MARKETING MANAGEMENT MK - 320 School of Business & Economics Anum Tanveer Mir Resource Person Program BBA Prerequisite for the course Credit Hours 3 Semester Fall 2012 Class Timings Office Counseling Hours Telephone # 521-2801- 10 ext. 358 E-mail INTRODUCTION Marketing provides the interface between the customer and the firm in which the customer has become pivotal to the success of business activities. The marketer’s role is to develop an understanding of the customer and then use a variety of tools to design, promote and deliver attractive value packages. New media is influencing, determining and reflecting structural changes in the way a business conducts its marketing activities. Customized oneto-one marketing has displaced mass standardization and relationship building has become a major commitment for many organizations. This course explores how traditional marketing concepts are converging in the digital economy to create and retain customer loyalties. An opportunity to study several situations in which effective electronic marketing strategies can be developed is provided through group discussion and case studies. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this course the participants should be able: 1. To provide an understanding of and appreciation for the role of marketing in managing a business. 2. To share his/her experience of the concepts and skills utilized by today's marketing managers. 3. To describe the major elements of marketing process, including the influence of external environments on marketing, marketing research, consumer behavior, market segmentation, product strategy, distribution strategy, promotion strategy, pricing strategy, and positioning strategy. 4. To understand the advances in information technology that is shaping new marketing opportunities and strategies. 5. To understand the increasingly intense competition that is affecting the global markets. LEARNING METHODOLOGY TRAINING INSTRUMENTS Activities Reading Material Seminar Briefing Guest Speaker Lectures Focus Case Study & Presentation Skills Development Exercises Handouts Educational Visits (if required) Project Reports Weekend Tutorial Training Films Any Other RECOMMENDED TEXT BOOK 1. Marketing Management 13th Edition (A South Asian Perspective) by Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller INTERESTING SITES TO VISIT AREA OF RESEARCH Branding Advertising Ads on line with critique Direct and on line marketing E-Marketing reports Latest on consumer behavior Internet marketing A.C Nielsen research data reports Research on online consumers Computer mediated buying Psychographic Segmentation Consumer information of interest Target Market selection on internet ASSESSMENTS: All of the activities held during the semester will be evaluated; the final grades for the course will be as follows COURSE EVAULATION WEIGHTAGE Quizzes 15% Assignments / Case Studies / Presentations 15% Mid Term 25% Project 15% Total 70% - Session work Final Exam 30% CLASS PARTICIPATION & ATTENDANCE Prior Preparation, Regular Attendance, and Professional Participation in all classes is Expected and Rewarded. Come to the Class prepared to lead the class discussion for analytical interpretations, alternative strategies, and persuasive solutions. Please arrive on time and leave as scheduled. Absences will negatively impact your grade. QUALITY of all communications, written and oral, will be evaluated. PERSONAL ETHICS We all live in a world that is heavily dependent upon a web of trust. This web knits together colleagues, superiors, and subordinates inside the organization and suppliers and customers outside the organization. The same trust also exists between a teacher and student (s). It is therefore strongly advised that individuals or team (as defined by the assignment or project) keep themselves clear from academic dishonesty. Cheating, plagiarism (submitting the language, ideas, thought or work of another as one’s own) or otherwise obtaining grades under false pretences will result in either a fine by the disciplinary committee or a failing grade in the course or both. CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES Week Session Topic Learning Objective Reading Material Assessment Criteria Why is Marketing important? What is the scope of Marketing? 1 Defining Marketing For The 21st Century. Some fundamental Marketing Concepts, How Marketing Management changed. Ch 1 What are the tasks necessary for successful Marketing Management? How does the Marketing affect customer Value? 2 Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans Scenario: How is the Strategic Planning carried out at different levels of the organization? What does Marketing plan include? Ch 2 Build a Bear: Build a Memory What are the components of a modern Marketing information system? 3 Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment What is involved in a Marketing Intelligent System? What are the key methods for tracking and identifying opportunities in macroenviornment & developments in macroenvironment? Assignment: Ch 3 Different levels of market segmentation & requirements of effective segmentation? 4 Identifying Market Segments How companies divide a and Targets market into segments? How companies choose the most attractive target markets? SWOT analysis of your current company or any company which you are interested in Case: Ch 8 The Tata Nano: The People’s Car 5 Analyzing Consumer Markets How do consumer characteristics influence buying behavior & major psychological processes influence consumer Reponses to the marketing program? How do consumers make purchasing decisions? Assignment: Ch 6 PEST Analysis of Pakistan How do marketers analyze consumer decision making? Customer value, satisfaction and loyalty and how can companies deliver them? 6 Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty What is the lifetime value of customers and how can marketers maximize it? How can companies cultivate strong customer relationship? How can companies both attract and retain customers? What is database Marketing? Case: Ch 5 7 Conducting Marketing Research & Forecasting Demand What constitutes good Marketing research and metrics for measuring marketing productivity? How can marketers assess their return on investment of marketing expenditure? Scenario: Ch 4 How can companies more accurately measure and forecast demand? Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Measuring Service Quality What is a brand and how does branding works? 8 Creating Brand Equity What is brand equity & how is it built, measured and managed? What are the important decisions in developing branding strategy? Case: Ch 10 Aflac Makeover How can a firm choose and communicate an effective positioning in the market & how brands are differentiated? 9 Crafting the Brand Positioning , Setting Product Strategy What are the characteristics of products and how do marketers classify products? How companies differentiate products? Case: Ch 11 Companies' product mix and product line? Gucci, Louis Vuitton & Vertue ---Marketing Lessons from some of the World’s Most Exclusive Brands How can companies use packaging, labeling, warranties and guarantees as marketing tools? What is the role of Marketing Communication? 10 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communication. What are the major steps in developing effective communications? What is communication mix and how should it be set? What is the integrated marketing communications program? Scenario: Ch 15 Pepsi: Promoting Nothing What steps are required in developing an advertising program? 11 Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events and Public Relations. How should sales promotion decisions be made? What are the guidelines for effective brandbuilding events and experiences? Case: Ch 18 How can companies exploit the potential of public relations and publicity? Integrate direct marketing for competitive advantage? 12 13 Managing Personal Communications: Direct Marketing and Personal Selling What decisions do companies face in designing and managing a sales force? Ch 19 How can salespeople improve their selling, negotiating, and relationship marketing skills? How do consumers Developing Pricing Strategies process and evaluate prices? & Programs How should a company set prices initially for Ch 14 The Birth of Swatch products or services? When should company initiate a price change? How should a company respond to a competitor's price change? 14 Designing and Managing Value Networks and Channels The students need to recognize the importance of designing marketing channel system and value network & the work that the marketing channel performs? What decisions do companies face in managing their channels and channel conflict? Group Ch 15 & 16 Project Report Submission What are the key issues with e-commerce? 15 Group Project Presentations Marketing Plan (IN GROUP) The objective of this project is to provide you with a hands-on experience in applying the concepts and methods of marketing to a problem. As such, the groups will use the concepts that we discuss and learn in class. The project will involve creating a marketing plan for a new product or service of the group’s choice and designing specific tools to implement the plan. It will involve the following tasks: Depending upon the class enrolments, students should form themselves into groups of 3-4 members. The final list of group names should be submitted to me by email on 3nd week with list of at least 4 products. Final choice of the product will be agreed upon mutually with individual groups. Each team will be required to choose a “new” product or service for which they will develop a marketing plan. A brief description of the particular product/service should be submitted for approval by 4th week. Each group is then required to do the following to complete the project: Assume that you are a consultant hired by the marketer of the product or service to develop and launch this new product. Your report should include the following components: o Description of the existing situation including company objectives, company strengths, etc., and existing competitors in the marketplace. o Identify the customers for the specific product or service and describe these consumers in relevant ways (demographics, lifestyles, knowledge of product, etc.). Explain why the new product/service would be appropriate for your target market. This step will involve one-on-one interviewing of a small group of potential users of the product or service as well as followup survey of a larger sample of potential users. o Outline a marketing strategy for the new product/service. This discussion should include a description of the product and its benefits, and positioning strategy. You will also develop a pricing strategy, the communication strategy and promotional format, as well as some indication of the distribution channel(s) that you would recommend. Each group will make a presentation about their project to the rest of the class. Depending upon the number of groups, the presentations will be for about 20 minutes each. INCLUDING Q/A SESSION The final date to submit this 14 Week To discourage ‘free-riding’ in the group project, you will be required to complete a peer evaluation sheet which should be turned in by the report due date. Also, in general students who contribute to the group process are more likely to do well in the final exam. In addition you will evaluate all the presentations (excluding your own), and your ratings will also be incorporated into the overall group project grade (weighted by some factor and added to my evaluation of each presentation).