Outlined below are the key areas we would like to hear your views on today and there is an extra category for anything you may wish to add that is of importance to you.
Underneath each heading are some suggestions on points for discussion, please feel free to include other points or ignore any points which you have no views on. Thank you for taking the time to discuss these aspects of everyday living.
The Questions
We would ask you to take 40 minutes to discuss as a group the topics and answer the following 4 questions under each topic:
1. What works well in XXX?
2. What improvements could be made in XXX?
3. What can you yourself do to improve XXX?
4. What can others do to improve XXX?
Round Table Arrangements
You will meet a facilitator at your table who will help you work through the topic questions and keep to time. There will also be a person with flipchart there to record your views. In the last five minutes of the consultation, the facilitator will ask you to prioritise the three most important things that make would XXX Age Friendly County.
1. Physical Environment, Outdoor Spaces, Public Services, Transport
How accessible are the public spaces where you live? – eg is the street lighting strong enough? Is there adequate public seating and clean, even pavements?
Are there safe public transport/pedestrian routes to parks and gardens?
Do you have information on and input into Town Planning?
Do you have access to good quality consumer goods and services?
Do you feel safe where you live and when out and about in your community?
2. Transportation
Is there adequate public transport and car parking in your town/village?
Is the traffic flow manageable? For example, is there time allowed for crossing at traffic lights/pedestrian crossings?
Is public transport affordable? Is there clear information on timetables, etc?
Is there adequate public transport at the weekend?
Are there good connections between local towns and villages?
Are the rural transport services/city services adequate?
3. Home
Do you wish to remain in your home when you are less mobile and in need of support?
Do you have access to quality supported and sheltered housing?
Is there access to residential homes for those who need them?
Is there access to nursing homes for those who need them?
Is there access to home supports and home help for those who need them?
Are there affordable housing options for those who need them?
4. Social Participation
Are you able to attend local events and activities?
Can you afford to attend local events and activities?
Are you kept up to date on what’s on, when and where?
Are you happy with the range of events?
Are the activities and events held in local amenities?
Is there sufficient outreach to those who are isolated?
5. Respect and Social Inclusion
Are you asked your views on what public, voluntary and commercial services exist in your area?
Do the services and products that exist suit you?
Are staff members courteous and helpful?
Is the profile of older people in local media positive or negative?
Are there intergenerational opportunities in your community?
Is there educational awareness on ageing?
Is there recognition of older people in the community?
6. Civic Participation and employment
Are there opportunities for older people to set up businesses?
Are there opportunities for older people to remain working after 65 if they so wish?
Are there opportunities for flexible working?
Is there Information on income and entitlements?
Are there opportunities for volunteering and mentoring?
7. Communication and Information
Do you know what’s going on in your county?
Is information about public service widely available?
Is information about voluntary services easy to get?
Does the media (local papers, radio, etc?) have useful bulletins on local events/activities?
Does your local library have up to date range of leaflets/information on all the above?
Telephone answering services??
Have you got any information you need re citizens/consumer rights?
Have you access to internet services and can you use them?
Are you kept up to date on the Age Friendly Ireland programme?
8. Community Support and Health Services
Are there local initiatives to promote healthy living?
What facilities and supports exist for older people living with chronic health conditions?
Have you access to good quality health care facilities and services in your local community?
Have you access to good hospital services in the county?