Jinit – If user does not have Oracle J-initiator installed, this is where

Jinit – If user does not have Oracle J-initiator installed, this is where it will come from the us, check jinitversion.ini
Formsweb.cfg (from forms90/server) class (in 2 places, only 1 highlighted) must match jinit-version.ini,
remember to restart services if this is changed.
Error Log if there are any problems.
Jserv log
Oracle Reports Directory
After correct login you should see:
To compile a RDF into a report
Change source and destination values to compile.
Can copy these lines and compile several files in sequence
echo Generating ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Oracle Reports, please wait...
start /w /min rwconverter.exe stype=rdffile source=ivp_orep userid=baninst1/%1 dtype=repfile
dest=ivp_orep7.rep batch=yes logfile=mylog.log overwrite=yes
Copy bat file to rdf directory
Copy C:\Banner\SSB\INB\TRNG\FORMS\bin\f90trng.bat into rdf directory as well
Run f90trng.bat then run tasrept bat to compile
Then move to rep area of trng.
Oops, pointing to trng still
If the service won’t shut down with the normal command like this:
rwserver.exe server=rep_seed1 shutdown=normal authid=orcladmin/u_pick_it2
then reboot and remove all of the following from C:\oracle\as10g\reports\conf\rep_seed1.conf then start it
(Supposedly an oracle bug with encrypted passwords)
<identifier confidential="yes"
<!--pluginParam name="mailServer">%MAILSERVER_NAME%</pluginParam-->
<!--pluginParam name="proxy" type="file">proxyinfo.xml</pluginParam-->
<pluginParam name="xmlpds" type="file">xmlpds.conf</pluginParam>
<pluginParam name="jdbcpds" type="file">jdbcpds.conf</pluginParam>
<pluginParam name="textpds" type="file">textpds.conf</pluginParam>
Set up a new report server (creates it out of process and away from the rest of the reports)
Report Servlets Environment: http://localhost:7777/reports/rwservlet/showenv?server=rep_pshaffer-laptop
rwserver.exe server=rep_seed1  create server
rwserver.exe server=rep_seed1 batch=yes  start server
rwserver.exe server=rep_seed1 shutdown=normal authid=orcladmin/u_pick_it2
rwserver.exe –install rep_seed_phil autostart=yes  installs it to services
This sets things up to work in the normal process
Go to dos and run addNewServerTarget.bat rep_phils_server and it will create it (as well
as close the dos window). Should probably run the f90seed.bat script first.
Links for 1810 page.
FAQ 13117 (Which BSU apparently doesn’t have rights to)
Restart Services then look at ssl.
Add 9021 port and restart
Launch wallet manager.
Then add to certdb.txt