ORACLE 110 Course notes

ORACLE 110 Course notes
Services to start (currently set to manual to conserve resources)
OracleOas10gReports[rep_seed_phil] (old release 1 notes)
Oracle Application Server forms and reports services v9.0.4 for both INB and SSB not yet certified for production, but great for testing.
If we need anything from metalink, just contact the actionweb and request it and they will send it.
Name: Oas10g
Path: C:\oracle\as10g
FAQ 13370 on SCT actionweb relates to install.
Windows will use port 80 for it’s default OAS port.
oracleiascontrol service controls this page:
http://localhost:1810/ ias_admin/u_pick_it2
passwords are case sensitive
Command line, can also be done via service
set PATH=c:\oracle\as10g\opmn\bin;c:\oracle\as10g\bin;%PATH%
opmnctl stopall
opmnctl startall
emctl stop iasconsole
to get to Oracle SSB
INB  Oracle User
SSB  Login using ID (SSN or some other ID) & Pin
DAD  Data Access Descriptor, runs pl/sql to retrieve data for user, usually www_user or www2_user.
Establishes connection to DB and stays connected. Can have several connections, can configure min
and max in httpd.conf
Steps to set up SSB.
1) Open port (9020)
2) Set up Virtual Host
3) Create a DAD (www2_user)
4) Copy \\oratest\e$\app\sct\banTRNG\wtlweb\htm files to c:\banner\ssb\trng\wtlhelp
5) Copy \\oratest\e$\app\sct\banTRNG\wtlweb\gif files to c:\banner\ssb\trng\wtlgifs
copy homepage.htm to c:\banner\ssb\trng and modify to point to proper directories to match DAD values
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=">
If you ever change www2_user’s password in production you have to change the password in virtual hosts
Localhost:9020 use following user/pin
All forms have fmb extension in banner home
All Clients should change their seed number in production to ensure that no-one accidentally runs a test
program against production. Chapter 1.1. Must be changed in 4 places (oracle, java, forms, and sql
Check FAQ and search for seed)
Must have a separate report server for each database
Step 1.13
In oracle_home/forms90/server
Copy default.env to trng.env
Copy fmx, plx, and mmx’s into fmx directory
Login to http://localhost:7777/forms90/f90servlet?config=trng as baseline/u_pick_it and you can add and set
many parameters from guauprf
Steps to making a new INB
1) Copy C:\Banner\SSB\INB\TRNG to C:\Banner\SSB\INB\PPRD (All FMX’s will have to be
compiled within the new directory)
2) Change C:\Banner\SSB\INB\PPRD\CONF\tnsnames.ora to point to pprd rather than trng.
3) Copy C:\oracle\as10g\forms90\server\trng.env to pprd.env and modify
4) Modify C:\oracle\as10g\forms90\server\formsweb.cfg to add the following to the bottom
i. [pprd]
ii. envFile=c:\oracle\as10g\forms90\server\pprd.env
iii. form=guainit.fmx
v. [pprdsecurity]
vi. envFile=pprd.env
vii. form=gsasecr.fmx
5) Login to 1810 as ias_admin/u_pick_it2 and restart
Set up new primary page to duplicate
1) Copy mainpage to C:\Banner\SSB\INB\htdocs
2) Create new 9099 port on localhost (http_server | Administration | Server Properties)
3) Create new Virtual Host
4) Restart services and connect to http://localhost:9099
FAQ 13360 Steps to install Oracle Developer Suite
Set up a new report server (creates it out of process and away from the rest of the reports)
Report Servlets Environment: http://localhost:7777/reports/rwservlet/showenv?server=rep_pshaffer-laptop
rwserver.exe server=rep_seed1  create server
rwserver.exe server=rep_seed1 batch=yes  start server
rwserver.exe server=rep_seed1 shutdown=normal authid=orcladmin/u_pick_it2
rwserver.exe –install rep_seed_phil autostart=yes  installs it to services
FAQ 13117 for SSL (currently can’t get to it with BSU accts.)