Personality Inventories and Self Awareness

Personality Inventories and Self Awareness
Extracted and adapted from Georgia Tech’s Mentor Jackets website (
A personality inventory is a questionnaire or other type of instrument used to reveal certain
aspects of a person’s character or psychological make‐up. It can be used to simply assess what
type of person you are or, more specifically, to determine your aptitude for a certain type of
occupation or career. Completing a personality inventory can help you understand how you
interact with the world around you both personally and professionally.
A developed sense of self, and heightened self‐awareness helps people to accentuate their
strengths, improve upon their challenge areas, and understand how they tend to interact with
others. Developing a person’s self‐awareness also helps them to articulate their abilities and
helps groups with the division of labor.
There are a variety of tests which measure particular types of intelligence or aptitudes, inventory
an individual’s skills, and assess an individual’s ability to succeed in a career.
Listed below are a variety of free temperament tests and personality inventories available
on the Internet. Feel free to find another inventory that interests you, or complete one of
these to learn more about yourself or your work style:
TypeFocus: available for students only on Aztec Career Connection (scroll to the bottom)
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Discuss your results with your AMP partner:
Were you surprised by the results of the personality test?
Did you learn anything new about yourself through this exercise?
How do the results make you feel?
Have the results of the test changed your thoughts about the career path or leadership
opportunities you will pursue?
How can you use this information as a student? As a student leader? In your future
career path?
Are there ways you can apply this new insight to your resume or use the information
while interviewing for internships or employment?