1 (Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass

(Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .= against Al-Qaida , few
against Hindutava terror !!?)
1 The Map of USSR , and it Name , Does NOT have existence , in Today International level ,
now a days it call Russia ,( which is christens nation) , and it have 14-28 new Free nation
with UNGA , UNSC , world 180 nations approval included Prime minister and president of
Today Russia , as Russian are christen maximum , so they allowed separation to separatists ,
(while Russia is having world most large size land in one nation , with rich in minerals , oil gas at
Siberian inside ice and land ,its land size is more then USA =1.6 times more then USA )
(= Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,
Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. ,) these separatist have full support
form USA, pentagon , NATO ,EU , hence they got there destinations , while that time USSR was
having 16,000 Nuke bombs and 12,000 nuke capable missiles ,those are best then India and more
advanced then Indian 12,00 =1000+200 Missiles , and 150 =100+50 Nuke bombs !!??
(new Nation =christens nation =Southern Sudan existence in 2010 Dec , free from Sudan =Arabic
Muslims nation , and East Timor nation =its is also christen nation free from Indonesia Muslims
nation in 2003 )
2 now see India =Hindu nation = 1.20 billion Hindu voters nation , these people put bullets in
separation , freedom , demander heart , brain , body of separatist of Indian occupied Kashmir
,Assam ,Manipur and of course in brain and prospect , career and life of Ruhel Chisty MRCAI
CChem A , via ISRO , Remote sensing JIC,IB,MI RAW,CID =Hindu dogs , with use of Udaipur
Rajasthan ,India 313001 based Hindu an d Indian Muslims human dogs and HR Agents in Mumbai
,those are for ME=Gulf jobs , by ordering them not to sent Ruhel Resume at Saudi Arabia, UAE ,
Qatar , ++ based petrochemical ,oil, gas refineries companies ,from 1970 to 1998 to till now 2907-2011 !!??
3 these separatist have leaders Like Syedh Gilanii , ++ huge number of supporters = young’s ,
ladies , girl , male ++ they used to show black flag to Indian government top leaders =like Dr
Manmohan Singh , Atal Biharee Vajpayee , LK Advanni ++ Sonia Gandhi ++ , even separatist
do not hesitate to burn Indian flag , do peace full protest , do throw stone on Indian army Hindu
killer dogs and Indian top politician even there stone do not reached to there destinations !!??
there intention is clear freedom , separation from this Hindu nation !!?from Hindu kings !!??
(but in Indian detailed Kashmir facing every day abuse , kill ,rape , torture , genocide form
Indian army from past 65 years !!?? given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental
cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years 4.0 lacks murder , 12 lacks forced unemployed,
20 lacks ,Kashmir , christen Assam )
its in literature that Manipur King was asked to sign dissolution in India on Gun Point , at
Shilong by Indian army Terrorists !!??
3.2 it all tell that they all separatist , which number are in millions , and all of them are
Kashmirri Muslims , Minority , Assamii christen ,an d Manipuri tribes ,,,
4 they =Kashmir , Assamii ,Manipur and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A facing these problems
because only one reason I, understand that India is Hindu nation =with 1.20 Billion Hindu
voters and it look like that , Hindu religion is world most sin evil religion and Hindu ,today’s
saffron Muslims , =RSS Muslims (Like Udaipur Raj 313001 based kishan pole street and Hindu
of Udaipur ) those are of Idea of Mr Inderjeet are world most cruel con corrupt sin evil ,killer
mentality person !!??
3.3 it can be further confirmed by recent activities at international Era =new Nation =christens
nation =Southern Sudan existence in 2010 which approved from UNGA , UNSC , 190 Nations of
world included , president of Sudan =Muslim Arabic nation !!?? he , given that party of land
=map to Southern Sudan which is high quality oil an d gas rich land ,
5 and one more free nation came in existence called as east Timor nation =its is also christen
nation free from Indonesia which is also Muslims nation , here also this East Timor is oil an d
gas rich land , as well as minerals in sea rich land !! it given freedom in 2003 Jan , ?? it also
approved from UNGA , UNSC an d world 190 nations , it was became free due to work of Australian
army and government , action with UNSC Army , There arms funded from Australian government
6 India is having only 150 nuke bombs an d 1200 Nuke capable missiles , I think separatist
should not fear with this Hindu evil sin con corrupt cruel nation and not to fear with Saffron
Muslims ,Hindu , of Udaipur Rajasthan , India 313001 , like city !!?? because they have to
understand that these Hindu =1.20 billion are not up to any level of Russia=christens nation , ,
Sudan ,Indonesia =Muslims nation , !! Russia =christens nation is veto power nation an d UNSC
Permanent member from past 65 years and before also !!?? after that also separatist did 1000%
successful there destinations , of free nation , !!?? notable things is Russia today also rich nation
there living standard is also high level , very good them any Hindu living in any where in world
!!?? there brain is very good , high profile them any Hindu any Indian ??? it not it ???
7 Now Indian government put one dirty tricks ?? they put 4=3+1 interrupters , those have
history of 25-35 years Jobs and money taken from Indian government and from Hindu ,Delhi ,
www.pmindia.nic.in, hm@nic.in, North block , !!?? how can be these 4 interrupters can do justify
work for innocent Kashmir Assam ,Manipur girl young’s , male female separatists , did they are
evil sin , Indian citizens only which can be sent to UNGA by Indian government to allow further
kill of innocents , lost of innocent , open fire , open murder ??? !!?? these all 1 interrupters
record of 25 years Government of India jobs have good bungalows , cars and lands , farms ,
industries in India =1.20 billion Hindu voters nation =Hindu nation not only this have royalties of
there books =40% of total sell (This point I put for Saharha Plain , the former Governor of
Alaska ,USA and the candidate of vice president 2008?? As she wrote auto biography an d in 2009
an d earn millions $ ) !!?? how can they do justice with them !!?? here I like to stand with
Syedh Gilanii , who is called as separatist leader of Kashmir, he already told in media that these
4 interrupters which put by government of India is dirty political trick of Government of India at
UNGA , level !!?? he is 1000% true .,
(This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,
89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 2,60
,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 2,50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu
Army !! ?? 12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in
Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30
years !!??
Note : Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live
burn of 2000 Indian christen , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide =of 1990 Indian christen ,
Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide of 1800 Indian christen .Gujarat 2002 Genocide of 2000
Indian Muslims =Total kill 8000 Human , after 1 years to 7 years pass out !?
while Indian government= manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in ,
girijav@sansad.nic.in, providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal ,
Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and
for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all
have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa
Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time (these all are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !! ) ,
then Karnataka chief Minster =Y Rao=Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster
Arjun Munda , 2007-2008 Christen genocide = Total kill 8000 Human ,,these all are again re-elected
chief minister by Hindus !! =under rule of manmohan@sansad.nic.in,soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in,
office@tharoor.in !!?
8 one notable things is till 1990 there was in Southern Sudan only Muslims tribes were there
they start to converted in christen religion and till 2004 there were 98% population were christen ,
, it show the politeness , library of Sudan ruler , he was good them Indian political party
=BJP=www.bjp.org and RSS , www.rssonnet.org !!??? these people like to kill any tribes in India
if they try to covert in christen !!?? even these Hindu sin evil build ruled , laws also in Orissa
,Rajasthan , Karnataka ,Kerala ++ MP !!??
It was happened even separatist (=those taken free from USSR ,) were having fear of
Nuke Missiles attack from USSR Army !!?? which was having 10,000 nuke bombs , and 15,000
nuke capable missiles , even then that time separatists =14 =Small nations of Soviet Union =
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. , maximum of them were Muslims of Russia ,they all
were not happy with KGB =Russian intelligences , Russian army and Russian government a s they
were facing high level discrimination in Jobs , prospect , career ,life , they were having very less jobs ,
less money , high level abused by KGB , Russian army !!??
10 Now see the map and land size of today Russia =A Christens nation , its very laze enough
, and living standard an d home food, of today Russian is very good , and they talented
enough then India =Hindu nation with 1.20 billions Hindu voters , those future prime minister in
heart is Narandra Modi like person !!?? =2002 Gujarat genocider and he is still powerful , rich
Hindu in India as Indian laws =Hindu laws permit it !!?? so he is chief minister of Gujarat from
past 20 years till today !!??
11 I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A live with Russian , from Moscow , Kazakhstan , Ukraine ,
++ in my real life of Dubai =UAE , from 2001 Dec to 2003 Jan , they having there living life
there an d in there home countries best then Dr Manmohan Singh , Mukesh Ambanii, Tata Birila
and of course Rahul Gandhi !!?? there food , room home and way of every day living =can say
normal life I seen close look , they are well educated , were having understanding of Indian
mafia ,RAW , JIC,IB,MI in UAE, ME=Gulf !!??
( I = http://www.unhabitat.org/bestpractices/2004/mainview.asp?BPID=2847,
Title : The Solution of these following conflicts is only freedom
1 Kashmir 2 Manipur 3 Assam 4 Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A that also by use of UNSC
Military power , full flash , with idea of break the teeth to deep root of Indian army killer of past
20,30 years !!?? this idea I got from my real life from 2009 Jan to till now 23-12-2010 and from 1990
to 2001,2008 !!? if UNSC army required to take 5.0 lacks Indian army people life no problem it will
good work !!??
= Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .= against Al-Qaida ,
few against Hindutava terror= Nine =9 - publications – Instrument innovation , +=+ Pittcon
2003,04,05,06=www.Pittcon.org ,EAS=www.eas.org + , IUPAC=www.iupac.org, =www.iupac2003.org
, =www.nrc.ca = =CSC , www.rsc.org/arf08 =,UK, RACI ,IUPAC =www.raci2010.org
its in literature that Manipur King was asked to sign dissolution in India on Gun Point , at
Shilong by Indian army Terror !!??
and Kashmir king was Hindu and his population was 90% were Muslims !!?? how can one
Hindu king can decided the wills , rights of 90% people !!??
see the Result = This PMO=Prime minister Office , New Delhi ,CMO given , 60000 mental
cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by
MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu Terror ., 4.0 lacks murder of Human Kashmir , , 2.6 lacks murder ,in
Assam in past 40 years by Hindu Army !? 12 lacks forced unemployed christen Assam 20 lacks
,Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses +15 lacks christens in Kashmir , Assam, past 30 years
!? Indian army =Hindu , destroy 95% economic assets of Kashmirii Muslims , and 80%
economic assets of Assam people ,Indian army destroy 66% infra structures of Kashmir and
Assam !!??
4 East Timor =Nation ,UN member , =Christen Nation , Got freedom from Indonesia in 2002 it
self , Muslims Nations with in 25 years !? But Kashmir ,Assam people still facing
India=Hindus nation past 40 years !?
5 while in Azzad =Free Kashmir = Pakistan there is not single life loss , kill ,rape , loot by
Pakistan army from past 65 years !?
6 but in Indian detailed Kashmir facing every day abuse , kill ,rape , torture , genocide form
Indian army from past 65 years !!?? given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental
cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years 4.0 lacks murder , 12 lacks forced unemployed,
20 lacks ,Kashmir , christen Assam
7 we P5 +1 Nations have capability to stop Aganii 2,,3,4, Parthavii 2,3,4 in such way that it
can not start even Indian ignite it !!??
8 Now see the God Justice , that India is under top most corrupt nations listed with Iraq
,Afgan , Niger , Dr cango ,Cambodia !!??
Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .= against Al-Qaida , , few
against Hindutava terror !!?I am Reviewer ,Editor in International Journal of Peace and
Development Studies
9 Soviet Union = USSR= spitted in 14 Fragments =Small nations maximum of them were
Muslims of Russia ,they all were not happy with KGB =Russian intelligences , Russian army
and Russian government a s they were facing high level discrimination in Jobs , prospect ,
career ,life just B’se they were Russian Muslims !!?? they were having very less jobs , less
money , high level abused by KGB , Russian army !!?? 14 =Small nations of Soviet Union =
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,
Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. They were facing same things
like Kashmir Muslims facing from India ,Indian army=Hindu LeT =Hindu terrorist paid from
Government of India !!?? like Arunachala pradehaaa ,. Like Assam people are facing ,none
of them 14 separate nations of Russian want to be again part of USSR !!?? none now they all
ate happy , they have there own President , prime minister ,Own army own intelligences have
Huge money ,huge power and self respect , they are not forced to follow KGB Russian dogs
,terrorist !!?? they have there own Industries own Space , defence industries have own all free
lands , free view free life like free man free women and all nations are Muslims nation free from
USSR like sin evil !!?? they do not want to recall there bad past of living with USSR like sin
evil ,Terror , abuse !!?? these all are UN member nation have there own economy own
beautiful bungalows cars , land , prospects , none of KGB dogs ,Russian army dogs able to
interfere in there life no way !!?? via satellite technology !!?? now these nations are wining
Olympic medal also up to 100 medals with these nations !!?? these nations =14 nations people
are towards to win Nobel prizes also !!?? what else any body want from free nations people
these are having
10 I=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , have Two publications Against Weapon of mass
destruction =WMD .= against Al-Quida , few against Hindutava terror !!? please I am also
facing Indian abuse , =JIC,IB,RAW ,NIA ,MI ,Udaipur Hindu and Muslims m Human dogs !!??
from past 1990 to till now =13-10-2010 , torture ,abuse , discrimination , by brain waves
0,160,220 cps ,and use of satellite technology TV free voice mode and use of Indian human dogs
to torture !!?? and forced unemployed ness from 1999 to 2001 ,2003 to 2008 and 2009 Jan to
till now !? = http://www.unhabitat.org/bestpractices/2004/mainview.asp?BPID=2847 , Ruhel –
Audio Hallucination = Ruhel –Schizophrenia !! Like I=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is
facing Hindu torture ,abuser , JIC,IB,RAW ,NIA ,MI ,CID =Hindu intelligences and Udaipur
Rajasthan India based Hindu Muslims human dogs =Saffron terror !!?? from past 1990 to till
now 17-10-2010 =20 years !!?? I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A do not want one
centimetre land from India =Hindu 1.37 billions Hindu but I want my freedom , all prospect
,rights , human benefits which I lost from past 20 years due to my birth in India =Hindu nation
only !!??
A I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , read that 78% people of Kashmir = Clear cut majority of
Kashmir people want independent state its came from poll= survey done by Hindustan Times groups
Kashmir Total population is 40 Millions those want independent state , Which will not part of India !!??
=as Kashmirii as 78% people Muslims !!??
C I read that Assam 60% people = Via poll ,Survey told that they want independent state = which will
be not part of India !!? its total population is 32 Millions those want separate state !!?? as Assamii
35% people are Muslims 65% are Christen !!?? =Minorities !!?
B I read that in the poll =survey, 58% people of Maoist-dominant areas of AP, Chhattisgarh, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra and Orissa Clear cut majority people say that they want independent state for
them Naxalism had actually been good for their area. The poll done by The Economic Times , India and
UK Via TOI , its total population is 120 millions those want independent state as these are tribes and
christen !!??
Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .= against Al-Qaida , few
against Hindutava terror !!?
According to local history of Manipur, , after centuries of independence, self-reliance, and sovereignty,
the Maharaja of the Hindu Meitei Kingdom of Manipur, kept under house arrest in Shillong, was forced
to sign the merger agreement at gunpoint in 1949.
Its print matter news that form India =Hindus nation , every day 2000 Millions Indian rupees black
money=illegal money = per month 1250 =1200+50 m$ = Millions $ going from India to Indian ownership
industries , in south Africa ,Niger ,Chad , Zimbabwe , =to Hindu Sindhi ,Marvaddi , Jain industries via
Indian sea customs ,and Africa sea customs by pass !!? they using that black money in industries
development then its white money , and buying good form China and making godown in Dubai,ME=Gulf ,
from this converted white money ,While Former Justice minister India told in media with proof that 10
Chief justice of India out of 16 were 100% corrupt , =CJI=Chief justice India !!?? and as per chief
commissioner CVC =cvc@nic.in, = Transparency international = in India , every third person ,Indian is
corrupt !!???
D I=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A also want not part of India !!?? in my rest life at present my age is
44 years so no Indian interference in my life from 45 years age to 98 years till I am live !!?? mean no
interference from any Indian =weather its manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in,
office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in , hm@nic.in,!?or any body else Indian =Or Its Dogs !!?? which
called das Indian army India police Indian intelligences like Dogs of India !!?? getting handsome salaries
and job securities from Hindu government !!?? after all kill ,genocide , riots , murders !!??
Supreme court whose CJI 10=9+1 are proved corrupt , chief justice of India found to be proved corrupt
out of 16 from past 1947 to till today 2010 !!?? as per Justice minister of India ,Delhi ,
while Indian government= manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in ,
girijav@sansad.nic.in, providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal ,
Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and
for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all
have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa
Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time (these all are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !!
) , then Karnataka chief Minster =Y Rao=Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief
Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !!
=under rule
Abstract : India =1.19 Billion Hindu voters nation , 98% H1 B Visa , Citizenships , B1 Visa , L
Visa ,J Visa , Diplomatic Visas of USA ,Europe nation is with Hindu only !!?
India all top posts of army , Police , Civil servants =Powerful , top politician ++ all top power
jobs , top jobs are with Hindu only !!?? its not from now but from past 20-30 years !!??
1 As hm@nic.in, www.pmo.nic.in, given 12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks
forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens
business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases
Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of
Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
2 I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A=
http://www.unhabitat.org/bestpractices/2004/mainview.asp?BPID=2847 , Pl I Got Nominate for, Dubai
International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 = 2004,2005,2006 . I am Editor in
Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no
sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to till today = 2011=2.0 years , By Indian =Hindu =hindu terrorist =JIC ,IB,RAW,
http://nia.gov.in = office@tharoor.in , Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I
was kept forced unemployed 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =Total =10 =Ten Years forced unemployed
,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop by Hindu
terrorists =JIC,RAW,IB,MI ,JIC ,CID Rajputana Prime minister office New Delhi
=manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in ,
hm@nic.in,, cmraj@rajasthan.gov.in, cm-rj@nic.in,!? b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh
=Hindu Minority !? even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 ,even ,
got , recommendation from qianh@un.org, ngls@un.org to apply for UN Jobs , Victims still suffering
from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008
Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years 7
years pass out !? as they Not Hindu ,they Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !? while Indian government
providing Z-Security ,to Hindu terror ,people = Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , ++these
all are from VHP for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per
annum !? all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !?
This PMO New Delhi ,CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir
Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu Terror ., 60 ,000 murder of Human
Kashmir , , 50 ,000 murder ,in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !? 12 lacks forced unemployed
christen Assam 20 lacks ,Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses +15 lacks christens in Kashmir ,
Assam, past 30 years !? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan ,
accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,from G Udayagiri assembly
,India Now he member of parliament in India !? while in this Hindus nation , While India have , Arun
Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai criminal turned politician . Here I like to thanks
respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,sharidiah@saudikayan.sabic.com, who select me for
Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with www.mitsubishicorp.com,,project ,
phenol Project purity 99.999% And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture Feb. 2003 to
2008 November only 2% are with Indian christen and Muslims !!?? cmraj@rajasthan.gov.in, cmrj@nic.in, Note : I think to balance the world power of humanity ,power of brain ,religion balance ,
there must be one permanent seat ,with veto power , in UNSC for Saudi Arabia . or Dubai =UAE
=ME=Gulf !!?? as I live there I found these people=local are good then Indian =Hindu !!?? what
ever I have=Publication ,Bank balance ,Brain , honesty , work , papers , articles , blogs , Human
brain , its due to these nations =Saudi Arabia ,Dubai =UAE , only.
Author Biography : Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .=
against Al-Qaida , few against Hindutava terror !!? , Thanks , I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A=
http://www.unhabitat.org/bestpractices/2004/mainview.asp?BPID=2847 , Pl I Got Nominate for, Dubai
International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 = UN Award = www.unhabitat.org 2004,2005,2006 .
http://www.bestpractices.org , , I am Editor in International Journal of Peace and Development
Studies=http://www.academicjournals.org/IJPDS/Editors.htm, , I am reviewer in Journal of Law and
Conflict Resolution =www.academicjournals.org/JLCR ,ISSN 2006-9804
=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Sdae8iJJcA&feature=related ,
While at International Era =European Union , =Christens nations = in BELGRADE, Serbia , Gen.
Ratko Mladic, the brutal Bosnian Serb general suspected of leading the bloody massacre of 8,000 Muslim
men and boys, was arrested, on 25-05-2011 ( Mladic was indicted by the U.N. war crimes tribunal) ,as
=Serbia=country was under intense pressure from the international community to catch Europe's most
wanted war crimes suspect and the EU has insisted on his arrest as a condition for its membership bid.a
Author : Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001 INDIA ,
Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,0091-9680577534,0091-9468713194,Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home ), Fax
:,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chisty) Emails: rchisty20102@gmail.com,rchisty20081@gmail.com
,rchisty84@yahoo.com ,rchisty20104@yahoo.com , Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date
A Indian army detain , Kashmir and Assam 1947 to till now .
1 Forced ruled by Indian army from 1947 to till now =past 65 years !!??
Life loss = This PMO=Prime minister Office , New Delhi ,CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam
Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu
Terror ., 4.0 lacks murder of Human Kashmir , , 2.6 lacks murder ,in Assam in past 40 years by Hindu
Army !? 12 lacks forced unemployed christen Assam 20 lacks ,Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses
+15 lacks christens in Kashmir , Assam, past 30 years !? Indian army =Hindu , destroy 95% economic
assets of Kashmirii Muslims , and 80% economic assets of Assam people ,Indian army destroy 66%
infra structures of Kashmir and Assam !!??
Now one more gift then these all give by Dr Manmohan Singh =Hindu , Indian . refused 60,000
passports to Kashmirii Young’s and Talented people !!?? means India want them to face Indian army
Blood mouth ,nail - Hindu dogs , till they live , and Indian forcing them to love India Love Hindu ,love
Indian army
Economy : there is continuous 3 months curfew , means no body can allowed to move any place , no
shop open , no school ,no any human activities only Indian army every where on roads , and all places
, no boat are on water ,lakes so Zero economic !!?? not only this 109 =100+9 Innocent ,Civil people
killed by Indain army just in past 2 months of 2010 , only people =Kashmirii Muslims are living on
international charities = UN, ADB ,World bank , IMF , USAID ,OIC ,Saudi Arabia ,UAE ++
B East Timor :
Christen nation got freedom in 2002 ,20 may , Via UNSC resolution and effective force from USA,
Australia ,China , on Indonesian Army Ruler =Army =Muslim !!??
Life loss in East Timor by Indonesian army =2.6 lacks Human =male ,female ,kids killed by Indonesia
army =Muslim !!?? they destroy 75% infrastructures , this is less then what Indian =Hindu army killed
in Kashmir =Kashmir Muslims !!?? Notable things is East Timor = Official Name = Timor –Leste , having
huge quantity of Oil (=black gold ) and gas (colour less , gold ) resources in its land and sea , even
then Indonesian =Muslim free them just in 25 years , the main oil an d gas resources is the Greater
sunrise gas field ,
Its Total Land Area =14,874 Km2 , =5743 mile 2 , Its total population =11 lacks , its capital Dili , its
GDP=274 Billions $ , its currency =US$ , East Timor have its own banks , own civil servants , own Police
,own army , Own Constitute its UN member nation =free nation ,
Economy : oil and gas and agriculture .
. I think India is terror in South Asia peace !! On basis on nation status !! Via UNGA !!??
C Azzad Kashmir
Area = 13,297 Km2 = 5134 mile 2
Its have there own Prime minister ,own president ,own constitute ,own police ,own army own
supreme court , own finance own budget , they can consumed with out asking any body on whole world
they build one big Dam = Mangla Dam in Mirpur district , and they are getting royalty billions $ , form
Pakistan government which is using the electricity made from Dam and supply to Pakistan and Free
Kashmir ,
economy : minerals , agricultural = corps =walnuts , apples , cherries , medicinal herbs , resin , ++ selling
=exporting =shawls , pashmina , pherans , namdas ,
Population = 4567982 =46 lacks =these are were brilliant , bright ,talented Kashmirii taken good
decision in 1947 it self , if I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI Cchem A birth in Kashmir I did also taken same
decision in 1947 itself
GDP= 1500 Billions $ , its good then Indian Hindu based 40% land it self !!??
I like to say at UNGA ,UNSC ,USA,EU ME=Gulf map that I found Pakistan people ,government and Army
are like Holly people , like high level good people for Azzad Kashmir =free Kashmir =46 lacks Human
=Kashmirii Muslims , From past 65 years not form 60 days , as they all were bright rich , real rich
people ,high level IQ , extra ordinary brain Muslims , those left India =Hindu in 1946 it self and
became life long friend of USA in 1950 itself , India only having poor quality ,poor gene not capable
Indian Muslims those are not BJP=RSS voter Muslims !!?? like my living street ,City =Udaipur Kishan
pole based people !!?? they did only one mistake take they did make there Muslims kids Jihadii to
fight with Russian ,terrorist form 1979 to 1990 due to request of CIA !!??
Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .= against Al-Qaida , few
against Hindutava terror !!?
Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. elsevier.com) from May 2007 . Pl I
have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against
Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March 2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry
=www.rsc.org/arf08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror
by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND
SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio
chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD . ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in
International Journal of Psychology and Counseling
http://www.academicjournals.org/Ijpc AND Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology
(www.academicjournals.org/JPHE) ) and from August 2009 ., Pl I am one of the Reviewer in African
journal of Environmental science and Technology =www.academicjournals.org/ajest
I am reviewer in International Journal of Peace and Development Studies=
www.academicjournals.org/IJPDS,I am reviewer in Journal Clinical reviews and options =
www.academicjournals.org/cro, =http://www.academicjournals.org/CRO/Email.htm, I am reviewer in
Journal of Engineering and Technology Research =www.academicjournals.org/JETR
Pl , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc
+82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc
www.mlsu.ac.in, India ,
Nine =9 - publications –at-international symposium on Instrument innovation , Chromatography ,
+environmental +=+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06=www.Pittcon.org ,EAS=www.eas.org + ,
IUPAC=www.iupac.org, =www.iupac2003.org ,National research council Canada =www.nrc.ca
=Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , www.rsc.org/arf08 =Royal society of chemistry ,UK, RACI
,IUPAC =www.raci2010.org
[ Please list of Publications ] :- (1) New Dimension Against Terrorism: A New Sensor (Ruhel-Sensor) Three
Different Sensor's Coupling CCD (CMOS) Sensor and Rodamass Sensor (Rode of Eye) - Coupled Olfactory
Sensor-Olfactory-Enzymes Sensors Chisty R =.www.iupac.org =www.iupac2003.org P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:
IUPAC - CSC 2003 Scientific Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 , AE - Analytical/Environment – Poster
Session Chair: TBA , RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug 10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Please I = Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , want to be a USA Citizen as terrorist expert from India =
A alone who have work against Al Quida ,Taliban and Hindu terror includes IB,RAW,
NIA=http://nia.gov.in/!! like terrorist wings from past 1990 to till now 16-12 -2010 !!??
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New Dimension Against Terrorism: A New Sensor (Ruhel-Sensor) Three Different Sensor's Coupling
CCD (CMOS) Sensor and Rodamass Sensor (Rode of Eye) - Coupled Olfactory Sensor-Olfactory-Enzymes
Sensors Chisty R =.www.iupac.org =www.iupac2003.org P,21 ( AE-1.P033),: IUPAC - CSC 2003 Scientific
Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 , AE - Analytical/Environment – Poster Session Chair: TBA , RChisty ,39Th
IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of Chemistry Aug 10-15 ,2003 Ottawa
,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhelsensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro-Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(NanoTech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 712 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US = www.pittcon.org
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 1415 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE =www.eas.org
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to
PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) = http://www.sam2006.org
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases &
Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)= http://www.sam2006.org
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-¿ series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
(11) How the testing laboratories (environmental ) are making money from the environmental samples
,from Sea water ,soil of the petroleum products extraction ,exploration areas=Organic analysis =THC
,HC, PAH ,PCBs ,+++ VOCs ,BTEX ,++ Pesticides .=Toxics , By Author RChisty at Conference =
www.raci2010.org, at RACI ,IUPAC 2010 Melbourne ,Australia
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .
23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001 INDIA , Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,0091-9680577534,00919468713194, Emails: rchisty20102@gmail.com,rchisty20081@gmail.com ,rchisty84@yahoo.com
. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,= manmohan@sansad.nic.in,
soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in
(1) New Dimension Against Terrorism: A New Sensor (Ruhel-Sensor) Three Different Sensor's Coupling
CCD (CMOS) Sensor and Rodamass Sensor (Rode of Eye) - Coupled Olfactory Sensor-Olfactory-Enzymes
Sensors Chisty R =.www.iupac.org =www.iupac2003.org P,21 ( AE-1.P033),: IUPAC - CSC 2003 Scientific
Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 , AE - Analytical/Environment – Poster Session Chair: TBA , RChisty ,39Th
IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of Chemistry Aug 10-15 ,2003 Ottawa
,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Now ,I am member of www. psychologicalscience.org = The Association for Psychological Science
(previously the American Psychological Society) ,and getting free gift of Journals = Psychological
Science ,from Alan G. Kraut = Executive Director =alankraut@psychologicalscience.org ,
I am not Indian . Ruhel date 11-02-2010
while Indian government= manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in ,
girijav@sansad.nic.in, providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal ,
Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and
for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all
have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Note : Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live
burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002
Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !? as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian
Muslims !? living in INDIA ==manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in ,
girijav@sansad.nic.in !!!?? while UN ,USA,EU people seen the Indian police ,Indian army work in Orissa
christen genocide ,they Indian Hindu did 100% support to killer ,rioter , Genocider ,gang rapper with
Nuns of christens , and Indian police ,Indian army work in Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide ,
Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide!!?
Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa
Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time (these all are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !! ) ,
then Karnataka chief Minster =Y Rao=Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster
2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !! =under rule of
manmohan@sansad.nic.in,soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !!?
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,
89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60
,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army
!! ?? 12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30
lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??
Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh=manmohan@sansad.nic.in,
soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in is having , schizophrenic –(Local
and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI
CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam
,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW , NIA=http://nia.gov.in/!! As these living people are Not Hindu
,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
Thanks yours Truly Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) . Date 23-08-2010
Mobile =0091-9636919708
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote
sensing Technology, http://remotesensing.usgs.gov/pecora.html ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl , I got Nominated for one of Public Affairs Asia awards 2009 ,And Nominated for one of its
Jury also , =wwwpublicaffairsasia.com/goldstandard , Got nomination emails from respected =Craig
Hoy =craighoy@publicaffairsasia.com (Director Public Affairs Asia) ,And Mark O'Brien
(=markobrien@publicaffairsasia.com) Vice President (Asia) Public Affairs Asia
(3) Please I got nominated for RACI National awards 2010 (1) The green chemistry Challenge award
2010 (2) Cornforth medal 2010 ( www.raci.org.au) by RACI Officials
(4) Please I got Invitation for self Nomination , for CIVICUS Board of directors ,= www.civicus.org, from
Respected Sandra Pires (=Sandra.pires@civicus.org)= Anabel Cruz (=boardelections@civicus.org) (Chair
CIVICUS Nominations committee ).
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = www.unhabitat.org , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human
practices . http://www.bestpractices.org,
(6) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ",
http://www.innovationsaward.harvard.edu ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(7) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017,
USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(8) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the
2005-2006 edition. = http://internationalwhoswho.com/
Note : while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy
=craighoy@publicaffairsasia.com) of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by
Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI, NIA=http://nia.gov.in/!!=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission
!!?? these organization =RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan
Singh=manmohan@sansad.nic.in ,as my literacy tell me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the
Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks +International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india
from past 65 years =who is behind these all !! ?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while ,
Craig Hoy =craighoy@publicaffairsasia.com sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China
government affairs forum at Linked that also deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
Cc Matthew R. Bettenhausen (= mbetten978@aol.com) , (Homeland Security Advisor to Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Director of the California Office of Homeland Security )
Dear Steven King (=stevengking@comcast.net,Steven.King1@dhs.gov, mbetten978@aol.com)
,jim@jimarrington.org, dc1191@gmail.com, dbeam@mariettaga.gov
Senior Homeland Security Official Washington D.C. Metro Area Division Director, acting at DHS
Thanks . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,
Article : The loop holes and serious doubts , in All bomb blasts = happened in india activities done
by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists (Investigation done by IB Or ATS =Anti- terrorist squad of
each states under forced guidance of IB ,JIC,RAW ,MI,NIA =http://nia.gov.in !! )
( UN people ,Interpol ,UNODC , other prime Police department must accept that India name is under top
corrupt nation ,from past 64 years of its freedom ,its Police, civil servant ,political organization is under
top corrupt organization of world , its huge population nation with none of honesty !!? Ref
=Transparency International reports(UN Branch ) from past 1950 to till now about India about its these
three department !!??) And this factor is true like Nature , notable point is this IB =RAW is successful to
make fool its Government from past 64 years !!?? Here in This nation ,people are Professional in
corruption , have reached to expert level , by playing with World bank ,EU Banks , Charity money from
past 64 years ,here 95% corruption in charity by NGOs , Other common man !!?/
Please I have Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction
=WMD .= against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava
terror !!?
(1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007)
(2) Malegaon bomb blast case (8 September 2006) and Malegaon Bomb Blast 2008 (its second bomb
blast happened in Malegaon after 2 =two of first bomb blast )
(3) Mumbai Train bomb blast case of 2006 (11 July 2006)
(4) Ahmedabad bomb blasts & Surat unexploded bombs (26 July 2008)
(5) Delhi bomb blast 2008 (13 September 2008)
(6) Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast (18 May 2007)
(7) Ajmer Sharif Dargah Blast (11 October 2007)
(8) Serial Blasts in U.P. courts (23 November 2007)
(9)) Jaipur Blasts (13 May 2008)
(10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006)
( These all bomb blasts =terrorist activities done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists these
people killed many innocent Human ,maximum Indian Muslims =40% to 60% every case !!??and Dr
Manmohan Police try to put others nation ,others religion names !!?? ), not there own religion =Hindu
,not there own people =Hindu !!?? =Indian =Hindu Indian !!??
JIC=Joint intelligence committee, Delhi ,which is directly under to Prime minister of India no body can
order JIC then PM,
Now on date 13-05-2010 ,Indian Police =searching the Doctor =Hindu terrorist =Dev Haridvar =who
supply the explosive to do Ajmer Sharif Dargah bomb blast (11 October 2007) and killed many
Minorities ,
Other Hindu terrorist those are linked in this are Aseemanand of Gujarat Dang Area , Lt colonel Parsad
Purohit =Former Indian army official , suman ,Mahandra Bhogatii , Bomb shankar Deve , one girl
=Rupa=DurgiMandal , And sunil Joshi (who was killed as he can open the facts in front of CBI -so doers
killed him ) = ,I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A full confidence that Jaipur Bomb blasts 2008 , also
done by these type of Hindu terrorist =people only !! like Hindu terrorist e done Pune bomb blats 2010 ,
Goa fail bomb blasts !!?? ATS =Anti terror squad =Indian is linking These Indian hindu terrorist with
four=4 more Bomb blasts = (10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006) (6) Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast
(18 May 2007) , (1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007) , (9)) Jaipur Blasts (13 May
2008) !!?? might be Delhi !!?? total =five bomb blasts =includes Ajmer Sharif Dargah bomb blast (11
October 2007) Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 14-05-2010 cell 00919636919708 ,its found that City
Indore ,of Madya Pradesh was place where all these activities talks , meeting taken place !?? its just
250 Kms far from City Udaipur Rajasthan India 313001,02 .I like to put that Udaipur Rajasthan India
313001 ,02 and IB,RAW are Hindu terrorist organizations , and in future world will see many terror
activities =Bomb blasts in India will link from this city based Hindu and Muslims that will kill many
Foreigner also !! and will take place with Support of IB,RAW =Delhi !!??
Please, UNESCO Report 2007 “Corrupt Universities ,corrupt schools what can be done ??
By Jacques Hallack and Mariel Poisson =ISBN 10-92-803-1296-0 given by IIEP ,UNESCO Branch
=www.unesco.org/iiep, here they compare , Indian universities ,schools with Uganda , they given Uganda
second top corrupt nation ,while India name was among top first corrupt nation in education !! here
they taken all records of Indian news channels ,All states news papers , in this report they consider IITs,
IIMs ,IAS, Universities exams , Medical exams , AIIMS exams !! schools exams ,by taking there paper
leaks , cheating , ++ all , then they published this report from UN ,Portal !!??
I=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , read from Canada , Australian leading news Papers that India
=Delhi given 1.25 Lacks $ -USA to each nation ,bribe to 72 =70+2 Common wealth nations , to get
CWG= Common wealth game 2010 in India !!?? there close rival was Canada they did not like to given
any money =single $ bribe ,to win so they loose CWG 2010 Holding rights , But these corrupt con low
profile Indian win the rights !!?? its good amount for poor nation officials those are in 72 nations
except Australia ,UK , Malaysia , Indonesia , ++ its all tell that India are con cheap ,corrupt can do any
things to win the power game !!?? any things ……. To get win in power game !!??
Now president of Olympic committee told in Media that they will near give rights of Olympic game to
Delhi=India ,never !!?? as Many top Athletes will not come to Delhi to play on risk of life of there own
and there families !!?? these are those who already win Gold ,silvers in past world class games !!??
(2) Dear Kenneth M ,Sorenson (=Ken.Sorenson@usdoj.gov) /Robert.Wallace@usdoj.gov
Assistant US Attorney Room 6-100 ,PJKK Federal Building
300 Ala Moana Boulevard Honolulu,. Hawaii 96850 USA , Tel : 808 541 2850 ,Fax 808 541 2958
Sir I read about one Indian case =Noshir S Gowadia spy for money case for =B-2 Spirit Bomber ..
Please My Case : (modified =Real data )
Please I have Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction
=WMD .= against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava
terror !!?
I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , was getting New advanced instrument innovation ,webs +PDFs
,from NASA Instrument innovation department , Officially from NASA HQ =dtomko@hq.nasa.gov=Dear
David L. Tomko , Manager NASA ,HQ , Plus other officials they given me on my request and due to my
publications in NASA ,and in Counter terror ,At my Email ID =rruhel2@yahoo.com ,from past 2002 Feb to
till 2008 !! at this email ID I was getting ,many webs from NASA ,those have Details electronic structures
,different types of sensors , different types of satellites =full details ,their depth , many latest instruments
of NASA ,those were innovated , by MIT ,Caltech , Harvard ++all leading USA Universities ,scientists , for
NASA , =www.nasa.gov , these all webs and their ,detailed structure of Satellites , Its work ,its inner
configuration ,
But these all things theft ,hacked ,kidnapped by Indian Intelligences =RAW,IB,NIA Hindu dogs
=Indian dogs =Hindu terrorists with out my permission , , ++ IB,RAW given this their Banned Indian
organizations =ISRO &DRDO from 1974 to 2003 ,till now , ,UGC=www.ugc.ac.in , Universities += INDIAN
, as these Indian Dogs want that there Indian kids , will able , to learn Free , at internet ,pen drive
+DVD =Free ,Portable Hard disk =SATA =Free to all Indian kids, students ,Engineers physics =Free gift
from RAW,IB,NIA =Free which came due to name Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A Christen birth in India
!!?? advanced technology from directly NASA ,Advanced instruments ,this was for Hindu rise =Hindu
advanced satellites , space technology ,by used Ruhel sensor =Rchisty name all free as Ruhel Chisty
MRACI CChem A is minority =Christen of birth India !! While he = dtomko@hq.nasa.gov , start to given
me B’se, my list of publications ,Like Ruhel –Sensor =against terror ,bio terror
these Indian dogs =Hindu did not provide me any job in government , and ISRO ,DRDO ,IITs ,IISC, ++any
national labs of chemistry physics , even PhD in Physics ,chemistry ,post doc No =Not any from 1990 to
till 2001,2000,1999 and till now !!?? ++ No =Not Any civil servants , bank officers even I sent my
resume + Demand drafts of 300 Indian rupees as I am christen birth in India !!?? while congress party
is ruling Rajasthan ,India from 1999 to till now =past 11 years !!= manmohan@sansad.nic.in,
soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in!!??
Pl , I have Nine =9 - publications –at-international symposium on Instrument innovation ,
Chromatography , +environmental +=+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06=www.Pittcon.org ,EAS=www.eas.org + ,
IUPAC=www.iupac.org, =www.iupac2003.org ,National research council Canada =www.nrc.ca
=Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , www.rsc.org/arf08 =Royal society of chemistry ,UK, RACI
,IUPAC =www.raci2010.org
while I know that ISRO was not having advance satellites till 2003 !! but after that ISRO was able to
made many advance satellites from my getting advance technology which was theft by Hindu dogs
=Indian dogs with out my permission !!??
) in 2007 Justice Krashnavatti commission report ,came on 1993 Mumbai riots and blast he give 600 –
700 pages report
With audio records ,video records , different high level literate victims recording , where he mention the
Telephonic recording police officials of Riots area ,how they were provoking to rioters to destroy the
minorities home ,business , to do riots ,and kill
Live recording from BSNL -=Indian government telephone data that is only in all Mumbai police stations
,he open the action of shiv sena ,BJP ,RSS ,VHP ,Bdal involvement in riots !!?? involvement of congress
party few ministries also in riots !!?? he given proof of Video recording did by victims =international
channels =CNN,BBC + other ,TV Channels , News papers !! But that whole report reached to Maharastra
Government ,that is controlled by Congress party ,Shard pavar party = which have soft corner with Bal
Thackeray =Shiv Sena !! so till now noting happened to those all police officers , means they did not
terminated from jobs !!?? none of Shiv Sena ,Other party leader get caught and put behind bar then
terminated from Ministry + political power !! none of congress party leader get terminated from
congress party membership +put behind bar !!?? while Justice Krashnavatti is Padama Bhusan Awardees
, he was chief Justice of three states of India ,he start his career as Jury only !!?? his name is in few of
highest honest jury !!?? while this report reached to Dr Manmohan Singh =prime minister of India ,Ms
Sonia Gandhi also !! but noting happened !!?? b'se congress party is based on Shard pavar party
ministers in MH =Maharastra and to be in rule !! and Shard pavar do not want to take any action against
Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena +BJP +RSS +VHP !! So !!???
while Mumbai riots taken 2000 human life ,maximum loss of Mumbai minorities =Christen +Muslims !!
there business ,there jobs , career there home !!?? total effected was 80000 to 140000 people !!?? I think
this Justice Krashnavatti commission report 2007 also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSAGovernment =KSA Police !!?? ???
I know Ex CBI- Chief =RAW =IB =Indian intelligence officials ,who finished -all proofs , those were
- at crime places & given to CBI -By Victims by thinking the safest place of Indian earth !!? , those were
against Lal Krishan Advanni &Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Uma Bharii ,Sadavii Ritium Bharaa ++ , those
provoke to lot of Hindu- Muslim riots & murder in form 1989 to 1993 !in whole india ,at Open
conferences ,at many places in india & UP &Delhi &Rajasthan !!? due to Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri
mosque case ! in 1994-1998 He =CBI Chief , was –awarded, as Member of National human right
commission= http://nhrc.nic.in ! by ,that time , Prime minister-India (BJP) , (Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee) in
2002 , Pl note these riots taken ~2500 human life +~1 lacks home less & ~4 Million Career less & future
less !!
(X) While I know that thalaka.com =thalka magazine ,editor open by hidden video - recording of fact that
how Mr. Jorge Franardish ( former Defense minister of BJP ) and Mr. .Y.Mishra was involved in 5000
corer= 50 Billion Indian rupees defense corruption , thalka magazine ,editor did open this hidden video
recording at all Leading nation TV news =Zee News ,Star TV += in 2001 -2002 , there were 4-5 ministers
also involved there , 4-5 Defense official also involved in this ,but what happened after that
Mr. Jorge Franardish did not given resign from his defense minister posts , + other ministers also +
Defense officials also did not resign !! while these people put local police + army intelligence against
Athalka magazine ,editor +put him in economic ban !! force to all other news media +business man do
not support him +give him money !! he face high economic torture to 3.5 years continuous !! b'se he did
work against BJP Ruled party ministers in 2001 -2005!!??
(XI) while india's 80 MPs=Member of parliament have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from
murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++ Same way 180 to 1800 MLA =of different states have 3- 7 high level crime
in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++ But they are political leaders in india ,and have all
benefits of power +money + respected + ++ and cases going on in Indian courts for which people are
telling that there are corrupt juries ,corrupt advocates !!?? while for these MP ,MLA Indian police is lay
down ,Indian IB is lay down ,Indian defense is lay down !!Maximum of this MP ,MLAare Hindus !!??
See the joke of Indian congress party ,Hindu counter terror !!?? All Hindu terror liked people leaders =
Modi , Udava Thakaree , BJP Nation president , RSS chief and all Other Hindu groups head telling to
Home Minister India =hm@nic.in that he is ill , mental , as he told in Parliament about Saffron terror
=-Hindu terror word !!? they are asking him =Home minister India to resign on this point =Hindu terror
word used in parliament by him !!?? even I doubt that they can out police case on Home minister New
Delhi concern how is used Hindu terror = Saffron terror word in Indian parliament !! its when ruling
party is congress parry not BJP= Siva sena !!?? its when PMO is Dr Manmohan Singh !!?? see how
such type of home minister and prime minister of India can finished Hindu terror ,Hindu genociders
,Hindu killer from Indian earth !!??these are so incapable , no any strong image !!?? no any strong work
against Hindu terror till now done by Dr Manmohan Singh and hm@nic.in from past 7 years of there
ruled India !!?
Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa
Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief Minster =Y Rao=
Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all
are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !! =under rule of
manmohan@sansad.nic.in,soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !!?
Ruhel Chisty MRACI Cchem A date 29-04-2010 cell 00919636919708 . = all people =Indian of these
states = 58+49+ 65+50 millions =222 millions =22.2 corer =222X100 lacks = maximum of 222000000
people love these type of genocides , so that they reelected these states BJP=RSS =Hindu , Indian Hindu
chief ministers party ,these Indian want UNSC power !! ?? which such type to quality work !!??
manmohan@sansad.nic.in,soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !!? have record
Zero =0 , kill of Hindu terrorist from past 1989 to till today ,
Zero kill of Taliban from 1975 to 2000
Zero Kill of al Quida from 1975 to till today .
(4) while UN ,USA,EU people seen the Indian police ,Indian army work in Orissa christen genocide ,they
Indian Hindu did 100% support to killer ,rioter , genocider ,gang rapper with Nuns of christens , and
manmohan@sansad.nic.in was seating in air-condition room in Delhi doing talk laugh ,eating 5 start
hotel foods for 4 =3+1 days then sent Indian army with order of no kill to rioters , killer , no kill to any
Hindu ! they did , as manmohan@sansad.nic.in is Hindu and India is Hindu nation having 1.0 billions
Hindus !!?? same in Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide !!??
Indian police Counter terrorism drama =Joint intelligence committee =JIC =PMO =
manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in
=Drama !!??
(a) IB,RAW ,NIA =http://nia.gov.in/ released all Hindu terrorist with in 1 -3 Months even they =Indian
police did not taken there remand =3rd degree also !!? these all free on bails with 1-3 months as these
all Are Hindu terrorists living in India !!
those captured for Goa Failed Bomb blasts , Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007),
Malegaon bomb blast case (8 September 2006) and Malegaon Bomb Blast 2008 , Nanded bomb blast
(5 April 2006), these all bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist they all are released with 1-3 months and
did not face Hindu Police torture !!?? not kill of these Hindu terrorist
by Indian army =Kashmir and Assam !!no kill no shoot ,no boot , no hit ,no Refilling by Indian army
officer of Kashmir and Assam those deputed at these places !!?? as these are Hindu terrorist Indian
army ,Indian police is also Hindu =Indian Hindu !!?? notable thing is in these all Bomb blasts there is life
loss is 1000 people Total from them 80% Indian Muslims ,20% Indian Hindu !! even then these all Hindu
terrorists released , with out remand and 3 degree and they are Free Indian !!?? these all cases made
diluted by IB,RAW,NIA =Home ministry by force of local police officers =Those are few and most honest
, and either by threat or by transfer of by talking there jobs or by telling them there wrong done in there
career record proof from satellite technology used by IBM,RAW ,NIA in there life’s !!?? it so effective that
IB,RAW ,NIA got there deriver Hindu values !!?? so Hindu terrorist free !!?? which captured due to local
few honest police officer affords that all became zero !!?? while TI repot say Indian police =Hindu are
world top corrupt organization !!?? its same from past 60 years !!?? =Indian police is world top corrupt
organization !!??
its same satellite technology which is IB,RAW ,NIA using on me from past 1990 to till now =past 20
years !! but here in my case its using TV Free voice mode there is no ,!!??
Note : I think to balance the world power of humanity ,power of brain ,religion balance , there must be
one permanent seat in UNSC for Dubai =UAE or Saudi Arabia . =ME=Gulf !!?? as I live there I found
these people=local are good then Indian =Hindu !!?? what ever I have=Publication ,Bank balance ,Brain
, honesty , work , papers , articles , blogs , Human brain , its due to these nations =Saudi Arabia ,Dubai
=UAE , only ,India =Indian =Hindu are hell for me from 1966 to till now =past 20-44 years !!? will be hell
for me from 2016 to 2099 !!?? and same thing you can see in Assam ,Kashmir people telling about India
,Indian its Army !!?? Ruhel date 20-05-2010 Cell 00919636919708
(5) But These secular Hindu =Hindu = IB,RAW ,Indian army, have strong records of kill of lacks of
civilian ,Innocent arm less , Kashmir ,Assam people as they are Christen ,Muslim , from past 30 years
=1970 to till today .
I=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,like to put at Interpol ,,DHS , NRC , UNODC , UNGA ,UNSC ,DIA , CIA
,FBI , Europol officials ,ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,
That international people must understand that till now what ever bomb blast happened in India from
past 20 years when BJP=RSS ruled nation or state , done by Indian hindu only !!??
Which killed many foreigner also , maximum Europe people !!?? this nation =Hindu =BJP=RSS using this
land =India and its Police ,IB,RAW ,to put blame on Other religion ,other nation ISI ,Pakistan
,Bangladesh , Hujji , Indian Muslims !!?? to get benefits of word terrorism !!?? to get space technology ,
Advanced technology from USA ,Russian ,Europe on name of to protect Europe tourist and Indian !!??
and they got also from Bush Jr ,++ I like to put at international map that UNSC must asked to Indian
government to file written documents of all terrorist captured by Hindu police from past 20 years
=Hindu terrorists and list of all other innocents forced captured by Hindu police =Indian police !!??
and in 2007 BJP government of Rajasthan =Gulab chand katariya =Home minister =MLA from Udaipur
313001 ,02 city India =RSS put blame on Pakistan ,ISI ,Hajji-Bangladesh and Indian Muslims =Young ,
Bangladeshi of Rajasthan !!??
These Indian hindu =1 Visnuu Parsad Patiddar , and 2 Chandra Shekar , 3 Davindra Gupta , have
link with four=4 more Bomb blasts = (10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006) (6) Hyderabad Mecca
Masjid Blast (18 May 2007) , (1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007) , (9)) Jaipur
Blasts (13 May 2008) !!?? might be Delhi !!??
Same things India=Delhi did to nominate Shashi Tharoor =UN Secretary general but UNSC P6 Top
power member did not accept this below that rest 80 Nations support India after get bribe as they are
poor nations !! But USA veto =not accept , Shashi Tharoor as =UN Secretary general and he loose !!??
(3) same things India is doing in all types of international projects , try to given bribe ,costly gifts even to
UN =www.un.org, Officials also to win the power game !!??
(4) like Delhi try to buy Dubai Government from 2001 Feb to 2003 Feb ,Saudi government 2008 Jan to
2008 Dec , in my case that they must support India =Delhi and given full access to Ruhel Chisty MRACI
Cchem A emails ,PC , Home via satellite and telecommunication technology from Delhi its self !!?? But
as they are not poor not inhuman they are rich Muslims they did not given permission to these Delhi
bases Indian Hindu and Indian Muslim !!??
Please I have Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction
=WMD .= against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava
terror !!?
[ Please list of Publications ] :- (1) New Dimension Against Terrorism: A New Sensor (Ruhel-Sensor) Three
Different Sensor's Coupling CCD (CMOS) Sensor and Rodamass Sensor (Rode of Eye) - Coupled Olfactory
Sensor-Olfactory-Enzymes Sensors Chisty R =.www.iupac.org =www.iupac2003.org P,21 ( AE-1.P033),:
IUPAC - CSC 2003 Scientific Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 , AE - Analytical/Environment – Poster
Session Chair: TBA , RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of
Chemistry Aug 10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Please I = Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , want to be a USA Citizen as terrorist expert from India =
A alone who have work against Al Quida ,Taliban and Hindu terror includes IB,RAW,
NIA=http://nia.gov.in/!! like terrorist wings from past 1990 to till now 15-09 -2010 !!??
(Note : while when ever I open gmail ,any web like ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI +++ Google +++ Yahoo I found that
in down many webs are changing !!?? it always tell me that JIC,IB,RAW =Hindu IT experts are hacking ,
misusing changing my data , by taking original web to hacked ,fake webs !! while I am doing internet
from my own Laptop at My Room at 23 AA and having internet accounts on my name at BSNL, TATA ++
paying per months 1000 Indian rupees charge for internet only =Cash from my pocket =saving !!?? this
is second face of =Common wealth Game 2010 holder !! =1.25 US$ bribe =illegal money given to 72
nations of Common wealth nation each to win the Game rights 2010 in Delhi !!?? )
Its print matter news that form India =Hindus nation , every day 2000 Millions Indian rupees black
money=illegal money = per month 1250 =1200+50 m$ = Millions $ going from India to Indian ownership
industries , in south Africa ,Niger ,Chad , Zimbabwe , =to Hindu Sindhi ,Marvaddi , Jain industries via
Indian sea customs ,and Africa sea customs by pass !!? they using that black money in industries
development then its white money , and buying good form China and making godown in Dubai,ME=Gulf ,
from this converted white money ,While Former Justice minister India told in media with proof that 10
Chief justice of India out of 16 were 100% corrupt , =CJI=Chief justice India !!?? and as per chief
commissioner CVC =cvc@nic.in, = Transparency international = in India , every third person ,Indian is
corrupt !!???
The main news of India , for international counter terror people ,
( Please I have Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction
=WMD .= against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava
terror !!? ( Note these Counter terror publications I did from ME=Gulf not from India !!?) )
In July ,August 2010 , 460 Ton to 370 Ton = 460,000- 370X1000 kgs explosives lost from Rajasthan
,Dholphur , it having gelatine roads ,Detonator , defused ++ ,Its lost from 260 –370 trucks or more ..
None Indian police , CBI ,NIA=Http://nia.gov.in, RAW ,hm@nic.in are NOT able to find out where it
gone !!?? till date 27 -08-2010 !!?
Now I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A doubt that it will used to kill innocent Civil in Kashmir and
Assam ,North India ,and India by Hindu terrorists =RSS,VHP,Bdal +++ as the divers of trucks , explosive
manufacturing companies Managers ,officers all were Hindu , Indian ,= Jai Kishan Aswanii (Sindhi
Hindu ) he is From Udaipur Rajasthan India 313001 ,My living city, birth city !!?? , =Company owners
of Explosive manufacture , company name =BM Traders Bilwada Rajasthan India ,And Ajay explosive
(Shiv Charan Heda Rajandra Chobbaye ) Maharastra ,India , and sangam traders ,Ganash Magzine ++
these all companies owners are Hindu , they all birth in India as Hindu =Secular Hindu !!??
so 100% confirm that it will used by Hindu terrorist=Indian !!?? only and will put blame of bomb
blasts done by this 370,000 Kgs gelatines , on ISI , Pakistan ,Kashmir –separatists and Muslims of
India !! and Even Naxsaliite people !!?? while I 100% sure that these explosives reached to Hindu
terror groups of India !!?? and soon many bomb blasts will faced by Indian or Afghan or Pakistan !!??
due to this 370,000 Kgs gelatines Lost !!??
I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , read the threat of Indian birth top Hindu leaders that they will going
to do some more then 1992 Mosque demolition and 2008 Orissa ,,Karnataka ,Chattiosgarh ,Gujarat
genocides they given such type of threat in all leading news papers of India !!??
In July ,August 2010 , Ton =460X1000 kgs explosives lost from Rajasthan ,Dholphur –INDIA , it
having gelatine roads ,Detonator , defused ++ ,Its lost from -260 trucks or more ..
Now I doubt that these 60 Ton =460X1000 kgs explosives reached in these Hindu leaders hand
president of VHP=www.vhp.org +++ ++ and these people will used these explosive to do many bomb
blasts in India via its Braches =
And notable things is IB,NIA ,RAW ,CBI ,CID till not incapable to find out 460 trucks of explosive that
where it gone !!?? the company those were making these explosive were 100% Hindu ,Sindhi =Hindu
+++ were from Rajasthan and MP =India !!??
I doubt that this 460 ton explosive = gelatine roads ,Detonator , defused+++ may be used in Common
wealth game those will happened in Delhi ,By Hindu Terrorist =Indian terrorists !!??I like if international
counter terror people ask Dr Manmohan Singh =Manmohan@sansad.nic.in that, what his National
security adviser=Prime minister advisors, have plan for this , to avoid the kill of International people
during common wealth game Delhi , by this 60 ton explosives !!?? ask them to provide international
people =UNSC ,UNGA ,Interpol DHS ++ White house !!??
I today it self I want to put that hm@nic.in ,IB,NIA ,RAW ,Local Indian police will captured to Indian
Muslims and Other nation people will bring them from Nepal to put at international map that future
bombs blasts done by Muslims not Indian Hindu !!?? will force to international people that bomb blast
done by ISI ,Pakistan , And Indian Muslims =Kashmir separatist ,Assam ,Sikh !!?? I think IB,NIA,RAW first
will try to prove like this only in future bomb bl;ats done by this 60 ton =60,000 kgs explosives !!??
Today date 21-08-2010 its self I like to mention for Russia and USA that if in India now many more
genocide take place by Hindu !!?? and under rule of Dr Manmohan Singh =Congress party !!?? then they
have to do Nuke bomb blast on Hindu parry ruled states for peace in world and peace in religion !!??
doer must be Russia on request of USA !!?? It will give message to Indian and its Hindu completely !!??
till they live in today earth !!?? its will message to Indian Police ,NIA ,IB,RAW and hm@nic.in also !??
that world is not fool who believe on brief of New Delhi , but world some more advance then Indian
=Hindus !!?? then that what Indian understand with IIM , IIT, ISRO Brain Indian Hindu !!??
Please I have Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction
=WMD .= against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava
terror !!?
I like to say here that this Udaipur Rajasthan India and Ajmer based all Sindhi=Hindu are involved in
Hindu terror activities which did not open by Rajasthan police till now as they are paying huge money
to Rajasthan police Hindu !!?? as they are Hindu also and India is Hindu nation !!??and as Udaipur
,Ajmer Rajasthan n Sindhi having many Industries in south Africa, Africa ,ME=Gulf and are very rich
=Sindhi =Hindu communities !!?? these people are toward Hindu world =Indian world !!??
Now USA will be able to save 10 Billions $ per months , as in 2011 ,USA all Forces will be out of Iraq
and due to that USA was consuming 250 Billions $ per annum !!?? now it will net profit to USA economy
and in 2012 USA 75% forces will be out of Afghanistan then thee will be 250 billions $ per annum
saving to USA Economic start = so in 2012 USA will be able to save 20 billions $ per month in its
economy !! and in 2011 it self USA will be again Economic tycoon of today world ,and in 2015 USA
will be Leading nation in all field and its unemployed rate will reached to 0.7% as normal !!?? and in
2011 March it self USA do not required to sell any 127 Fighter plane from India like nation whose
total; cost is 10 billions $ only as that time it was able to save 20 b $ already !!??
I am not Indian . Ruhel date 11-02-2010 ,29-04-2010 I like to mention to International
community that if my birth was in USA,EU ,Pakistan ,then I was not writing like this but I had lot
proved work like Pakistan ,Army against ,Islamic militant ,Islamic terrorist !! I like to say that now
UNSC is doing respect of Pakistan ,Pentagon, NATO is doing respected of Pakistan Army and government
, they are not like Indian government= manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in,
office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in , work against Hindu terrorism = Indian terrorism which they
given from Jan 2009 to till today or from 2001 12 Sept to till today or they given against Russian
terrorist =Russian Army from 1975 to 1995 !!?? !!?? while Dr Manmohan =
manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in,girijav@sansad.nic.in ,have IB,RAW =Hindu
terrorist organizations from past 65 years !!?? these are getting good salaries from PMO India , and
doing all type to terror work to rise india at any cost !!?? of other religion and other religions people life
!!?? except Hindu !!??
I like to tell that They must accept that terrorism can only be finished from East Asia and Asia , by
support of pentagon ,NATO ,Pakistan , plus me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , a alone terrorist
expert from India =Hindus nation !!??? =Expert for Taliban ,Al Quida ,Hindu terrorism !!?? I am not
Hindu ,I am christen ,while above all things are 100% true = 24 caret pure gold like pure ,
What does mean by BJP=RSS Voter Indian Muslims =Muscleman !!??
These are those who want to apply BJP=RSS =Hindu Policies on all world Muslims includes
ME=Gulf ,Pakistan , Malaysia , Bangladesh +++
The Hindu polices which BJP=RSS think good for World Muslims ,like Gujarat 2002 Genocide
and Modi still chief minister in India !!?? ++ like Jahira Sheikh =Baroda best Backer only live victim who
seen 18 people live burn ,rape ,murder by Hindu criminals , is proved criminal and corrupt by
BJP=RSS Voter Indian in court !!??
The Condition is only to provide huge money , all jobs , power , top business ,Jobs in Police
,Army of all India to These BJP=RSS voter Indian Muslims !!?? then these people will 100% support
to BJP=RSS=INDIA to apply Hindu Policies on all world Muslims includes ME=Gulf ,Pakistan ,
Malaysia , Bangladesh +++
Now Indian foreign ministry ,Defence ministry open new shop=Business !!?? =Look at India policy =they
named it look at east policy !!??but I 100% confirmed that world is again look at west policy , which
mean look at EU,USA as it look Russia is also part of Europe and China is also !!?? =G2 , not even G4,
G5 ,G6 !!??
IB,RAW ,NIA =Http://nia.gov.in , =Hindu Dogs !!?? using satellite technology to control whole Indian
human dogs and forcing them to work according IB =hm@nic.in !!?? in my every day life form past 2009
Jan to till now and form 1990 to 2001 ,2001 to 2008 !! and now these Hindu dogs forcing to any
place where I am going for any work by satellite technology ,TV Free cell ++ that they have to do what
These Hindu dogs =IB , want From them , and they are doing 100% as per these IB =Hindu dogs !!??
And I found that Udaipur Rajasthan India 313001 ,02 local police are earning 20 times more salaries
from black money earner , druggist ,criminals , liquor suppler ++ white colour criminals say SP Salary
is 30,000 Per months from Government of India he is earning 5 lacks per month from these black
money earner of India =Hindu nation , Surajpole Police station ,Udaipur , local constable is earning
8000 Indian rupees per month ,from his job , he is getting 40,000 per month from criminals , black
money earner per month , say Kishan Pole Chokki Head =sr Constable is earning 14,000 Indian per
month form Government of India job and he is getting extra 1.5 lacks Indian rupees per month form
black money earner , Criminals , druggist ++ and most important Indian intelligences = IB,RAW ,NIA
=Hindu dogs have per month earn from Government fo India is 35,000 they are earning 5 Millions Indian
rupees per month each form big businessman=TATA, Ambani , Birla ++ top black money earner ,
Criminals , druggist ++Hindu terrorist !!? as these Indian intelligences = IB,RAW ,NIA having satellite
technology ,TV free voice mode and most power in India =Hindu nation = Dr Manmohan Singh Nation
=Manmohan@sansad.nic.in, hm@nic.in nation !!?? that why India name is in King of corruption = top
corrupt nation in past 64 years UN reports =by TI=Transparency international =UN Anti corruption
watch dog !!?? while I do not have my own room ,home ,own kitchen ,own bath room in any palace of
earth !! my own motor cycle ,own car ,own business !!?? on Billions $ ,millions$ bank balance !!? while
Indian police officer , IB,RAW ,NIA ,Indian politician all have huge millions ,millions $ bank balance not
only in India banks but also Swiss banks ,USA,EU Banks !!??
Please I have Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction
=WMD .= against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava
terror !!?
but I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI Cchem A , confirmed today it self that in today Era no body like to see at
India=Indian =Those name in world top corrupt , nation !!?? =19 time rejected for UNSC T,P- seat !!??
and for it they start to South Korea=Buddha nation =One type of Hindu nation ,its (=Buddha) religion
came from Nepal=capital Kathmanduu !!??
Ill , Schizophrenic Indian =Hindu =, Prime Ministry Of India , and Home Ministry =
Paying salaries to Mental ,con ,corrupt , Indian intelligences=Hindu =IB,RAW,NIA=http://nia.gov.in,
=,Completely ill , total – Schizophrenic , from past 1990 to till today or from past 1947 to till today !!??
I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,found that Indian intelligences =IB,RAW,NIA are Hindu terrorists ,
con corrupt , and killer and got professional to use Satellite technology to get Hindu world , by
criminal activities ,killer activities ,
I can say Maharastra ATS still honest and good worker for counter terror then IB =NIA =
http://nia.gov.in, !!?? I 100% can say IB,NIA ,RAW are Hindu terrorist , Dishonest , organization and
killer ,criminal ,con corrupt while ATS=Anti terrorist Squad -Maharastra ,India = former chief Hement
Karkharee (Ex) was honest organization !!?? then IB,NIA ,RAW !!??
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .
23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur –Raj , 313001 INDIA ,
Mobile =0091-9636919708 ,0091-9680577534,0091-9468713194,
Tel: +91-294-2488521 (Home ), Fax :,+91294-2411992 ( attn Ruhel Chisty)
Emails: rchisty20102@gmail.com,rchisty20081@gmail.com ,rchisty84@yahoo.com
Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013
OBJECTIVE : A Middle Management Position ,required analytical ,technical ,creative skills
Please recently , my one paper = got selected in SABIC -Technical meeting =STM 09 (www.sabic.com) ,
Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene , Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis
phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished products of this project =Phenolic
=.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw material ,finished products of Phenolic
,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy !!?? and it will cover the amine project
also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products and impurities ) .
Note : This Technical paper will be used in Saudi Kayan (www.saudikayan.com,www.sabic.com ) ,all
organic analysis . its Central Laboratory .
* * Three =3 Years (Petrochemical industries +[Fine chemicals analysis ,synthesis ( =PFNB, APF ,PFP
=99.999% Purity )], Refinery products analysis ) experience as R&D - Chemist / Lab specialist
(www.sabic.com+ www.mitsubishicorp.com ,www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp) ,One Year with
SABIC=www.sabic.com ,Two years with www.mitsubishicorp.com, www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp ,Japan
project And Six Years with Agrochemical company =www.piindustries.com . Pesticides analysis .
* Nine =9 - publications –at-international symposium on Instrument innovation , Chromatography ,
+environmental +=+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06=www.Pittcon.org ,EAS=www.eas.org + ,
IUPAC=www.iupac.org, =www.iupac2003.org ,National research council Canada =www.nrc.ca
=Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , www.rsc.org/arf08 =Royal society of chemistry ,UK, RACI
,IUPAC =www.raci2010.org
* We had 58 =50+8 - GC’s FID,PID ,ECD , MSD ,TCD , SDID , Methanizer , Micro –TCD ,PFPD , (Agilent –
USA ) , there in Saudi Kayan , for all Plants
* Total 10 years Chemical Industrial experience as Chemist / Lab specialist with Analytical
technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column
Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS
* Two years with Mitsubishi Corporation = www.mitsubishicorp.com, Sumitomo -company
=www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top
20 Petrochemical companies ),
* One year with SABIC =www.sabic.com , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co
=www.saudikayan.com , ( SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies ), Lab-Specialist –
Chemical analysis, SABIC =www.sabic.com , GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS
=Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi
Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, LIMS excel
sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions
,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate , worked as , Lab-Specialist –Chemical
analysis, at Saudi Kayan www.saudikayan.com ,have 14=10+4 Gas chromatographs for LDPE ,HDPE,
Olefins Analysis ( =GC-TCD , FID , Methanizer , PFPD, MSD , SDID) ,for analysis of ethylene ,propylene ,
Butene , H2 , LPG, Light HC , Natural gas , Light distillation , hexane , refinery gas , Gasoline , petroleum
distillate ) ,And Saudi Kayan have 11=10+1 Gas chromatographs for Poly propylene analysis (=GC –
FID,TCD, MSD ) (poly Olefins , Vaseline oil , ethylene , propylene, Monomer gases , HC Gases , C1-C3
Gases ,Propane , C3 polymer ) LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS,
Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing
certificate , I worked for Chemical analysis of Polyethylene(=HDPE ,LDPE) and polypropylene ,Olefins
= By Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3)
Basel- Poly Olefins , I worked for following instruments of Polymer analysis
* Worked with www.lonestar-lab.com =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years ,for all Petrochemical analysis = DRO
=diesel range organics ,GRO =Gasoline range organics , VOC=Volatile organic compounds
,BETX=benzene ,ethylene , toluene Xylene ,HC =hydro Carbon analysis ,THC =Total Hydrocarbon analysis
,PAH, PCB’s , + Crude Oil ,Lube oil , analysis as per ASTM methods ( Viscosity, fire point, pour point
,Sp.Gravity, Moisture content , ,Acid Number .Base number , sediment content , fractional distillation ,
distillation , Hydrogen sulfide=H2S, sediment by membrane filtration D4807, Chloride content , water
content , wax content , PCB’s ,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other ) Environmental analysis it self air
monitoring ,stack monitoring , +other ) with ASTM , US-EPA , APHA ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002,
Analysis of Gas ,Water , Condensate ,Sulphur ,steam ,portable water analysis , other bi products ,
sludge analysis
* Worked 6 =Six Years with Agrochemical company =www.piindustries.com= for Pesticides analysis ,
=organic chemical analysis , Can work for Urea , Ammonia , water analysis , Nitrogen fertilizers , by
UV/VIS ,Gas chromatography , and other instruments , experience of on field and off field analysis , for
Agrochemicals , I worked in SABIC =Saudi Kayan for Amine project also =Ethanol amines ,and
Ethoxylates at SABIC=www.sabic.com , =Mono Ethanol Amine ,Di Ethanol Amine ,Tri Ethanol
Amines=100,000 TPA its ,made from Ethylene Oxide and , Ammonia (=NH3=From SAFCO) reaction ,
this By Licensor Oxiteno , Brazil Project
* have 70% BSc- Physics -68% BSc –Chemistry , 75% in Physics in1989 , I am Indian minority
+OBCs=Other backward class – scientist !
* Pl I am one of the Reviewer in African journal of Environmental science and Technology
=www.academicjournals.org/ajest and Scientific Research and Essays =www.academicjournals.org/SRE
* I got Invitation for , speaker presentations for upcoming event of www.drugdisc.com/ ,: Pharma
R&D Opportunities
* Please I am invited to submit suggestion to improvement Pittsburgh conference 2006,2007
=www.Pittcon.org ,
* Pl I am one of the reviewer in Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology
(www.academicjournals.org/JPHE) ) from August 2009 ,
. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,
* Please I am getting gift =Journal Analytical methods =www.rsc.org/methods, from , Editorial Team
methods@rsc.org= www.rsc.org =Its from Royal Society of Chemistry ,UK (Digital Journal),
Note : Recently 2010 , my one Paper got selected at Prime conference of RACI ,IUPAC=www.iupac.org
=www.raci2010.org,, = How the testing laboratories (environmental ) are making money from the
environmental samples ,from Sea water ,soil of the petroleum products extraction ,exploration
areas=Organic analysis =THC ,HC, PAH ,PCBs ,+++ VOCs ,BTEX ,++ Pesticides .=Toxics , By Author RChisty
at Conference = www.raci2010.org, at = RACI 2010 Chemistry for a Sustainable World ,13th Royal
Australian Chemical Institute National Convention
In conjunction with IUPAC'S 12th International Congress Of Pesticide Chemistry 4th - 8th July 2010
Melbourne convention and exhibition centre, Australia .www.raci2010.org
2008 Jan-2008 Dec (31st ) : Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC =www.sabic.com , company =Saudi
Kayan petrochemical co =www.saudikayan.com , here I was Middle management
* For All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly
Carbonate ,
* The technology provider = Licensor = was KBR =Kellogg Brown Root Inc ,and Badger Licensing LLC ,
and Fluor , Oxiteno , Brazil , Himout (Italia ), Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) ,
Basel- Poly Olefins , Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan , Davy Process technology ,
* I did set the all GC’s =Gas chromatography instrument inner configuration with detectors , columns .as
team work with Agilent engineers and management . we had there more then 15 GCs for Phenolic
* I made LIMS excel sheets ,for Whole Phenolic Project . which was my work as QA –Management
technical support .
* I made SOP’s =ISO Methods for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project .
* I made TLV/SLV data sheets =health hazards for Whole Phenolic Project
* I made hard copies ,soft copies of MSDS of Whole Phenolic Project .
* I made two presentations (1) Basics of gas chromatography (2) Phenolic project for Saudi Kayan – this
specially for Saudi Arabic = Local - technicians , so that they can learn the Gas chromatography , basics
in detail and beginning and advanced level !!?? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made list of Journals ,periodicals ,books for library of QA Laboratory=Saudi Kayan =SABIC
, this have 200 journals , periodicals ,books from the world best publishers like ACS ,RSC ,AAAS, +++
Cambridge university press ,oxford university press ,MIT Press ,+++these all journals ,books ,periodicals
will buy by SABIC ,Saudi Kayan ,as I given 5 days for this selection from my real life work with
professional chemistry to 16 years .
* I made JQP =Test questions =170 questions , and there answers for Lab –Technicians ,QA –technical
support ,Phenolic project , they have to be get more then 60% in these tests ,to be continuous in job
progress !!?? note : answers for management people only) this I made for specially for Saudi –Arabic
=Local - technicians , so that they can learn the detail chemistry of Phenolic project =other projects at
Saudi Kayan also !!? as I given answers of all questions that make them good Technician and chemist ,for
Saudi Kayan =SABIC !!!??? its was my vision for Saudi Nationalize program .
* I made Local Lab =plant Lab analysis methods data sheet =What analysis should be done for Local Lab
Whole Phenolic Project .
* I worked for ISO-17025 at Saudikayan
* I made analysis methods for central labs for Cumene ,BPA Part of Phenolic Project
* I know the procedure of inter-laboratory /international laboratory proficiency testing certificate .
* Have knowledge of incident investigation and reports
* Leading meetings , Understand and participate in department goals
* Please I did Also work for AMINES PROJECT =Ethanol amines ,and Ethoxylates at
SABIC=www.sabic.com , =Mono Ethanol Amine ,Di Ethanol Amine ,Tri Ethanol Amines=100,000 TPA its
,made from Ethylene Oxide and , Ammonia (=NH3=From SAFCO) reaction , this By Licensor Oxiteno ,
Brazil Project , Ethoxylates= C12-C15 , Fatty Alcohol , Nonyl Phenol , Glycol (DEG,TEG) , Castor Oil
,Sorbitan Monooleate ,Tallow Amines .
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Olefins = By Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell
Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3) Basel- Poly Olefins
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Poly Carbonate By Licensor = Asahi Kasei chemical corporation
Japan , , for EC=Ethylene Carbonate ,DMC =Di Methyl Carbonate , DPC =Di phenyl Carbonate , PC =Poly
Carbonate . I had there , all chemistry , Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor
Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram,
Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS of Phenolic and Amine Projects .
* as “Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis” I work for Saudi Kayan –All-Plants ,=,I had there all its chemistry
, Analytical Manual , Process Description = BFD, Licensor Proposal ,Process Description , Process Design
Basis, PFD and Material Balance , Utility Flow Diagram, Utility Summary , Catalyst and Chemicals , TPS
!And , also ,its analysis part by Davy Process technology ,and Asahi Kasei chemical corporation Japan ,
Raw material and product specification , chemical data sheet , = amine reaction , Ammonia Stripping
,Ammonia Absorption amine drying, MEA purification , DEA Splitting , TEA Purification , evaporation
package unit, I work one year at SABIC =www.sabic.com , company =Saudi Kayan petrochemical co
Refinery Products analysis :
(A) Crude oil analysis :- { ( Specific gravity at 60/ 60 ° F ) ,API Gravity (60 ° F) = Calculated , Kinematic
viscosity at (70 ° F ,100 ° F , 120° F ) , Pour Point , Flash Point , Water content , water sediment , Salt
content as NaCl , Total Acid number , Strong acid number , Sulphur content , Ashaltenes , Wax content ,
Ash content , Hydrogen sulphide, Basic nitrogen , }
(B) Condensate analysis :- { Density at 15 ° C , Sulphur Total , Hydrogen Sulphide , Colour , distillation
=Distillation Range ( IBP ,5% Volume ,,++,,,50% Volume ,90% ,95% Volume ,End point ,Residue ) And
Loss , Nickel ,Vanadium analysis by ICP }
( C ) Gas & Sulphur analysis :(1)
Ethylene [C2H4, CH4+C2H6, C2H2,C3+ ,H2O, CO,CO2, O2 ,H2,N2, Oxygenate
(CH3OH,CH3CHOHCH3,CH3COCH3) Basic Nitrogen Calculated as NH3 , Total Sulphur ,Oil ]
Propane [ Hydrocarbon composition =Ethane ,Propane ,Butane , Density at 15 °C , (Calculated )
,Total Sulphur , Hydrogen Sulphide , Copper Corrosion 1 hr at 37.8 °C , Volatile Residue 95% Evaporation
, Residual matter ,Moisture content ]
Butane [Hydrocarbon composition =Propane ,Butane, Pentane Plus , Density at 15 °C ,
(Calculated ) ,Total Sulphur , Hydrogen Sulphide , Copper Corrosion 1 hr at 37.8 °C , Volatile Residue 95%
Evaporation , Residual matter ,Moisture content ]
Sulphur [ Colour , Shape=by Visual , Acidity as H2SO4 , Ash , Bulk density , Chloride as Cl , Water
content , Arsenic , selenium Tellurium by ICP ]
Liquid Sulphur [ Purity (Dry Basis ) , H2O ,Ash ]
(D) Light Distillates :(1) Paraffinic Naphtha [Total Sulphur , Density at 15 ° C , Copper Corrosion 3 hr at 104 °F , Colour by
Saybolt , Distillation =Distillation Range = IBP ,5% Volume ,,++,,,50% Volume ,90% ,95% Volume ,End
point ,Residue ) And Loss , Hydrogen Sulphide
(2) Splitter Naphtha :
(3) Reformate [ Alkyl lead , Toluene ,Benzene ,Aromatics Olefins , by GC method , +++ all as above ]
(4) Unleaded Gasoline [ Appearance , colour +++ Aromatics Olefins , by GC method ,++]
(E) Middle Distillates : (1)
Jet A1 [ from all above analysis ,Freezing point , ++ ]
Gas Oil [from all above analysis ,Cloud point , PAH =Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons =By color
development method=Fast method ++ ]
(F) Fuel Oil & Bunker :- from all above analysis .
Tests of solvents = kerosene , C1X , DAA ,Remex , toluene ,Xylene , =Analysis = Sp.Gravity , Description ,
PH (10% Solution ) , Moisture , Refractive Index , mixed Anilic point ,Olefinic and aromatic content ,
Distillation Range , Acidity ,
* I worked for Chemical analysis of Polyethylene(=HDPE ,LDPE) and polypropylene ,Olefins = By
Licensor = (1) Himout (Italia ) And (2) Montell Poly Olefins Italia (Center Research G .Natta ) (3) BaselPoly Olefins , I worked for following instruments of Polymer analysis = Hazemeter ,Particle counter ,
,Microwaves ashing furnace , ,tristimulus colorimeter, extraction apparatus for asphaltenes , Rotary
evaporator , Stereo zoom microscope , refractometer , vacuum oven ,air jet sievers ,bulk density meter ,
flash point apparatus , waste water kit , digital COD reactor , automatic viscometer , KF Titrator,
colorimetric digital , density apparatus , FTIR , automatic distillation analyzer , turbidity meter , oil in
water analyzer , total nitrogen analyzer , trace sulfur apparatus ,ICP/OES , NIR analyzer ,
2001 Feb -2003 Oct /Feb : Analytical Chemist , at www.lonestar-lab.com =Dubai =UAE ,~ 3 years.
* Analytical technique (=Gas chromatography , IR,FTIR ,IR-412.8 ,Photometric ,colorimetric
,Potentiometer ,Micro biology , Environmental testing = Petro chemicals = HC,THC,PAH, PCB’s ,
+DRO,GRO, VOC ,BETX =~All -(Petrochemicals), ) , Soil , waste water ,drinking water ,air –analysis , stack
analysis ,Sludge analysis ++
* Worked for IR 418.1 Method for HC/THC -Worked on GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge
and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS also +with USEPA ,APHA ,ASTM ,MOOPAM , BVQI , At ISO -9002 Accredited & Dubai municipality approved
* Oil analysis as per ASTM methods (Viscosity, fire point, pour point ,Sp.Gravity, · Moisture content ,PCB’s
,Flash point ,Metals digestion, Other) Environmental analysis it self ,did air monitoring ,stack monitoring
, with latest instruments =Chemio sensors , +other ) with US-EPA Parameters * Pl you can check this
laboratory works ,form web
July 1992 –July 1998 : R & D Chemist , At www.piindustries.com =Udaipur –Raj India =6 years=with
Agrochemical company , for Pesticides analysis , =organic chemical analysis , Can work for Urea ,
Ammonia , water analysis , Nitrogen fertilizers , by UV/VIS ,Gas chromatography , and other instruments
* There I worked two years with Mitsubishi Corporation = www.mitsubishicorp.com,, Sumitomo company =www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp ,Japan project , here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in
global top 20 companies ), to check , purity to 99.95% to 100 % of fine chemicals=Pl I did work for
Japan project= Mitsubishi Corporation = www.mitsubishicorp.com,, Sumitomo -company (which is
mention in global top 50 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure -I did
all analysis by Gas- chromatography instrument , =GC-FID & I worked on this project ~2 years !!
* >95% Purity of different pesticides ,raw materials ,intermediate ,final products
* Pl I was independent handling laboratory shift work .here I was analyzing Plant organic chemicals ,
samples ,R&D Samples (where four scientist were making different innovative organic chemicals
=Pesticides ,Fine chemicals ,++Other ,doing analysis of R&D Analytical products by GC/FID , UV/VIS ,IR +
doing wet chemistry ,responsible for sampling collection ,analysis ,environmental regulations ,provision
of technical assistance to operation at Pilot plant & main plant ,work with SOP& MSD ,did maintain
proper chemical regime & operate various analysis follows standard work procedure and practice for Japan project to purity 99.995% =fine chemicals & did control plant ,from ,lab to next steps &
isolation !! undertake analysis of different raw materials ,finished product for Japan project ,fine
chemical to purity 99.995%
* Pl I have 10 years experience with UV/VIS ,IR,FTIR,GC-FID /PID,-ECD =Gas chromatography latest
instrument ,of HP& Perkins Elmer ,To analytical research ,Validation ,impurities profiling ,stabilities
studies ,,etc , I have 6 years experience (R& D /QC/-Analytical chemist ) ,with , pesticides =insecticides
,herbicides++ & fine chemicals=PFP =Para Fluro phenols ,APF =Aniline Para phenols , PNCB ++
* Worked with Gas Chromatography , Spectrophotometer ,Infra Red analyzer , Flash tester + other
instrument of Petrochemicals , Prepared Solutions ,standard solution , for tests , reporting of damage
instrument , maintain records of chemical ,glassware , + other , for shift requirement ,
Tests of solvents = kerosene , C1X , DAA ,Remex , toluene ,Xylene , =Analysis = Sp.Gravity , Description ,
PH (10% Solution ) , Moisture , Refractive Index , mixed Anilic point ,Olefinic and aromatic content ,
Distillation Range , Acidity ,
* ACS (American Chemical Society )=www.acs.org 2001-2009 !
* IUPAC=www.iupac.org=(International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry ) 2001-2009!
* Member Chartered Chemist level = The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.=www.raci.org.au
* Member of www. psychologicalscience.org = The Association for Psychological Science (previously the
American Psychological Society) ,
* Associate member of ALA= The Association for Laboratory Automation =www.labautomation.org
* Nine =9 - publications –at-international symposium on Instrument innovation , Chromatography ,
+environmental +=+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06=www.Pittcon.org ,EAS=www.eas.org + ,
IUPAC=www.iupac.org, =www.iupac2003.org ,National research council Canada =www.nrc.ca
=Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , www.rsc.org/arf08 =Royal society of chemistry ,UK, RACI
,IUPAC =www.raci2010.org
SKILLS : MS Word ,Excel , Power Point , PDF ,Scans , Internet , I am working on Internet from past 1998
July to till now =10 Years experience , Have my Own Laptop (Dell Inspiron 1525 ), Have internet
connection at My Laptop it self from Jan 2009 to till now ,
* BSc Physics ,chemistry ,Mathematics , 1990 ,www.mlsu.ac.in, India ,
* Note : Pl , sir , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in ,1989=
2nd year BSc , of MLS University ,Udaipur-Raj India 313001 =www.mlsu.ac.in . Pl attached scans =
[College –BSc ,position certificate + 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st
year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc
* MSc Chemistry ,1992 , www.mlsu.ac.in, India ,
REFERENCES: available upon request
Note : On 21 -09-2008 I submit one Article to My officials = www.saudikayan.com = www.sabic.com for
good of SABIC =Saudi Kayan , = Title : Ruhel GC-FID method for project Phenolic ( Benzene ,propylene ,
Cumene , phenol ,acetone ,Bis phenol A ) , it will cover maximum analysis of Raw material to finished
products of this project =Phenolic =.This method is so effective that it will able to analysis all raw
material ,finished products of Phenolic ,amine with out any calculations and its fast also and very easy
!!?? and it will cover the amine project also =( Methyl amine , Monoethanolamine +its all by products
and impurities ) .. Ruhel Chisty( MRACI-C.Chem) =Ruhel Chistry ( MRACI-C.Chem) , This article come
from my independent work as Research and development chemist /scientist with my previous company
,where I was getting many samples ,from four =4 ,Scientific managers ,those were making new ,new
chemicals frequently , were doing all research and development to get maximum purity and maximum
yield ,and I was analyzing these different chemicals =final product ,raw material
Every week with new method and with columns . I was able to get data what they are doing there in
synthesis steps ,like changing PH , changing catalysts ,changing some time Raw materials =by changing
root . some of them doing formulation also . Please I am working with Journals ,periodicals ,selects of
ACS ,+Other , from past 16 years =from 1992 to till now . I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward
class - scientist ! who had 75% in Physics – BSc level ,68% chemistry BSc Level ,78% Differential and
integration=mathematics at BSc level , did work for Japan project= Mitsubishi Corporation =
www.mitsubishicorp.com,, Sumitomo -company =www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp (which is mention in global
top 20 companies ) =for-Para Fluro Phenol project=PFP ! purity 99..995% pure - did all analysis by Gaschromatography instrument , =GC-FID & worked on this project ~2 years With Japan Quality control
,where our sent samples were counter checked by Japan Scientist /chemist ,none of sample return back
except initial stage .when both team were working to finalize method . GC method .. have 70% BSc
Physics ,68% BSc chemistry +have 10 years experienced as Analytical chemistry=chemist/scientist ,
included, ~3 years from ISO -9002 ,BVQI , Dubai municipality accredited lab ,=International experience . I
am member of ACS =www.acs.org ,IUPAC =www.iupac.org Now Member Chartered Chemist level =
The Royal Australian Chemical Institute Inc.= www.raci.org.au , Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem) . Date 2209-2008 ,Time : 6:05 AM . Actually this article was for conference ANTEC 2009 =antec@4spe.org,
antecpapers@4spe.org !! this new method will save –SABIC =Huge money ,~50,0000 SR per annum , it
can be multiply by the years till the raw material are with Saudi Arabia =2082 !! =50,0000X70 SR ,as it
will also be useful for new companies those are try to make Poly carbonate ,phenol ,Acetone ,from root
benzene , propylene , means it secure my chemistry post in Dow ,DuPont , Shell ,BP ,Exxon ,Total ++
either as Chemist ,OR Scientist !!?? (this point is to secure my Jobs in Global Top petrochemical
companies Ruhel Chisty Date 06-11-2008 with hope that I will be get treated as Chemist and Human
both at UN resolution 217(3)A its I deserved also !!?? .I like to mention here the social Justice , equity
+Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA =Indian Christen ,Indian
Muslims and OBCs =other backward class ! SABIC ,is good company which is supporting its Employee in
all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .
this last 4 point are for UNGA ,UNSC ,IMF,ADB, EU ,USA .
Passport Number:-E-6884179 Validity date =28/09/2013
I=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,found that Zuber Chisty =One Indian Minority teacher = 50% BSc
1990 , BN College Udaipur Rajasthan ,India 313001 , living in 23AA ,spreading abusing talk about my
brain to all guest coming from ME=Gulf and USA , to 23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur Rajasthan India
313001 = Like Shiraj Agwani =Abu Dhabi , Suhail Agwani =USA , Farah Agwani =-Dubai=UAE , not
only this man is telling them wrong=abusive , about my career , Idly Years =Forced unemployed from
1999 to 2001 –3 years , Forced unemployed from 2003 to 2008 =5 years , and Forced unemployed
from 2009 Jan to 2010 22 September =1.8 years , !!?? he is doing these things from past 1990 to till now
=past 20 years !!??
I also Did BSc in 1990 I got Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in
,1989 , 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in
Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc ,www.mlsu.ac.in, India ,
I think this man is criminal brain , he is doing these things for own and His nation =India interest
=benefit =Hindu nation , !!?? I found that 23 AA Kishan pole people are criminal mentality ,ill sin evilest
Indian from past 1990 to till now !!?? and these are trying to use = ME=Gulf ,USA these relatives to
spread wrong about my brain at ME=Gulf ,USA from past 20 years !!?? Shiraj Agwani =Abu Dhabi ,
Suhail Agwani =USA , Farah Agwani =-Dubai=UAE , used as tool !!??
Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. elsevier.com) from May 2007 . Pl I
have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against
Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March 2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry
=www.rsc.org/arf08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror
by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND
SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio
chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD . ,Pl I am one of the reviewer in
International Journal of Psychology and Counseling
http://www.academicjournals.org/Ijpc AND Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology
(www.academicjournals.org/JPHE) ) and from August 2009 ., Pl I am one of the Reviewer in African
journal of Environmental science and Technology =www.academicjournals.org/ajest
I am reviewer in International Journal of Peace and Development Studies=
Pl , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year BSc
+82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths 1989 BSc
www.mlsu.ac.in, India ,
Nine =9 - publications –at-international symposium on Instrument innovation , Chromatography ,
+environmental +=+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06=www.Pittcon.org ,EAS=www.eas.org + ,
IUPAC=www.iupac.org, =www.iupac2003.org ,National research council Canada =www.nrc.ca
=Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , www.rsc.org/arf08 =Royal society of chemistry ,UK, RACI
,IUPAC =www.raci2010.org
Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex
!! ,from Jan 2009 to till today = 2010=1.6 years s , By Indian =Hindu =hindu terrorist =IB,RAW,
http://nia.gov.in = office@tharoor.in , Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I
was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =Total =10 =Ten Years forced
unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop by
Hindu terrorists =RAW,IB,MI ,JIC ,CID Rajputana ,PMO=Prime minister office New Delhi
=manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in !?
this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !? even Indian was not given
me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 ,even , I got , recommendation from qianh@un.org,
ngls@un.org to apply for UN Jobs , Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide
,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen
genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !? as they are Not Hindu ,they are
Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !? while sir you check how many Indian have publications against AlQuida and Taliban !? even its from DRDO , BPRO , IITs ,IISC ,IAS ,IPS ,Indian foreign service !? 15-09-2010
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people = Ashok Singhal ,
Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , ++these all are from VHP = and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian
government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !? these all have proven record of provoke to murder
,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !? Its all due to ,PMO New Delhi having , schizophrenic –(Local
and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life
from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by
Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian
Muslims !! Kill by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode This PMO New Delhi ,CMO given ,
60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years
given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human Kashmir , , 50 ,000 murder ,in Assam in
past 30 years by Hindu Army !?
12 lacks forced unemployed christen Assam 20 lacks ,Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses +15 lacks
christens in Kashmir , Assam, past 30 years !? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to ,
Manoj Pradhan , accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,from G
Udayagiri assembly ,India , Now he member of parliament in India !? while in this Hindus nation , While
India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai a notorious criminal turned politician
.while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I UN resolution 217(3) A human , I am
thinking same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !? while in this Hindu nation I
did not get single Job from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant ! while Indian defense
,Indian space top posts scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts,
violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture ,
violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !?
Dear H.E Dr Ali Treki (=president@un.org) / Mr. Vesselin Kostov (Secretary- COUNTER-TERRORISM) Tel:
(917) 367-3577 E-mail: kostov@un.org Room: TB-08040-E , martinovica@un.org, cha@un.org,
Committee@un.org, kostov@un.org, biggs@un.org, kostov@un.org, khan8@un.org, sutterlin@un.org,
Office of the President of the 64th general Assembly United Nations =UNGA ,New York 10017 ,USA
(Two UN Plaza Room -1712) Tel =212-963-2486 , Fax =212-963-3301
My full paper =
Title : Psychology of Political terrorism = Hindu terrorism and its depth =RAW ,MI ,Indian Army
,BJP=RSS VHP BDal ++ Indian population was 300 millions in 1947 is now 1200 Millions it increased rate
is 4.0 in 60 years !!?? it will be 5000 millions in 2220 will be 20000 millions in 2350 !!??
=Hindu with AK 47 ,57 In hand at Assam ,Kashmir !!?? = manmohan@sansad.nic.in,
soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in = Victims still suffering from
Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen
genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass
out !? as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !? This PMO New Delhi ,CMO
given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20
years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human Kashmir , , 50 ,000 murder ,in
Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !? Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that
time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief
Minster =Y Rao=Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen
genocide ,these all are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !! =under rule of
manmohan@sansad.nic.in,soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !!? The Power of Chief
minister in that state =equal to Prime minister of india !!?? That state police ,army, jury ,Civil servants
,advocates ++ all these like pet Dogs for him !! Hindu police ,Hindu CID ,IB,RAW work under these people
like Dog , !! getting food ,water !!?? doing all things for them = Mr. Narandra Modi, Naveen Patnayak, Y
Rao = Karnataka chief Minster + Chattisgarg chief Minster!! These all are till now work like dogs for
these mention people !! of Hindu nation =INDIA , states = Orissa, Karnataka, Chatisgarh, Gujarat
these all are in India Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide , , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh
2007-2008 Christen genocide Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn ,.Gujarat 2002 Genocide !!!??These
states are in India ,these chief ministers are very powerful man of these states
They can stop all things at one hours only !!?? like they can stop all cities roads , power=electricity at
genocide doer Areas only ,water ,food supply , there jobs , work places , ,there salaries also , its police
salaries also for years not month , it=As these are Indian hindu chief Minister can sent there Troops
with AK 57 ,47 ,Light machine guns , rocket launcher (hand ) and food ,water to eat , as I=Ruhel Chisty
MRACI CChem Know that each and every state of india have 10000 to 500000 commandos with them
!!?? it= can give the order to its all civil servants ,Police official army official to report at genocide place
with Commandos only to see there work as per Indian trainings , or else loose job !! which we
international people =CNN,BBC, all people =Indian of these states = 58+49+ 65+50 millions =222 millions
=22.2 corer =222X100 lacks = maximum of 222000000 people love these type of genocides , so that
they reelected these states BJP=RSS =Hindu , Indian Hindu chief ministers party ,these Indian want
UNSC power !! ?? which such type to quality work !!??
manmohan@sansad.nic.in,soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !!? , I am not Indian !!? .
Ruhel date 11-02-2010, date 18-05-2010
Author : Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , few against
Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India =www.iupac.org, www.iupac2003.org
,www.nrc.ca ,=CSC ,SAM2006 ,www.dhs.gov
,emails=rchisty20081@gmail.com,rchisty20102@gmail.com,rchisty20101@gmail.com, Cell
=00919636919708 , present Address =23 AA Kishan pole Udaipur raj india 313001 .,
Key words : (1)Kashmir ,Assam , Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn ,
Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide (2)
Zero =0 , kill of Hindu terrorist from past 1989 to till today , (2) Zero kill of Taliban from 1975 to 2000
(3) Zero Kill of al Quida from 1975 to till today . these Indian=Hindu , do not like to kill Hindu terrorist
but made them Prime minister of india ,And chief ministers !!?? (4) while UN ,USA,EU people seen the
Indian police ,Indian army work in Orissa christen genocide ,they Indian Hindu did 100% support to killer
,rioter , genocider ,gang rapper with Nuns of christens , and manmohan@sansad.nic.in was seating
in air-condition room in Delhi doing talk laugh ,eating 5 start hotel foods for 4 =3+1 days then sent
Indian army with order of no kill to rioters , killer , no kill to any Hindu ! (5) Hindu terrorist those are
linked to do Ajmer Sharif Dargah bomb blast (11 October 2007) and killed many Minorities ,Hindu
terrorist =linked with four=4 more Bomb blasts = (10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006) (6)
Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast (18 May 2007) , (1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February
2007) , (9)) Jaipur Blasts (13 May 2008) !!?? might be Delhi !!?? total =five bomb blasts
Hindu terrorist= Aseemanand of Gujarat Dang Area , Lt colonel Parsad Purohit =Former Indian army
official , suman ,Mahandra Bhogatii , Bom shankar Deve , one girl =Rupa=DurgiMandal , And sunil Joshi
(who was killed as he can open the facts in front of CBI -so doers killed him ) ATS =Anti terror squad
=Indian is linking These Indian hindu terrorist
Abstract : Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape
,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002
Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !? as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian
Muslims !?
This PMO New Delhi ,CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir
Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human Kashmir
, , 50 ,000 murder ,in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !? 12 lacks forced unemployed christen
Assam 20 lacks ,Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses +15 lacks christens in Kashmir , Assam, past
30 years !? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan ,
accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,from G Udayagiri assembly
,India , Now he member of parliament in India !? while in this Hindus nation , While India have , Arun
Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai a notorious criminal turned politician filled the vacuum
created by Dawood Ibrahim's !
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal
, Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and
for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all
have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!??
Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –
(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty
MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 29-04-2010 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam
,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen
And Indian Muslims !!
Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. elsevier.com) from May 2007 . Pl I
have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against
Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? ,I am member of The Association for
Psychological Science (previously the American Psychological Society) , Pl I am one of the reviewer in J .
Schizophrenia Research ( www. elsevier.com) ,reviewer in International Journal of Psychology and
Counseling =www.academicjournals.org/Ijpc, Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award
2004,2005 ,2006 =UN Award = www.unhabitat.org = http://www.bestpractices.org,
Hindu terrorist those are linked to do Ajmer Sharif Dargah bomb blast (11 October 2007) and killed
many Minorities ,Hindu terrorist = Aseemanand of Gujarat Dang Area , Lt colonel Parsad Purohit
=Former Indian army official , suman ,Mahandra Bhogatii , Bom shankar Deve , one girl
=Rupa=DurgiMandal , And sunil Joshi (who was killed as he can open the facts in front of CBI -so doers
killed him ) ATS =Anti terror squad =Indian is linking These Indian hindu terrorist with four=4 more
Bomb blasts = (10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006) (6) Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast (18 May
2007) , (1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007) , (9)) Jaipur Blasts (13 May 2008)
!!?? might be Delhi !!?? total =five bomb blasts
While I think that Dim ,Con ,poor Brain Hindus are trying to get world free of cost ,free of work !!? just
increase population and beg on name of poverty rich population –Indian =Hindu !!?? its going on from
past 40 years !!??
Introduction :
As this paper ,Title ,Abstract Clearly tell that International people should not waste time with
Indian concern Counter riots ,Counter genocide ,Counter terrorism =
Indian=manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in ,
girijav@sansad.nic.in= = IB,RAW ,Indian army !!?? Zero =0 , kill of Hindu terrorist from past 1989 to
till today , Zero kill of Taliban from 1975 to 2000 ,Zero Kill of al Quida from 1975 to till today .
(4) while UN ,USA,EU people seen the Indian police ,Indian army work in Orissa christen genocide ,they
Indian Hindu did 100% support to killer ,rioter , genocider ,gang rapper with Nuns of christens , and
manmohan@sansad.nic.in was seating in air-condition room in Delhi doing talk laugh ,eating 5 start
hotel foods for 4 =3+1 days then sent Indian army with order of no kill to rioters , killer , no kill to any
Hindu ! But These secular Hindu =Hindu = IB,RAW ,Indian army, have strong records of kill of lacks of
civilian ,Innocent arm less , Kashmir ,Assam people as they are Christen ,Muslim , from past 30 years
=1970 to till today . , they did , as manmohan@sansad.nic.in is Hindu and India is Hindu nation having
1.0 billions Hindus !!?? same in Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen
genocide !!?? not only this but , All bomb blasts happened in india , done by Hindu terrorists groups
=MH Brahminists,
( UN people ,Interpol ,UNODC , other prime Police department must accept that India name is under top
corrupt nation ,from past 64 years of its freedom ,its Police, civil servant ,political organization is under
top corrupt organization of world , its huge population nation with none of honesty !!? Ref
=Transparency International reports(UN Branch ) from past 1950 to till now about India about its these
three department !!??) And this factor is true like Nature , notable point is this IB =RAW is successful to
make fool its Government from past 64 years !!?? Here in This nation ,people are Professional in
corruption , have reached to expert level , by playing with World bank ,EU Banks , Charity money from
past 64 years ,here 95% corruption in charity by NGOs , Other common man !!?/
(1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007)
(2) Malegaon bomb blast case (8 September 2006) and Malegaon Bomb Blast 2008 (its second bomb
blast happened in Malegaon after 2 =two of first bomb blast )
(3) Mumbai Train bomb blast case of 2006 (11 July 2006)
(4) Ahmedabad bomb blasts & Surat unexploded bombs (26 July 2008)
(5) Delhi bomb blast 2008 (13 September 2008)
(6) Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast (18 May 2007)
(7) Ajmer Sharif Dargah Blast (11 October 2007)
(8) Serial Blasts in U.P. courts (23 November 2007
(9)) Jaipur Blasts (13 May 2008)
(10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006)
( These all bomb blasts =terrorist activities done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists these
people killed many innocent Human ,maximum Indian Muslims =40% to 60% every case !!??and Dr
Manmohan Police try to put others nation ,others religion names !!?? ), not there own religion =Hindu
,not there own people =Hindu !!?? =Indian =Hindu Indian !!??
Now 2010 May , Indian Police (Hindus ) captured three hindu man =1 Visnuu Parsad Patiddar , and 2
Chandra Shekar , 3 Davindra Gupta concern Bomb Blast in (7) Ajmer Sharif Dargah Blast (11 October
2007) =BJP= RSS=Abhinav Bharat 'linkages'
These all are from MP=Madhya Pradesh india , these people got captured by sim =Mobile chip used to
start Bomb by ring=call to next Mobile which was having explosive fit with Mobile (2=second ) that was
not explode but two other bombs fit by these people exposed and killed many on same day , at Ajmer
Sharif which killed many people
I=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,like to put at Interpol ,,DHS , NRC , UNODC , UNGA ,UNSC ,DIA , CIA
,FBI , Europol officials ,ACS ,IUPAC ,RACI ,
That international people must understand that till now what ever bomb blast happened in India from
past 20 years when BJP=RSS ruled nation or state , done by Indian hindu only !!??
Which killed many foreigner also , maximum Europe people !!?? this nation =Hindu =BJP=RSS using this
land =India and its Police ,IB,RAW ,to put blame on Other religion ,other nation ISI ,Pakistan
,Bangladesh , Hujji , Indian Muslims !!?? to get benefits of word terrorism !!?? to get space technology ,
Advanced technology from USA ,Russian ,Europe on name of to protect Europe tourist and Indian !!??
and they got also from Bush Jr ,++ I like to put at international map that UNSC must asked to Indian
government to file written documents of all terrorist captured by Hindu police from past 20 years
=Hindu terrorists and list of all other innocents forced captured by Hindu police =Indian police !!??
and in 2007 BJP government of Rajasthan =Gulab chand katariya =Home minister =MLA from Udaipur
313001 ,02 city India =RSS put blame on Pakistan ,ISI ,Hajji-Bangladesh and Indian Muslims =Young ,
Bangladeshi of Rajasthan !!??
These Indian hindu =1 Visnuu Parsad Patiddar , and 2 Chandra Shekar , 3 Davindra Gupta , have
link with four=4 more Bomb blasts = (10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006) (6) Hyderabad Mecca
Masjid Blast (18 May 2007) , (1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007) , (9)) Jaipur
Blasts (13 May 2008) !!?? might be Delhi !!??
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 03-05-2010 cell 00919636919708
Now on date 13-05-2010 ,Indian Police =searching the Doctor =Hindu terrorist =Dev Haridvar =who
supply the explosive to do Ajmer Sharif Dargah bomb blast (11 October 2007) and killed many
Minorities ,
Other Hindu terrorist those are linked in this are Aseemanand of Gujarat Dang Area , Lt colonel Parsad
Purohit =Former Indian army official , suman ,Mahandra Bhogatii , Bomb shankar Deve , one girl
=Rupa=DurgiMandal , And sunil Joshi (who was killed as he can open the facts in front of CBI -so doers
killed him ) = ,I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A full confidence that Jaipur Bomb blasts 2008 , also
done by these type of Hindu terrorist =people only !! like Hindu terrorist e done Pune bomb blats 2010 ,
Goa fail bomb blasts !!??
ATS =Anti terror squad =Indian is linking These Indian hindu terrorist with four=4 more Bomb blasts =
(10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006) (6) Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast (18 May 2007) , (1)
Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007) , (9)) Jaipur Blasts (13 May 2008) !!?? might be
Delhi !!?? total =five bomb blasts =includes Ajmer Sharif Dargah bomb blast (11 October 2007) Ruhel
Chisty MRACI CChem A date 14-05-2010 cell 00919636919708 ,its found that City Indore ,of Madya
Pradesh was place where all these activities talks , meeting taken place !?? its just 250 Kms far from
City Udaipur Rajasthan India 313001,02 .I like to put that Udaipur Rajasthan India 313001 ,02 and
IB,RAW are Hindu terrorist organizations , and in future world will see many terror activities =Bomb
blasts in India will link from this city based Hindu and Muslims that will kill many Foreigner also !! and
will take place with Support of IB,RAW =Delhi !!??
Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. elsevier.com) from May 2007 . Pl I
have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against
Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March 2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry
=www.rsc.org/arf08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror
by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND
SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio
chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in International Journal of Psychology and Counseling
http://www.academicjournals.org/Ijpc AND Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology
(www.academicjournals.org/JPHE) ) and from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other
backward class - scientist ! ,
New Dimension Against Terrorism: A New Sensor (Ruhel-Sensor) Three Different Sensor's
Coupling CCD (CMOS) Sensor and Rodamass Sensor (Rode of Eye) - Coupled Olfactory Sensor-OlfactoryEnzymes Sensors Chisty R =.www.iupac.org =www.iupac2003.org P,21 ( AE-1.P033),: IUPAC - CSC 2003
Scientific Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 , AE - Analytical/Environment – Poster Session Chair: TBA ,
RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of Chemistry Aug 10-15
,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Now ,I am member of www. psychologicalscience.org = The Association for Psychological Science
(previously the American Psychological Society) ,and getting free gift of Journals = Psychological
Science ,from Alan G. Kraut = Executive Director =alankraut@psychologicalscience.org ,
Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl its UN Award = www.unhabitat.org
, Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices .
I am not Indian . Ruhel date 11-02-2010 ,29-04-2010 I like to mention to International
community that if my birth was in USA,EU ,Pakistan ,then I was not writing like this but I had lot
proved work like Pakistan ,Army against ,Islamic militant ,Islamic terrorist !! I like to say that now
UNSC is doing respect of Pakistan ,Pentagon, NATO is doing respected of Pakistan Army and government
, they are not like Indian government= manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in,
office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in , work against Hindu terrorism = Indian terrorism which they
given from Jan 2009 to till today or from 2001 12 Sept to till today or they given against Russian
terrorist =Russian Army from 1975 to 1995 !!?? !!?? while Dr Manmohan =
manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in,girijav@sansad.nic.in ,have IB,RAW =Hindu
terrorist organizations from past 65 years !!?? these are getting good salaries from PMO India , and
doing all type to terror work to rise india at any cost !!?? of other religion and other religions people life
!!?? except Hindu !!??
I like to tell that They must accept that terrorism can only be finished from East Asia and Asia , by
support of pentagon ,NATO ,Pakistan , plus me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , a alone terrorist
expert from India =Hindus nation !!??? =Expert for Taliban ,Al Quida ,Hindu terrorism !!?? I am not
Hindu ,I am christen ,while above all things are 100% true = 24 caret pure gold like pure ,
Method =material : While I like to put my real life points : I birth in Udaipur City 313001,India , raj ,
which have
Dr. Girija Vyas = girijav@sansad.nic.in as member of parliament for 10 years from Udaipur City , she is
now =Chairperson of the National Commission for
Women=http://ncw.nic.in/frmCurrentCommission.aspx ,which is taking care OF all india women rights
=Human rights !!?? she is Hindu ,she is watching Udaipur 313001 ,Hindu torturer by brain waves
0,160,220 cps ,4000 cps ,8000 cps from past 1991 to till today !! torturer to me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI
Cchem A , if she can not counter these terrorists =torture, from 1991 to till today ,
how can she can take care of all india women human rights !!?? in india women population is 510
millions !!?? this lady was also reached to UNGA =www.un.org , , to represent india !!??
She is Brahmin =Hindu ,and its b’se I am not Hindu but Christen ,!!?? ,now she is MP from Chittorgarh
- raj from 2009 to 2014 , ,She is from congress party ,she do not like to accept 0,160,220 cps Brain waves
torture is torture , But she accept it as Hindus rights !! this real case I put here to understands the
reality of Assam ,Kashmir ,Orissa ,Chatisgarh ,Karnataka , Gujarat Congress party politician as she is
from congress party , which expressing her self as secular party of india !!?? but in real sense It’s a Hindu
nation party begging form 1.0 billions concentrate Hindu to vote congress party ,not to vote BJP !! By
this way !!?? please read about this lady at www.google.com search !! by my real life these points it
self you all international people can understand the reality of Congress party ,BJP to Counter Hindu
terrorism !!?? her =girijav@sansad.nic.in bungalow=Her permanent home is in Udaipur city 313001
,02 raj , from past 50 years !!?? while these Indian torturer =terrorist get counter from Saudi Arabia
Police and Dubai police data at UNGA , which they given in front of international people from 2008 Jan
to 2008 Dec and from 2001 Feb 3, to 2003 Feb 5 !!?? just in 3 years my life in ME =Gulf as they are
among top honesty nation Dubai rank is 31 , and Saudi Arabia rank is 69 at TI =Transparency
international =UN Anti corruption watch dog, if you got understand this lady then you can easily
understated = manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !! as she was
media -speaker of congress party for 5 years , from 2003 to 2008 !!?? at nation and international level !!
she have very closed relation with = manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, what every
she will tell to these people it will be accepted as such !!??
These all data are true ,taken by me from real life , and Scientific literatures , news papers ++ , as this
paper tell , like this article is first time in History of india !!?? =on Psychology of Political terrorism =
Hindu terrorism and its depth =RAW ,MI ,Indian Army ,BJP=RSS VHP BDal = manmohan@sansad.nic.in,
soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in ,
As this is corrupt Hindus nation having name top corrupt nations , which came on Star TV =HQ UK, also
in 2006,2007 that india name is under top 15 corrupt nation of the world out of 192 nations !!??
Even international community know that its democratic nation but is like Hindu dynasty in today’s era
Results :
Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa
Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief Minster =Y Rao=
Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all
are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !! =under rule of
manmohan@sansad.nic.in,soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !!?
Ruhel Chisty MRACI Cchem A date 29-04-2010 cell 00919636919708 . = all people =Indian of these
states = 58+49+ 65+50 millions =222 millions =22.2 corer =222X100 lacks = maximum of 222000000
people love these type of genocides , so that they reelected these states BJP=RSS =Hindu , Indian Hindu
chief ministers party ,these Indian want UNSC power !! ?? which such type to quality work !!??
manmohan@sansad.nic.in,soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !!? have record
Zero =0 , kill of Hindu terrorist from past 1989 to till today ,
Zero kill of Taliban from 1975 to 2000
Zero Kill of al Quida from 1975 to till today .
(4) while UN ,USA,EU people seen the Indian police ,Indian army work in Orissa christen genocide ,they
Indian Hindu did 100% support to killer ,rioter , genocider ,gang rapper with Nuns of christens , and
manmohan@sansad.nic.in was seating in air-condition room in Delhi doing talk laugh ,eating 5 start
hotel foods for 4 =3+1 days then sent Indian army with order of no kill to rioters , killer , no kill to any
Hindu ! they did , as manmohan@sansad.nic.in is Hindu and India is Hindu nation having 1.0 billions
Hindus !!?? same in Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide !!??
(5) But These secular Hindu =Hindu = IB,RAW ,Indian army, have strong records of kill of lacks of civilian
,Innocent arm less , Kashmir ,Assam people as they are Christen ,Muslim , from past 30 years =1970
to till today .
I know the power of
=manmohan@sansad.nic.in,soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in,girijav@sansad.nic.inwww.tharoor.in ,!!? These
are emails ,web of these people =these are having all power with them in india and these are Indian VIP
till now =21 -04-2010 , this nation Government = manmohan@sansad.nic.in,
soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, did not request to UN =www.un.org to do probe it =independent free
investigation , =in India recently four -genocide taken place = all place killed people were Minorities
=Christen ,Muslims ,and killer were Hindu , total 2000+2000+2000+2000=8000 people killed ,murder
,rape ,gang rape ,live burn , even Hindu police support to killer at all states !!??
Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn ,
Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide
after 1 years to 7 years pass out !? as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !?
(1) Serbia government request to ICJ And International tribunal court =UN Courts that they want to
put case of 1800 Serbian murder by Mr Karadzic, who is accused of genocide =8000 kill minorities of
Serbia , = crimes against humanity, then he was arrested in Serbia's capital, Belgrade. Now this man is
in jail UN tribunal=UN war crimes court at The Hague. It was as Serbia's government like to do good
for their minorities ,
Pakistan government ask to UN =www.un.org to probe in case of Benigeer Bhutto death
=murder , as they believe that UN only can give the honest ,quality investigation which will be accepted
by all international communities , and with in 1 months UN Three official =all were Judicial ,ambassador
level worked for UN , all were having best honest records justice , now that 45-65 pages report put at
internet =publicly by UN Officials , with permission of UNGA ,UNSC , and action started , by Pakistan
judicially and Prime minister office , on doers and supporters !!??
Same way , Dubai police did investigation of one murder of ME=Gulf person and they did fast
investigation with in 1 months they submit report at Interpol level by proving to them that UK, Australia
,Ireland , USA Biometric passport was misused by Israeli Intelligence =Mosad , by make them fake !!??
it was a new world class investigation which can called as the best police investigation of whole world
till, now . effectively , fast =1 months =30 days only ,
But till now =19-04-2010 , this nation Government = manmohan@sansad.nic.in,
soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, did not request to UN =www.un.org to do probe it =independent free
investigation , !!??
Libhran Commission report taken time of 14 years =14X12X30 days =5040 days = on Riots in whole
India from 1989 to 1993= Babari Mosque demolished =For Ram Janam Bhumi =huge human life losses
due to open level kill ,riots ,live burn =3000 riots taken place !! =it put 20 people =politician =Hindu
politician name for this riots ,huge human losses =open kill , But they all will not got any Jail , till now =as
all are Indian Member of parliament ,Chief ministers , Indian respected Hindu person , enjoying power
,money ,,Hindu police ,many of them are Member of parliament for Indian Government !!?? and Indian
police is like dog for them , they have security guards also from Government of india =Dr Manmohan
singh =from manmohan@sansad.nic.in !!?? they are seating with manmohan@sansad.nic.in in New
Delhi taking with him as a Hindu respected person =like former home minister of india ,like former
defense minister of india ,like former prime minister of india =IB.,RAW ,MI All Indian police ,army
=Kashmir ,Assam based all army troops are like human dogs for them these =all did not shown there
arms to these people for fear !!?? even no Hindu intelligences hacked ,kidnapped their laptop as they ,
these people both are Hindu =Indian !!?? safe in india !!??
as this nation is Hindu nation these are Killer , these are fake ,con ,low profile which think for Hindu
votes only which is 1.0 billions =1000 millions Hindu in India !!?? and over this Hindu nation want UNSC
Power !!??
It think only for Hindu ,as its government is formed only due to Hindu votes !!??
This nation=India is least in front of Serbia ,Pakistan ,Dubai ,if some one deserved UNSC seat they
must be have some quality , work , that is not with India , not with Indian !!?? I think world should be
respected these nation then this India !!?? this nation India is just a population of huge poor, Low profile
low quality ,Con fake fraud Hindus !!?? B’se respected came from work at International map , these are
just like these points only !!??
Ruhel Chisty ( MRACI-C.Chem A) .date 29-04-2010 Time : 11.05 AM Mobile =0091-9636919708
[ Please list of Publications ] :-
(1) New Dimension Against Terrorism: A New Sensor (Ruhel-Sensor) Three Different Sensor's Coupling
CCD (CMOS) Sensor and Rodamass Sensor (Rode of Eye) - Coupled Olfactory Sensor-Olfactory-Enzymes
Sensors Chisty R =.www.iupac.org =www.iupac2003.org P,21 ( AE-1.P033),: IUPAC - CSC 2003 Scientific
Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 , AE - Analytical/Environment – Poster Session Chair: TBA , RChisty ,39Th
IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of Chemistry Aug 10-15 ,2003 Ottawa
,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
(2) A Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor" This will in series of Ruhelsensor @2 ,Which will Detect all Brain Figure , brain hormones, All
brain enzymes .all brain Peptides ,with and with out taking any more
sample ,blood ,of Person , so even Now not required any , MRI,CT
scan ,for all Brain disorder ,and good brain ,for a revolutionary
change in medical science of till today .RChisty Pittcon 2005 ,
(3) Ruhel word converter attach in scanner ,for PhD
Student's ,Scientist's , it's more than OCR RChisty Pittcon
(4) New low cost Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS)- COPI - Ruhel- Micro-Mass-Spectrophotometer instrument and COPI ,-For two different
reactions ,conditions ,programming ,pressure .volume- one GC(NanoTech), P 64,Session 10,000, GC-MS ,PITTCON 2004 ,March 712 ,2004 .Chicago. Illinois US = www.pittcon.org
(5) New instrument in gas chromatography(Nano Tech) RChisty, p 1415 ,41 Eastern Analytical Symposium &Exposition November 18-21, 2002
U.S.A , Montchanin, DE =www.eas.org
( 6 ) Role of matrix mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Nano-Tech)
(Environmental Analysis) DRO, GRO ,HC, TPH ,Pesticides ,Phenols etc's
24th international symposium on Chromatography
Leipzig ,Germany,September,15-20, 2002
(7) Support for Publication in Implementation,-ASTM-G-48(A,
B ,C ,D)&A-262-Methods (Metallurgical)2003.4
(8) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - TCD / (Nano) - FID/PID to detect -Gases & Impurities to
PPT level , in process -DHS -Conference (Home land security) = http://www.sam2006.org
(9) Ruhel sensor(1) -**Coupled** with (Nano ) - electro-chemical mechanism sensor / detect -Gases &
Impurities to PPT level , (in process) -DHS -Conference (Home land security)= http://www.sam2006.org
(10) A New- Ruhel- Anti Land mines sensor - :-? series , of sensors
to detect and identify -Explosives ,Bio-Chemicals DHS -Home land
security (in process)
Discussion :
Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa
Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief Minster =Y Rao=
Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all
are again reelected chief minister by Hindus !! =under rule of manmohan@sansad.nic.in,
soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !!? Ruhel Chisty MRACI Cchem A date 29-04-2010 cell
00919636919708 . = all people =Indian of these states = 58+49+ 65+50 millions =222 millions =22.2
corer =222X100 lacks = maximum of 22200000 people love these type of genocides , so that they
reelected these states BJP=RSS =Hindu , Indian Hindu chief ministers party in elections of 2008,2003
,now they will rule up to next 2013 or 2019 or 2024 or 2029 +++ years , these Indian want UNSC power
!! ?? which such type to quality work !!??
V) in 2007 Justice Krashnavatti commission report ,came on 1993 Mumbai riots and blast he give 600 –
700 pages report
With audio records ,video records , different high level literate victims recording , where he mention the
Telephonic recording police officials of Riots area ,how they were provoking to rioters to destroy the
minorities home ,business , to do riots ,and kill
Live recording from BSNL -=Indian government telephone data that is only in all Mumbai police stations
,he open the action of shiv sena ,BJP ,RSS ,VHP ,Bdal involvement in riots !!?? involvement of congress
party few ministries also in riots !!?? he given proof of Video recording did by victims =international
channels =CNN,BBC + other ,TV Channels , News papers !! But that whole report reached to Maharastra
Government ,that is controlled by Congress party ,Shard pavar party = which have soft corner with Bal
Thackeray =Shiv Sena !! so till now noting happened to those all police officers , means they did not
terminated from jobs !!?? none of Shiv Sena ,Other party leader get caught and put behind bar then
terminated from Ministry + political power !! none of congress party leader get terminated from
congress party membership +put behind bar !!?? while Justice Krashnavatti is Padama Bhusan Awardees
, he was chief Justice of three states of India ,he start his career as Jury only !!?? his name is in few of
highest honest jury !!?? while this report reached to Dr Manmohan Singh =prime minister of India ,Ms
Sonia Gandhi also !! but noting happened !!?? b'se congress party is based on Shard pavar party
ministers in MH =Maharastra and to be in rule !! and Shard pavar do not want to take any action against
Bal Thackeray =Shiv Sena +BJP +RSS +VHP !! So !!???
while Mumbai riots taken 2000 human life ,maximum loss of Mumbai minorities =Christen +Muslims !!
there business ,there jobs , career there home !!?? total effected was 80000 to 140000 people !!?? I think
this Justice Krashnavatti commission report 2007 also reached to Dubai Government =Dubai police +KSAGovernment =KSA Police !!?? ???
I know Ex CBI- Chief =RAW =IB =Indian intelligence officials ,who finished -all proofs , those were
- at crime places & given to CBI -By Victims by thinking the safest place of Indian earth !!? , those were
against Lal Krishan Advanni &Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Uma Bharii ,Sadavii Ritium Bharaa ++ , those
provoke to lot of Hindu- Muslim riots & murder in form 1989 to 1993 !in whole india ,at Open
conferences ,at many places in india & UP &Delhi &Rajasthan !!? due to Ramjanam Bhumi –Babri
mosque case ! in 1994-1998 He =CBI Chief , was –awarded, as Member of National human right
commission= http://nhrc.nic.in ! by ,that time , Prime minister-India (BJP) , (Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee) in
2002 , Pl note these riots taken ~2500 human life +~1 lacks home less & ~4 Million Career less & future
less !!
(X) While I know that thalaka.com =thalka magazine ,editor open by hidden video - recording of fact that
how Mr. Jorge Franardish ( former Defense minister of BJP ) and Mr. .Y.Mishra was involved in 5000
corer= 50 Billion Indian rupees defense corruption , thalka magazine ,editor did open this hidden video
recording at all Leading nation TV news =Zee News ,Star TV += in 2001 -2002 , there were 4-5 ministers
also involved there , 4-5 Defense official also involved in this ,but what happened after that
Mr. Jorge Franardish did not given resign from his defense minister posts , + other ministers also +
Defense officials also did not resign !! while these people put local police + army intelligence against
Athalka magazine ,editor +put him in economic ban !! force to all other news media +business man do
not support him +give him money !! he face high economic torture to 3.5 years continuous !! b'se he did
work against BJP Ruled party ministers in 2001 -2005!!??
(XI) while india's 80 MPs=Member of parliament have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from
murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++ Same way 180 to 1800 MLA =of different states have 3- 7 high level crime
in Indian courts =from murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++ But they are political leaders in india ,and have all
benefits of power +money + respected + ++ and cases going on in Indian courts for which people are
telling that there are corrupt juries ,corrupt advocates !!?? while for these MP ,MLA Indian police is lay
down ,Indian IB is lay down ,Indian defense is lay down !!Maximum of this MP ,MLAare Hindus !!??
The Power of Chief minister in that state =equal to Prime minister of india !!?? That state police ,army,
jury ,Civil servants ,advocates ++ all these like pet Dogs for him !! Hindu police ,Hindu CID ,IB,RAW work
under these people like Dog , !! getting food ,water !!?? doing all things for them = Mr. Narandra Modi,
Naveen Patnayak, Y Rao = Karnataka chief Minster + Chattisgarg chief Minster!! These all rae till now
work like dogs for these mention people !!
of Hindu nation =INDIA , states = Orissa, Karnataka, Chatisgarh, Gujarat these all are in India
Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide , , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen
genocide Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn ,.Gujarat 2002 Genocide !!!??
These states are in India ,these chief ministers are very powerful man of these states
They can stop all things at one hours only !!?? like they can stop all cities roads , power=electricity at
genocide doer Areas only ,water ,food supply , there jobs , work places , ,there salaries also , its police
salaries also for years not month , it=As these are Indian hindu chief Minister can sent there Troops
with AK 57 ,47 ,Light machine guns , rocket launcher (hand ) and food ,water to eat , as I=Ruhel Chisty
MRACI CChem Know that each and every state of india have 10000 to 500000 commandos with them
!!?? it= can give the order to its all civil servants ,Police official army official to report at genocide place
with Commandos only to see there work as per Indian trainings , or else loose job !! which we
international people =CNN,BBC, UN ,USA,EU people seee Indian commando work in hotel Taj in 26/11
2008! Which taken 148 Human life’s !!?? I think all looser were rich Indian Hindu of india !!?? that why
that commando action taken place from PMO with quick action !! But these all places= Orissa,
Karnataka, Chatisgarh, Gujarat looser were poor ,non Hindu =christen ,Muslims and life loss was every
place more then 2000 not 148 Rich Indian Hindu !!?? we all see there was helicopters was also with
commandos !!?? an Helicopter can move 700 km in 1 hours only !!?? very state have at least 49
helicopters already with them ,plus private also !!?? for Indian Hindu businessman travel for fast deals
As USA,EU ,ME=Gulf people know that they have juts put there in genocide area by helicopters , rest
they can take care as Indian government saying they did in Mumbai 26/11 –Hotel Taj !! but what about
these places !! they either chief Minster of PMO did not sent any commandos from 10000/500000 each
states means for Indian hindu its was crime !! they what such genocides !!??
They =Chief ministers , control its all states Indian police =Hindu ,Its Indian civil servant , its Indian
army , its doctors ,engineers , Universities Colleges , CID = Indian Intelligence agencies , its all
businessman , we can say that these states have population as per Gujarat 5.8 cr=58 millions Indian,
Orissa gave 4.9 cr=49 Millions Indian , Karnataka have 6.5 cr =65 millions Indian , Chtiisgarh have 5.0
cr= 50 millions Indian
These all have majorities in whole states means all people of these states = 58+49+ 65+50 millions =222
millions =22.2 corer =222X100 lacks = maximum of 22200000 people love these type of genocides , so
that they reelected these states BJP=RSS =Hindu , Indian Hindu chief ministers party in elections of
2008,2003 ,now they will rule up to next 2013 or 2019 or 2024 or 2029 +++ years ,
These states chief minters have many official =Indian hindu , those working , with Indian Police , Indian
civil servants , Indian Intelligence agencies fro Hindu benefits ,hindu world ,
These states chief Minster have power like prime minister of india in there states !!??
They can do any thing with use of its Indian Hindu Police , Indian hindu - Intelligence agencies
,Indian Hindu army , hindu businessman , so these all genocide did happened and work successful for
BJP=RSS rise as vote bank and hindu power !!!?? IB,RAW =PMO =Home minister new Delhi did also
support in back , by use of satellite technology they =Indian hindu = Indian Intelligence agencies seen all
rioter , genociders NJP=RSS politician activities by satellite , did record , there talk ,voices, killing
activities of christen and allowed them b’s e they were not Hindu ,Not Indian religion !!??
as IB,RAW = Intelligence agencies are Hindu nation =India intelligences ,they are working for PMO
=Home minister india = manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in !!?for
politician benefits, not for peace , not for justice only political benefits !!??
These states are having many Indian =Hindu businessman , those having millions $ in there bank
accounts those having many Indian Hindu as work force working in there factories , industries , shops ++
those having many hospital as business , many Private college =medical ,engineering ,university as
business !!?? to get rise Indian hindu , hindu money in these estates !!??
These states are party of India ,which is part of UN =www.un.org and international community ,as
Indian ! as Hindu !!?? as Indian hindu !!?? I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI Cchem A Sure that these have many
BJP=RSS Indian Muslim those support in genocide of christen and Muslims !!?? like Udaipur raj india
313001 m02 Muslims bjp=rss !!??
The loop holes and serious doubts , in All bomb blasts = happened in india activities done by Hindu
terrorists groups =MH Brahminists (Investigation done by IB Or ATS =Anti- terrorist squad of each
states under forced guidance of IB !! )
( UN people ,Interpol ,UNODC , other prime Police department must accept that India name is under top
corrupt nation ,from past 64 years of its freedom ,its Police, civil servant ,political organization is under
top corrupt organization of world , its huge population nation with none of honesty !!? Ref
=Transparency International reports(UN Branch ) from past 1950 to till now about India about its these
three department !!??) And this factor is true like Nature , notable point is this IB =RAW is successful to
make fool its Government from past 64 years !!?? Here in This nation ,people are Professional in
corruption , have reached to expert level , by playing with World bank ,EU Banks , Charity money from
past 64 years ,here 95% corruption in charity by NGOs , Other common man !!?/
(1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007)
(2) Malegaon bomb blast case (8 September 2006) and Malegaon Bomb Blast 2008 (its second bomb
blast happened in Malegaon after 2 =two of first bomb blast )
(3) Mumbai Train bomb blast case of 2006 (11 July 2006)
(4) Ahmedabad bomb blasts & Surat unexploded bombs (26 July 2008)
(5) Delhi bomb blast 2008 (13 September 2008)
(6) Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast (18 May 2007)
(7) Ajmer Sharif Dargah Blast (11 October 2007)
(8) Serial Blasts in U.P. courts (23 November 2007)
(9)) Jaipur Blasts (13 May 2008)
(10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006)
( These all bomb blasts =terrorist activities done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists these
people killed many innocent Human ,maximum Indian Muslims =40% to 60% every case !!??and Dr
Manmohan Police try to put others nation ,others religion names !!?? ), not there own religion =Hindu
,not there own people =Hindu !!?? =Indian =Hindu Indian !!??
But ISI =Pakistan Intelligence =and Pakistan army have these records
(1) Pentagon ,NATO told to ISI and Pakistan Army given training Afgani to kill Russian Terrorist
=Russian Army from 1970 to 1995 =25 years .
(2) They = ISI ,and Pakistan army did successfully there job and given results of killed 20,000 to 500000
Russian terrorist =Russian army people !!?? just in 25 years . its was proved work of ISI ,Pakistan army
with Pentagon ,NATO in 1970 tom 1995 .
(3) then from 2002 to till today , Pentagon ,NATO told to ISI and Pakistan Army , Police , kill Taliban
,Al Quida , they did start in 2002 till 2009 Jan they killed 5000 Taliban ,Al Quida people by Pakistan
police army ,ISI , Its was bush Jr period =when he was president of USA . A republicans .
(4) Then respected Barack Obama time came , he told to ISI and Pakistan Army , Police , kill to
Taliban ,Al Quida , and just in 1 years =Jan 2009 to till today 08-04-2010 They killed 1200 Taliban ,Al
Quida ,
this is call difference between secular hindu ,hindu and Pakistan police ,Army ,ISI ,
(1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing
Technology, http://remotesensing.usgs.gov/pecora.html ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl , I got Nominated for one of Public Affairs Asia awards 2009 ,And Nominated for one of its
Jury also , =wwwpublicaffairsasia.com/goldstandard , Got nomination emails from respected =Craig
Hoy =craighoy@publicaffairsasia.com (Director Public Affairs Asia) ,And Mark O'Brien
(=markobrien@publicaffairsasia.com) Vice President (Asia) Public Affairs Asia
(3) Please I got nominated for RACI National awards 2010 (1) The green chemistry Challenge award
2010 (2) Cornforth medal 2010 ( www.raci.org.au) by RACI Officials
(4) Please I got Invitation for self Nomination , for CIVICUS Board of directors ,= www.civicus.org, from
Respected Sandra Pires (=Sandra.pires@civicus.org)= Anabel Cruz (=boardelections@civicus.org) (Chair
CIVICUS Nominations committee ).
(5) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = www.unhabitat.org , Please it's Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human
practices . http://www.bestpractices.org,
(6) Pl I got nominate for "for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 ",
http://www.innovationsaward.harvard.edu ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(7) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017,
USA ,to apply for "A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?,
(8) Pl, I nominated for "International WHO'S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the
2005-2006 edition. = http://internationalwhoswho.com/
Note : while I am getting free digital copy (Gift from Director Public Affairs Asia =Craig Hoy
=craighoy@publicaffairsasia.com) of this Magazine from past 2008 December it self that also theft by
Hindu ISI=RAW IB, MI=PMO from past 7 months !!With out my permission !!?? these organization
=RAW,IB,MI,PMO is controlled by Dr Manmohan Singh=manmohan@sansad.nic.in ,as my literacy tell
me !!?? this point for confirmation test how the Money , gifts from world bank ,and EU Banks
+International NGOs for deserved , is thieving from india from past 65 years =who is behind these all !!
?? Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A date 15-07-2009, while , Craig Hoy =craighoy@publicaffairsasia.com
sent me invitation to Join ,PublicaffairsAsia and The China government affairs forum at Linked that also
deleted by RAW,IB,MI,PMO ,with out my permission !!??
And this Nation =India have huge money ,business ideas , for Hindu , Hindu terror people ,Hindu
businessman , Hindu police ,IB,RAW ,Hindu army =Indian army !!??
and there is no stop from any Unusual ,Irregular Indian VIP!!?? Even to Police of Orissa ,Karnataka
,Chatisgarh ,Gujarat those directly support killer ,genocider , rapper , looter s!! as this nation -=India is
Hindu nation and doers are Hindu and facer are christen ,Muslims !!?? but even then this Hindu nation
=India try to put me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI Cchem A against unemployed by use of internet , mails its
Hindu population from Jan 2009 to till today =30-04-2010 !!?? its all tell that UNGA must take decision to
remove this nation from Its =UN =www.un.org membership +other UN benefits !!?? as this nation is
nothing then irregular ,unusual for Human ,=UN people =UN !!?? Now 2010 May , Indian Police (Hindus
) captured three hindu man =1 Visnuu Parsad Patiddar , and 2 Chandra Shekar , 3 Davindra Gupta
concern Bomb Blast in (7) Ajmer Sharif Dargah Blast (11 October 2007) =BJP= RSS=Abhinav Bharat
These all are from MP=Madhya Pradesh india , these people got captured by sim =Mobile chip used to
start Bomb by ring=call to next Mobile which was having explosive fit with Mobile (2=second ) that was
not explode but two other bombs fit by these people exposed and killed many on same day , at Ajmer
Sharif which killed many people
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A <rchisty20102@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 8:25 AM
Subject: Fwd: Dear Dr. Riffat Hussain : Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , terrorist expert from India = A
alone who have work against Al Quida ,Taliban and Hindu terror includes IB,RAW, NIA=http://nia.gov
To: rifaathussain@gmail.com
Cc: sadiqdss@gmail.com, akbar@qau.edu.pk, tasnimazim@yahoo.com, a_m_mirza@yahoo.com,
sajjadr62@yahoo.com, m215kk@yahoo.com, shafiq_qau_pk@yahoo.com, mziqbal@qau.edu.pk
Dear Dr. Riffat Hussain :
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A <rchisty20102@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:02 PM
Subject: Dear Darlene Whitlock (=WhitlockDB@state.gov ) Please I = Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , want
to be a USA Citizen as terrorist expert from India = A alone who have work against Al Quida ,Taliban and
Hindu terror includes IB,RAW, NIA=http://nia.gov.in/!
To: WhitlockDB@state.gov
Cc: Securityclearance@state.gov,
Please I = Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , want to be a USA Citizen as terrorist expert from India =
A alone who have work against Al Quida ,Taliban and Hindu terror includes IB,RAW,
NIA=http://nia.gov.in/!! like terrorist wings !!??
(b) Now on date 24-06-2010 when India Prime minister ,Officials are visiting to Canada , New Zealand
,Pakistan three place from 24-27 !!?? they released , at there English news papers Pictures of Hindu
terrorists = pictures of Sandeep dange ,and Ramchandra Kalasangra they=CBI a 4th cadre Intelligence
department of India , they put 10 lacks reward of each for captured !!?? they=CBI listed that these are
wanted for three bomb blasts = Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast (18 May 2007), Malegaon bomb blast
case (8 September 2006) and Malegaon Bomb Blast 2008 , Ajmer Sharif Dargah Blast (11 October
2007), while Indian police captured many innocent Indian Muslims and put them in prison with out
bail and taken there every remand =3rd degree , for these all above cases that done by BJP=RSS ruled
police !! this point I put for UNSC ,ICJ =International court of justice and EU ,USA Courts that they must
note this that Indian government whole did not asked sorry ,did not lay down , in front fo them all
innocent did not removed any Indian police officer till now !!?? I like to suggest that they =Indian police
official put in such situation that they do like to suicide !!?? and taken off there dress and pensions !!??
as this is India =Hindu nation = manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in,
office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in nation !!?? that why I am saying Indian Dram =Joker nations
, where all people are joker only !!??this nation may thing of laugh but not suitable as UNSC temporary
or permanent seat !!?? but can give few $ in beg for huge Indian Poverty population !!??
(C ) But I am sure that these people will free after captured like Goa , other Hindu terrorist free by
Maharastra police and NIA by sue of IB ,RAW !!??
Mr. Jorge Franardish did not given resign from his defense minister posts , + other ministers also +
Defense officials also did not resign !! while these people put local police + army intelligence against
Athalka magazine ,editor +put him in economic ban !! force to all other news media +business man do
not support him +give him money !! he face high economic torture to 3.5 years continuous !! b'se he did
work against BJP Ruled party ministers in 2001 -2005!!??
(XI) while india's 80 MPs=Member of parliament have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from
murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++
Same way 180 to 1800 MLA =of different states have 3- 7 high level crime in Indian courts =from
murder ,to rape ,to riots , ++
But they are political leaders in india ,and have all benefits of power +money + respected + ++ and cases
going on in Indian courts for which people are telling that there are corrupt juries ,corrupt advocates
!!?? while for these MP ,MLA Indian police is lay down ,Indian IB is lay down ,Indian defense is lay down
!!Maximum of this MP ,MLAare Hindus !!?? these Indian are telling me from past 8 years that these
people have some e-letter to do some crime from me !! with out my e-signature + with out international
laws and order they did not show me that email till now !! and these Indian have full support from ME
=Gulf two countries =Dubai ,KSA !!
Delhi/UP- Police ,have few -video Records ,as proof at Supreme court of india against Lal Krishan
Advaani ,Uma Bharti , Vinayak Katariya ,! ,who was provoking to Riots ,Murder ! to huge population in
1989 to 1992 !& which did action & that month ~2,000 riots ,kill ,murder taken place ! But with in few
years ,all these Video- proof s ! thieves from Supreme court ! Sir this news was came in -Leading news
paper of india , so Lal Krishan Advaani became Vice
Loop holes in Charge sheet =4528 pages , made and submit in Mumbai High court , by ATS-MH=Anti
terrorist squad Maharastra , concern Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu
terrorist Group . The explosive instrument used was IED =Improvised explosive device ,(Notable thing is
this also used by Al-Quida in Iraq ,from past 2001 to till now to kill innocent Iraqi ) and explosives are RDX
, Ammonium nitrate , ammonium nitrite , = All terror blast =train in Mumbai , serial blast in Mumbai,
banglor ,UP ,New Delhi serial blast , lasted 2008 bomb blast also !! =,they used urea ,ammonium
nitrate + sharp nails =Metal nails !!+other chemical ,
Now Loop Holes :
(1) ATS Mumbai ,did not touch =interrogate ,the Himani Saverkar ,who did married with Mahatma
Gandhi Murder family person ,who is near daughter of Saverkar one of founder of RSS =Hindu terrorist
group , she is clearly saying in open conferences that reply bomb is only bomb !!??
(2) ATS Mumbai did not touch =interrogate , Abhinav Bharat Group , which
ATS Given videos talk of this group members taking about , bomb explosions in India ,destroy Indian
democracy, these people were doing open talk to produce hate against Indian constitute in Hindu Youth
of India +NRI, only that part of Indian constitute which supporting Indian minorities , and hate against
Indian democracy which supporting Indian minorities !!??
(3) Abhinav Bharat Group , are taking about the Hindu Army Rule in India, and ATS Given 2000 pages
proofs ,videos recordings , against Abhinav Bharat Group those were taking conferences , meeting like
these talks !
(4) But ATS Anti terrorist squad Maharastra , Did not taken any step to counter and put them in Court
and jails after open trails !!??\
(5) ATS =MH, left , the groups of Indian army officers ,those are working ,and retired ,concern ,
involvement in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blasts !!!?? these groups of Indian army
officers intension is clear to make Hindu Nation on behalf of kill ,murder ,bomb blasts ++
(6) ATS –MH also Left , (1) Ramesh Sivajee Upadhaya , Raikar = former Indian army official , he was
commanded in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune , he given this place to train the Hindu terrorist for
Bomb explosions in India , (7) ATS –MH also Left one more former Indian army officer =Sanat Kumar
Bhatee , He was also involved in these bomb blasts ,
(8) ATS –MH , And ATS Pune taken hand ,to open the complete link between the Indian army and these
bomb blasts in Malegaon Bomb Blast . and Nanded Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist Group .
(9) ATS Given clean chits to all Indian army officials , ATS taken them as only witness !?
(10) while ATS –MH And pune attend the special training from these mention Indian army officials !?
(11) ATS –MH,Pune left ,the two times BJP Member of parliament = Cornel Dhar and Delhi based one
doctor = RP Singh , those were supporting to make new nation like Abhinav Bharat , these people were
active member of these things !!
(12) ATS –MH ,Pune keep mum on link with these two , Cornel Dhar and RP Singh , + Abhinav Bharat
Group , with other BJP Leaders those are political powerful !!??
(13) ATS –MH,Pune did not taken interrogation of cornel Purohit , =Indian army official ,concern which ,
ATS –MH ,Pune given video recording in that he was telling , (14) ATS MH,Pune did not taken
interrogation of people working in Nasik Bhosale Military school pune and Akanssha resorts where the
Hindu terrorist trainings were taken place !!?? and ATS –MH,Pune shown very politeness on these two
organizations !!??
While this nation voter =millions , promoted Mr. Modi as Gujarat ruler =Chief minister for 2003-2008
then 2008 to 2013 !! two more terms !! whose Ministers ,Police officer were openly accused for 2002
Gujarat genocide !!
Now Naveen Patnayak given again one more term for Chief minister , In Orissa ,who was chief minister
of Orissa 2008 ,when Christen genocide taken place !! Where victims of genocide still getting threat from
Criminals ,genociders ,raper ,police officers !! Please note it tell that Indian Voters are Maximum Hindus
those like to do Orrisa 2008 ,Christen genocide , 2008 Karnataka Christen genocide ,2002 Gujarat
genocide and they are electing again that Government which protected genocider ,criminals ,raper,
again election that Police officers those did support in all these High level human crime !! notable thing is
these voters are in millions population !! these are concentrate Hindus ,these are crime lover ,these
genocide lover ,in my view these voter are Taliban ,these are terror !!?? note Indian 50 million to 60
million voter love BJP =Genocider of christen ,Muslims !! and its when India is member of UN All branches
,its in 2100 Era !! ??
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military
school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and
Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many
years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 ,
the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major
Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence
corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr .
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen
=Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan
Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were
Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
Note : In My view ,FBI ,Interpol ,UN Anti terror branch= CTED =Counter terrorism committee executive
directorate, UNODC ,Europol ,should take all Data ,proofs ,from Indian government ,concern Hindu
terrorism !! and these international anti terror organizations will get the ways of Hindu terror probes !!??
should ask to Indian government to permit for interrogate to Lt colonel Parsad Purohit + Ashok Singhal
,Praveen Togadia + LK Advani + ,at least they will able to know that is Hindu terrorism !! how smart these
people are !!? what is definitions of Hindu terrorism if you do investigation in India only against Hindu
terrorism !! Ruhel at least they will get the range and tactics of this Hindu terror !!?? Ruhel Date 03-012009 while I like to mention here that ATS - Anti terror squad –Maharastra , public prosecutor =Ajay
Misar lodge a complain in Sarkarwada Police station that on 16th Nov 2008 ,that he got one threat
At his phone , from Hindu terror group , for him and for ATS Chief = Hemant Karkare ,who got killed in
26/11 Mumbai terror attack just 9 days later !!??
While on 13th Jan 2009 , Hubbali- WB , press conference ,the northern range , Inspector general of police
, =Mr Ragvandra Oradcar , given , speech that behind , Hubbali –Court Bomb blast ,on may 2008 , there
was Hindu terrorist ,not SIMI !! while in may 2008 there was Karnataka Election ,and BJP taken full
benefit to win ,maximum seats !! b’se BJP try to prove that these Bomb blast did by Indian minorities !!??
the man find behind this blast was =Nagraj Gangabi , he was PA of one Concentrate Hindu politician ,
they found nine =9 other Hindu terrorist in link this !!??
Ramesh Pavaar , Ling Raj Jalagar , ++, While this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi was member of Shri
Ram Sena ,who is doing attacks on girls and boys ,at Pubs = high society - Bar at Banglour now a days
they did attack on three pubs =bar !!?? this Hindu terrorist = Nagraj Gangabi is very closed to Pramod
Mutallik founder of Shri Ram sena ,who is Like Praveen Togadia of Karnataka !!?? the full other part can
be found at The Indian express, Only one news paper of India who is writing against Hindu terror !!Only
one !!?? from all news papers ,news media ,includes NDTV , this news channel is not allowed in Udaipur
–RAJ , B’se here all Channels providers are from BJP=RSS=VHP=Bdal =Hindu terror wings !!?? Ruhel Chisty
Date 06-02-2009 , while this state police (all) is still in link ,getting order from former BJP=RSS Home
minister (2003 -2008) =Gulab Chand Kataria (2003-2008) !!??
Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist
groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which
loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got
injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum
were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP
Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(b) while it found and discussed in Indian -parliament ,Rajya sabha ,by Members of parliament that 29
September , two -bomb blasts at Malegaon (Maharastra ) and Modasa ( Gujarat ) done by Hindu
hardliners =Bajrangdal and Hindu Jagran Manch ,the probed reached to RSS Student wig= ABVP= Akhil
Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad , both blast taken place simultaneously , at two different places , (its all bomb
blasts after the Banglour , Ahemdabd , Delhi bomb blasts ) they used RDX to do these bomb blasts !!
Pleased note it !!!??
while it found that , SanatKumar Rajvithal Bhate , trained 115 Hindu activates ,to do bomb blasts ,from
gelatin ,And RDX !! He got 300 gelatins ,from Bhosale Military school Nasik ,Pune ,
it found that these Hindu Hardliner put two motorcycles (1) at SIMI Office at Malegaon (Maharastra ) (2)
At Modasa ( Gujarat ) they put with the Islamic sticker , and forensic investigator found that it attempt to
mislead them , the motorcycles used were LML-Freedom and these Hindu hardliner , these people used
main frame ,and engine ,from two different vehicles . and they erased the engine number , chassis
number , but after forensic method it found that these numbers were , of Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur ,
which was registered at Surat RTO –Gujarat =Number = GJ 05 BR 1920 ,
While these Hindu terrorist used fake number plate but it was , on her name , Pragya Singh Thakur ,this
was not sold ,and thief And second motorcycle was on name of =ABVP person ,who is running NGO in
Indore =MP (Madhya Pradesh) –India , P-1,P-4 24 October ,2008 The Indian express ) the Malegaon
(Maharastra ) bomb blast
taken six humen life , its taken place when 20,000 =twenty thousand Indian minorities were gathered at
they holy time !! now surprised thing is national level political leader , Uma Bharti of BJS =Bharatis
Bhartiya Janshakti Party , offer to Sadvi Pragya Singh Thakur ,her party ticket ,form Mahdaya Pardesh
=MP ,for MLA Election = political leader of India !!?? its when Pragya Singh Thakur is in police custody ,
with Maharastra Anti terror squad , this thing did not stop here BJP president also support her = Pragya
Singh Thakur !!!?? P- 4, 31 October ,2008 ,The Indian express .
while it found that her father was RSS –worker !!?? while ATS = Anti terror squad have proof against her
as her motorcycle ,and her 400 minutes conversation with Shyam Bhavarlal Sahu !!!?? after these all this
offer to her are there !!??? =offer for MLA Election,from BJP president !!?? Ruhel date 30-12-2008 –
Udaipur –raj India . Sir I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in
ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in india !!?? while about
these all probes my view is that India is Hindu nation and what I seen the result of Justice Nanavatti
committee report on Gujarat 2002 genocide !! it tell me that like this all probes are complex !! and its
when Hindu terror name came it very typical to get 100% truth ,from Hindu police officials it self against
Hindu terror !! its very rare and typical !!!??? Ruhel Date 31-12-2008 .
It open by Maharastra Police that Hindu terrorist Rajesh Dhavade (Malegaon Bomb accused) ,got
training on Make Bomb ,by two chemistry -Hindu professors , from Pune , based Narsujee Vadiya college
, professors names are Dr Sharad Kuntee (he was former VHP –head at Pune city) ,and Dr Dav , these two
chemistry -Hindu professors teach them to make pipe –bombs , it also found that one more ABVP active
Mr. Sameer Kulkanii ,who was involved in Jabalpur –MP ,riots ,he was main accused to provoke to riots
!!?? ABVP= RSS Student wig= Akhil Bhartiya Vidiyarti Parisad !!??Ruhel Date 30-12-2008 .
While it found that in Malegaon bomb blast the Hindu terrorist taken ,support from , Bhosale Military
school Nasik –Maharastra ,it’s in And many former military person did support for Malegaon ,and
Modasa bomb blasts , this Bhosale Military school founded 1939 , was in impression of RSS from many
years !!?? its branch of , central Hindu military education society , Nasik – Maharastra, founded 1935 ,
the Indian military person get caught in this terror probe are (1) Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , (2) Major
Ramesh Upadhyay (3) colonel (retd) SS Raikar , while Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , worked for intelligence
corp , he learn Chinese language also .
While ATS - Anti terror squad ,found that Lt colonel Parsad Purohit , had given , 60 kgs RDX to one Mr .
Who did Samjhauta Express (Train ) Bomb blast , in 18th Feb 2007 , Which killed 68 Indain humen
=Indian citizen !!?? and it look like that , these people only involved in , Ajmer Sharif =Ajmer Rajasthan
Bomb blast , and in Indo-Pak express –train bomb blasts there 68/42 human killed , maximum were
Pakistani ,and Mecca Masque –Hyderabad Bomb blast !!
While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were
BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was
enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy
mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use
Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail
to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs
that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Made in india =Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report , concern Base of Gujarat 2002 genocide ! =
Godhara –train case ! =
The LOOP HOLES of this report= Justice Nanavatti –Mehta report ,
(1) This commission made by Mr Narandara Modi it self =BJP=RSS ,6 years ago !!??
(2) There is no witness of , who burn Train =Godhara Train 2002 ,
(3) There was 200 total witness none of given talk ,proof to court that Train burn by Muslim -gathered
(4) No body know ,that train was having Hindu car sevak , except BJP=RSS people ,even Gujarat
government official -do not know !!
(5) Train was more then 5= more then five hours late , if any plan was there it was easily failed due to
unlimited late train =that is also more then 5 hours !!?? it also tell that criminal were related to done
Party only !!??
(6) Commission told that train Westuval was cut ,if it was cut then why , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta
commission do not kept it as proof ,and sold to Kabadi = used thing buyer !!??
(7) During Court talk ,it proved by 200 witness that , train was stop by pulling it chain and it stop by Car
sevak only ,b’s e few car sevak was left on station it self !!??
(8) Forensic experts , given proof that , by calculation by height of Train track and height of train window
it is not possible to throw petrol like that in train !!??
(9) It is not east to cut Westuval of train with in few time !!??
(10) This Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission ignored many very important witness !!??
(11) While in 2002 the rail minister was Nitish Kumar =BJP Supporter that’s why he did not given any ,
investigation from railway official +railway police officer !!??
(12) There is no ,any record of justice UC Benarjee report in , Justice Nanavatti –Mehta Report !!?? While
its very important !!??
(13) Justice Nanavatti –Mehta refused to take investigation of Narandara Modi = why !!?? this
commission made many dual talk about , why ,burn train !!??
(14) while one honest - Police officer = RB Shri Kumar told to commission that he is getting threat from
criminal that if he told true then he will loose the life !!? and this honest police office given record - proof
of that threat telephone call in court also !!?? that also ignored by Justice Nanavatti –Mehta commission
= Mr Narandara Modi made =RSS=BJP Made !!??
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist
=RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan
Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In
India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament
,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 0504-2009
Please recently in India 2008 these following Hindu terror activities taken place , by Hidutava terrorist
groups ,
From 1989 to 2009 till now in India ,12000 =10000+2000 communal riots taken place in India , in which
loss of life are 5,500 life’s loss maximum were Indian minorities !! 8 lacks =8,00000 got
injured=maximum were Indian minorities , while in August 2008 it self , 83 life loss taken place maximum
were Indian minorities !!?? Bajrangdal ,VHP are doing rape ,murder , but no action on them even by BJP
Ruled government or Congress party at New Delhi !!??
(a) Orissa –India, there were Genocide of Indian christen taken place , 50=40+10 Indian christen Killed ,
15=10+5 women ,kid live burned , ,50000 =40,000+10,000 Indian christen forced to move wild area to
save life these all are from poverty rich areas =dalits ,and VHP, Bdal have no shame to kill these poor
people !!!?? in Kandhamal ,one 25 years , Young nun=Sister Meena was raped by 100=hundred - Hindu
terrorist one by one , When just after raped she try to put FIR in Orissa -Police station , the cops warned
her of consequences , of filing FIR against her +her girl friend ,she told to media that she have no faith in
Orissa police she want CBI investigation ,
in Orissa Bajrang Dal people did open rape to one nun =Christen holy woman , while that time local
police staff =10-20 police people , with arms =rifles ,piston were there they just keep support open rape
,even did not try to stop it !!
while in all these activities Orissa police did indirectly support to this genocide , this whole genocide take
place till 15-20 days , no body try to stop is at state level ,and air defense level !!??? they even did not
made single =one FIR ,
The main brain who provoked for this was VHP President Praveen Togadiya , who taken permission from
ruling party =JD B =Janta Dal Biju patnayak , chief minister =Mr. Navin Patnayak, to do rally of death
body of one Laskhamanad , for 200 kms , and during this all rally he = VHP President Praveen Togadiya
provoked to VHP,Bajrang dal people to do all crimes against humanity ,against Indian christen !!!??
while BJP and its groups =VHP,Bajrang dal people did open in following bomb blasts while it found that
this Laskhamanad was killed by Mao’s those are from Nepal ,Indian border as this man was from
Hidutava groups =while these Bajrangdal =VHP people did beaten to father Thomas Chellantharayil ( 55
years old) they kicked on his face , they poured kerosean on his body they burn tyres to live burn him ,
they molested nun , many hand ripped her top and then raped her , they asked them to marched up to
half kilometer in approx naked condition , up to Nuagaon where several armed police men were standing
, but they did not stop this torture , even these victims asked them to help !!!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
while its well known that mahatma Gandhi was killed by RSS person =Nathuram Godsae , a Marathi guy
!!?? and Australian father Graham steen and kids=Christen ,murder and killer to live burn them = Dara
Singh is Bajrang Dal person !!?? while Darasingh , lawyer was , brother of BJP Leader =Dealip singh Judev
, who taken case of Hindu terrorist who was killer of three human ,Australian christen ,his case taken for
free him by BJP Leader brother !!!?? Now BJP =RSS is telling that they will provide lawyer to Sadhvii
Pragya Singh Thakur , !! while in India there is no rights for fake - framed Indian Muslim for terrorism
!!?? but BJP is supporter of Hindu terrorist for Hindu lawyer in India !!!??
Kanpur UP –India ,two =2 ,Bajrang dal Person got killed during making bomb at home and many other
got injured , Also found in their home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps , (c) in Bhunashvar –India also
one BJP leader kid and his friends were captured by police during making bomb CBI Also found in their
home the fake beards ,muslim skull caps !!!??? (d) in Karnataka =Danavgeer ,also there were attack on
Indian christen taken place , , by VHP= RSS ,Bajrang Dal people ,and local police did directly support of
this , and this local police made fake cases on 16 fathers =christen –holy people , and local police did not
made single FIR against RSS ,BJP people ,while VHP,Bajrang Dal people taken directly responsibility of
these attacks in front of media ,and local media ,as there is BJP is in power =ruling Karnataka, these
VHP,Bajrang Dal people destroy the churches ,destroy the Jesus stachu ,
On 14 September 2008 , the VHP ,Bajrang Dal people attack on church at manglor the burn Bible , once
nun called police ,police asked many question to nuns ,like is there =nun organizations in international ,is
they are getting money from foreign !!!?? they =police did not taken any action against VHP, Bajrang Dal
people ,one more incident in Karnataka , permuunar , Sant Sabsteen church , huge christen people were
gathered there , suddenly Bajrang Dal ,VHP people came there , and start to through stones ,and brutally
beaten to nuns ,father , and local police also directly support these Hidutava groups , the burn bible ,
destroy mother marry stachu , while one more incident , at Kodral church , there local police brutally
beaten to nuns ,father plus school kids which is near to church and beaten to one 72 years old lady !!!
Karnataka chief minister is Mr BS Yeddyurappa ,he refused to ban Bajrangdal !!??these all tell that BJP is
sees it self at next ruling party in centre =new Delhi –HQ , Bajrang Dal have its branches called as Sri ram
sena , now Bajrang Dal is planning to made Hindu suicide squad , there will be training to youth for die
on cost of Hindu nation =Nationalist !!!?? these people will get training from Hindu police officials ,
Hindu Army officials, these things told by Pramod Mutalik ,head of Sri ram sena = Bajrang Dal !!! P -5, 22
September 2008 ,www.expressindia.com,=The Indian express ,
e) while in Rajasthan also ,my living place =birth state , after jaipur bomb blast Home minister of
Rajasthan Order to police , to torture Indian Muslim ,bangala speaking people , and attack on Indian
christen also taken place example are Jodhpur ,Bayavar , Its all to get Hindu votes as 5 states - election
were very near , and at last BJP got win in two states =MP=Madhya Pradesh ,Zharkhand !!! this all
movement was to make Hindu India !!?? Ruhel date 23-12-2008 –Udaipur –Raj India while in Udaipur –
Raj India =whole Rajasthan all Jain =Baniya and Marvadii , have good support to BJP=RSS =VHP
=Bajrangdal by money ,plus other !!??
While in Rajasthan , 3 October 2008, at Dungarpur Raj India , BJP ,Bajrang Dal ,VHP people , did destroy
and burn the Indian minorities shops (only shops ) to destroy there economic foundation , the maximum
loss was 50=40+10 lacks to Dr Kurashi ,dental clinic ,
While in Andrapradesh –India , VHP=Bajrang Dal people did live burn of 6 =5+1 =six ,Indian Muslim, it
included 3 kids ,one woman ,two man , its was incident of 10 October 2008 , these all were just before
Indian state elections so that ,so that Indian 80% Hindu vote change to BJP=RSS=VHP=Bajrang Dal !!??
While in Kanpur –Uttra Pradesh , two man got burst during making Bomb on 24 august 2008 , they were
BajrangDal people !!?? it found by local police ,that there was huge Explosive was captured ,that was
enough to destroy half of Kanpur city !!?? it found there they kept , maps of Firojabad –UP , to destroy
mosque there so that communal riots take place , This was one example of Hindu terror groups to use
Indian Muslim dress ,maps ,face !!?? while Nandead –MH , Bomb blast ,Hindus terrorist are free on bail
to do next Bomb blast of name of Indian Muslim !!??
While MP=Madaya Pradesh former Chief minister = Digvajay singh ,told in media that they have proofs
that many RSS =VHP=Bajrangdal related people have Bombs ,explosive at there home !!!??
While Hindu terror groups leader are using Al-Quida ,and SIMI name of get Security guards ,from Indian
government, example open by , one Hindu terror Leader cum Member of parliament = Mr Ramvellas
Vadantii ,did complain to Fejabad police-UP That he is getting cell call of murder , from Al-Quida ,and
SIMI people so please provide him , Z-security ,=Commandos !!?? and Fejabad police came in action ,and
did electronic investigation found that , the threaten was Bajrangdal and Hindu Yuva Vahanii people =
Ramesh Tivarii +one more they did this to rise level of their gurujii = Mr Ramvellas Vadantii ,up to Ashok
Singhal and Praveen Togadia , !!?? while this was just ,copy of one more example , Mr Naratya Gopal
Das =Hindu terror leader , of 1989-1993 ,he complain that he is getting threat from Al-Quida , and he
want to prove at nation level that Al-Quida is threatening Hindu religion !!??
So he required Z-Security !!?? like LK Advani ,Ashok Singhal ,Praveen Togadia , !!?? when police did
investigation they found one Hindu = Santosh ,who was student of Mr r Naratya Gopal Das did threat
!!?? Ruhel Chisty Date 26-01-2009 ,Udaipur Raj India
From 24 august to 8 October 2008 , in whole India anti christen riots taken place ,
(1) Orissa , district effected 14=10+4, village destroyed 300=200+100, House burn = 4,400 , forced home
less people =50,000, murders =59, injured =12,000, schools and colleges destroy =13, churches burn =15,
While ATS –Pune , put cheating , forgery cases on Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit , he did forged
document for weapon ,and did made fake ARMY- ID =ARMY Identification Card , for Chaturvedi , who
was active member of Abhinav Bhart ,=a group who tell bomb reply is bomb !!?? it found that he given
proofs that he and Chaturvedi did attends all meetings , leading up to Bomb blasts , up to Malegaon
bomb blast !!??
Sir Bajrangdal is Hindu –Al-Quida , (its to kill Indian minorities only ) ,and VHP=is Hindu LeT (Lakshre
Toiba ) to kill Indian minorities only !!)) Ruhel Date 27-12-2008
While MH Chief minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh told for ATS –Pune , that why LK Advani , and several BJP
Leaders , asking to change the present ATS- Anti terrorist wing –Pune, and conduct judicial inquire into ,
charge made by Sadvi Pragya singh Thakur , !!!?? while ATS was carrying in to its probe , with out POTA ,
TADA which was made by BJP !!?? and used on innocent Indian Muslim +other !!??
While BJP future prime minister of India =LK Advani meet national security Adviser ,MK Narayana , and
intelligence bureau director , PC Halder concern sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur !!?? while national security
Adviser ,MK Narayana told him that he will look into !!??
I want all type of terrorist groups should be ban and killed !! it tell that USA,EU ,UN should ban and kill to
RSS ,VHP=Bdal those killing only innocent Indian minorities = crime against humanity !! while Islamic
terrorist are killing only innocent USA ,Israeli and other western people= crime against humanity !!??
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While till now =past 64 years , Indian Military ,Indian police did not kill , encountered any Hindu Terrorist
=RSS ,VHP ,Bajrang Dal person in India, while NATO ,USA Army forced ,Drawn , Satellites ,Pakistan
Military ,Pakistan Police ,are killing all found terrorist, in Wergistan ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan , !!!?? while In
India Hindu terrorist are chief ministers ,Nominated for Prime Minister , MP =Member of parliament
,Home minister , for get IB, RAW ,,Indian military , Indian police forget these !!?? Ruhel Chisty date 0504-2009
Posted 1 month ago | Delete comment
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
Government Administration Professional
While the reality of Indian Law enforcement system can be understand by these points :
(1) Justice Krishna commission report = concern 1989-1993 Mumbai riots , and role of Mumbai Police in
Riots , they given video ,Audio , personal interview with victims +recording to telephonic talks +mobile
talk of police officers ,ministers =mainly from BJP ,Shiv Sena ,all were telling that How Mumbai Police
was involved in to provoke Riots ,and fully support of Mumbai Hindu Mainly Martha !! these happened
b’se there was no minority Police offer was in Job that time all police officer was Hindus !! and fully like
to kill minorities Life ,business ,Home + allowed to Hindu rioter to do kill and rape ~!! ?? this Justice was
proved alone Laws and order person who given truth about whole 1989 to 1993 Mumbai riots !!!?? he
given the telephone records of Mumbai police officers and ministers those were at work that time and in
power that time !!?? these all proofs are with National minority commission ,National human right
commission !! he given these proof 4 years back till now none of that Police officer get terminated put
behind the bar !! put on then serious charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s
!!!?? and same way none of Hindu Ministers +few Minority ministers , put behind the Bar + then serious
charges provoke to murder ,rape ,loss pf property +loss of life’s !!!?? that time in Mumbai Shiv Sena –BJP
was ruling !!?? while from past 5 years Mumbai Have Congress party ,its allies are ruling !! noting
happened to , riot provoker Police officers +ministers put behind the bar + serious charges !!?? Ruhel
Date 25-09-2009 Udaipur-Raj India 313001. ,
while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as
they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about
them as Its Hindu nation !!??
(2) While the reality of Gujarat, 2002 March riots ,genocide , the Laws enforcement independent
agencies try ot got Telephonic ,mobile talk records of Gujarat police officers ,ministers, but they were not
able to get ,even they reached to supermen court get order aloes !!?? till now they did not get any
telephonic ,mobile ,recodes of Gujarat police ,ministers those were enveloped in this genocide !!?? b’se
Modi used his power ,to fail all system of records !! they told they destroy the records ,due to instrument
fault !!??
(3) These all things tell that Home Minister of India is indirectly supporter of HINDU nation where these
things will be consider as normal !!?? and this nation have all rights for Hindus only weather they are
Narandara Modi ,weather they are LK Advani ,weather they are Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,whether they are
Mumbai police officer , weather they are Mumbai police officers and ministers in 1989 to 1993 ,weather
they are Gujarat 2002 march time police officers and ministers !!??
Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .= against Al-Qaida , few
against Hindutava terror !!?
I=Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A found that
1 When USA president Barack Obama told in Indian parliament Delhi that he his nations will support
India =1.36 billions Con Indian nation in UNSC Permanent seat . after long reformed .
2 after that Indian =1.36 billions start to talk like UNSC –Seat nation going to China with Russia ,
going to East Asia ,South Asia like UNSC –P Member nation , meeting France ,Germany , like UNSC P
member nation , these India accept USA president Barack Obama talk as god talk , by Indian
politician ,Civil servants ,Doctors ,engg ,Think tanks all =by all 1.36 billions Indian !!??
3 while these Indian are those used tell ever where at every level that USA people ,included White
house ,pentagon are not believable !!??
4 These Indian =1.36 billions are those who torture me, abuse me , discriminate me from 1990 to
till now
By telling following things
1 about me BSc Degree !!?? that my 75% in BSc Physics is not true ,honest !!??
2 About my experience as scientist in chemistry is not true !!??
3 About my brain !!?? its capability and effectiveness !!?? from past 20 years with use of satellite
technology and its Indian dogs !!??
4 About my publications in USA, Canada ,Germany ,Australia ,Saudi Arabia, UK , ++ these
Indian human dogs used to tell me that these are also not true , honest !!??
5 about my Nominations for UN award ,=Dubai International awards about my NASA
=www.nasa.gov awards nomination !! for these also these Indian Dogs =Hindu dogs telling me
that these are also not true ,honest !!??
6 these are forcing me true ,honest is only my life in India with Indian from 1990 to 2001 and
from 2009 jan to till now 13-12-2010 and from 2003 to 2008 !!?? this is only true honest and I
have to tell world that this is called heaven , the real human face , the real human world
=Indian dogs abuse torture ,discrimination to me from 1990 to till today by use of Indian
intelligences dogs =JIC ,IB,MI ,CID ,NIA ,RAW ,CBI , ++ rest all things in my life is fake ,not
honest !!??
7 these are those Indian those are openly famous stupid idiots , corrupt con low profile cheap
8 which now every one can see at TI =transparency international that India is under top most
corrupt nations it rack in 178/192 !!?? its with Afghan Iraq , Nigeria !!?? it was 180 in 2005
which I seen at Star TV news in India !!??
its all going on from 1990 to till today 13-12-2010 , by hm@nic.in =Manmohan@sansad.nic.in , by
use of its Indian human dogs and Satellite technology TV free voice mode cell mp1.,mp6 and Brain
waves 0,160,220 cps ,body rays 16000 cps !!??
Ruhel Date 15-12-2010 ,Udaipur Raj 313001 India.
What I want from Hillary Clinton July 19/20-2011 Visit to India (by Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem
1 If India can not signed NTP,CTBT ,NPT , via North Block , www.pmindia.nic.in, it tell that
these people will do more nuke tests like 1974,1998 !! And it will put pressure to international
many nations to make Nuke Bombs and live free of fear (it will make fear to me it self !!? ), It
will start from the new Nuke Bomb tests from India=1.19 Billion Hindu voters nation !!?? I birth
in India in 1966 , a minority I seen only sin evil face these Hindu =All=1.19 Billions !! ?
( I like , justify the decision of NSG , as they made new rules to became member of NSG 44
Nations group one of them is to be signed NPT ,CTBT , they did good , and make peace path for
World )
2 to allow to these genocide lover , innocent Kashmir Muslims and Assam christen killer , from
1970 to till now 10-07-2011 , to be member of Australian based organization , of technology will be
a mistake in path of Peace , !!??
3 to provide the advanced technology to India with out signing many new rules , which ,made
by pentagon which face made hurdles from IB,RAW,JIC during cold war ,in supportive of KGB
,Masco , will be a path of fear and threat to many peace lover nations and abuse to life of =2,
60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir Muslims , 2 ,50 ,000 murder of human in Assam christen ,in past
30 years by Hindu Army !! =hm@nic.in, ,www.pmindia.nic.in, www.pmo.nic.in =Delhi ,North Block , 10
Raisain Hill , as this new allow, will make fear in me =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A, ++
Kashmiir Victims families +Assamii Victim families and Manipur victims families and Genocide
states victims families as , as it will make 1.1.9 billion Hindu voters more powerful more cruel sin
!! will show there muscles , teeth nail to us via ISRO ,JIC,IB,MI ++ FH,HM PMO!!?? So here also
ask news Rules like NSG Made in 2011 !!??
Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .= against Al-Qaida , few
against Hindutava terror !!? Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word
converter attach in scanner, four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at =www.iupac.org,
www.iupac2003.org ,www.nrc.ca , ,SAM-2006 , www.dhs.gov , I got nominate for The William T. Pecora
Award. 2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, http://remotesensing.usgs.gov/pecora.html
,=NASA Award,) Ruhel date 13-05-2011 .
(2) Dear Kenneth M ,Sorenson (=Ken.Sorenson@usdoj.gov) /Robert.Wallace@usdoj.gov
Assistant US Attorney Room 6-100 ,PJKK Federal Building
300 Ala Moana Boulevard Honolulu,. Hawaii 96850 USA , Tel : 808 541 2850 ,Fax 808 541 2958
Sir I read about one Indian case =Noshir S Gowadia spy for money case for =B-2 Spirit Bomber ..
Please My Case : (modified =Real data )
Please I have Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction
=WMD .= against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava
terror !!?
I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , was getting New advanced instrument innovation ,webs +PDFs
,from NASA Instrument innovation department , Officially from NASA HQ =dtomko@hq.nasa.gov=Dear
David L. Tomko , Manager NASA ,HQ , Plus other officials they given me on my request and due to my
publications in NASA ,and in Counter terror ,At my Email ID =rruhel2@yahoo.com ,from past 2002 Feb
to till 2008 !! at this email ID I was getting ,many webs from NASA ,those have Details electronic
structures ,different types of sensors , different types of satellites =full details ,their depth , many latest
instruments of NASA ,those were innovated , by MIT ,Caltech , Harvard ++all leading USA Universities
,scientists , for NASA , =www.nasa.gov , these all webs and their ,detailed structure of Satellites , Its
work ,its inner configuration ,
But these all things theft ,hacked ,kidnapped by Indian Intelligences =RAW,IB,NIA Hindu dogs
=Indian dogs =Hindu terrorists with out my permission , , ++ IB,RAW given this their Banned Indian
organizations =ISRO &DRDO from 1974 to 2003 ,till now , ,UGC=www.ugc.ac.in , Universities +=
INDIAN , as these Indian Dogs want that there Indian kids , will able , to learn Free , at internet ,pen
drive +DVD =Free ,Portable Hard disk =SATA =Free to all Indian kids, students ,Engineers physics
=Free gift from RAW,IB,NIA =Free which came due to name Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A =A
Christen birth in India !!?? advanced technology from directly NASA ,Advanced instruments ,this was
for Hindu rise =Hindu advanced satellites , space technology ,by used Ruhel sensor =Rchisty name all
free as Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A is minority =Christen of birth India !! While he =
dtomko@hq.nasa.gov , start to given me B’se, my list of publications ,Like Ruhel –Sensor =against terror
,bio terror
these Indian dogs =Hindu did not provide me any job in government , and ISRO ,DRDO ,IITs ,IISC,
++any national labs of chemistry physics , even PhD in Physics ,chemistry ,post doc No =Not any
from 1990 to till 2001,2000,1999 and till now !!?? ++ No =Not Any civil servants , bank officers even
I sent my resume + Demand drafts of 300 Indian rupees as I am christen birth in India !!?? while
congress party is ruling Rajasthan ,India from 1999 to till now =past 11 years !!=
manmohan@sansad.nic.in, soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, office@tharoor.in , girijav@sansad.nic.in!!??
while I know that ISRO was not having advance satellites till 2003 !! but after that ISRO was able to
made many advance satellites from my getting advance technology which was theft by Hindu dogs
=Indian dogs with out my permission !!??
Please I have Two publications Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .= against Al-Qaida , few
against Hindutava terror !!? ( Note I did these publication s from ME=-Gulf named Honest nation
,Good people nation ,not from India !!??,No way !!??)
Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. elsevier.com) from May 2007 , I am
reviewer in Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution =www.academicjournals.org/JLCR ,ISSN 20069804
. Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few
against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April
/March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry
=www.rsc.org/arf08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical
terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi
Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two
publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD . ,Pl I am one
of the reviewer in International Journal of Psychology and Counseling
http://www.academicjournals.org/Ijpc AND Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology
(www.academicjournals.org/JPHE) ) and from August 2009 ., Pl I am one of the Reviewer in African
journal of Environmental science and Technology =www.academicjournals.org/ajest
I am reviewer in International Journal of Peace and Development Studies=
www.academicjournals.org/IJPDS,I am reviewer in Journal Clinical reviews and options =
www.academicjournals.org/cro, =http://www.academicjournals.org/CRO/Email.htm, I am reviewer in
Journal of Engineering and Technology Research =www.academicjournals.org/JETR
Pl , I have Position ,at- College=BSc ,& university level in Physics = 75% in Physics in 1989 2nd year
BSc +82% in Organic chemistry 1st year ,1988 BSc, Have 78% in Integration and differential =Maths
1989 BSc www.mlsu.ac.in, India ,
* Ten =10 - publications –at-international symposium on Instrument innovation , Chromatography ,
+environmental +=+ Pittcon 2003,04,05,06=www.Pittcon.org ,EAS=www.eas.org + ,
IUPAC=www.iupac.org, =www.iupac2003.org ,National research council Canada =www.nrc.ca
=Canadian society for chemistry =CSC , www.rsc.org/arf08 =Royal society of chemistry ,UK, RACI
,IUPAC =www.raci2010.org, www.envirotox2011.org=EnviroTox 2011
[ Please list of Publications ] :- (1) New Dimension Against Terrorism: A New Sensor (Ruhel-Sensor)
Three Different Sensor's Coupling CCD (CMOS) Sensor and Rodamass Sensor (Rode of Eye) - Coupled
Olfactory Sensor-Olfactory-Enzymes Sensors Chisty R =.www.iupac.org =www.iupac2003.org P,21 (
AE-1.P033),: IUPAC - CSC 2003 Scientific Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 , AE Analytical/Environment – Poster Session Chair: TBA , RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th
conference of the Canadian society of Chemistry Aug 10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against
Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
Please I = Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , want to be a USA Citizen as terrorist expert from
India = A alone who have work against Al Quida ,Taliban and Hindu terror includes IB,RAW,
NIA=http://nia.gov.in/!! like terrorist wings from past 1990 to till now 05-04-2011.