Fundraising Resources for Branchzone 106745697 Last saved version: 16 February 2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr Bob Jones Headteacher London School 4 London Street London XXX XXX Dear Mr Jones, I am writing on behalf of the MS Society [branch name] to ask if [name of school] might consider supporting us this academic year. Perhaps the school might like to hold a Big Book Sale (primary schools only) or a Cake Break? We can provide fundraising packs for these MS Society fundraising activities. Alternatively if you select charities for dress down days we would be very grateful to be considered. The branch is volunteer led and we rely on voluntary contributions on order to deliver support locally. There are currently XXX people living locally who are benefitting from the services we provide. The support we provide makes such a difference to those who benefit from it. (Adapt as required) The physiotherapy and yoga sessions help to reduce symptoms like fatigue, muscle stiffness and tremors and enable people to remain as active as possible. The financial grants we provide enable people to make essential adaptation to their homes and cars or pay for mobility aids or respite care. We would of course be more than happy to visit the school to talk to the children. about the branch, MS and how having it can affect every day life. I can be contacted on XXX With thanks in advance and best wishes, Yours sincerely Tom Green Branch Fundraiser XXX Branch PS Further information about our branch can be found on our website www.xxxxxxx. Page: 1