Opening page content

myCMS Training
Author Overview
Logging in ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Opening page content .................................................................................................................................. 2
Editing page content ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Submitting content for approval ................................................................................................................ 10
Importing images and documents .............................................................................................................. 11
Locked pages/files....................................................................................................................................... 14
Content approval ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Note: myCMS (TeamSite) has been
upgraded on 29 October 2012.
This document shows the new
functionality, where possible, but if you
find that you need any assistance do not
hesitate to contact the Service Desk by
email or ring 51333.
Logging in
Open Internet Explorer and navigate
Enter your zID for your Username
and your zPass as your Password
(Your UniPass if you have one)
Opening page content
The structure and navigation of your site is maintained by the Site Administrator. As an author, you may
only edit content on an existing webpage. The exception to this is creating news articles (where your
site supports news indexing) or sub-content pages (which do not have direct site navigation). To add a
new content page to your website navigation, see your Site Administrator.
There are two ways to select the existing content you wish to edit
1. Through your website
On your website, navigate to the
page you wish to edit and, in the
page footer, select the Edit this
page link.
This link is only available to computers on the University network.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
2. Through the CMS
After you log in you should expand
the default.
Then expand main, then expand
Look for your website. Then select
WORKAREA. For example:
In the TeamSite Content tab, select
main_site then htdocs in the left
In the right pane, locate the
homepage (typically index.html) and
click the link to open a preview.
Navigate through the site to the
page you wish to edit and click Edit.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Editing page content
Header properties
This area relates to the page
metadata (Search Title, Content
Description and Keywords).
This section only appears on older
websites. It is no longer used by
Search Engines.
Search Title will appear in the
browser title bar and tab title of
your page.
It is also used by Google/Bing in the
title of the search results entry.
Keywords must be separated by commas and a space. For example: Water, hydraulic, humidity
Right hand side feature
This feature controls an (optional)
image on your page to the right side
of your content. Click Browse to
search for an imported image in
your images folder.
The Image you specify must exist under the htdocs/images folder (see Importing images and
documents, below).
The value in Alt Attribute appears when the user’s mouse hovers over the image on the web page. A
mandatory field, it is also used by screen readers for the blind and should describe the image.
Image Caption is optional. If specified, it will appear below the image.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Main page content
Page content is composed of Page
Sections; each with its own
(optional) heading. There is no limit
to the number of sections a page
can hold.
Page sections can be added,
reordered and deleted using the
controls on the right of the Page
Section block
Each Page Section is composed of Features,
with different properties. There is no limit to
the number of Features a Page Section can
The most commonly-used functionality
is available from the HTML Editor
Plain Text is unformatted text that appears on the page, following the site’s style
Header Text is formatted using the site’s heading style
Sub Header Text is formatted using the site’s sub-heading style
Numbered Lists and Bullet Lists can also be formatted using the HTML Editor feature
Back to top link provides a one-click mechanism for adding a standard Back to top link on the page. Back to
top links can also be formatted using the HTML Editor feature.
Horizontal line, Graphics (images), Highlight Text (bold), Data Tables and Layout Tables can also be
formatted using the HTML Editor feature.
Include enables a generated snippet of content to be included on a page. For information on available
snippets and how to include them, see your Site Administrator.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
HTML Editor provides a what-you-seeis-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) interface
for content entry
Controls at the top of the window
enable formatting of text in the window
To format a paragraph with Bullets or
Numbering or to Decrease or Increase
indentation, select the text and click
the relevant tool button.
To insert a table to format information,
select the Add Table tool button.
See: How to create and edit tables with the HTML Editor.
To insert a horizontal line to
visually separate content, select
the Horizontal Rule tool
button. Its appearance is
governed by the site’s style.
To insert an image, select the
Insert/Edit Image tool button.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Select the image using the
Browse button to the right of
the Image URL.
Enter an Image Description.
Click Insert.
The image will be inserted into
For more information on the HTML Editor, see: HTML Editor Tools.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Links in content
Links comprise two parts: The link the user clicks on and the destination of the link (Link URL). The
destination can be a web page (or a particular anchor/bookmark on a web page), a file or an email address.
To link to a file on your site, the file needs to be imported (see Importing images and documents, below)
Links can be created and modified in the WYSIWYG HTML Editor feature.
Create a link by selecting the text or
image you wish to be linked and click the
Insert/Edit Link button.
a) To link to a page/file on your site,
specify the Link URL as page name
and path (including leading /). For
example, to link to the page
/research.htm, enter Link URL as
b) To link to a page/file on another site,
enter the full URL with protocol
(http://) in Link URL. For example:
c) To create a link that creates a new
email, specify the Link URL as mailto:
followed by the recipient’s email
address. For example,
The Target specifies where the linked page/file is opened. By default, it will open in the same window. To
open it in a new window, specify the Target as _blank.
You can remove the link by placing the cursor on the link and clicking the Unlink button. Removing
the link does not remove the (un)linked page/file.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Page Anchors/Bookmarks
For long pages, you may wish to link to a particular section of the page. Each Page Section has an
Anchor/Bookmark automatically created. The Anchor Name for these is the same as the section
Heading Text with whitespace removed.
Position the cursor and click the
Anchor tool button to create an
Anchor/Bookmark on the page.
Enter the Anchor Name and click
The Anchor Name should not
include spaces.
To link to an Anchor/Bookmark on the current page, when you create the link, specify the Link URL as #
followed by the Anchor Name. For example, #futurestudents.
To link to an Anchor/Bookmark on another page, add this expression to the end of the page name. For
example, to link to the futurestudents Anchor/Bookmark on research.htm, the Link URL should be
Where you link to an automatically-generated Anchor/Bookmark for a Page Section, if the
section Heading Text is changed, the link will need to be manually updated to reflect the new
Anchor Name.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Submitting content for approval
After completing your changes to
the page, Save your work and
Preview your page.
At the bottom of the page, select
Select Next Action as Submit Now
Select Attach to existing task or
new job as New Job
Click Next >>
Choose the correct workflow.
Select Content Approval
(For a News Article, select News
Article Approval)
Click Next >>
Add a short Job Description for the
Select the Approver from the list
and confirm the Timeout in hours
(the time the approver has before
the approval job should bounce
back to you).
Click Finish
The approver will receive an email notifying them of a job requiring their approval.
Your changes will not be visible on the website until they have been approved. You will receive
an email once this is complete.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Importing images and documents
In order to use images and documents (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.) on your site, they must be imported into
the CMS and then published to your site.
The same process is used to import images and documents. Although it will vary from site to site,
images will generally reside under the htdocs/images folder; documents under htdocs/docs. You can
create subfolders for managing your images.
In some cases, folders will be created on your site with security restrictions to ensure sensitive
information is only available to authorised individuals. Your Site Administrator will be able to advise you
on where sensitive files should be imported to.
Before importing an image or a document, ensure that the name of the file does not contain
spaces. For example, openday.jpg or open-day.pdf, rather than Open Day.jpg or Open Day.pdf.
Filenames with spaces will not link properly in all web browsers.
Please ensure that your image is the correct size before importing it into TeamSite. For information on
Resizing Images see:
In TeamSite Content tab, select the
folder under htdocs that the image
or document should be imported to.
For example, htdocs/images or
myCMS Training
Author Overview
From the menu, select File ->
Import, or click the Import tool bar
The right pane will display the
Import To page
You will need Java installed
on your computer
( If it is not
installed, contact Service Desk.
Using the top half of the pane,
highlight the required file(s) and
select Add. The file will be shown in
the bottom half of the pane.
Once you have added the required
files, select Import.
Your files will be imported to the
TeamSite server and should appear
in the selected folder.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
If you wish to replace a file on your
site with a new version, you can
repeat the file import process.
A confirmation message will be
displayed when you click Import.
Once uploaded to the Content Management Server, the imported file will need to be submitted for
approval to publish it to the website.
Similarly, if a new version of a file has been imported, the new version will need to be submitted for
approval before it is visible on the site.
To submit more than one file, use
the checkboxes to select the items
you wish to submit and either click
the Submit toolbar link, or from the
menu select Actions -> New Job.
Choose the correct workflow. Select
Content Approval
Click Next
Add a short Job Description for the
Select the Approver from the list.
Confirm the Timeout in hours as the
time the approver has before the
approval job should bounce back to
Click Start Job
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Locked pages/files
TeamSite uses a locking system to prevent content changes being overwritten where two users are
editing the same page or file. You will obtain the lock on a page when you edit it, on a file when you
import it. The lock is only released once you submit the page/file for approval, or explicitly unlock it.
In the TeamSite Content tab, the
icon next to a page/file’s name
changes depending on if it is locked
and who has the lock.
A key denotes it is locked by
you (you have the key)
A padlock denotes it is locked
by another author (you do not
have the key)
Click the Properties link on the right to view details of the lock. The Locked field displays the staff ID of
the author and date the lock was taken.
An item can only be unlocked by the author who locked it.
You can view all the items you have
locked in the TeamSite Content tab.
In the left pane, select the top
main_site folder and from the menu
select View -> My Locked Files
myCMS Training
Author Overview
You will see the items you have
locked in the right pane. At the top
of the pane, it will also confirm that
you are viewing My Locked Files:
You can narrow the list by selecting
a folder in the left pane. The right
pane will only show locked items
under the selected folder.
You will continue to only see
your locked items (even if you
log out and back into TeamSite) until
you select View -> All Files from the
To unlock a single page/file select
the Unlock link on the right.
To unlock more than one page/file,
use the checkboxes to select the
items you wish to unlock and either
click the Unlock toolbar link, or from
the menu select Actions -> Unlock.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Content approval
Reviewing changes
Select the TeamSite Workflow tab.
Select Tasks and in the View listbox
select My Open Tasks.
When you select a task from the list,
its details are shown in the Task
Details pane below.
Scroll down the Task Details to see a
list of Attached Files. For each
attached page/file:
 Select the Preview link to view
the submitted page/file, or
 Select the View Differences link
to compare the submitted page
side-by-side with the current
approved version.
Do not open and edit a file that is pending approval as this may create workflow conflicts
Accepting changes
Once you have completed your review you may choose to accept the changes for your website.
In the Complete Task section at the
bottom of the Task Details pane add
a comment and select Accept
The changes will be published to
your website and the author will
receive an email notifying them that
the changes have been approved.
myCMS Training
Author Overview
Rejecting changes
Once you have completed your review you may choose to reject the changes for your website and
return the task to the author for further work.
In the Complete Task section at the
bottom of the Task Details pane add
a comment for the author and select
The author will receive an email
notifying them that the changes
have been rejected, including the
comment you entered.
myCMS Training
Author Overview