India - mclaughlinhistory

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1850’s-British East India Company bring most of India under British rule.
1857 -Sepoy Mutiny Hindu and Muslim troops rebel in British army.
1858- Control of India is transferred to the British government.
Early 20th century- Indian Nationalist movement begins.
1915 –Gandhi is main leader of independence movement. 1920’s-1940’s
Amritsar Massacre 1919
Gandhi’s techniques Strict policy of nonviolence
 Passive resistance
 Boycotts
 Salt March
 Self-sufficiency
The British attempt to create friction between the Hindus and Muslims
1947- India and Pakistan are independent
Long-term impacts
 World’s largest democracy
 Border dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. Both India and Pakistan
have nuclear weapons and have threatened to use them in a dispute over the
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1852 -Perry “opens” Japan
1868 -Meiji Restoration-Japan modernizes to catch up with western nations
1894-95 -Sino-Japanese War- expansion into Korea and Manchuria
1904-05 -Russo-Japanese War-Japan takes more of Manchuria, Port Arthur and
South Sakhalin Island
1910 -Annexes Korea
1931 -More aggression towards China. Puppet state of Manchuko is organized.
1937-41 -War in China, “2nd Sino-Japanese War”
1941 World War II Japan expands territory into China, Southeast Asia, and
Pacific Islands to create “East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere” Japanese Empire
1942-45 Empire is crushed by U. S., U.K, Australia, Netherlands, and Soviet
Long-term impacts:
1. 1945- complete rebuilding of Japan as an American style democracy
2. Korea is divided - North Communist, South Democratic
3. 1950-53 - Korean War
4. Korean peninsular is still divided today and North Korea is an isolated
“Stalinist” state.
East Africa
1952-1960 -“The Emergency” Suspected Mau Mau members imprisoned.
1963 -Kenyan Independence Jmo Kenyata is the first president (former Mau Mau
1961 -Tanzanian Independence
1964 -Uganda Independent
Relatively stable region of Africa Kenya and Tanzania have had “Democracies”
since independence
Uganda, Idi Amin Dictator 1970’s very brutal
Presently: Kenya Tanzania, Uganda, East African Economic Community
Most income from tourism and agriculture.
South Africa
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1652- Dutch arrive
1813- British take over from the Dutch
Originally the Cape Colony was an import location in protecting Britain’s sea
route to India.
1870’s - Gold is discovered near Kimberly. The British expand their influence
northward into territory left to the Boers (South Africans of Dutch ancestry)
1879- Zulu War – British provoke the war and defeat the last indigenous
opposition to their expansion
1899-1902 Boer War - British expand control through the entire region.
1910- Creation of Union of South Africa. British allow the Afrikaners into
governmental positions.
Long-term impacts:
1. Racial segregation policies put in place by the Dutch gradually become
national policy and result in a bloody struggle to restore majority rule in
South Africa.
 1923- African National Congress founded
 1948- Apartheid becomes policy
 1960- Sharpeville massacre
 1994- Majority rule (end of apartheid), Nelson Mandela becomes
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1839-42 Opium War fought over Great Britain’s opium trade in China. Hong
Kong is given to the British.
1899-1901 Boxer Rebellion attempted to drive foreigners out of China. Crushed
by British, German, Japanese, Russian, and American forces.
1911 Royal family is removed from power and the Nationalist take over.
1921 Chinese Communist Party is formed.
1931 Japanese creation of Manchuko – Manchurian puppet state.
1937-45 Japanese invasion and World War II. Nationalists and Communist must
fight the Japanese.
1949 Communist win the civil war and China becomes the People’s Republic of
1965 Cultural Revolution begins – Erases all remnants of Western culture and
Long-term impacts:
1. Destabilization of Chinese governments and repeated foreign intervention helps
the communists to come to power in 1949.
2. The Cultural Revolution, although an extreme and aggressive attempt to spread
communist ideals throughout China, can be connected to an attempt to erase older
Western influences.
3. British hold Hong Kong until 1997
The Congo Free State, Belgian Congo and The Democratic Republic of Congo
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1885 The Berlin Conference approves King Leopold’s claim to
“The Congo Free State” as his personal colony until 1908.
Ivory and rubber are the main exports. Both are collected through a system of
slave labor controlled by Leopold’s agents.
o The forest elephant population is depleted and focus changes to rubber
o Pneumatic tires drastically increases the demand or rubber.
1908-Congo Free State becomes The Belgian Congo and control is granted to the
Belgian government. The worst abuses are eliminated but Belgium holds on to its
colony until 1960. This is because the region is rich in copper, oil, diamonds,
uranium, and other minerals.
1960- Independence from Belgium
1965-Joseph Mobutu seized power and remains in control as a dictator until 1997.
Renames the nation Zaire.
1997 Kabila ousts Mobutu but is later assassinated by a body guard.
Long-term impacts:
1. Environmental, human, cultural, and economic disaster.
2. 8-10 million people died as a result of Leopold’s policies
3. Ethnic violence and unrest as a result of borders since borders were drawn
without regard to cultural differences. Most recently there was unrest in
the eastern Congo.
4. The Belgians never allowed Congolese into any governmental roles. This
results in an independent nation run by abusive and corrupt dictators.
Mobutu loots the country and people of millions of $ and leaves to France.
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1851 The British burn Lagos and drive out slavers.
1885 British Protectorate is established over the Coast of the Niger Districts.
1914 North and South are united to create Nigeria with Lagos as the capitol.
Between 1898 and 1945 there are a series of uprisings against British rule and
poor living/working conditions. One of the most famous was the Aba Riot
(Women’s War) of 1929 protest against British taxation.
1963- Independence from Great Britain.
1967-70 The Biafran War. Biafra tried unsuccessfully to secede from Nigeria.
Long-term Impacts:
1. Nigeria is a unified nation of several distinct and different groups. The most
notable differences occur between the Christian south and the Islamic North.
Example: The Biafran War – The predominantly Ibo Eastern Region tried to
secede from the rest of the nation.
2. Oil revenues have not benefited all regions of the country equally. Example:
The Ogoni of the Niger delta where most oil is extracted suffered the
environmental impacts and saw little economic benefit.
3. Ethnic and cultural diversity and disunity throughout Nigeria still threaten to
tear the country apart.
French Indochina
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French Expansion
1862 France gains part of Cochin China, exclusive "rights" in all of Vietnam, and
navigation of Mekong - later gain all of Cochin China
Visions of a French empire in southeast Asia to rival Britain's begin to emerge - 1863
control of Cambodia; mid-1870's
Early Nationalist Response
Nationalist resistance has a long tradition in Vietnam
Peasant’s lives seriously disrupted by French taxes, political control, and education
From 1862-1900 most resistance was decentralized and largely ineffective
Resistance Movements
The Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang (VNQDD) or Vietnamese Nationalist Party founded in
Hanoi 1927
The Communists and Ho Chi Minh
1930 Yen Bay Revolt: organized by the VNQDD, and communists, suppressed
by the French
World War II
1940 Japanese occupation of Indochina
1941 formation of the Viet Minh
1942-1944 Viet Minh engage in small scale guerilla operations against the French and
1945: Viet Minh seize Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh proclaims the Democratic Republic of
The First Indochina War - 1946-1954
French are determined to retain Vietnam: substantial economic interests and fear loss of
Viet Minh wage a guerrilla war
Dien Bien Phu falls on May 7, 1954 with French surrender
Geneva Agreement July 21, 1954: Temporary division of Vietnam at 17th parallel.
Second Indochina War – Vietnam War 1960 – 1975
U.S. opposes Geneva agreement and backs South Vietnamese under Diem
The U.S. fights communist forces under Ho Chi Minh
Results in destruction of much of the country and communist takeover
Dutch East Indies 1816 – 1949
Nineteenth-century Indonesia Creation of a Colonial State
1825 – 30 Java War Resistance to colonial rule
Cultivation System - Islands were exploited for their agriculture and
farmers forced to grow foods and spices not necessary for their own
1870 – 1900 Exploitation of mineral resources and expansion of Dutch
rule throughout archipelago
1900 – 1930 Nationalist resistance begins to grow
1900 Ethical Policy (1950 Indonesian Transmigration Program)
Improving services and development. Also resettlement of Javanese to
other islands. Both programs lead to ethnic violence in the 1990’s
1927 Sukarno established the Indonesian Nationalist Union (PNI) later the
Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI), the party stressed mass organization,
noncooperation with the colonial authorities, and the ultimate goal of
1940 Japanese invasion and demand for oil
Disrupts Dutch rule but Japanese rule is even more oppressive
August 1945 Japanese surrender and Indonesians declare their
1947–49 war of independence
Long Term impacts
Authoritarian government (only rule Indonesian’s had experienced)
1950-65 military expands role in government
Authoritarian rule under Sukarno and Suharto
Cultural diversity and ethnic violence (1950 Indonesian Transmigration
Program) hundreds of diverse islands were unified as one state.
Irian Jaya and East Timor and military “pacification”