22nd BIENNIAL CONVENTION OF THE MISSOURI DISTRICT LUTHERAN WOMEN’S MISSIONARY LEAGUE JUNE 8-10, 2012, St. Charles, MO First Meeting, Opening Service, Friday Evening, June 8, 2012 The processional was led by the Crucifer Bearer, the Acolyte, Convention Co-chairmen, Zone Presidents with banners and YWRs. Following were the appointed officers, elected officers, Past Presidents of the Missouri District LWML, participating clergy, District LWML Counselors, the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod District President, the LWML representative and the Missouri District LWML President. President Karen Drury opened the 22nd Biennial Convention of the Missouri District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, June 8, 2012, with the theme “Go Fish.” Following the call to order the convention candle was lit and the opening service began. The Proclaimer for the opening worship service was the Missouri District LCMS President Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly. Liturgist was the Rev. David Moore and the Lector was the Rev. Alan Wollenburg, Missouri District LWML Counselors. The Celebrant was the Rev. Jeffrey Cloeter, from Christ Memorial, St. Louis, the host congregation. The Choir Director was Sherry Bierwagen of Peace, South St. Louis County. Acolyte for the convention was Jonathon Drury. The Crucifer Bearer was Daniel Drury. Choir accompanist was Kendra Ruesler. The song leader was Anne Meyer from Chapel of the Cross, St. Louis, and the organist was Mark Bender, St. Paul, Des Peres. The convention banner was carried by Judy Hibbard. Chime banners were carried by YWRs. A hospitality reception was held following the opening service, where candidates and special guests were introduced by elected officers and counselors. Second Meeting, Saturday Morning, June 9, 2012 The convention reconvened at 8:20 a.m. following pre-convention singing led by Anne Meyer. President Drury introduced the Vice President of Christian Life, Christie Steffens. The YWRs interrupted with the phrase “We are the face of the LWML” and sang “Go Fish.” Christie led the members in singing “Jesus Christ” (words on the screens) to the tune of “Edelweiss.” She read the theme verse from Matthew 4:19 and led the opening devotion and prayer. Christie asked each woman to repeat after her “I am the face of LWML” and then asked the president to give each one a sticker. President Drury shared her project for the convention that was to put a sticker on everyone who approached her and said “I am the face of the LWML.” Since she is so busy, this will save time and help her reach her goal! The colors were presented by the Boy Scout Troop #724 of the Greater St. Louis Area Council, Southview School PTO. President Drury’s neice, Emily Tiehes, sang the National Anthem. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Cross were led by the Past Presidents of the Missouri District LWML. The chair recognized the Past Presidents of the Missouri District LWML, Patti Haubein, Joyce Bischoff, Jennifer Huecker and Janice Rose. Greetings and Introduction of Guests Convention Co-Chairmen Judy Hibbard and Barb Huggins Representing St. Charles Convention Center – Chardean Olsen, and Embassy Suites – Jennifer Klein LWML representative – Shari Miller Mission Speaker Mrs. Cindy Rodewald Young Woman Representatives First time convention attendees Missouri District LCMS President, Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly and wife Debbie. Dr. Mirly greeted the members with words of encouragement. He asked the women to witness to the men in congregations to get them excited about missions also. The United States is the 3rd largest mission field in the world. Missouri itself is a mission field and we are working on 35 new mission starts at this time. District officers on the dais: Recording Secretary Kathy Merritt; Vice President of Gospel Outreach Sally Handrick; Parliamentarian pro tem Janice Rose Report of the Convention Registrar – Edie Turner – 9 a.m. Past District Presidents Board of Directors Delegates Clergy YWRs Members Guests TOTAL The report was accepted to establish a quorum for voting. Registered 4 17 268 13 28 158 11 579 Right to Vote 4 15 268 0 0 287 1 Convention Rules Parliamentarian pro tem Janice Rose read the Convention Rules found on page 8 of the convention manual. Sally Handrick moved that the proposed Convention Rules as printed on page 8 be the established rules of this convention. The motion was seconded and passed by two-thirds of the delegates by standing vote. Convention Program Recording Secretary Kathy Merritt moved that the Convention Program, as printed on pages 9-12 of the convention manual, be established as the program for the convention. The motion was seconded and passed. The chair reserved the right to deviate from the program as necessary. Committee Appointments: Minutes Review – Linda Gasau, President, Concordia Zone and Nancy Lange, President, St. Louis South Zone Tellers for Election of Officers Chairman – Joanna McDowell, President of Columbia Zone, with Counselor Wollenburg Appointed Officer – Janice Rose 1. Jayne Bohnert, Altenburg 2. Gladys Smith, Cape Girardeau 3. Donna Andersen, Columbia 4. Sue Hook, Concordia 5. Loretta Smith, Iron Mountain 6. Sharon Hanning, Jackson-Bootheel 7. Ruth Wehmeyer, Jefferson City 8. Minnie Soutee, Kansas City North 9. Linda King, Kansas City South 10. Debbie Curry, Northeast 11. Linda Hormann, Rolla 12. Pamela Wenger, St. Charles 13. Pat Groves, St. Joseph 14. Alicia Borden, St. Louis North 15. Marilyn Potter, St. Louis West (not available) 16. Dee Foster, St. Louis South 17. Mary Kellogg, Sedalia 18. Robin Eggerman, Southwest 19. Barbara Jacobs, Springfield 20. Sharon Yowell, Washington 21. Rita Newman, Columbia (alternate - in place of Marilyn Potter) Tellers for Selection of Mission Grants Chairman – Amee Boettcher, President of Jackson-Bootheel with Counselor Moore Appointed Officer – Janet Ryan 1. Cindy Redecker, Altenburg 2. Becky Heuer, Cape Girardeau 3. Kathleen Lenz, Columbia 4. Stephanie Snyder, Concordia 5. Anne Torrence, Iron Mountain 6. Carol Davis, Jackson-Bootheel 7. Kathy Heinemann, Jefferson City 8. Janet Miller, Kansas City North (not available) 9. Marcele McCommon, Kansas City South 10. Dawn Neil, Northeast 11. Elizabeth Joyce, Rolla 12. Coleen Bottorff, St. Charles 13. Denise Strong, St. Joseph 14. Tina McClure, St. Louis North 15. Susan Mueller, St. Louis South 16. Laura Jostes, St. Louis West 17. Martha Breedlove, Sedalia 18. Shelia Fischer, Southwest 19. Shari Smith, Springfield 20. Kathy Rawlings, Washington 21. Paula Lorenz, Jackson-Bootheel (alternate - in place of Janet Miller) Bible Study Part 1 – The Invitation District Counselor Pastor David Moore led the members in a study of Jesus invitation (page 18 of the convention manual) in Matt. 4:19 “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” 2 Report of the 2011 Missouri District Young Woman Representatives – Jackie Albers of Columbia Zone and Cherie Choate of Springfield Zone. The young women shared their experiences at the LWML 2011 Convention in Peoria and how they were energized to begin small groups with young women where they live. Report of the Treasurer Jane Peters printed report was in the convention manual on pages 56-58. A supplemental report from 2/2/2012 to 4/30/2012 is posted on the Missouri District LWML Web site www.missourilwml.org . Total Expenses: $372,644.69 Net Income: $341,117.87 The treasurer’s report has been filed for financial review. Review of Financial Records The report of the review of financial records of the Missouri District LWML for the period of January1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, was read by the Recording Secretary. She made a motion to accept the report of financial review. The motion was seconded and passed. (Financial review report is attached to these minutes.) The convention was interrupted by Ola Maiden who came to find a husband at a fishing convention and her friend Iva Net who tried to inform her about the LWML. Mission Goal Vice President of Gospel Outreach Sally Handrick brought a recommendation: The Missouri District LWML Board of Directors recommends the following mission goal for the 2012-2014 biennium: 25% for LWML Mission Grants* $ 90,000 MO District Mission Grants $138,000 Mission Education Fund Church Worker Study Grants $55,000 Workshop/Retreat 5,000 Young Women Representatives 5,000 $ 65,000 Publications Voice Lutheran Women’s Quarterly $ 12,000 $ 55,000 Total Mission Goal $ 67,000 $360,000 Sally Handrick led a prayer before the vote on the mission goal. The Mission Goal was adopted. *25% of all mission grant receipts are sent to LWML for national grants. Anne Meyer led the assembly in song at 10 a.m. The meeting resumed at 10:10 a.m. Vice President of Christian Life Christie Steffens was seated on the dais. LWML Report Shari Miller, LWML Planner, presented a video which included the national grants and the reminder that the LWML is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. Shari gave the Caring Bridge address for Mark Kreklau who is very ill and urged the members to keep him and President Kay Kreklau in prayer. The LWML is made up of WOW women – Women of the Word. Shari mentioned some of the new catalog items and Cherie Choate and Jackie Albers modeled some of them. Shari challenged the assembly to be mentors to other women and draw them in to the LWML. Karen recognized Mrs. Hollman who is 90 years old, a charter LWML member. Recognition of New Societies and Individual Members Vice President of Servant Liz Schroeder’s full report is on pages 44 - 46 of the convention manual. Membership Statistics as of June 9, 2012: 236 Units 267 Societies 4,937 Members 28 Individual Members Total membership 4,965 Liz presented large mite boxes and membership certificates to three new societies: Ruth’s Servants in Columbia - Columbia Zone, Redeemer LWML in Kennet - Jackson Bootheel Zone and Grace LWML in Desoto – Iron Mountain Zone. Revision of the Bylaws Structure Chairman Janet Ryan presented the bylaws revisions to be considered by the convention delegates (printed on pages 40-42 of the convention manual). Before she began reading the proposed amendments as printed in the manual, she introduced the following amendments which were recommended by the Board of Directors in their meeting held yesterday 3 and presented to delegates at the delegate orientation meeting yesterday afternoon. These would be changes to the proposed amendments: ARTICLE XIII Sec.7, C, 3: have the chairman report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the District Convention. Change to: have the chairman report to the Vice president of the Gospel Outreach Department. ARTICLE XIII, Sec. 8, A, 3: have the chairman report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the District Convention. Change to: have the chairman report to the Vice President of Special Focus Ministries. ARTICLE XIII, Sec. 8, B, 4: have the chairman report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the District Convention. Change to: have the chairman report to the Vice President of Special Focus Ministries. These amendments to the amendments printed in the convention manual passed. Janet then proceded with the reading of each proposed amendment as printed in the manual with the changes above. Proposed Amendments to Missouri District LWML Bylaws – pages 40-42 ARTICLE I Rationale: to conform to LWML practices Existing bylaws read: The name of this organization shall be the Missouri District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (hereinafter referred to as District LWML) of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (hereinafter referred to as The LCMS) If adopted, will read: The name of this organization shall be the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Missouri District (hereinafter referred to as the District) of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (hereinafter referred to as The LCMS). ARTICLE III, Section 4 Rationale: to eliminate unnecessary wording while retaining the meaning of a bylaw Existing bylaws read: ….This withdrawal shall be acted upon at the next called meeting of the Board of directors. If adopted, will read: ….This withdrawal shall be acted upon at the next meeting of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE V, Section 1 Rationale: to conform to LWML practices Existing bylaws read: The elected officers shall be President, Vice President of Christian Life, Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Gospel Outreach, Vice President of Human Care, Vice President of Servant Resources, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. If adopted, will read: The elected officers shall be President, Vice President of Christian Life, Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Gospel Outreach, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Vice President of Special Focus Ministries, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. (All other references to the newly named offices/officers will be changed as a matter of housekeeping by the Structure Committee.) ARTICLE VI, Section 4 Rationale: to conform to LWML practices Existing bylaws read: A. serve as chairman of the Gospel Outreach Committee; and If adopted, will read: A. serve as chairman of the Gospel Outreach Committee and the Mission Servants Committee; and ARTICLE VIII Rationale: to add a new position Existing bylaws read: ARTICLE VIII – APPOINTED OFFICERS Section 1 The appointed officers shall be Archivist-Historian, Parliamentarian, Financial Secretary, and Administrative Assistant to the President. If adopted, will read: The appointed officers shall be Archivist-Historian, Parliamentarian, Financial Secretary, Administrative Assistant to the President, and Convention Site Coordinator. (A new Section 6 will be added) Section 6 The Convention Site Coordinator shall: A. be a non-member of the Board of Directors as Chairman of the Convention Site Committee; B. serve as a liason among the District, the convention site personnel, and host zones; 4 C. D. E. F. G. evaluate the facilities, services, and personnel of a convention site; keep records of procedures, properties, and accommodations required; be directly responsible to the President; attend Board of Directors meetings only at the request of the President; and perform such other duties as outlined in the Missouri District Leaders Manual. ARTICLE X Rationale: for clarity Existing bylaws read: ARTICLE X-CONVENTIONS If adopted, will read: ARTICLE X – DISTRICT CONVENTIONS ARTICLE X Rationale: to eliminate redundancy Existing bylaws read: Any member of the District LWML shall have the privilege of voice at the convention. If adopted, Section 7 will be deleted because the matter was already addressed in ARTICLE X, Section 1. ARTICLE XIII, Section 6, #7 Rationale: no longer a responsibility of this department Existing bylaws read: Distribute mite boxes and promote their use; and If adopted, will be added to the duties of the assistant to the president as recorded in the District Leaders’ Manual. ARTICLE XIII, Section 7 Rationale: to conform to LWML practices Existing bylaws read: Section 7 The Human Care Department shall include the Human Care Committee. The Vice President of Human Care shall be the coordinator of this department and shall serve as the chairman of the Human Care Committee. The Human Care Committee shall consist of the chairman and may have two (2) or more additional members and shall: 1. cooperate with the LWML Human Care Committee; 2. keep abreast of and promote current areas of human care; and 3. have the chairman report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the conventions. If adopted, will be changed and included in Section 6 as: The Gospel Outreach Department shall include the Church Workers Study Grants Committee, the Gospel Outreach Committee, and the Mission Servants Committee. A. The Church Workers Study Grants Committee shall… B. The Gospel Outreach Committee shall… C. The Mission Servants Committee shall consist of the chairman and may have two (2) or more additional members and shall: 1. cooperate with the LWML Mission Servants Committee; 2. keep abreast of and promote current areas of human care; and 3. have the chairman report to the Vice President of Gospel Outreach Department. ARTICLE XIII, Section 8 (new 7, if approved), #5 Existing bylaws read: 5. be responsible for coordinating young women representatives as follows: a. endeavor to interest young women in the LWML; b. encourage the zones to send young women representatives to the District convention at zone expense and to coordinate their activities at the convention; c. oversee the selection of two (2) Young Women Representatives to attend the LWML Convention at District expense; and If adopted, will be moved to a new Section 8 as: Section 8 The Special Focus Ministries The Special Focus Ministries shall include the Heart to Heart Sisters and the Young Women’s Committee. The Vice President of Special Focus Ministries shall be coordinator of the department and serve as chairman of each committee. A. The Heart to Heart Sisters Committee shall consist of the chairman and two (2) other members and shall: 1. (when LWML determines the duties for this office, we 2. will include our duties here) 3. have the chairman report to the Vice President of Special Focus Ministries 5 B. The Young Women’s Committee shall consist of the chairman and two (2) other members and shall be responsible for coordinating young women representatives as follows: 1. endeavor to interest young women in the LWML; 2. encourage the zones to send young women representatives to the District convention at zone expense and coordinate their activities at the convention; 3. oversee the selection of two (2) Young Women Representatives to attend the LWML Convention at District expense; and 4. have the chairman report to the Vice President of Special Focus Ministries. The bylaws amendments were approved by the convention delegates. Guidelines for Nominations Parliamentarian pro tem Janice Rose read Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws. “Additional nominations for elective offices, except for Pastoral Counselor, may be made from the floor of the convention. The written consent of the candidate to serve, if elected, shall have been secured.” Report of the Nominating Committee Teresa Backs a member of the Nominating Committee presented the following slate of candidates for office as printed on pages 28-31 of the convention manual. Vice President of Christian Life Ruth Oexman, Kansas City South Carolyn Scott, Northeast Zone Vice President of Special Focus Ministries Jackie Albers, Columbia Zone Donna Boenisch, Kansas City South Zone Recording Secretary Linda Verman, Kansas City Zone Myra Weber, Jefferson City Zone Treasurer Diane Knutson, Jefferson City Zone Karen Weber, Concordia Zone Counselor Rev. Kenneth J. Gerike, Columbia Zone Rev. Gary Griffin, Southwest Zone When nominations were closed, the President invited the candidates to come to the stage as they were introduced. Missouri District President of the Lutheran Laymen’s League – Mr. Brian Mitchell Mr. Mitchell spoke about the work of the LLL going forward with pod casts and video based Bible studies. He encouraged the LWML to check out the Men’s Network Website, and Lutheran Hour Ministry materials online. Announcements – Convention Co-Chairman Judy Hibbard Prayer before lunch was offered by Jefferson City Zone President Crystal Lueckenhoff. The meeting was recessed until 1:15 p.m. Third Meeting, Saturday Afternoon, June 9, 2012 Pre-session singing began at 1:15 p.m. The convention was called to order by President Drury at 1:30 p.m. She announced that the first offering at the opening service was $4,737.42 designated to the 2012-2014 District Mission Goal. Pastor Wollenburg opened with prayers as requested by the members. Vice President of Human Care, Joan Schlichter and Vice President of Communication, Alice Troyke were welcomed to the stage. Joan led a prayer to begin the third session and the LWML Pledge and then was seated on the dais. Vice President of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, Missouri District – Mr. Dennis Klussman The LCEF provided funds for the convention tote bags. The members expressed their thanks with a warm welcome. Mr. Klussman said they have had a good response to electronic contribution methods. Congregations who have debt can borrow 6 from LCEF funds. Mission Speaker – Cindy Rodewald Mrs. Rodewald was introduced by Christie Steffens, Vice President of Christian Life. Cindy and her husband have been serving in Africa for 12 years. She is currently providing orientation and training for short term missionaries and supervises their efforts in South Africa. She was thankful for the prayers that sustained them throughout the time they have been serving. She said God chooses us because of what He wants to do through us. Any accomplishments are His alone. Interrupted again! “She who dies with the most convention bags wins!” Iva Net corrected Olde Maiden’s ideas about mites and mission grants. Selection of Mission Grants Vice President of Gospel Outreach Sally Handrick introduced a power point presentation highlighting the grants for consideration at this convention. The grant nominations are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Family Shield Radio Expansion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….….....$ 6,000 Communicating God’s Love: Speech and Language Therapy for St. Louis Area Lutheran Schools.........................................................$20,000 Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Food Bank………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...$ 8,000 Gospel Outreach through Ai Ji Press………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….$ 3,000 United in Christ Lutheran School Mission Message Board........................................................................................................................$ 6,722 “Weekend Food Backpack” program…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..$ 5,000 International (Partner Church) Graduate Student Support at Seminary, St. Louis……………………………………………………………..$10,000 Immanuel Lutheran Scholarship Assistance………………………………………………………………………………………………………..$10,000 St. Paul Institute for Education (“SPIFE”) for Campus Ministries in Missouri District…………………………………………….……………$23,000 Grace Place International Missionaries’ Retreat……………………………………………………………………………………………...……$10,000 Northland Lutheran Outreach………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...$25,000 Leckband Scholarship for Community Outreach in Educational Related Ministry……………………………………………………………..$ 5,000 Teaching Resources, Music and Aids for Sharing God’s Word at Calvary Lutheran High School & to the World …………………………$10,000 Preparing “Jesus el Buen Pastor Lutheran Church” for Gospel Ministry in Kansas City’s Westside Neighborhood………………….……$ 8,400 Concordia Gospel Outreach Literature Kits for Mission Trips and Servant Events…………………………………………………………….$12,500 Training Future Pastors in Uganda………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………$10,000 Veterans of the Cross ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………...$ 5,000 Helping Blind People See Jesus………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….$ 6,000 Lutheran Mission Partnership of Southeast Missouri……………………………………………………………………………………………...$ 9,000 St. Paul Church Plant ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…...$5,000 Ship School Supplies/Books to Liberia through Orphan Grain Train………………………………………………………………………….…$ 8,000 Saxony Lutheran High School Media Enhancement Project……………………………………………………………………………………..$15,516 St. Paul Child Care Center, After-School Expansion Project……………………………………………………………………………………..$13,819 Educational Resources to Student Outcomes in Lutheran Elementary Schools in St. Louis…………………………………………………$18,000 Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Computer Project…………………………………………………………………………………….…….....$ 5,000 Report of the Convention Registrar – Edie Turner Past District LWML Presidents Board of Directors Delegates Clergy YWRs Members Guests TOTAL Registered 5 38 271 11 26 224 14 589 Right to Vote 4 35 271 0 0 310 The report was accepted to establish a quorum for voting. Voting for Mission Grants Recording Secretary Kathy Merritt brought a recommendation from the Board of Directors: The BOD recommends that the voting body vote for eight (8) grants, and that a plurality vote decide the selection of mission grants within the limits of the established goal. The recommendation was adopted. Prayer before voting for mission grants was offered by Karin Poppe, President of the Sedalia Zone. Ballots were distributed to the voting body and collected by the tellers. The President requested a song break at 3 p.m. The meeting resumed at 3:15 p.m. Vice President of Communication, Alice Troyke was seated on the dais for this session. 7 Bible Study #2 – The Tackle Box Pastor Moore expanded the Bible study on fishing by checking the bait and hook for catching men. The hook is the Gospel, while our own experience of God’s love is the bait. Discussion in small groups followed. Election of Officers and Counselor Report of the Convention Registrar – Edie Turner – 3:50 p.m. Registered Past District LWML Presidents 5 Board of Directors 38 Delegates 270 Clergy 11 YWRs 26 Members 224 Guests 14 TOTAL 588 Right to Vote 4 35 270 0 ____ 309 Election of Officers Parliamentarian pro tem Janice Rose read Article V, Sections 1 and 2, A, B, C and Article IX, Section 1 dealing with election of officers. Prayer before voting for officers and counselor was offered by Deb Schroeder, President of the Washington Zone. Ballots were distributed to the voting body and collected by the tellers. Keynote Speaker – Cynthia Kahn Alice Troyke, Vice President of Communication, introduced Cynthia Kahn. Cynthia shared the difficulties and challenges of witnessing to Muslims with a power point presentation. She said we must strengthen our young women of college age who might be influenced by congenial Muslim men. She encouraged the members to support POBLO (People of the Book Lutheran Outreach) which works with the LCMS to reach out to Muslims in the U.S. and around the world. Announcements – Convention Co-Chairman Judy Hibbard Prayer to close the session was offered by Clara Mueller, President of the St. Louis North Zone. Fourth Meeting, Saturday June 9, 2012, the Banquet Musical entertainment was provided by Community Gospel Choir of the greater St. Louis area following the banquet. They were about 60 very joyful, lively performers of gospel music. The founder and director is Cecelia Stearman who designed the group to help break down barriers – racial, cultural and economic – in the community. Fifth Meeting, Sunday, June 10, 2012 President Drury called the convention to order at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, June 10, 2012, following singing led by Anne Meyer. Vice President of Servant Resources Liz Schroeder was seated on the dais for this meeting. Bible Study #3 – The Fishing Hole Pastor Moore led the search for the place to fish. Where? All around us! The ladies shared freely in small groups. Report of the Convention Registrar – Edie Turner – 9 a.m. Edie gave the final credentials report. The number eligible to vote is 279. The report was accepted as a quorum for voting. Registered Right to Vote Past District LWML Presidents 4 3 Board of Directors 37 34 Delegates 242 242 Clergy 11 YWRs 26 0 Members 210 Guests 10 ____ TOTAL 540 279 8 Report of the Tellers for Election of Officers and Counselor – Chairman Joanna McDowell Vice President of Christian Life There were 310 eligible to vote with 302 votes cast and no illegal votes. 152 votes needed for election. Ruth Oexman 147 Carolyn Scott 155 Vice President of Special Focus Ministries There were 310 eligible to vote with 299 votes cast and no illegal votes. 150 votes needed for election. Jackie Albers 240 Donna Boenisch 59 Recording Secretary There were 310 eligible to vote with 297 votes cast and no illegal votes. 149 votes needed for election. Myra Weber 179 Linda Verman 118 Treasurer There were 310 eligible to vote with 302 votes cast and no illegal votes. 152 votes needed for election. Diane Knutson 139 Karen Weber 163 Counselor There were 310 eligible to vote with 300 votes cast and no illegal votes. 151 votes needed for election. Rev. Kenneth Gerike 130 Rev. Gary Griffin 170 The chair declared those whose names are underlined as duly elected officers and counselor. Report of the Tellers of Mission Grants – Chairman Amee Boettcher Number eligible to vote – 309; 306 ballots cast; 2439 votes; 0 illegal ballots Grant Amount Vote Rank 1. Family Shield Radio Expansion……………………………………………………………………………………………83……..12…….......$ 6,000 2. Communicating God’s Love: Speech and Language Therapy for St. Louis Area Lutheran Schools. ….........78….... 14..............$17,600 (This grant receives 17,600 as partial payment of grant request of $20,000) 3. Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Food Bank……………………………………………………………………………..238……..01…...…...$ 8,000 4. Gospel Outreach through Ai Ji Press………………………………………………………………………………………...66……..17.…….….$ 3,000 5. United in Christ Lutheran School Mission Message Board..........................................................................................62……..18...............$6,722 6. “Weekend Food Backpack” program………………………………………………………………………………..…..157……..04…….…..$ 5,000 7. International (Partner Church) Graduate Student Support at Seminary, St. Louis……………………………….24……..08………..$10,000 8. Immanuel Lutheran Scholarship Assistance………………………………………………………………………..…..97……..10....……..$10,000 9. St. Paul Institute for Education (“SPIFE”) for Campus Ministries in Missouri District………………………………...…75……..15.….……$23,000 10. Grace Place International missionaries Retreat……………………………………………………………………….……71……..16....…..…$10,000 11. Northland Lutheran Outreach………………………………………………………………………………………….…...81……..13…......…$25,000 12. Leckband Scholarship for Community Outreach in Educational Related Ministry………………………………………50……..22………...$ 5,000 13. Teaching Resources, Music and Aids for Sharing God’s Word at Calvary Lutheran High School & to the World .....87….….11...……..$10,000 14. Preparing “Jesus el Buen Pastor Lutheran Church” for Gospel Ministry in Kansas City’s Westside Neighborhood 104…….09…........…$8,400 15. Concordia Gospel Outreach Literature Kits for Mission Trips and Servant Events……………………………………..56…….20…..…….$12,500 16. Training Future Pastors in Uganda……………………………………………………………………………………….130.…...07.…..……$10,000 17. Veterans of the Cross ……………………………………………………………………………………………150….…05….……...$ 5,000 18. Helping Blind People See Jesus…………………………………………………………………………………………..178…....02………….$ 6,000 19. Lutheran Mission Partnership of Southeast Missouri............................................................................................149……06…...…....$ 9,000 20. St. Paul Church Plant ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….43….…24.….…......$ 5,000 21. Ship School Supplies/Books to Liberia through Orphan Grain Train…………...………………………………...158……03..……...…$ 8,000 22. Saxony Lutheran High School Media Enhancement Project……………………………………………………………...59……19…..…..…..$15,516 23. St. Paul Child Care Center, After-School Expansion Project…………………………………………………………..….49……23…………..$13,819 24. Educational Resources to Student Outcomes in Lutheran Elementary Schools in St. Louis……………………….....55……21……….…$18,000 25. Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Computer Project………………………………………………………………..……39…….25…….….…$ 5,000 The chair declared that the above grants listed in bold print were the duly chosen Missouri District LWML Mission Grants for the 2012-2014 biennium for a total of $138,000. 9 Young Women Acknowledgement Sally Aschinger, Chairman of Leader Development Committee introduced her committee, and then the 26 YWRs, from zones, and societies. The convention body rose and gave them a round of applause. Sally announced that $480 was received for the neck wraps the young women made and will be given for convention expenses. President Drury requested that the Vice President of Servant Resources Liz Schroeder temporarily preside. Report of the President – Karen Drury Karen told the members that they all are the face of the LWML, all ages, cultures or other diversities. Her mother and grandmother were involved in serving the church through the LWML. She had encouragers in her church and she invited everyone to encourage other women to join the LWML. Interrupters Karen introduced the two women who added humor to our convention agenda. Both women, Daphna Fiehler and Eileen Schlichting , are members in her society in Cape Girardeau, SEMO LWML Potters Clay with members from six local congregations. 2012 Convention Committee Recognition Convention Co-Chairmen Judy Hibbard and Barbara Huggins introduced the committee chairmen and recognized all the women who worked on this convention. 2014 Convention Invitation Jean Novotny and ladies from the St. Joseph and Kansas City North Zones presented an invitation for the 2014 convention in Kansas City. Ingathering Dedication Vice President of Human Care Joan Schlichter, with her committee, announced that $2,899 was collected for International Student Ministry, 241 first aid kits were collected for Christian Friends of New Americans and $3,980 in gift cards were given for Lydia House. That is about $9,000 given for our ingathering. Praise the Lord for generous hearts. Prayers of Thanksgiving Pastor Wollenburg led prayers of dedication for the ingathering, prayers for the nation and for those needs requested by the members. Annoucements Karen announced that the Mission Walk pledges brought in $5,482.92 for the mission goal. The Mission Fair sold $3,557.33 of craft items. The total from the sale of YWR neck wraps amounted to $500. Convention Co-Chairman Judy Hibbard gave final announcements. The 22nd Biennial Convention of the Missouri District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League was adjourned following the worship service. Closing Service Rev. Alan Wollenburg preached at the closing service and conducted the installation of officers. Rev. David Moore was the Liturgist. Kathy Merritt Recording Secretary 10