Name - Armstrong State University

Read Carefully
Name ____________________________
ITEC 1050
Exam 2 (100 points)
September 24, 2007
Multiple Choice (2 points each)
1. What term describes the specification for how internal components, such as the
motherboard, are mounted in the system unit?
a. Form factor
b. Footprint
c. Component spec
d. Form footprint
2. Unicode is a universal coding standard code that:
a. Includes character representations for many of the world’s languages
b. Provides 256 different combinations to represent characters
c. Uses only one binary digit
d. Uses eight-bit code
3. Which of the following is not a type of memory?
a. RAM
b. Cache
c. ROM
d. ALU
4. What do you call the ability of a computer to run more than one processor at a time?
a. Multiple processing
b. Serial processing
c. Dual processing
d. Parallel processing
5. Which of the following is a WAN connection point that enables users to access the
WAN through a local phone call?
a. Permanent virtual circuit (PVC)
b. Point of presence (POP)
c. Leased line
d. Frame relay
Name: _____________________________
6. Which of the following components would you not find inside the system unit?
a. Motherboard
b. Power supply
c. Keyboard
d. Cooling fan
7. This is the name given to an electronic circuit that carries data from one computer
component to another.
a. Data lead
b. Bus
c. Trace
d. Chip
8. Which of the following is not a computer network?
a. Local area network (LAN)
b. Wide area network (WAN)
c. Peer-to-peer network (P2PN)
d. Leased-line area network (L2AN)
9. Which term describes the phenomenon of more than one computer trying to use the
network at the same time?
a. Contention
b. Competition
c. Communication
d. Congestion
10. Which of the following is not a true statement about packet switching technology?
a. Packet switching is quite reliable, as alternative routes for a packet will be
pursued if a portion of the network is down.
b. Packet switching is cheaper than circuit switching, as it does not require the
expense of high-speed electronic switches to establish and maintain the endto-end circuit.
c. Packet switching makes use of routers to examine packet addresses and move
them along toward their destination.
d. If one packet is received out of sequence, the entire message must be
retransmitted to ensure it is correct at the destination computer.
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Name: _____________________________
11. When storing data about a single employee, the name, street, and telephone number
are each entered in:
a. Fields
b. Keys
c. Records
d. Tables
12. Which of the following would be the BEST choice for the primary key in a student
a. Date of birth
b. Year in college
c. Last name
d. Social Security number
13. Which switching method is used to communicate over the Internet?
a. Token
b. Packet
c. Circuit
d. Distributed
14. Which of the following extracts instructions from memory and then decodes and
executes them?
a. Control unit
b. RAM
c. ROM
d. Data bus
15. Referring to the levels in a database, which group of terms is in the correct order
(lowest to highest)?
a. Character, field, record
b. Character, record, field
c. Field, record, character
d. Record, field, character
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Name: _____________________________
16. One or more of these make up a data file.
a. Characters
b. Fields
c. Records
d. BLOBs
17. This technology allows CDs to be rewritten.
a. CD-R
c. CD-RW
18. The term “network topology” refers to the:
a. Type of Internet connections available to users of the network.
b. Type of network operating system used on the file server
c. Physical layout of network components, including workstations and
d. Contention management strategy utilized to resolve collisions
19. What is the name for the boxlike case that houses the computer’s main hardware
a. Computer unit
b. System unit
c. Expansion unit
d. Computer processing unit
20. To connect to a LAN, a computer must be equipped with which of the following?
a. Network interface card (NIC) or Ethernet port
b. Backbone
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
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Name: _____________________________
21. If a ZIP code is entered in a field intended for a phone number, which principle of
good database design has been violated?
a. Data independence
b. Data redundancy
c. Data integrity
d. Data security
22. If a database contains the same information (e.g. address, phone number) more than
once, what is this an example of?
a. Data independence
b. Data security
c. Data integrity
d. Data redundancy
23. What term describes a technique that is used to discover previously unknown patterns
within data?
a. Data mining
b. Data redundancy reduction
c. Relational database
d. Decision support system
24. Assume a company stores a customer’s address in two separate tables. When a
change of address card is received, data in both tables must be modified. This
database suffers from _______________ problems.
a. Integrity
b. Dependence
c. Redundancy
d. Security
25. Which term is used to describe the validity of data stored in a database?
a. Data independence
b. Data integrity
c. Data redundancy
d. Data security
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Name: _____________________________
26. Provide two examples of applications you have used that use databases. This is not
referring to applications we have used in class. Instead, this should be applications
that you interact with as a user/customer. Provide examples of the type of data you
would expect to see in these databases. (4 points)
a. Bank website or ATM – username, password, pin, account numbers,
customer name, customer address, balances, transactions
b. Amazon – username, password, shopping cart, purchases, addresses
c. EBay – username, password, auctions, purchases
27. List some differences between the ASCII and Unicode character standards? (6 points)
8 bits
16 bits
Number of
65, 536
English and
additional keyboard
characters (numbers,
symbols, return, tab,
etc.) with additional
characters for some
European alphabets
Most of the world’s alphabets including
complex alphabets like Chinese, Japanese,
áçéñ キザダホポ
ößü ‫غرذج‬
28. While discussing the four steps of the fetch/execute cycle we talked about the concept
of pipelining as it relates to this cycle. Describe what pipelining means in this context.
Drawing a diagram might be helpful. (6 points)
a. As one process completes the first step of the fetch/execute cycle and
moves on to the second step a new process begins the first step. This
continues so that during each clock cycle it is possible for four processes
to be in the fetch/execute cycle at the same time, with each process at a
different step in the cycle.
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Name: _____________________________
29. What are the differences between a LAN and a WAN? (4 points)
Local geographic area. Normally
in the same room, floor, or
Large geographic area, usually covering
several miles up to thousands of miles.
Direct cabling, localized wireless
radio, or infrared signals.
Long-distance transmission media, such as
phone lines, microwave transmissions, or
even satellites.
30. Provide a definition of each of these five advantages of database management
systems, describing their importance to a good database. (10 points)
a. Data Integrity – ensures data are valid.
b. Data Independence – Input data are kept separate from program data.
This means that the same database can be used with multiple applications
or the application or data can change without changing the other. (e.g.
bank database being accessed by the teller applications, ATM
application, and web application)
c. Avoiding data redundancy – repetition of input data is avoided. Instead
of repeating data in multiple tables you can simply store the data that
needs to be repeated in one table and then relate that table to the other
d. Data Security – Data are not accessible to unauthorized users. The
hardware storing the data are physically secured, using backups, multiple
locations, UPS devices, etc.
e. Data Maintenance – Set procedures for adding, updating, and deleting
records are in place.
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Name: _____________________________
31. Matching (20 points)
3. sector
5. Form factor
Seek time
8. token
Data validation
11. footprint
Expansion card
14. Key field
A pressure-sensitive device that responds to a finger’s
movement over its surface.
The time it takes the read/write head to locate data
before reading or writing begins
A technique that uses many processors running at the
same time.
A network in which all of the computers are equal.
A special unit of data that travels around a ring in a
ring topology.
An area in a database that accepts and stores a certain
type of data.
A system that gathers and processes data periodically.
The specification for mounting internal components
such as the motherboard.
A type of input in which the computer recognizes
spoken words
A large database capable of storing all the information
that a corporation possesses.
The smallest unit of information that a computer can
work with.
l. A section of a disk set aside as if it were a physically
separate disk
m. All of the computers that access the server.
Used to define an acceptable input range for each field
in a record.
o. A pie-shaped wedge used to divide the tracks of a disk
16. Data warehouse p. A plug-in adapter used to connect peripherals to the
17. field
q. Consists of eight bits and represents one unit or
character of storage.
18. Touch pad
r. The amount of space taken up by the case on the desk.
19. Peer-to-peer
s. Supports management’s strategic-planning function.
20. Partition
t. A part of a record that uniquely identifies that record in
its database table.
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