Myers Briggs Personality Types

FIU, SOA | Professional Office Practice |
Student Name: ______________________________________
A. LEADERSHIP: Personality Test: Analysis of a Short MBTI test.
“Architects that aim to be transformational leaders require tools and techniques to understand themselves and others.
Traditionally leadership training courses and programs use Personality Tests such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI), DISC, the Predictive Index, to aid professionals develop their understanding of themselves and interactions with
others.” AIA, The Architecture Student’s Handbook of Professional Practice
In this exercise you will do a short version of the Jung & Myers-Briggs test and analyze the results. The
result of this test produces a similar personality type code as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® instrument
(MBTI). Please follow these steps.
1. Fill the following online test carefully:
2. The result will be a four letter code with your personality type.
Write your type here: ______________________
3. Go the following web site:
Click in your MMDI 4 letter personality code in “Myers Briggs Personality Types” rectangle in one of the
16 squares in the page.
You will obtain a report of your Personality Type. The report will suggest:
a. What makes an (your code type) tick?
b. Contributions to the team of an (your code type)
c. Personal growth
d. Recognizing stress
4. Write a short paragraph in the space provided if and how you recognize a, b, c, or d traits in your
5. Focus on “d. recognizing stress.” Recognize how you work under stress and how others may see you
under those conditions. Write briefly how you think you could overcome those shortcomings (shadow) to
improve your leadership capacity.
B. LEADERSHIP: Leadership concepts in theory
Name the 4 leadership concepts presented in your reading:
1: ______________________________________
2: ______________________________________
3: ______________________________________
4: ______________________________________
Chpt. 4.3, “Firm Identity and Expertise,” argues that only when firms usually master something (a building
type, a client type, a process) is when a firm is “in a position to create true value for its clients.” It categorize
firms in six different types of expertise based on Swiss psychologist Carl Jung six heroic archetypes. Name
the 6 archetypes presented in the reading.