utilities and electric cooperatives with respect to their existing franchise areas, all suppliers of electricity to the contestable market shall require a license from the ERC. supply sector is a business affected with public interest. AS SUCH THE OPERATIONS OF ALL SUPPLIERS OF ELCETRICITY INCLUDING THOSE SUPPLYING TO THE CONTESTABLE MARKET SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE LAW. Except for distribution utilities and electric cooperatives with respect to their existing franchise areas, all suppliers of electricity to the contestable market shall require a license from the ERC. For this purpose, the ERC shall promulgate rules and regulations prescribing the qualifications of electricity suppliers which shall include, among other requirements, a demonstration of their technical For this purpose, the ERC shall promulgate rules and regulations prescribing the qualifications of electricity suppliers which shall include, among other requirements, a demonstration of subject to special regulations as it requires a license from the ERC. Like the generation sector, it follows special rules and regulations. The contestable customer has a choice from all licensed retail suppliers. The supply sector is unlike distribution and transmission sectors, which are subject to franchise because they cater to captive customers. The captive customers do not have a choice and are merely pricetakers. Subjecting the supply sector to requirements of public utility under the Public Service Act will further limit the retail suppliers which can cater to the needs of contestable customers. (PIPPA) capability, financial capability, and creditworthiness: Provided, That the ERC shall have authority to require electricity suppliers to furnish a bond or other evidence of the ability of a supplier to withstand market disturbances or other events that may increase the cost of providing service. Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, supply of electricity to the contestable market shall not be considered a public utility operation. For this purpose, any person or entity which shall engage in the supply of electricity to the contestable market shall not be required to secure a national franchise. The prices to be charged by suppliers their technical capability, financial capability, and creditworthiness: Provided, That the ERC shall have authority to require electricity suppliers to furnish a bond or other evidence of the ability of a supplier to withstand market disturbances or other events that may increase the cost of providing service. Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, supply of electricity to the contestable market shall not be considered a public utility operation. For this purpose, any person or entity which shall engage in the supply of electricity to the contestable market shall not be required to secure a national franchise. The prices to be charged by for the supply of electricity to the contestable market shall not be subject to regulation by the ERC. suppliers for supply electricity to contestable market shall be subject regulation by ERC. Electricity suppliers shall be subject to the rules and regulations concerning abuse of market power, cartelization, and other anti-competitive or discriminatory behaviour to be promulgated by the ERC. not to the Electricity suppliers shall be subject to the rules and regulations concerning abuse of market power, cartelization, and other anticompetitive or discriminatory behaviour to be promulgated by the ERC. In its billings to endusers, every supplier shall identify and segregate the components of its supplier’s charge, as defined herein. SEC. 30. Wholesale Electricity Spot Market. - Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, the DOE shall establish a wholesale electricity spot market composed of the wholesale electricity spot market participants. The the of the Sec. 30. Wholesale Electricity Spot Market. - Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, the DOE shall establish a wholesale electricity spot market composed of the wholesale electricity spot In its billings to end-users, every supplier shall identify and segregate the components of its supplier’s charge, as defined herein. SEC. 30. Wholesale Electricity Spot Market. - Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, the DOE shall establish a wholesale electricity spot market composed of the wholesale electricity spot SEC. 30. Wholesale Electricity Spot Market. - Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, the DOE shall establish a wholesale electricity spot market composed of the wholesale electricity spot market participants. The What are the parameters or indices that should be used to establish availability of supply? The proposed amendment will introduce ambiguity in the law.(PIPPA) market shall provide the mechanism for identifying and setting the price of actual variations from the quantities transacted under contracts between sellers and purchasers of electricity. Jointly with the electric power industry participants, the DOE shall formulate the detailed rules for the wholesale electricity spot market. Said rules shall provide the mechanism for determining the price of electricity not covered by bilateral contracts between sellers and purchasers of electricity users. The price determination methodology contained in said rules shall be subject to the approval of ERC. Said rules shall also reflect accepted economic principles and provide a level market participants. The market shall provide the mechanism for identifying and setting the price of actual variations from the quantities transacted under contracts between sellers and purchasers of electricity. Jointly with the electric power industry participants, the DOE shall formulate the detailed rules for the wholesale electricity spot market. Said rules shall provide the mechanism for determining the price of electricity not covered by bilateral contracts between sellers and purchasers of electricity users. The price determination methodology contained in said rules shall be subject to the approval of ERC. Said rules shall market participants WHICH SHALL SERVE AS A CLEARING HOUSE AND [. The market shall] provide the mechanism for identifying and setting the price of actual variations from the quantities transacted under contracts between sellers and purchasers of electricity. Jointly with the electric power industry participants, the DOE shall formulate the detailed rules for the wholesale electricity spot market. Said rules shall provide the mechanism for determining the price of electricity not covered by bilateral contracts between sellers and purchasers of electricity users. The price determination methodology market shall provide the mechanism for identifying and setting the price of actual variations from the quantities transacted under contracts between sellers and purchasers of electricity. Jointly with the electric power industry participants, the DOE shall formulate the detailed rules for the wholesale electricity spot market. Said rules shall provide the mechanism for determining the price of electricity not covered by bilateral contracts between sellers and purchasers of electricity users. The price determination methodology contained in said rules shall be subject to the approval of ERC. Said rules shall also reflect accepted economic principles and provide a level playing field to all There is no need to amend the EPIRA since the issues, which the proposed amends intends to cover, are already addressed by the current WESM Rules. playing field to all electric power industry participants. The rules shall provide, among others, procedures for: also reflect accepted economic principles SCUH AS THE REQUIREMENT OF ESTABLISHING AVAILABILITY OF SUPPLY PRIOR TO THE INTRODUCTION OF THE WESM and provide a level playing field to all electric power industry participants. The rules shall provide, among others, procedures for: contained in said rules shall be subject to the approval of ERC. Said rules shall also reflect accepted economic principles and provide a level playing field to all electric power industry participants. The rules shall provide, among others, procedures for: (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx (d) Prescribing guidelines for the market operation in system emergencies; and (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx (d) Prescribing guidelines for the market operation in system emergencies, WHICH INCLUDE THE REQUIREMENT OF ESTABLISHING THE AVAILABILITY OF SUPPLY IN A CERTAIN GRID PRIOR TO THE IMPLEMENTATIO N OF THIS SAME; and (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx xxx xxx electric power industry participants. The rules shall provide, among others, procedures for: In clause of the WESM Rules, emergency is defined as the existence of a situation which has an adverse material effect on electricity supply or which poses as a significant threat to system security. Emergency situations are enumerated in Clause of the WESM Rules, The wholesale electricity spot market shall be implemented by a market operator in accordance with the The wholesale electricity spot market shall be implemented by a market operator in accordance with The wholesale electricity spot market shall be implemented by a market operator in xxx xxx It is clear from the foregoing that a system emergency is a disturbance to the power system that intrinsically affects the availability of supply in the Grid. The requirement of establishing the availability of supply prior to the implementation of the guidelines for the market operation in the event of system emergencies is unwarranted because it compromises the ability of the System Operator to immediately respond to the situation and restore the grid to normal state. (PIPPA) Even without amending the provision, consumers are already represented in wholesale electricity spot market rules. The market operator shall be an autonomous group, to be constituted by DOE, with equitable representation from electric power industry participants, initially under the administrative supervision of the TRANSCO. The market operator shall undertake the preparatory work and initial operation of the wholesale electricity spot market. Not later than one (1) year after the implementation of the wholesale electricity spot market, an independent entity shall be formed and the functions, assets and liabilities of the market operator shall be transferred to such entity with the joint endorsement of the DOE and the electric power industry participants. Thereafter, the administrative supervision of the TRANSCO over such entity shall cease. the wholesale electricity spot market rules. The market operator shall be an autonomous group, to be constituted by DOE, with equitable representation from electric power industry participants, initially under the administrative supervision of the TRANSCO. The market operator shall undertake the preparatory work and initial operation of the wholesale electricity spot market. Not later than one (1) year after the implementation of the wholesale electricity spot market, an independent entity shall be formed and the functions, assets and liabilities of the market operator shall be transferred to such entity with the joint endorsement of the DOE and the electric power industry participants. Thereafter, the accordance with the wholesale electricity spot market rules. The market operator shall be an autonomous group, to be constituted by DOE, with THE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION OF DULY RECOGNIZED CONSUMER GROUPS AND [equitable representation] REPRESENTATI VES from electric power industry participants, initially under the administrative supervision of the TRANSCO. The market operator shall undertake the preparatory work and initial operation of the wholesale electricity spot market. Not later than one (1) year after the implementation of the wholesale electricity spot market, an independent entity shall be formed and the functions, assets the PEM Board, the governing body of WESM. The PEM Board has 4 independent director and 4 directors from ECs and DUs. This is found in WESM Rules Clause Under Section 9 of the EPIRA, the functions of Transco are limited to the following: (a) Act as the system operator of the nationwide electrical transmission and subtransmission system,(b) Provide open, equal and nondiscriminatory access to its transmission system to all electricity users; (c) Ensure and maintain the reliability, adequacy, security, stability and integrity of the nationwide administrative supervision of the TRANSCO over such entity shall cease. NOTWITHSTANDI NG THE FAILURE OF ESTABLISHING WESM IN MINDANAO GRID, TRANSCO SHALL ACT AS THE MARKET OPERATOR OF THE GRID, IN CONTRADISTINCTION TO THE ROLE OF THE NGCP WHICH IS THE DE FACTO SYSTEMS OPERATOR OF THE GRID. Subject to the compliance with the membership criteria, all generating companies, distribution utilities, suppliers, bulk consumers/endusers and other similar entities authorized by the ERC shall be eligible to become members of the wholesale electricity spot market. Subject to the compliance with the membership criteria, WHICH SHALL BE PRMISED ON PROVISIONS THAT WILL DETERMINE VOLUNTARINESS ON THE NATURE OF MEMBERSHIP all generating companies, distribution utilities, suppliers, bulk consumers/endusers and other similar entities authorized by the and liabilities of the market operator shall be transferred to such entity with the joint endorsement of the DOE and the electric power industry participants. Thereafter, the administrative supervision of the TRANSCO over such entity shall cease. xxx electrical grid Considering Transco was created merely to assume the authority and responsibility of NPC for the planning, construction and centralized operation and maintenance of the high voltage transmission facilities, including grid interconnections and ancillary services, it therefore lacks the necessary expertise and experience to operate the wholesale electricity spot market. (PIPPA) The proposed amendments create ambiguity in the law. Shortage in supply can be short term, such as those caused by disturbances in the power ERC shall be eligible to become members of the wholesale electricity spot market. xxx In cases of national and international security emergencies or natural calamities, the ERC is hereby empowered to suspend the operation of the wholesale electricity spot market or declare a temporary wholesale electricity spot market failure.” xxx In cases of national and international security emergencies or natural calamities, INCLUDING DURING A DECLARATION OF SUPPLY SHORTAGE IN A PARTICULAR GRID SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE ONE IN MINDANAO the ERC is hereby empowered to suspend the operation of the wholesale electricity spot market or declare a temporary wholesale electricity spot market failure OR IS HEREBY EMPOWERED TO PREVENT THE IMPLEMENTATIO N OF THE WESM OR A SIMILAR STRUCTURE OF MARKET OPERATIONS WHEN SUCH xxx In cases of national and international security emergencies or natural calamities OR IF WITHIN A THREE DAY TRADING PERIOD THERE IS AN EXTRAORDINAR Y SPIKE IN POWER RATES, the ERC is hereby empowered to suspend the operation of the wholesale electricity spot market or declare a temporary wholesale electricity spot market failure.” xxx In cases of national and international security emergencies or natural calamities, OR SUCH OTHER CASES OR REASONS WHICH MAY AFFECT THE DELIVERY OF ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY IN ANY PARTICULAR GRID, the ERC is hereby empowered to suspend the operation of the wholesale electricity spot market or declare a temporary wholesale electricity spot market failure.” system due to outages of generating units, transmission lines and transformers. When the grid is in an extreme state condition arising from a significant supply capacity shortfall, Market Intervention by the System Operator is permitted. In such case, the System Operator is tasked to take all necessary measures to overcome the emergency event. In the proposed amendments, under what circumstances should shortage in supply warrant the suspension of operations of the WESM or the declaration of market failure? Similarly, under what WILL CLEARLY RESULT TO INCREASE OF RETAIL ELECTRICITY PRICES DUE TO THE DEMAND INCREASE WITHOUT THE CORRESPONDIN G INCREASE OR THE CORRESPONDIN G ADDITIONAL SUPPLY IN THE SAID GRID.” Sec 31. Retail Competition and Open Access. – Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, retail competition and open access on distribution wires shall be implemented not later than three (3) years upon the effectivity of this Act subject to compliance with the following conditions precedent: Sec 31. Retail Competition and Open Access. – Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, WITHIN A PERIOD OF SIX (6) MONTHS FROM THE EFFECTIVITY OF THIS ACT, THE ERC IS MANDATED TO EVALUATE THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY MARKET TAKING INTO Sec 31. Retail Competition and Open Access. – Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, retail competition and open access on distribution wires shall be implemented not later than three (3) years upon the effectivity of this Act subject to compliance with the circumstances should this prevent the implementation of the WESM or similar market operations? The proposed amendment to allow market suspension due to extraordinary spike in power rates” also deserves a second hard look as it may create ambiguity. Under what circumstances will rate spike be extraordinary? (PIPPA) It is unclear how the proposed amendment seeks to amend Section 31, on the implementation of the retail competition and open access. If the objective is only to mandate the evaluation of the performance of the market, such function is already embedded in the responsibilities of ERC as per xxx Upon the initial implementation of open access, the ERC shall allow all electricity end-users with a monthly average peak demand of at least one megawatt (1MW) CONSIDERATIO N THE EXPERIENCE OF ALL CONSUMERS SPECIALLY RESIDENTIAL, MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES FROM THE TIME THE SAME WAS DECLARED OPEN AND IN PLACE TO DETERMINE ITS EFFECTIVENES S AS A VEHICLE FOR THE PROVISION OF SUSTAINABLE, ACCESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE POWER , retail competition and open access on distribution wires shall be implemented not later than three (3) years upon the effectivity of this Act subject to compliance with the following conditions precedent: xxx following conditions precedent: xxx xxx Upon the initial implementation of open access, the ERC shall allow all electricity endusers with a monthly average peak demand of at Section 43 of the EPIRA. (PIPPA) The proposed amendment could delay the implementation of the RCOA at the household demand level. Without the proposed amendment, after 2015, on the basis of ERC’s evaluation, the implementation of the RCOA may be accelerated. (PIPPA) : Some ECs want the open access threshold be raised from 1 MW to 4 MW during the initial implementation of open access, in view of the tight supply situation in Luzon. (FGD proposals- -as consolidated by for the preceding twelve (12) months to be the contestable market. Two (2) years thereafter, the threshold level for the contestable market shall be reduced to Seven hundred fifty kilowatts (750kW). At this level, aggregators shall be allowed to supply electricity to endusers whose aggregate demand within a contiguous area is at least Seven hundred fifty kilowatts (750kW). Subsequently and every year thereafter, the ERC shall evaluate the performance of the market. On the basis of such evaluation, it shall gradually reduce threshold level until it reaches the household demand level. In the case of electric cooperatives, retail competition and open access shall be implemented not earlier than five (5) years upon the effectivity of this Act brar y least one megawatt (lMW) for the preceding twelve (12) months to be the contestable market. Two (2) years thereafter, the threshold level for the contestable market shall be reduced to seven hundred fifty kilowatts (750kw). At this level. aggregators shall be allowed to supply electricity to end-users whose aggregate demand within a contiguous area is at least seven hundred fifty kilowatts (750kW). TWO (2) YEARS THEREAFTER, THE THRESHOLD LEVEL SHALL BE FURTHER REDUCED TO FIVE HUNDRED KILOWATTS (500 KW).Subsequently and every year thereafter, the ERC shall evaluate the performance of the market. on the basis of such evaluation, it shall PHILRECA) In the case of industries located within state-owned industrial estates, the Phil Eco Zone Authority has requested exemption from the Retail Competition and Open Access provision of the EPIRA, and wants permission to continue choosing a power distributor on behalf of its ecozone locators (FGD proposals PEZA) Ecozones and industrial estates should be allowed to connect directly to the main grids (FGD proposals - Philexport) gradually reduce threshold level until it reaches the household demand level. In the case of electric cooperatives, retail competition and open access shall be implemented no earlier than five (5) years upon the effectivity of this Act." SEC. 34. Universal Charge. - Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, universal charge to be determined, fixed and approved by the ERC, shall be imposed on all electricity end-users for the following purposes: (a)xxx (b)xxx Sec. 34. Universal Charge. - Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, universal charge to be determined, fixed and approved by the ERC, shall be imposed on all electricity endusers for the following purposes: (a)xxx (b)xxx (c) xxx (c) xxx (d) An environmental charge equivalent to one-fourth of one centavo per kilowatthour (P0.0025/kWh), which shall accrue to an environmental (d) An environmental charge equivalent to one-fourth of one centavo per kilowatt-hour (P0.0025/kWh), Review the imposition of the Universal Charge to minimize the impact that adds to consumers’ burden. (FGD proposals- NEA) fund to be used solely for watershed rehabilitation and management. Said fund shall be managed by NPC under existing arrangements; and (e) A charge to account for all forms of cross-subsidies for a period not exceeding three (3) years. which shall accrue to an environmental fund to be used solely for watershed rehabilitation and management. Said fund shall be managed by NPC under existing arrangements; [and] (e) A charge to account for all forms of crosssubsidies for a period not exceeding three (3) years[.];AND (F) TO FUND THE REHABILITATION OF LINES PREVIOUSLY CONSTRUCTED USING NEASUBSIDY FUNDS AND/OR PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE FUND (PDAF) TO ELECTRIFY FARFLUNG UNVIABLE AREAS. The universal charge shall be nonbypassable charge which shall be passed on and collected from all The universal charge shall be non-bypassable charge which shall be passed on and collected from all end-users on a It is worthy to be specific on whom the responsibility of managing the funds for the rehabilitation of lines previously constructed using NEAsubsidy funds and/or PDAF will be bestowed and to carefully study the potential effect of this responsibility on the universal charge, which will ultimately be a burden to consumers. (PIPPA) end-users on a monthly basis by the distribution utilities. Collections by the distribution utilities and the TRANSCO in any given month shall be remitted to the PSALM Corp. on or before the fifteenth (15 th) of the succeeding month, net of any amount due to the distribution utility. Any end-user or selfgenerating entity not connected to a distribution utility shall remit its corresponding universal charge directly to the TRANSCO. The PSALM Corp., as administrator of the fund, shall create a Special Trust Fund which shall be disbursed only for the purposes specified herein in an open and transparent manner. All amounts collected for the universal charge shall be distributed to the respective beneficiaries within a reasonable period to be provided by the ERC.” monthly basis by the distribution utilities. Collections by the distribution utilities and the TRANSCO in any given month shall be remitted to the PSALM Corp. on or before the fifteenth (15 th) of the succeeding month, net of any amount due to the distribution utility. Any end-user or self-generating entity not connected to a distribution utility shall remit its corresponding universal charge directly to the TRANSCO. The PSALM Corp., as administrator of the fund, shall create a Special Trust Fund which shall be disbursed only for the purposes specified herein in an open and transparent manner. All amounts collected for the universal charge shall be distributed to the respective beneficiaries within a reasonable period to be provided by the SEC. 35. Royalties, Returns and Tax Rates for Indigenous Energy Resources. - The provisions of Section 79 of Commonwealth Act No. 137 (C.A. No. 137) and any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the President of the Philippines shall reduce the royalties, returns and taxes collected for the exploitation of all indigenous sources of energy, including but not limited to, natural gas and geothermal steam, so as to effect parity of tax treatment with the existing rates for imported coal, crude oil, bunker fuel and other imported fuels. xxx ERC.” Sec. 35. Royalties, Returns and Tax Rates for Indigenous Energy Resources. - The provisions of Section 79 of Commonwealth Act No. 137 (C.A. No. 137) and any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the President of the Philippines shall reduce the royalties, returns and taxes collected for the FOLLOWING: 1. INDIGENOUS ENERGY RESOURCES – FOR THE exploitation of all indigenous sources of energy, including but not limited to, natural gas and geothermal steam, so as to effect parity of tax treatment with the existing rates for imported coal, crude oil, bunker fuel and other imported fuels. 2. TAX FOR ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES xxx The task of the ERC is to ensure reasonable electricity rates for end-users, which refer to “any person or entity requiring the supply and delivery of electricity for its own use”. If the purpose of the proposed amendment is to bolster this, why limit to electric cooperatives the grant of reduced royalties, returns, and tax and of lower rates of power from indigenous sources of energy? It is not clear from the proposed amendment how the said purpose will be achieved. (PIPPA) SEC. 37. Powers and Functions of the DOE. - In addition to its existing powers and functions, the DOE is hereby mandated to supervise the restructuring of the electricity industry. In pursuance thereof, Section 5 of R. A. 7638 otherwise known as "The Department of Energy Act of 1992" is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx (d) Ensure the reliability, quality and security of supply of electric power; Sec. 37. Powers and Functions of the DOE. - In addition to its existing powers and functions, the DOE is hereby mandated to supervise the restructuring of the electricity industry. In pursuance thereof, Section 5 of R. A. 7638 otherwise known as "The Department of Energy Act of 1992" is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx (d) Ensure the reliability, quality and security of supply of electric power, PRIMED ON THE INTEREST OF PROTECTING THE CONSUMERS FROM UNREASONABLE INCREASE OF PRICES; (e) xxx (e) xxx (f) Jointly with the electric power (f) Jointly with the SEC. 37. Powers and Functions of the DOE. xxx xxx EPIRA’s objective was to ensure “transparent and reasonable prices of electricity in a regime of free and fair competition and full public accountability” (Sec. 2(c), EPIRA). This mandate is reiterated in sections 25, 32, 33 and 43(f) of industry participants, establish the wholesale electricity spot market and formulate the detailed rules governing the operations thereof; (g) xxx (h) xxx (i) Develop policies and procedures and, as appropriate, promote a system of energy development incentives to enable and encourage electric power industry participants to provide adequate capacity to meet demand including, among others, reserve requirements; electric power industry participants, establish the wholesale electricity spot market WHEN IT IS WARRANTED BY UNCONDITIONAL DECLARATION, WHICH MUST BE CONCURRED IN BY THE ERC, OF STABILITY IN POWER SUPPLY and formulate the detailed rules governing the operations thereof; (g) xxx (h) xxx (i) Develop policies and procedures and, as appropriate, promote a system of energy development incentives to enable and encourage electric power industry participants to provide adequate capacity to meet demand, ESPECIALLY A SUDDEN SURGE OF DEMAND THAT MAY ARISE ON ENERGENCY the EPIRA. Even without the proposed amendment, this is being ensured in the current regulatory framework under the ERC. (PIPPA) The proposed amendment seeks to limit the power of DOE in establishing the electricity market. However, it blurs the distribution of functions between the DOE and ERC. ERC’s concurrence may amount to passing upon the policy determination which should be within the prerogative of the DOE, jointly with industry participants. Ambiguities will also arise. Who will make and what will warrant SITUATION BROUGHT UPON BY A SIMULTANEOUS OUTAGE BY SEVERAL GENERATORS, OR A SINGLE ONE, REPRESENTING A HUGE BULK OF SUPPLY ON PER GRID BASIS, including, among others, reserve requirements; (j) – (o) xxx (k) xxx (m) xxx (n) xxx (o) xxx an “unconditional declaration”? On which parameters may ERC based its concurrence? What will determine “stability in power supply”? (PIPPA) (j) xxx (k) xxx (m) xxx (n) xxx (o) xxx (P)EXERCISE SUPERVISION OVER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES IN THE POWER SECTOR, FOR THEIR COMPLIANCE TO THIS ACT IN ORDER TO MONITOR AND TAKE REMEDIAL MEASURES IN PENALIZING ABUSE OF MARKET POWER, CARTELIZATION, AND ANTICOMPETITVE OR DISCRIMINATORY BEHAVIOUR. TO THIS END, DOE IS (p) SUPPORT THE MODERNIZATION OF THE ELECTRIC GRID INFRASTRUCTURE BY FORMULATING POLICIES AND PROVIDING INCENTIVES TO PROMOTE ADOPTION OF SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES, PRACTICES AND SERVICES TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, EFFICIENCY, DEMAND The proposed amendment creates ambiguity in the law. The proposed additional function of the DOE is already entrenched in the responsibilities of the ERC per Section 43 of the EPIRA. (PIPPA) EMPOWERED MOTU PROPIO TO INVESTIGATE AND FILE CORRESPONDIN G CHARGES, IN THE APPROPRIATE COURT OR TO THE ARC, AGAINST VIOLATORS PARTICULARLY ON CARTELIZATION, ABUSE OF MARKET POWER, ANTICOMPETITIVE OR DISCRIMINATORY BEHAVIOUR OF INDUSTRY PARTICIPANTS; (p) Formulate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the objectives of this Act; and (Q) [(p)] Formulate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the objectives of this Act; and SEC. 38. Creation of the Energy Regulatory Commission. - xxx (R) [(q)] Exercise such other powers as may be necessary or incidental to attain the objectives of this Act." Sec. 38. Creation of the Energy Regulatory Commission. - xxx The The (q) Exercise such other powers as may be necessary or incidental to attain the objectives of this Act." Commission Commission RESPONSE SUPPORT, INTEROPERABILITY AND INTEGRATED AUTOMATION OF GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION LINES, ELECTRICITY TRADING MANAGEMENT. (q) [(p)] Formulate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the objectives of this Act; and (R) [(q)] Exercise such other powers as may be necessary or incidental to attain the objectives of this Act. SEC. 38. Creation of the Energy Regulatory Commission. - xxx The Commission PIPPA suggests to consider adding the ff requirements: shall be composed of a Chairman and four (4) members to be appointed by the President of the Philippines. The Chairman and the members of the Commission shall be natural-born citizens and residents of the Philippines, persons of good moral character, at least thirty-five (35) years of age, and of recognized competence in any of the following fields: energy, law, economics, finance, commerce, or engineering, with at least three (3) years actual and distinguished experience in their respective fields of expertise: Provided, That out of the four(4) members of the Commission at least one (1) shall be a member of the Philippine Bar with at least ten (10) years experience in the active practice of law, and one (1) shall be a certified public accountant with at least ten (10) years experience in active practice. shall be composed of a Chairman and four (4) members to be SELECTED AND appointed by the President of the Philippines FROM THE ROSTER OF NOMINEES TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE JCPC OR A SUBSTITUTE BODY CREATED WHEN JCPC’S TERM EXPIRES, WHICH SHALL BE CALLED MULTISTAKEHOLDER POWER ADVISORY COUNCIL FORMED, PURSUANT TO THEIR ADDIDTIONAL MANDATE DEFINED IN SEC. 62 OF THIS AMENDATORY ACT. The Chairman and the members of the Commission shall be natural-born citizens and residents of the Philippines, persons of good moral character, at least thirty-five (35) years of age, [and of recognized competence] GRADUATE OF AT LEAST FOUR- shall be composed of a Chairman and [four (a)] EIGHT (8) members, DIVIDED INTO THREE (3) DIVISIONS, DESIGNATED FOR LUZON, VISAYAS AND MINDANAO, CONSISTING OF THREE (3) COMMISSIONERS EACH, WITH THE CHAIRMAN SITTING IN THE FIRST DIVISION, to be appointed by the President of the Philippines. The chairman and the members of the Commission shall be natural-born citizens and residents of the Philippines, persons of good moral character, at least thirty-five (35) years of age, and of recognized competence in any of the following fields: energy, law, economics, finance, commerce, or engineering, with at least [three (3)] FIVE (5) years actual and distinguished experience in their respective fields of expertise: Provided, That out of the [four (4)] EIGHT (8)members of the One (1) Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) or one (1) MBA graduate, and one (1) Economics graduate. It is already difficult to find persons to lead the industry, increasing the number of the Commissioners would not resolve the concerns stated. It may be more beneficial to improve the competencies of the staff in the ERC. It is not clear how the multistakeholder power advisory council will be created. It is important to determine the objectives of its creation, its composition, its powers and functions, and source of funding to xxx xxx YEAR COURSE in any of the following fields: energy, [law,] economics, finance, commerce, engineering, OR ANY RELATED FIELDS AND with at least with at least [three (3)]TEN (10) years [actual ] OF PROFESSIONAL and [distinguished]REL EVANT experience [in their respective fields of expertise]LINKED TO THE PROVISION OF HIGH LEVEL POLICY ADVICE OR POLICY MAKING IN THE ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY: Provided, That out of the four(4) members of the Commission at least one (1) shall be a member of the Philippine Bar with at least ten (10) years experience in the active practice of law, ONE (1) REPRESENTATIV E FROM THE ELECRIC CONSUMER GROUPS, and one (1) shall be a Commission at least one (1) shall be a member of the Philippine Bar with at least ten (10) years experience in the active practice of law, [and] one (1) shall be a certified public accountant with at least ten (10) years experience in active practice, AND THREE (3) SHALL BE ENGINEERS WITH AT LEAST TEN (10) YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ACTIVE PRACTICE, WHO WILL SIT IN EACH DIVISION. xxx xxx The presence of at least [three (3)] FIVE ensure that the council will not end up performing similar functions of an already existing entity. The proposed amendment must also be taken with caution as this may further politicize the appointment process. Requiring relevant experience linked to the provision of high level policy advice or policy making specific to the electric power industry is too limiting inasmuch as it effectively hinders other subject matter experts who have not been engaged by electric power industry policymakers to advise or to defend their positions from becoming The presence of at least three (3) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum and the majority vote of two (2) members in a meeting where a quorum is present shall be necessary for the adoption of any rule, ruling, order, resolution, decision, or other act of the Commission in the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions: Provided, That in fixing rates and tariffs, an affirmative vote of three (3) members shall be required. certified public accountant with at least ten (10) years experience in active practice. xxx (5) members of the Commission, sitting en banc, shall constitute a quorum and the majority vote of [two (2)] THREE (3) members in a meeting where a quorum is present shall be necessary for the adoption of any rule, ruling, order, resolution, decision, or other act of the Commission en banc in the exercise of its quasijudicial functions; provided, That in fixing rates and tariffs, an affirmative vote of [three (3)] FIVE (5) members shall be required. CASES OR MATTERS HEARD BY A DTVISION SHALL BE RESOLVED WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF AT LEAST TWO (2) MEMBERS. WHEN THE REQUIRED NUMBER IS NOT OBTAINED, THE CASE SHALL BE DECIDED EN BANC; PROVIDED THAT NO DECISION RENDERED EN members of the ERC, even if they possess the necessary competence and experience in their respective fields of expertise. Even without amending the provision, consumers are already represented in the ERC. The Commission is composed of four (4) independent members from various fields of expertise. (PIPPA) BANC OR IN DIVISION MAY BE MODIFIED OR REVERSED EXCEPT BY THE COMMISSION SITTING EN BANC. FOR THIS PURPOSE THE COMMISSION SHALL DEFINE THROUGH ITS INTERNAL RULES CASES OR MATTERS THAT SHALL BE RESOLVED BY A DIVISION AND THOSE THAT SHALL BE RESOLVED SITTING EN BANC. SEC. 41. Promotion of Consumer Interests. – The ERC shall handle consumer complaints and ensure the adequate promotion of consumer THE ERC SHALL ADOPT AN EXPANDED ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND PLANTILLA POSITIONS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT AND SUPPORT THE POWERS AND FLINCTIONS LINDER THIS ACT. SEC. 41. Promotion of Consumer Interests. – The ERC shall handle consumer complaints and ensure the adequate promotion of consumer interests. interests. FOR THIS PURPOSE THE ERC SHALL CREATE A CONSUMER ADVOCACY OFFICE, WHICH SHALL ACT AS REPRESENTATIVE FOR AND IN BEHALF OF THE CONSUMERS, FOR PURPOSES OF EITHER PROSECUTION OR DEFENSE, IN ANY PROCEEDING, CASE OR MATTER BEFORE THE ERC. THE CONSUMER ADVOCACY OFFICE SHALL BE LINDER THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE ERC ONLY FOR PLANTILLA AND COMPENSATION PURPOSES. THE SAID OFFICE SHALL ACT INDEPENDENTLY OF THE COMMISSION AND SHALL BE HEADED BY A CHIEF ADVOCACY OFFICER WHO SHALL BE A MEMBER OF THE PHILIPPINE BAR WITH AT LEAST TEN (10) YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE ACTIVE PRACTICE OF LAW. THE CHIEF ADVOCACY OFFICER SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE SAME SALARY, ALLOWANCE AND BENEFIT AS THAT OF A REGIONAL TRIAL COURT JUDGE. THE REST OF THE OFFICERS UNDER THE CONSUMER ADVOCACY OFFICE SHOULD LIKEWISE BE MEMBERS OF THE PHILIPPINE BAR WITH AT LEAST (5) YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE ACTIVE PRACTICE OF LAW WHO SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE SAME SALARIES, ALLOWANCES AND BENEFITS AS THOSE OF THE METROPOLITAN TRIAL COURT JUDGES. THE ERC SHALL, IN ITS RULES OF PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE, DEFINE THE PROCEEDINGS, SEC. 43. Functions of the ERC. – xxx (a) Enforce the implementing rules and regulations of this Act; (b) Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, promulgate and enforce, in accordance with law, a National Grid Code and a Distribution Code which shall include, but not limited to, the following: Sec. 43. Functions of the ERC. – xxx CASES OR MATTERS UNDER WHICH THE CONSUMER ADVOCACY OFFICE IS ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE. SEC. 43. Functions of the ERC. – xxx xxx (a) Enforce the implementing rules and regulations of this Act RELATIVE TO INDUSTRY COMPETITION AND MARKET ABUSE TOGETHER WITH OTHER AGENCIES AUTHORIZED TO MONITOR THE STANDARDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING RULES AND REGULATIONS SET; (b) Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, promulgate and enforce, in accordance with law, a National Grid Code and a Distribution Code which shall include, but not limited to, the following: Limiting the obligation of the ERC to enforce the implementing rules and regulations of the EPIRA relative to industry competition and market abuse only threatens to render the regulatory function of the ERC weak and ineffective (PIPPA) (i) Performance standards for TRANSCO O & M Concessionaire, distribution utilities and suppliers: Provided, That in the establishment of the performance standards, the nature and function of the entities shall be considered; and (ii) Financial capability standards for the generating companies, the TRANSCO, distribution utilities and suppliers: Provided, That in the formulation of the financial capability standards, the nature and function of the entity shall be considered: Provided, further, That such standards are set to ensure that the electric power industry participants meet the minimum financial standards to protect the public interest. Determine, fix, and (i) Performance standards for TRANSCO O & M Concessionaire, distribution utilities and suppliers: Provided, That in the establishment of the performance standards, the nature and function of the entities shall be considered; and (ii) Financial capability standards for the generating companies, the TRANSCO, distribution utilities and suppliers: Provided, That in the formulation of the financial capability standards, the nature and function of the entity shall be considered: Provided, further, That such standards are set to ensure that the electric power industry participants meet approve, after due notice and public hearings the universal charge, to be imposed on all electricity endusers pursuant to Sections 34 hereof; the minimum financial AND TECHNICAL standards to protect the public interest. PROVIDED, FURTHERMOR E, THAT MONITORING SUPERVISION AND ENFORCENME NT OF FINANCIAL AND TECHNICAL STANDARDS OF THE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE S WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY THE NATIONAL ELECTRIFICATI ON ADMINISTRATI ON, INCLUDING EXISTING GUIDELINES PROMULGAED BY THE ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION, PRIOR TO THIS AMENDMENT. Determine, fix, and approve, after due notice and public hearings the universal charge, to be imposed on all electricity Small power plants running on renewable energy should (c) xxx (d) xxx xxx xxx (t) Perform such other regulatory functions as are appropriate and necessary in order to ensure the successful restructuring and modernization of the electric power industry, such as, but not limited to, the rules and guidelines under which generation companies, distribution utilities which are not publicly listed shall offer and sell to the public a portion not less than fifteen percent (15%) of their common shares of stocks: Provided, however, That generation companies, distribution utilities or their respective holding companies that are already listed in the PSE are deemed in compliance. For existing companies, such public offering shall be implemented not later than five (5) years from the end-users pursuant Sections hereof; (c) xxx (d) xxx xxx xxx to 34 xxx (t) Perform such other regulatory functions as are appropriate in order to ensure the successful restructuring and modernization of the electric power industry, such as, but not limited to, the rules and guidelines under which generation companies, EXCLUDING RENEWABLE ENERGY AND OTHER GENERATION FACILITIES GENERATING SMALL CAPACITIES OF NOT MORE THAN TWENTY (20) MEGAWATTS OF INSTALLED CAPACITY, distribution utilities which are not publicly listed shall offer and sell to the public a portion not less than fifteen percent (I5%) of their common shares stocks: Provided, however, That generation be exempted from the shareholding dispersal requirement. (FGD proposalsPhil Sugar Millers Ass) PIPPA requests clarification on the reason for the exemption of renewable energy and other generation facilities of 20MW or less, and the basis for setting the exemption at 20MW. The 20 MW generating facility is too small. For an old thermal facility of this size, the market capitalization might beless than P200M. This would make the cost of maintaining a listing prohibitive. Why not consider 500 MW instead? This amendment may be addressed by a law on effectivity of this Act. New companies shall implement their respective public offerings not later than five (5) years from the issuance of their certificate of compliance; and xxx Sec. 45.Cross Ownership, Market Power Abuse And Anti-Competitive Behaviour.- No participant in the electricity industry or any other person may engage in any anti-competitive behaviour including, but not limited to, cross-subsidization, price or market manipulation, or other unfair trade practices detrimental to the encouragement and protection of Sec. 45.Cross Ownership, Market Power Abuse And AntiCompetitive Behaviour.- No participant in the electricity industry or any other person may engage in any anti-competitive behaviour including, but not limited to, crosssubsidization, price or market manipulation, or other unfair trade practices detrimental to the Sec. 45.Cross Ownership, Market Power Abuse And Anti-Competitive Behaviour. - No participant in the electricity industry or any other person may engage in any anti-competitive behaviour including, but not limited to, crosssubsidization, price or market manipulation, or other unfair trade practices detrimental to the companies, distribution utilities or their respective holding companies that are already listed in the PSE are deemed in compliance. For existing companies, such public offering shall be implemented not later than frve (5) years from the Effectivity of this Act. New companies shall implement their respective public offerings not later than five (5) years from the issuance of their certificate of compliance; and xxx Sec. 45.Cross Ownership, Market Power Abuse And Anti-Competitive Behaviour. - No participant in the electricity industry or any other person may engage in any anti-competitive behavior including but not limited to, cross subsidization, price or market manipulation, or other unfair trade practices detrimental renewable energy rather than an amendment to the EPIRA. The prohibition on crow-ownership should apply to all sectors of the power industry – generation, transmission, distribution and supply. (FGD proposalsTUCP) Allow DUs to source 100% of total demand from its own generating plant or an associated firm engaged in generation (FGD contestable markets. encouragement and protection of contestable markets. encouragement and protection of contestable markets. NO DISTRIBUTION UTILITY, OR ITS RESPECTIVE SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE OR STOCKHOLDERS OR OFFICIAL OR DIRECTOR OR ANY OF THEIR RELATIVES WITHIN THE FOURTH CIVIL DEGREE OF CONSANGUINITY OR AFFINITY, SHALL BE ALLOWED TO HOLD ANY INTEREST DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN ANY GENERATION COMPANY, LIKEWISE, NO GENERATION COMPANY, OR ITS RESPECTIVE SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE OR STOCKHOLDERS OR OFFICIAL OR DIRECTOR OR ANY OF THEIR RELATIVES WITHIN THE FOURTH CIVIL DEGREE OF CONSANGUINTY to the encouragement and protection of [contestable markets] ELECTRICITY ENDUSERS[.]; PROVIDED THAT, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SECTORS SHALL REMAIN THEIR NATURAL MONOPOLY BUSINESSES AND, THEREFORE, CROSSOWNERSHIP SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED; PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT NOTHING IN THIS SECTION SHALL BE HELD TO AFFECT OR IMPAIR ANY RIGHT, PRIVILEGE OR INTEREST HERETOFORE LEGALLY ACQUIRED. AS USED IN THIS ACT, CROSS OWNERSHIP SHALL REFER TO THE HOLDING OF ANY INTEREST, IN WHATEVER proposalsBENECO) Reduction of market share cap from 30% to 25% per grid (FGD proposalsKaamulan Chambers) Reduction of bilateral contracting of DUs with affiliate generation companies from 50% to 10% (FGD proposalsOro Chamber, Kaamulan Chamber) o DUs should be allowed to source from associated firms engaged in generation of power as follows: 50 MW and below- 60% o 51-100 MW 50% o 101-250 MW – 30% o 251-500 MW – 30% o 501 MW and above – 25% (FGD proposalsAMRECO) To date, the ownership and cross-ownership caps has not yet been violated, OR AFFINITY, SHALL BE ALLOWED TO HOLD ANY INTEREST, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN ANY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY: PROVIDED, THAT THE DISTRIBUTION UTILITY, ITS RESPECTIVE SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATE OR STOCKHOLDER OR OFFICIAL OF A DISTRIBUTION UTILITY HOLDING AN INTEREST IN ANY GENERATION COMPANY, AND VICE VERSA, AT THE TIME OF THE PASSAGE OF THIS ACT, SHALL BE REQUIRED TO DIVEST THE SAME WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR FROM THE EFFECTIVITY OF THIS ACT. FORM, DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY, BY ANY ENTITY ENGAGED IN THE GENERATION, SUPPLY, DISTRIBUTION OR TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY, IN OR WITH ANOTHER ENTITY SIMILARLY ENGAGED IN THE GENERATION, SUPPLY, DISTRIBUTION OR TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY. ACCORDINGLY, NO ELECTRIC INDUSTRY PARTICIPANT, SUCH AS A GENERATION COMPANY, SUPPLIER OF ELECTRICITY, DISTRIBUTION UTILITY OR TRANSMISSION COMPANY OR ITS CONCESSIONAIRE, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE AFFILIATES, SUBSIDIARIES, INCLUDING ANY OF ITS however PSALM poses no objection on the proposed revision as it aims to ensure genuine competition in the power sector. Transco agrees with the prohibition of cross ownership between distribution and generation to allow more players in the sector to come in and discourage connivance particularly in terms of sourcing the demand of DUs from related generation companies. NPC favors H.B. 3676 because it will rectify an apparent flaw in the EPIRA in regard to the power industry’s ownership structures. Prior to the passage of EPIRA, what STOCKHOLDERS, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR RELATIVES WITHIN THE FOURTH CIVIL DEGREE OF CONSAGUINITY OR AFFINITY SHALL BE ALLOWED TO HOLD ANY INTEREST, IN WHATEVER FORM, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR WITH ANY OTHER ENTITY SIMILARLY ENGAGED IN THE GENERATION, SUPPLY, DISTRIBUTION OR TRANSMISSION OR ITS CONCESSIONAIRE, AS PROVIDED IN THIS ACT. No generation company, distribution utility, or its respective subsidiary or affiliate or stockholder or official of a generation company or distribution utility, or other entity engaged in generating and supplying electricity specified by ERC No generation company, distribution utility, or its respective subsidiary or affiliate or stockholder or official of a generation company or distribution utility, AND ANY OF THEIR No generation company, distribution utility, or its respective subsidiary or affiliate or stockholder or official of a generation company or distribution utility, or other entity was expected by most professional or practitioners in the power industry was the prohibition of cross ownership between distributors and generators and not the between the generators and distributors lumped in one party and with the transmission provider as the other party. xxx We would like to clarify the basis of prohibiting relatives up to the sixth degree of affinity for generation or distribution, within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity shall be allowed to hold any interest, directly or indirectly, in TRANSCO or its concessionaire. Likewise, the TRANSCO, or its concessionaire or any of its stockholders or officials or any of their relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, shall not hold any interest, whether directly or indirectly, in any generation company or distribution utility. Except for ex-officio governmentappointed representatives, no person who is an officer or director of the TRANSCO or its concessionaire shall be an officer or director of any generation company, distribution utility or supplier. RELATIVES WITHIN THE SIXTH CIVIL DEGREE OF CONSAGUNITY OR AFFINITY, or other entity engaged in generating and supplying electricity specified by ERC [within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity], EXCEPT WITH THE OFFICIALS OF A NON-STOCK AND NON-PROFIT ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES, shall be allowed to hold any interest, directly or indirectly, in TRANSCO or its concessionaire. Likewise, the TRANSCO, or its concessionaire or any of its stockholders or officials or any of their relatives within the [fourth] SIXTH civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, shall not hold any interest, whether directly or indirectly, in any generation company or distribution utility. Except for ex- engaged in generating and supplying electricity specified by ERC within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity shall be allowed to hold any interest, directly or indirectly, in TRANSCO or its concessionaire. Likewise, the TRANSCO, or its concessionaire or any of its stockholders or officials or any of their relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, shall not hold any interest, whether directly or indirectly, in any generation company or distribution utility. Except for exofficio governmentappointed representatives, no person who is an officer or director of the TRANSCO or its concessionaire shall be an officer or director of any generation company, while exempting non-stock and non-profit electric cooperatives. The proposed amendment exempting officials of nonstock and nonprofit electric cooperatives from the coverage of the prohibition against cross ownership in Transco is counterproductive to the intention of the EPIRA. (PIPPA) From a bilateral contract with an affiliated company. Imposing crossownership restrictions may not be the right solution as this may delay or discourage needed investments in the power sector. The proposed changes will restrict flow of investments in a officio governmentappointed representatives, no person who is an officer or director of the TRANSCO or its concessionaire shall be an officer or director of any generation company, distribution utility or supplier. xxx xxx To promote true market competition and prevent harmful monopoly and market power abuse, the ERC shall enforce the following safeguards: To promote true market competition and prevent harmful monopoly and market power abuse, the ERC shall enforce the following safeguards: (a) No company or related group can own, operate or control more than thirty percent (30%) of the installed generating capacity of a grid and/or twenty-five percent (25%) of the national installed capacity. “Related group” include a person’s business interests, including its (a) No company or related group can own, operate or control more than [thirty percent(30%)]FIFT EEN PERCENT (15%)of the installed generating capacity of a grid [and/or twenty-five percent (25%) of the national installed capacity] distribution utility or supplier. A GENERATION COMPANY MY BE PERMITTED TO HOLD INTEREST, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN ANOTHER GENERATION COMPANY: PROVIDED, THAT THE EXTENT OF SUCH INTEREST SHALL BE LESS THAN THE AMOUNT OF SHARES NEEDED TO VOTE ONE MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. xxx. very capital intensive industry. This is contrary to the intent and policy behind EPIRA to enhance the inflow of private capital into the electric power industry. xxx To promote true market competition and prevent harmful monopoly and market power abuse, the ERC shall enforce the following safeguards: (a) No company or related group can own, operate or control more than [thirty] TWENTYFIVE percent ([30] 25%) of the installed generating capacity of a grid and/or [twenty-five] TWENTY percent With no one company or related group owning, operating or controlling more that fifteen (15%) of the installed generating capacity of a grid, it is likely that no investments for addition capacity to solve the Mindanao power crisis will be made by existing industry players. There also appears no rational basis for extending the definition of related group to relatives within the sixth civil degree of subsidiaries , affiliates, directors or officers or any of their relatives by consanguinity or affinity, legitimate or common law, within the fourth civil degree; AS IN LUZON, VISAYAS AND MINDANAO GRID, THE SAME LEVEL OF OWNERSHIP SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON A PER ISLAND GRID BASIS EVEN AFTER THE INTERCONNECTI ON OF THE THREE MAIN GRIDS. “Related group” include a person’s business interests, including its subsidiaries , affiliates, directors or officers or any of their relatives by consanguinity or affinity, legitimate or common law, within the [fourth] SIXTH civil degree[;]. THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (SEC) IS HEREBY TASKED TO CONSIDER IN THEIR TEMPLATE OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF ALL POWER INDUSTRY PLAYERS INFORMATION RELATIVE TO ABOVE AND WILL BE HELD ([25] 20%) of the national installed capacity[.] REGARDLESS OF THE ENTITY OR ENTITIES CONTROLLING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PRICES OR QUANTITIES OF THE OUTPUT SOLD; OR THE ENTITY OR ENTITIES CONTROLLING SUCH CAPACITY; OR IN THE CASE OF NPC AND ITS INDEPENDENT POWER PRODUCERS, THE ENTITY WHICH ACTUALLY CONTROLS THE QUANTITY OR DISPATCH LEVEL GENERATED FROM THE SUBJECT POWER PLANTS AND THE PRICE OF ELECTRICITY OFFERED TO THE MARKET; PROVIDED THAT ÏNSTALLED GENERATING CAPACITY” SHALL consanguinity or affinity. The crossownership and market share restrictions under EPIRA are already very high and restrictive. They should not be disturbed merely because of recent unfounded allegations of market abuse against industry players. (PIPPA) EPIRA allowed the cross-ownership in generation and distribution, with a limit of up to 50% contracting because eventually there will be full Open Access. There will come a time that the distributor will not have any captive customers for passing on its generation charges. PIPPA RESPONSIBLE IN CASE OF VIOLATION OF THE PROVISION FOR ANY POWER INDUSTRY PLAYER THAT CAN REGISTER EVEN IF NOT QUALIFIED PURSUANT TO THE ABOVE PROHIBITION; (b) Distribution utilities may enter into bilateral power supply contracts subject to review by ERC. Provided, That such review shall only be required for (b)[Distribution utilities may enter into bilateral power supply contracts subject to review by ERC. Provided, That such review shall only be required for REFER TO THE MAXIMUM OUTPUT OR NAMEPLATE RATING LESS PERMANENT REDUCTIONS, BUT EXCLUDING TEMPORARY REDUCTIONS DUE TO PLANT SHUTDOWN OR TRANSMISSION CONSTRAINTS, OR SUCH OTHER TEMPORARY REDUCTIONS OF A PLANT’S GENERATING CAPACITY. “Related group” include a person’s business interests, including its subsidiaries , affiliates, directors or officers or any of their relatives by consanguinity or affinity, legitimate or common law, within the fourth civil degree; (b) Distribution utilities may enter into bilateral power supply contracts subject to review by ERC. suggests to accelerate Open Access by lowering the threshold for average monthly consumption of contestable customers to 500KW. distribution utilities whose markets have not reached household demand level. For the purpose of preventing market power abuse between associated firms engaged in generation and distribution, no distribution utility shall be allowed to source from bilateral power supply contracts more than fifty percent (50%) of its total demand from an associated firm engaged in generation but such limitation, however, shall not prejudice contracts entered into prior to the effectivity of this Act. An associated firm with respect to another entity refers to any person which, alone or together with any other person, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such entity; and distribution utilities whose markets have not reached household demand level. For the purpose of preventing market power abuse between associated firms engaged in generation and distribution, no distribution utility shall be allowed to source from bilateral power supply contracts more than fifty percent (50%) of its total demand from an associated firm engaged in generation but such limitation, however, shall not prejudice contracts entered into prior to the effectivity of this Act. An associated firm with respect to another entity refers to any person which, alone or together with any other person, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Provided, That such review shall only be required for distribution utilities whose markets have not reached household demand level; PROVIDED FURTHER, THAT SUCH BILATERAL CONTRACTS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PUBLIC AND COMPETITIVE BIDDING OR SWISS CHALLENGE PROCEDURE AS THE CASE MAY BE, UNDER SUCH RULES AND REGULATIONS AS THE ERC MAY PROMULGATE. For the purpose of preventing market power abuse between associated firms engaged in generation and distribution, no distribution utility shall be allowed to source from bilateral power supply contracts more than fifty percent (50%) of its total demand from Preventing entity; and] FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREVENTING MARKET POWER ABUSE BETWEEN ASSOCIATED FIRMS ENGAGED IN GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION, DISTRIBUTION UTILITY IS ONLY ALLOWED TO SOURCE FROM BILATERAL POWER SUPPLY CONTRACT OF ITS TOTAL DEMAND FROM ITS ASSOCIATED FIRMS ENGAGED IN GENERATION AS FOLLOWS: DUS’S TOTAL DEMAND 50 MW AND BELOW 51-100 MW 101-250 MW 251-500 MW 501 MW AND ABOVE (c) For the first five (5) years from the establishment of the wholesale electricity spot market, no distribution utility shall source more than ninety percent (90%) of its total demand from bilateral power supply contracts. xxx. ALLOWED BILATERAL CONTRACT 6O% 50% 40% 30% 25% (c) [For the first five (5) years from the establishment of the wholesale electricity spot market, no distribution utility shall source more than ninety percent (90%) of its total demand from bilateral power supply contracts.] UPON an associated firm engaged in generation but such limitation, however, shall not prejudice contracts entered into prior to the effectivity of this Act. An associated firm with respect to another entity refers to any person which, alone or together with any other person, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such entity; and xxx distribution utilities from fully contracting exposes its customers to price volatilities in the spot market, especially during tight supply periods of highdemand summer months. By fully contracting its total demand, a distribution utility is guaranteed reliable and stable supply of electricity from its supplier and a fixed and predictable electricity cost year-round, which is consistent with Section 2 of the EPIRA mandating continuous, reliable, efficient and affordable power supply. (PIPPA) OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY SPOT MARKET, NO DISTRIBUTION UTIITY SHALL SOURCE MORE THAN 90% OF ITS DEMAND FROM BILATERAL CONTRACT IF THE SAME IS MORE THAN 15 MW AND THAT THERE IS NO AVAILABLE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES THAT CAN BE DEVELOPED IN ITS FRANCHISE AREA. TO THE CONTRARY, A DISTRIBUTION UTILITY WITH A TOTAL DEMAND OF 15 MW AND BELOW MAY OPT TO SOURCE ITS POWER REQUIREMENT THROUGH BILATERAL CONTRACT OR DEVELOP ITS OWN GENERATING PLANT, ESPECIALLY IF RENEWABLE ENERGY IS EMBEDDED IN ITS FRANCHISE AREA. xxx.” Sec. 47. NPC Privatization. – Except for the assets of SPUG, the generation assets, real estate, and other disposable assets as well as IPP contracts of NPC shall be privatized in accordance with this Act. Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, the PSALM Corp. shall submit a plan for the endorsement by the Joint Congressional Power Commission and the approval of the President of the Philippines, on the total privatization of the generation assets, real estate, other disposable assets as well as existing IPP contracts of NPC and thereafter, implement the same, in accordance with the following guidelines, except as provided for in paragraph (f) herein: Sec. 47.NPC Privatization. – Except for the [assets of SPUG,] AGUS AND PULANGUI HYDRO ELECTRIC PLANTS COMPLEXES, the generation assets, real estate, and other disposable assets as well as IPP contracts of NPC shall be privatized in accordance with this Act[. Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, the PSALM Corp. shall submit a plan for the endorsement by the Joint Congressional Power Commission and the approval of the President of the Philippines, on the total privatization of the generation assets, real estate, other disposable assets as well as existing IPP contracts of NPC and thereafter, Sec 47. NPC Privatization. – Except for the assets of SPUG, the generation assets, real estate, and other disposable assets as well as IPP contracts of NPC shall be privatized in accordance with this Act. Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, the PSALM Corp. shall submit a plan for the endorsement by the Joint Congressional Power Commission and the approval of the President of the Philippines, on the total privatization of the generation assets, real estate, other disposable assets as well as existing IPP contracts of NPC and thereafter, implement the same, in accordance with the following guidelines, except Sec. 47.NPC Privatization. – Except for the assets of SPUG, the generation assets, real estate, and other disposable assets as well as IPP contracts of NPC shall be privatized in accordance with this Act. Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, the PSALM Corp. shall submit a plan for the endorsement by the Joint Congressional Power Commission and the approval of the President of the Philippines, on the total privatization of the generation assets, real estate, other disposable assets as well as existing IPP contracts of NPC and thereafter, implement the same, in accordance with Sec. 47. NPC Privatization - Except for the assets of SPUG, AGUS AND PULANGUI HYDRO POWER COMPLEXES AND OTHER NPC ASSETS IN MINDANAO, the generation assets, real estate, and other disposable assets as well as IPP contracts of NPC shall be privatized in accordance with this Act. Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, the PSALM Corp. shall submit a plan for the endorsement by the Joint Congressional Power Commission and the approval of the President of the Philippines, on the total privatization of the generation assets, real estate, other disposable assets as well as existing IPP contracts of NPC and thereafter, implement the same, in accordance with the Agus and the Pulangui should stay in government hands and should not be privatized (Kaamulan Chamber, Oro Chamber) At the most, government can offer the Operation and Maintenance contract for the two plants to a private concessionai re, but retain ownership of the said assets (as consolidated by PEPOA) Create a Mindanao Power Corporation to manage the AgusPulangui Complex (AMRECO) Allow NPC to continue NPC favors and support H.B. 351, particularly its explanatory note that ‘it is wrong for govt to fully let go to private hands the vital power generation sector’. Retaining and operating the governmentowned electric power generating assets in Mindanao will provide NPC an additional revenue of about Php 10 Billion/year, while still selling electricity at a low of Php 4/kwh. With that additional income, NPC will better serve the SPUG area, better operate, maintain and (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx implement the same, in accordance with] the following guidelines, except as provided for in paragraph (f) herein: (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xx as provided for in paragraph (f) herein: the following guidelines, except as provide following guidelines, except as provided for in paragraph (f) herein: (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx (a) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx to operate, maintain and expand generation plants dedicated primarily for the provision of long-term Ancillary Services (Transco) rehab the hydroelectric plants in Mindanao, and can perhaps pursue Agues IV power project if allowed by the govt. It is acknowledged by the author of the proposed bill that people in Mindanao object to the selling of the Agus and Pulangi Hydro Complexes for fear that it will raise the price of electricity. If the fear is the increase in rates from privatization, the government can privatize plants with fixed price contracts attached. However, this will reduce the value paid for these plants and their privatization in this manner will not contribute toward reducing the national debt. (d) All assets of NPC shall be sold in an open and transparent manner through public bidding, and the same shall apply to the disposition of IPP contracts; (d) xxx (d) All THE REMAINING POWER assets of NPC shall be [sold in an open and transparent manner through public bidding, and the same shall apply to the disposition of IPP contracts] RETAINED BY THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT, AND MANAGED BY THE NATIONAL CORPORATION (NAPOCOR) ; (d) xxx (e) In cases of transfer of possession , control, operation or privatization of multipurpose hydro facilities, safeguards shall be prescribed to ensure that the national government may direct water usage in cases of shortage to protect potable water, irrigation, and all other requirements imbued with public interest; (e) xxx (e) In cases of transfer of possession , control[,] OR operation [or privatization] of multi-purpose hydro facilities, NATIONAL GOVERNMENT safeguards AND PROTOCOLS shall be STRICTLY prescribed to ensure that [the national government may] direct water usage AND RELEASES (e) xxx The proposed amendment of Sec. 47 would deprive PSALM of its funding source for the payment of its assumed loan of ECs with NEA. There is no proposal in the bill on how this matter will be addressed (NEA) (f) The Agus and the Pulangui complexes in Mindanao shall be excluded from among the generation companies that will be initially privatized. Their ownership shall be transferred to the PSALM Corp. and both shall continue to be operated by the NPC. Said complexes may be privatized not earlier than ten (10) years from the effectivity of this Act, and except for Agus III, shall not be subject to BuildOperate-Transfer (BO-T), BuildRehabilitate-OperateTransfer (B-R-O-T) and other variations thereof pursuant to Republic Act No. 6957, as amended by Republic Act No. 7718. The (f) The Agus and the Pulangui complexes in Mindanao shall be excluded from among the generation companies that will be [initially] privatized. Their ownership shall be transferred to the PSALM Corp. and both shall continue to be operated by the NPC. Said complexes [may be privatized not earlier than ten (10) years from the effectivity of this Act, and except for Agus III, shall not be subject to BuildOperate-Transfer (B-O-T), BuildRehabilitateOperate-Transfer (B-R-O-T) and other variations thereof pursuant to in cases of shortages AND INCLEMENT WEATHER CALAMITIES to protect potable water, irrigation, AGRICULTURAL AND RESIDENTIAL LANDS and all other requirements imbued with public interest; (f) The Agus and the Pulangui complexes in Mindanao, THE ANGAT HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT IN LUZON, THE NAGA POWER PLANT COMPLEXES IN VISAYAS, AND ALL STATE POWER BARGES shall be excluded from PRIVATIZATION [among the generation companies that will be initially privatized]. Their ownership shall be RETAINED OR transferred to the NAPOCOR [PSALM Corp.] and [both] shall continue to be operated by the [NPC] NAPOCOR. (f) The Agus and the Pulangui complexes in Mindanao shall be excluded from among the generation companies that will be [initially] privatized. Their ownership shall be transferred to the PSALM Corp. and both shall continue to be operated by the NPC[.]; [Said complexes may be privatized not earlier than ten (10) years from the effectivity of this Act, and except for Agus III, shall not be subject to BuildOperate-Transfer (B-O-T), BuildRehabilitateOperate-Transfer (B-R-O-T) and (f) The Agus and the Pulangui complexes in Mindanao shall be RETAINED AND MANAGED BY THE STATE AND excluded from among the generation companies that will be [ initially] privatized. Their ownership shall be transferred to the PSALM Corp. and both shall continue to be operated by the NPC; [Said complexes may be privatized not earlier than ten (10) years from the effectivity of this Act, and except for Agus III, shall not be subject to BuildOperate-Transfer (BO-T), BuildRehabilitate-OperateTransfer (B-R-O-T) and other variations thereof pursuant to ERC supports the nonprivatization of Agus, Pulangui and Naga Power plant complexes to prevent the ownership and control of a single generation company over a substantial amount of capacity which will effectively reduce competition in the market. But the said privatization should not be made perpetual. Privatization of the Agus and Pulangui complexes should be upon the introduction of a competitive energy market in privatization of Agus and Pulangui complexes shall be left to the discretion of PSALM Corp. in consultation with Congress; Republic Act No. 6957, as amended by Republic Act No. 7718. The privatization of Agus and Pulangui complexes shall be left to the discretion of PSALM Corp. in consultation with Congress;] SHALL BE RETAINED TO GENERATE POWER WHICH WILL SERVE AS BUFFER SUPPLY TO AVERT POWER CRISES. THE GOVERNMENT THROUGH THE NPC SHALL ENSURE ITS IMMEDIATE REHAIBLITATION TO MAXIMIZE ITS CAPACITY OUTPUT THROUGH LOANS WHICH SHALL BE RECOVERED IN A GENERATION RATE TO BE FILED WITH THE ERC WHO’S REVENUE SHALL BE USED FOR THE REPAYMENT OF ITS REHABILITATION AND OPERATION EXPENSES. PROVIDED, THAT ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES THE said complexes [may be privatized not earlier than ten (10) years from the effectivity of this Act, and except for Agus III,] shall [not] be subject to REHABILITATION, UPGRADING, AND MAINTENANCE BY THE NAPOCOR [BuildOperate-Transfer (B-O-T), BuildRehabilitateOperate-Transfer (B-R-O-T) and other variations thereof pursuant to Republic Act No. 6957, as amended by Republic Act No. 7718. The privatization of Agus and Pulangui complexes shall be left to the discretion of PSALM Corp. in consultation with Congress]; other variations thereof pursuant to Republic Act No. 6957, as amended by Republic Act No. 7718. The privatization of Agus and Pulangui complexes shall be left to the discretion of PSALM Corp. in consultation with Congress;] Republic Act No. 6957, as amended by Republic Act No. 7718. The privatization of Agus and Pulangui complexes shall be left to the discretion of PSALM Corp. in consultation with Congress;] the Mindanao grid. The government may ease the power rates in other ways such as: (1) Decreasing or eliminating VAT and other taxes in the power sector; (2) Subsidizing (government to pay private companies certain amount for the corresponding decrease in rates); and (3) Assistance on permits for generation and other power related businesses. One of the reasons for privatization was to resolve the constant problem of poor availability of power plants (relative to their private counterparts) under the SHALL BE PRIORITIZED IN CONTRACTING THESE COMPLEXES’CAP ACITY TO SERVE THE NEED OF THE RESIDENTIAL CONSUMERS. operational control of NPC. Stopping the privatization of these plants may actually result in less reliable power for consumers. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENSURING THE VIABILITY OF OPERATION OF THE AGUS AND PULANGI HYDRO ELECTRIC PLANTS COMPLEXES, A MINDANAO POWER CORPORATION SHALL BE CREATED THAT WILL MANAGE, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE PLANTS. FOR THIS PURPOSE, THE ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OR OBLIGATIONS AND DEBTS OF NAPOCOR/PSALM RELATED TO THE OPERATION OF THE MINDANAO GENERATION (MINGEN) SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM THE BOOK OF ACCOUNTS OF NAPOCOR In addition, the proposal to acquire loans for the rehabilitation and operation expenses of the Agus and Pulangi Hydro Complexes may actually result in higher electricity prices in Mindanao – the burden which people in Mindanao fear most – since the principal and interest on the loan would have to be recovered through the generation rates. It bears stressing that the proceeds from privatization are used to repay the existing NPC debts guaranteed AND TRANSFERRED TO THE NEW ENTITY, THE MINDANAO POWER CORPORATION. THE MINDANAO POWER CORPORATION SHALL BE A GOVERNMENT OWNED AND CONTROLLED CORPORATION BUT SHALL BE MANAGED AND OPERATED IN A PRIVATELY OWNED TYPE OF MANAGEMENT, WHOSE COMPOSITION IN ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL INCLUDE ONLY THE SECRETARY OF THE MINDANAO DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AS CHAIRMAN, OTHER BOARD MEMBERS COMPOSED OF A MAXIMUM OF FIVE EXCLUDING THE CHAIRMAN SHALL BE REPRESENTATIV E OF ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES IN MINDANAO, PRIVATELY by the national government. Stopping the privatization of the NPC assets will keep electricity prices low but effectively raise taxes or reduce government spending on other governmental services in the future. (PIPPA) (g) The steam field assets and generating plants of each geothermal complex shall not be sold separately. They shall be combined and each geothermal complex shall be sold as one package through public bidding. The geothermal complexes covered by this requirement include, but are not limited to, TiwiMakban, Leyte A and B (Tongonan), Palinpinon, and Mt. Apo; OWNED DU’S IN MINDANAO, CONSUMER ORGANIZATION, BUSINESS SECTOR REPRESENTATIV E, AND FROM LAKE LANAO WATERSHED PROTECTION AND DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. (g) xxx (g) THE STATE SHALL ENDEAVOR TO DEVELOP THE GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES OF THE COUNTRY AND BUILD NEW GEOTHERMAL PLANTS. The steam field assets and generating plants of each EXISTING geothermal complex shall not be [sold separately] PRIVATIZED. [They shall be combined and each geothermal complex shall be sold as one package through public bidding.] The geothermal complexes covered by this requirement include, but are not The financial effect to the government of the continuous operations of the remaining NPC assets (incl maintenance and rehab expenses) should first be analysed. Moreover, the effect of govt competing with the private sector in terms of geothermal energy should also be studied, as it may impede the other private investments in the power sector. Rather than build new plants itself, govt should adopt policy that encourages limited to, [TiwiMakban,] Leyte A and B (Tongonan), Palinpinon, and Mt. Apo; (i) Not later than three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act, and in no case later than the initial implementation of open access, at least seventy percent (70%) of the total capacity of generating assets of NPC and of the total capacity of the power plants under contract with NPC located in Luzon and Visayas shall have been privatized: Provided, That any unsold capacity shall be privatized not later than eight (8) years from the effectivity of this Act; and (i) Not later than three (3) years from the effectivity of this AMENDATORY Act, and in no case later than the initial implementation of open access, at least seventy percent (70%) of the total capacity of generating assets of NPC and of the total capacity of the power plants under contract with NPC located in Luzon and Visayas WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THOSE WHICH ARE EXCLUDED FROM PRIVATIZATION AND SALE BY THIS AMENDATORY ACT shall have been privatized: Provided, That any unsold capacity [shall be privatized not later than eight (8) years from the effectivity of this Act] AT THE TIME OF THE private sector to use its capital and knowledge to build geothermal plants. (PIPPA) The remaining unsold capacity of PSALM may not be sufficient to supply all ancillary service requirements for both the Luzon and Visayas grids. The financial impact to the government of the continuous operations of the remaining NPC assets (including maintenance and rehabilitation expenses) should first be analysed. It should be noted that some of the remaining assets of PSALM/NPC like Casecnan and Malaya are not designed to provide ancillary service. (PIPPA) APPROVAL OF THIS AMENDMENT, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THOSE TO BE FORMED UNDER THE MINDANAO POWER CORPORATION, SHALL BE RETAINED AS ASSETS OF NPC TO SERVE AS ANCILLARY SERVICE PROVIDER OF THE LUZON AND VISAYAS GRID; and (j) NPC may generate and sell electricity only from the undisposed generating assets and IPP contracts of PSALM Corp and shall not incur any new obligations to purchase power through bilateral contracts with generation companies or other suppliers. (j) NPC SHALL[ may] generate and sell electricity [only] from the undisposed generating assets [and IPP contracts of PSALM Corp and shall not incur any new obligations to purchase power through bilateral contracts with generation companies or other suppliers] EXCLUSIVE OF THE AGUS AND PULANGUI HYDRO COMPLEXES IN MINDANAO WHICH SHALL BE (j)[ NPC may generate and sell electricity only from the undisposed generating assets and IPP contracts of PSALM Corp and shall not incur any new obligations to purchase power through bilateral contracts with generation companies or other suppliers.] THE GOVERNMENT, THRU THE NPC OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT OWNED OR CONTROLLED To reiterate, the financial impact to the government of the continuous operations of the remaining NPC assets (including maintenance and rehabilitation expenses) should first be analysed. It should be noted that some of the remaining assets of PSALM/NPC may not be designed to provide ancillary service. (PIPPA) OPERATED BY A SEPARATE ENTITY AND IPP CONTRACTS, INCLUDING NEW POWER SUPPLY PORTFOLIO WHICH SHOULD NOT BE LESS THAN THE REQUIRED ANCILLARY CAPACITY OF EACH GRID IN LUSON, VISAYAS AND MINDANAO AS DETERMINED BY THE GRID MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE AND TO BE UPRATED ON THE BASE LOAD REQUIREMENT OF THE GRID PLUS TEN PERCENT (10%). THE CAPACITY FEE OF ALL NPC POWER PLANTS AND POWER SUPPLY CONTRACTS THAT WILL SERVE AS ANCILLARY SHALL BE RECOVERED IN A FORM OF ANCILLARY SERVICE CHARGE TO BE COLLECTED FROM ALL CORPORATION IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO GENERATE AND SELL POWER/ELECTR ICITY FROM RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AS DEFINED IN REPUBLIC ACT 9513 AND TO INCUR NEW OBLIGATIONS TO PURCHASE POWER THROUGH BILATERAL CONTRACTS WITH GENERATION COMPANIES OR OTHER SUPPLIERS. ELECTRICITY END USERS BY THE GRID OPERATOR AND REMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE NPC. ANCILLARY CHARGES SHALL INCLUDE FIXED COST AND A CERTAIN MARGIN WHICH SHOULD BE APPLIED BY NPC TO THE ERC FOR COST DETERMINATION AND APPROVAL. SEC. 48. National Power Board of Directors. - Upon the passage of this Act, the provisions of R.A. 6395, as amended, referring to the IN CASE OF EMERGENCY AND IN ORDER TO STABILIZE THE PRICE IN THE WESM, NPC POWER PLANT SHALL OPERATE AS BASE LOAD PLANTS WITH GENERATION COST TO BE DETERMINED BY ERC BASED ON THE TECHNOLOGY USED. “Sec. 48. [National Power Board of Directors] NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION. Upon the passage composition of the National Power Board of Directors, are hereby repealed and a new Board shall be immediately organized. The new Board shall be composed of the Secretary of Finance as Chairman, with the following as members: the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Budget and Management, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Director-General of the National Economic and Development Authority, the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, the Secretary of Interior and Local Government, the Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry, and the President of the National Power Corporation. of this Act, the provisions of R.A. 6395, as amended, referring to the composition of the National Power Board of Directors, are hereby repealed and a new Board shall be immediately organized. The new Board shall be composed of the Secretary of Finance as Chairman, with the following as members: the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Budget and Management, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Director-General of the National Economic and Development Authority, the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, the Secretary of Interior and Local Government, the Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry, and the President of the National Power Corporation. THE NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION SHALL REMAIN AS A GOVERNMENT OWNED AND CONTROLLED CORPORATION (GOCC), HOWEVER, ITS OPERATIONAL GOVERNANCE AND CONDUCT OF BUSINESS SHOULD BE BASICALLY SIMILAR TO THAT OF A PRIVTE UTILITY THAT ENSURES BUSINESS VIABILITY AND THEREFORE THE QUALIFICATIONS AND HIRING PERSONNEL AS WELL AS ITS ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE SHOULD BE ALIGNED TO THAT OF A PRIVATELY OWNED COMPANY OR CORPORATION. FOR THIS PURPOSE, THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY (DTI) SHALL ESTABLISH THE BUSINESS STRUCTURE OF NPC, INCLUDING PLANTILLA POSITION AND SALARY SCALE AS WELL AS HOB DESCRIPTIONS, WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS FROM THE EFFECTIVITY OF THIS AMENDATORY ACT. THE COMPOSITION OF THE CORPORATE BOARD OF NPC SHALL BE PART OF THE PLANTILLA THAT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE DTI, EXCLUDING POLITICAL APPOINTEES.” Sec. 50.Purpose and Objective, Domicile and Term of Existence. - The principal purpose of the Corporation is to manage the orderly sale, disposition, and privatization of NPC generation assets, real estate and other disposable assets, and IPP contracts with the objective of liquidating all NPC Sec. 50.Purpose and Objective, Domicile and Term of Existence. - The principal purpose of the Corporation is to manage the orderly sale, disposition, and privatization of NPC generation assets, real estate and other disposable financial obligations and stranded contract costs in an optimal manner. The PSALM Corp shall have its principal office and place of business within Metro Manila. The PSALM Corp shall exist for a period of twenty five (25) years from the effectivity of this Act, unless otherwise provided by law, and all assets held by it, all moneys and properties belonging to it, and all its liabilities outstanding upon the expiration of its term of existence shall revert to and be assumed by the National Government. assets, and IPP contracts with the objective of liquidating all NPC financial obligations and stranded contract costs in an optimal manner. The PSALM Corp shall have its principal office and place of business within Metro Manila. The PSALM Corp shall exist for a period of [twenty five (25)] THIRTY FIVE (35) years from the effectivity of this Act, unless otherwise provided by law, and all assets held by it, all moneys and properties belonging to it, and all its liabilities outstanding upon the expiration of its term of existence shall revert to and be assumed by the National Government. SEC. 62. Joint Congressional Power Commission. - xxx Sec. 62. Joint congressional power commission. - xxx The Commission shall, in aid of legislation, perform the following functions, among others: The commission shall, in aid of legislation, perform the following functions, among others: (a) xxx (a) xxx (b) xxx (b) xxx (c) xxx (c) xxx (d)xxx (d)xxx (e) xxx (e) xxx (f) xxx (f) xxx (g) Determine inherent weaknesses in the law and recommend necessary remedial legislation or executive measures; and (g) Determine inherent weaknesses in the law THAT BREEDS REGULATORY FLAWS and recommend necessary remedial legislation or executive measures; [and] (h) Perform such other duties and functions as may be necessary to attain its objectives. xxx (h)ENHANCE QUALITY OF SEARCH, SCREEING, SELECTION PROCESS THE THE AND FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, CHAIRMAN OF THE ERC, PRESIDENT OF NPC, PRESIDENT OF PEMC, PRESIDENT AND CEO OF TRANSCO, PRESIDENT AND CEO OF PSALM, AND OTHER HEADS OF AGENCIES COVERED BY EPIRA; (I) SUBMIT A LIST OF FIVE (5) NOMINEES FOR EACH POSITION ENUMERATED IN SECTION 62 (H) TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES FOR FINAL APPOINTMENT AT LEAST ONE (1) YEAR BEFORE THE INCUMBENT’S TERM EXPIRES; AND [(h)](J) Perform such other duties and functions as may be necessary to attain its objectives. xxx SEC. 63. Separation Benefits of Officials and Employees of Affected Agencies. – National government employees displaced or separated from the service as a result of the restructuring of the electricity industry and privatization of NPC assets pursuant to this Act, shall be entitled to either a separation pay and other benefits in accordance with existing laws, rules or regulations or be entitled to avail of the privileges provided under a separation plan which shall be one and one-half month salary for every year of service in the government: Provided, however, That those who avail of such privilege shall start their government service anew if absorbed by any governmentowned successor company. In no case shall there be any diminution of benefits under the separation plan until the full SEC. 63. Separation Benefits of Officials and Employees of Affected Agencies. – National government employees displaced or separated from the service as a result of the restructuring of the electricity industry and privatization of NPC assets pursuant to this Act, [shall be entitled to either a separation pay and other benefits in accordance with existing laws, rules or regulations or be entitled to avail of the privileges provided under a separation plan which shall be one and one-half month salary for every year of service in the government: Provided, however, That those who avail of implementation of the restructuring and privatization. xxx such privilege shall start their government service anew if absorbed by any governmentowned successor company.] SHALL BE ENTITLED TO A SEPARATION PAY EQUIVALENT TO ONE AND ONEHALF MONTH SALARY FOR EVERY YEAR OF SERVICE IN THE GOVERNMENT WHICH IS OVER AND ABOVE THE EXISTING RETIREMENT BENEFITS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT THOSE WHO ARE ABSORBED BY ANY GOVERNMNT – OWNED INSTITUTION OR GOVERNMENT OWNED AND CONTROLLED CORPORATION NOT CREATED UNDER THE CORPORATION CODE SHALL NOT SUFFER THE PENALTIES OF DISCONTINUED SERVICE AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO HAVE CONTINUOUS GOVERNMENT SERVICE FOR PURPOSES OF RETIREMENT BENEFITS. THIS PROVISION SHALL HAVE RETROACTIVE EFFECT. In no case shall there be any diminution of benefits under the separation plan until the full implementation of the restructuring and privatization. xxx SEC. 66. Benefits to Host Communities. - The obligations of generating companies and energy resource developers to communities hosting energy generating facilities and/or energy resource developers as defined under Chapter II, Sections 289 to 294 of the Local Government Code and Section 5(i) of Republic Act SEC. 66. Benefits to Host Communities. The obligations of generating companies and energy resource developers to communities hosting energy generating facilities and/or energy resource developers as defined under Chapter II, Sections 289 to 294 of the Local The term “host community” as used or referred to Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code; Republic Act No. 7638, otherwise known as the Department of Energy Act of 1992; and Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the DILG commented that the Local Government Code of 1991 does not mention the term “host community” . DILG admitted that the department is not competent to determine the reasonableness No. 7638 and their implementing rules and regulations and applicable orders and circulars consistent with this Act shall continue: Provided, That the obligations mandated under Chapter II, Section 291 of Republic Act No. 7160, shall apply to privatelyowned corporations or entities utilizing the national wealth of the locality. xxx. Government Code and Section 5(i) of Republic Act No. 7638 and their implementing rules and regulations and applicable orders and circulars [consistent with this Act shall continue: Provided, That the obligations mandated under Chapter II, Section 291 of Republic Act No. 7160, shall apply to privatelyowned corporations or entities utilizing the national wealth of the locality] INCONSISTENT WITH THIS ACT ARE HEREBY AMENDED TO SIMPLIFY THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SHARES IN NATIONAL WEALTH TAX. THE COMMUNITIES HOSTING ANY SOURCE OF ENERGY SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) OF THE NATIONAL WEALTH TAX; PROVIDED, THAT THE Electric Power Industry Reform Act as amended, shall be redefined as follows; a) with respect to hydroelectric generation facilities, the host local government unit (LGU) or host region is that where the hydroelectric generating facility is located. b) With respect to hydroelectric energy resources, the host LGU or the host region is that where the waterway or water system used as energy resource is located, beginning at the point of origin of the waterway or water system and terminating at the point where the hydroelectric generation facility concerned is located. In the case of hydroelectric generation facilities and of the amount to be collected as benefit to host communities mentioned in the Bill. DILG suggests that since the concept of “host community” is sought to be expanded, the manner or breakdown of shares among the host communities be indicated to avoid further confusion PIPPA supports the effort of the government in enforcing the Franchise Benefit to Host Communities (FBTHC). We agree that these funds should be remitted directly to the LGUs or host communities. However, guidelines should be GENERATION FACILITIES AND/OR ENERGY RESOURCE DEVELOPERS SHALL DEDUCT THIS AMOUNT FROM THE POWER BILLS OF THE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES /DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES; PROVIDED FURTHER, THAT THIS SHALL HAVE RETROACTIVE EFFECT FROM THE TIME THE GENERATION FACILITES AND/OR ENERGY RESOURCE DEVELOPERS STARTED TO OPERATE IN THE HOST COMMUNITIES . hydroelectric energy resources, the amount to be collected as benefit to host communities shall not be less than twenty-five percent (25%) of one centavo for every kilowatthour generated by the hydroelectric generation facility concerned. All amounts collected as benefit to host communities from hydroelectric generation facilities and hydroelectric energy resources shall be shared equally by the host communities concerned. xxx. SEC. 70. Missionary Electrification. Notwithstanding the divestment and/or privatization of NPC assets, IPP contracts and spun-off corporations, NPC shall remain as a National Government-owned and -controlled corporation to perform the Sec. 70. Missionary Electrification.– [Notwithstanding the divestment and/or privatization of NPC assets, IPP contracts and spun-off corporations, NPC shall remain as a National Government- SEC. 70. Missionary Electrification. Notwithstanding the divestment and/or privatization of NPC assets, IPP contracts and spun-off corporations, NPC shall remain as a National Government- clearly set to ensure that the amounts/funds remitted really redound to the benefit of the host communities, and not misused. Furthermore, the “host communities” should be clearly identified. The local government units may be a provincial government, municipal/city government or even the barangays. NEA was created to promote, encourage and assist public service entities, particularly cooperatives, to the end of achieving the objective of making service available throughout the missionary electrification function through the Small Power Utilities Group (SPUG) and shall be responsible for providing power generation and its associated power delivery systems in areas that are not connected to the transmission system. The missionary electrification function shall be funded from the revenues from sales in missionary areas and from the universal charge to be collected from all electricity end-users as determined by the ERC. owned and controlled corporation to perform the missionary electrification function through the Small Power Utilities Group (SPUG) and shall be responsible for providing power generation and its associated power delivery systems in areas that are not connected to the transmission system.] THE MISSIONARY ELECTRIFICATIO N FUNCTIONS OF NPC-SPUG SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE NATIONAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATION AS AN ADDITIONAL MANDATE IN ACCORDANCE UNDER SECTION 58 OF THIS ACT. THE NEA SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE IN PROVIDING POWER GENERATION AND ITS ASSOCIATED POWER DELIVERY SYSTEM. The missionary owned and controlled corporation RESPONSIBLE IN PROVIDING THE NEEDED POWER SECURITY AND [ to] perform OTHER [the] RELATED missionary [electrification] functionS through, AMONG OTHERS, the Small Power Utilities Group (SPUG) and shall be responsible for providing THE MEANS TO ENSURE power generation and its associated power delivery systems IN TIMES OF EMERGENCY OR MARKET FAILURE AND in areas that are not connected to the transmission system. The POWER SECURITY AND missionary electrification function shall be funded from AN INCREASE IN THE CAPITALIZATIO N OF THE NPC, ANNUAL nation on an area coverage basis as rapidly as possible. It lacks the expertise in providing power generation and power delivery systems (PIPPA) It is worthy to be specific on the responsibility being imposed on NPC and to carefully study the potential effect of this responsibility on the universal charge, which will ultimately be a burden to consumers. electrification function shall be funded from the revenues from sales in missionary areas and from the universal charge to be collected from all electricity endusers as determined by the ERC AND TO BE REMITTED AND ADMINISTERED BY THE NEA. THE NEA MAY OPT TO TRANSFER OR RELINQUISH THE OPERTION OF THE OFF-GRID POWER PLANTS TO THE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE AFTER A SOUND EVALUATION OF THE SAID EC, IF EC IS TECHNICALLY AND FINANCIALLY CAPABLE OF MAINTAINING THE PLANT AND IF SO DOING THE ASSETS OF NPCSPUG BE TRANSFERRED TO NEA. APPROPRIATIO NS, SALE OF BONDS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND the revenues from sales in missionary areas and from the universal charge to be collected from all electricity end-users as determined by the ERC. SEC. 71. Electric Power Crisis Provision - Upon the determination by the President of the Philippines of an imminent shortage of the supply of electricity, Congress may authorize, through a joint resolution, the establishment of additional generating capacity under such terms and conditions as it may approve. Sec. 71. Electric Power Crisis Provision - Upon the determination by the President of the Philippines of an imminent shortage of the supply of electricity, [Congress may authorize, through a joint resolution, the establishment of additional generating capacity under such terms and conditions as it may approve] THE PRESIDENT SHALL AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ADDITIONAL GENERATING CAPACITY.” SEC. 71. Electric Power Crisis Provision – THE DEPART OF ENERGY (DOE) AND THE ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ( ERC) ARE MANDATED TO SUBMIT TO CONGRESS AN ANNUAL REPORT ON THE ENERGY SITUATION WHICH SHALL FORM THE BASIS FOR THE DECLARATION OF A POSSIBLE POWER CRISIS AS NECESSARY. Upon the determination by the President of the Philippines of an imminent shortage of the supply of electricity, Congress may authorize, through a joint resolution, the establishment of additional generating capacity under such terms and conditions as it may approve. SEC. 71. Electric Power Crisis Provision - Upon the determination by the President of the Philippines AND RECOMMENDATIO N OF THE DOE SECRETARY BASED ON INDICES AND BENCHMARKS AS DETERMINED BY DOE, of an imminent shortage of the supply of electricity, Congress, THROUGH THE JOINT CONGRESSIONAL POWER COMMISSION OR “POWER COMMISSION”, may authorize, through a [joint] resolution, the establishment BY THE PRESIDENT of additional generating capacity under such terms and conditions as it may approve. Emergency Powers may be accorded to the President of the Philippines in the event of an energy crisis, these powers may emanated from the Executive Branch instead of from Congress (Kaamulan Chamber The framers of EPIRA intended to carry out a system of checks and balances by granting the President of the Philippines the authority to determine an imminent shortage in supply on one hand, and granting the Congress, through a joint resolution, the authority to approve the establishment of additional generating capacity. The general idea of this system is to balance the power of the President, such that should the President be illadvised and determine imminent shortage of supply of electricity, both houses of the Congress can still deliberate and decide through a joint resolution if the establishment of additional capacity is needed. Rather than build new plants itself, government should adopt policy that encourages private sector to use its capital and knowledge to build new plants. (PIPPA) SEC. 80. Applicability and Repealing Clause – xxx SEC. 80. Applicability and Repealing Clause – xxx SEC. 80. Applicability and Repealing Clause – xxx xxx xxx xxx The provision with respect to electric power of Section 11 (c) of Republic Act 7916, as amended, and Section 5(f) of Republic Act 7227, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. The provision with respect to electric power of Section [11] 12 (c) of Republic Act 7916, as amended, and Section 5(f) of Republic Act 7227, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. The provision with respect to electric power of Section [11] 121(c) of Republic Act 7916, as amended, and Section 5(f) of Republic Act 7227, are hereby repealed or xxx” xxx” modified accordingly. (Meralco) xxx Repealing Clause. - Sections 108 (AXii) and 109 (1) of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 9337, and Sections 24 (A) and (B) of Republic Act No. 9337 are hereby repealed. All other previous or existing laws, decrees, executive orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.