Tumut High School Presentation Evening Program 2012

Presentation Evening
Monday, 10th December
Mr Bob Lange
Relieving Deputy Principal
Mr Nigel Reece
Entrance of Official Party
National Anthem
Breh Abric
School Captain, Michael Tozer
Welcome to Country
Ms Winner Bulger
Principal’s Address
Mr Bob Lange
Tumut High School
Tumut Shire Council DUX Award 2011
Mayor Mrs Trina Thomson
SRC Report
Darcy Hughes
Year 7 Awards
Presenter: Mrs Rachel Pearce
Year 8 Awards
Presenter: Mrs Anna Whyte
Musical Item
“Wild Horses”
Gabrielle Thomson (vocals and piano)
Year 9 Awards
Presenter: Mr Mathew Watts
Year 10 Awards
Presenter: Miss Debra Fowler
Year 11 Awards
Presenter: Mrs Stacy Clark
Year 12 Awards
Presenter: Mrs Stacy Clark
Musical Item
Aidan Hartshorn (vocals) & Mr James Ellyard (guitar)
NAB School First Impact Award Presentation
Mr Tony Butler
School Blues
Presenter Mrs Lynne Mullane
Hall of Fame
Presenter Mr Bob Lange
Musical Item
“Cold Desert”
Jackson Quinnell (vocals and guitar)
Special Awards
Ms Winnie Bulger, Mrs Zena Graham, Mr James Hayes(OAM),
Mrs Karen Hayes, Mrs Jo-Ann Stroud, Mr Tim Oliver,
Mr Albert Manning (OAM), Mrs Stacy Clark, Ms Sue Bailey,
Mr Gordon Webb, Mr Steven Walker,
Mrs Raylee Levey, Mrs May Doon (OAM), Mr Stephen Burns,
Mr Craig Van Risjwick, Mr Darryl Ryan, Ms Alison McMillan,
Ms Deborah Nicholls, Mrs Carmel Stuckey, Mr Stephen Bellchamber,
Mrs Cheryl Marley, Mr Michael McCormack, Miss Danika Barnard,
Mr Phil Bennetts, Mr Peter Brabin, Miss Melanie Roberts,
Mrs Lyn Devereux, Visy Pulp & Paper and Mr Kieren Cusack
Thank you
School Captain, Jayde Machell
Exit of Official Party
Supper will be served in the FD Purcell Centre
Mr Daryl Maguire - Member for Wagga Wagga, Mrs Marilyn McColl,
Riverina Community College, CSU Faculty of Education, Mrs Gail Rowland,
Zac Zacharia Optometrists, Ms Caroline Chaplin, Mr Peter Becker,
Mr David Fletcher Mr John Deacon, Mr Jervis Hayes,
Mrs Lieschen Chevallier and Aimee Chevallier.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Breh Abric
Kieran Back
Zak Barton
Dana Buckingham
Jarrod Casey
Jack Cooper
Isabelle Cribb
Mackenzie Day
Matthew Dodd
Joe Hampstead
Sophie Hickson
Abigail Hobson
Georgia Hughes
Ethan Ings
Nicole Kell
Saige Lawrence
Molly Manns
Dana McGrath
Daniel McGregor
Tahlia Owers
Aisha Polmeer
Ruby Spicer
Natalie Stubbs
Kayley Symons
Monique Toppin
Ben Treglown
Nicholas Webb
Shanade Aylett
Kiahan Bellchambers
Madeleine Casey
Justin Day
Zachary Dowell
Aron Fitzsimmons
Madeleine Freebody
Casey French
Grant Hardwick
Joey Hargreaves
Brianna Hartshorn
William Harvey
Tiannah Hobson
Taylor Hounsell
Chelsea Jacobson
Bronwyn Jaynoy
Sarah Kakoulidis
Tiana Kirchner
Ashleigh Knox
Joseph Luke
Lachlan Markey
Brennan O'Brien
Micaela Piper
Emily Post
Danika Shelley
Mugdha Sholapurkar
Brianna Skeers
Zachery Stockwell
Anthony Thomas
Xavier Wilks
Joseph Wilson
Jared Worldon
Tom Wysman
Jayden Young
Jessica Bevan
Franklin Corkhill
Max Dodd
Brodee Gorman
Rhianna Gunsberger
Declan Hamill
Holly Hampstead
Meghen Harris
Thomas Harris
Lauren Hughes
Anna Jay-Wales
Natasha Jones
Angie Kakoulidis
Angela McGrath
Caitlin O'Brien
Jade O'Neill
Emily Shepherd
Katelyn Veitch
Carlee West
Kimbalee Williamson
Daina Wilson
Dale Yan
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Happy Aghara
Zack Allen
Crystal Bevan
Charles Cribb
Paul Eccleston
Tegan French
Tamara Groves
Lillie Hall
Maddison Harvey
James Hilly
Bethany Hobson
Thomas Luke
Angus Macrae
Leon Nichols
Tegan Nolte
Gabe Presser
Brooke Seymour
Mitchell Trevena
Natalie Worsnop
Ashleigh Brewis
Emily Brewis
Renae Bright
Benjamin Brown
Joshua Casey
Taylor Cramond
Raymond Dodd
Teagan Fava
Katrina French
Benjamin GardnerThompson
Shevaun Halstead
Cheyenne Higgins
Darcy Hughes
Samantha Hughes
Brooke Jeffree
James MinogueCrampton
Alexandra Osgood
Blake Salmon
Cody Smith
Blake Symons
Kirsten Taylor
Andrew Wortes
Nathan Barnard
Joel Duncombe
Charlene Fisher
Brian Hardwick
Ashlee Harmer
Aidan Hartshorn
Bailin Jiang
Alicia Johnson
Millicent Longobardi
Tahlia Mathes
Nicole McDougall
Samuel McGruer
Lily Muell
Jordan Murray
Samson Nilon
Luke Paalvast
Grace Talbot
Shane Tollemache
Jacob Toppin
Ellen Vine
Caleb Wilks
Adam Withers
Academic Blue
Xavier Wilks
Top 2% in the National Geography Competition
Bailin Jiang
Top 1% of the Australian Mathematics Competition
William Miles (Citation)
Top 1% of the ICAS Computer Skills, Mathematics and Science
Cultural Blue
Aidan Hartshorn
Selected for 2013 Art Express Exhibition
Citizenship Blue
Phillip Brunsdon
2011 NSW Rural Fire Service Cadet of the Year
Gabrielle Thomson
Member SRC for 4 years
Representing Tumut High School at numerous Community Events
over several years.
Grace Talbot
Member of the SRC for 6 consecutive years,
Coached sporting teams & positively promoted Tumut
High School in the community.
Darcy Hughes (Citation)
Member of SRC for 5 consecutive years,
District SRC Representative & President, Albury District SRC
Samantha Hughes (Citation)
Member of SRC for 4 consecutive years,
District SRC Representative & Vice-President, Albury District SRC
(The following sporting awards were presented at the
Sports Presentation Evening, held last week)
Sporting Blue
Molly Manns
Representing Riverina in Swimming and Cross Country
Aylsa Murray (Citation
Representing Riverina in Hockey and Cross Country
University Shield Rugby League Team
Runners-up NSW CHS University Shield Team Competition
Jacob Toppin (C), Trevor Bellette, Toby Bristow, Joshua Casey,
Charles Cribb, Max Dodd, Raymond Dodd, Blake Draber,
Mark Ford-Stokes, Tyron Gorman, Joshua Groves, Mitchell Ivill,
Ben Kent, Zac Masters, Jake McGrath, Benjamin Mullins,
Jarred Pearce, Aiden Perrin, Jayden Pollack, Jake Sutton,
James Webb, Jason Webb and Jacin Weir
(The following sporting awards were presented at the
Sports Presentation Evening held last week)
Male Sportsperson of the Year
Ben Treglown
Female Sportsperson of the Year
Molly Manns
to be announced
Tumut/Brungle Local Aboriginal Land Council Aboriginal Student of the Year
CWA Award for the Best Design and Technology Student (Practical)
Bendigo Bank Special Programs Awards
David Fletcher Award for Legal Studies
Jervis Hayes Award for English
SRC Award for Outstanding Commitment, Snowy Service Centre
Tumut High School P&C Cultural Award
Friends of Tumut High School Award for Encouragement
A J Manning Memorial Prize for School Citizenship
Year 12 Coordinators Award
Tumut Rotary Club Award for Leadership
Business Studies Award
Charles Sturt University Faculty of Education Award for PD/H/PE
Andrew Miller Perpetual Trophy for the Best Music Student (Performance)
John Deacon Perpetual Trophy & Gordon Webb Building Services TAS Award
Walker BDS Award for Mathematics, Year 10
Zacharia Award for Junior and Senior Science
Lion’s Club Award for Outstanding School Service
Martin Farrell (OAM) Award for Service to the Tumut Community
Margaret Bowden Perpetual Trophy for Excellence in Agriculture
Special Education Awards, Junior and Senior, Valmar Support Services
Riverina Community College Award for Workplace Achievement
GTES Trade Award
Don McColl Memorial Award for Mathematics, Year 11/12
Don McColl Memorial Award for Encouragement, Year 10
Riverina Math’s Association Awards – Years 7-9
Daryl Maguire Award for History
Between the Lines Awards for English – Year 10
Michael McCormack Award for Outstanding School Service, Years 7-10
Michael McCormack Award for Outstanding Leadership, Years 7-10
Reuben F Scarf Award for Commitment
Caltex Medallion / P&V Bennetts Trophy for the Best All Rounder in Year 12
Bruce Elder Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement
Long Tan Australian Defence Forces Awards for Leadership and Teamwork
Community Foundation Captain MH Colyer Scholarship
Visy Medals for Academic Excellence, Years 7 - 11
Snowy Hydro 2012 Dux Award, Year 12
The students and staff of Tumut High School would like to sincerely thank
the following people and organisations for their support this year.
AJ Manning & Co Pty Ltd…………………………….……………………………..…..School Citizenship
Allen Kelly Solicitors..........................................................................................Academic Excellence
A Murray & Sons...............................................................................................Academic Excellence
Amaroo Motel ...................................................................................................Academic Excellence
Australian Defence Forces …………………………………………..Leadership and Teamwork Awards
Bendigo Bank ........................................................................................... Special Programs Awards
Between the Lines Bookshop.................................................................................. English, Year 10
Mr Bruce Elder .......................................................................... Outstanding Academic Achievement
Ms Caroline Chaplin.................................................................................................................. Music
Mrs Stacy Clark ........................................................................................ Yr 12 Coordinators Award
Charles Sturt University (Faculty of Education ..................................................................... PD/H/PE
Community Foundation for the Tumut Region ..…….…..…Captain MH Colyer Memorial Scholarship
Country Women’s Association, Tumut .......................................................... Design and Technology
David Fletcher and Associates...................................................................................... Legal Studies
Dr Mary Ross, Connection Medical Centre .......................................................Academic Excellence
Elliotts Landscaping .........................................................................................Academic Excellence
Everything Electrical .........................................................................................Academic Excellence
Friends of Tumut High School……………………………………………..…Encouragement, Years 7-9
Fulla Fresh Meats .............................................................................................Academic Excellence
Goodes Coaches ..............................................................................................Academic Excellence
Gordon Webb Building Services ........................................................................ TAS – Major Project
GTES ...................................................................................................................................... Trades
Mr Jervis Hayes ......................................................................................................................English
John Stuckey Electrician ...................................................................................Academic Excellence
JOSS Facility Management ..............................................................................Academic Excellence
Lions Club of Tumut ............................................................................... Outstanding School Service
Mrs Marilyn McColl…………………..………….Don McColl Memorial Mathematics / Encouragement
Mr Daryl Maguire, Member for Wagga Wagga ....................................................................... History
Mr Michael McCormack, Member for Riverina……..……Junior School Leadership & School Service
Mrs Jan Farrell ........................................Martin Farrell (OAM) Memorial Award, Community Service
McDougall & Cruise .........................................................................................Academic Excellence
Mrs Margaret Bowden....................................................................................................... Agriculture
Mr Mick Stewart and Mr John Deacon ............................................................... TAS – Major Project
PR & VM Bennetts Plumbing ................................................................. Best All Rounder in Year 12
PRD Nationwide ...............................................................................................Academic Excellence
Rotary Club of Tumut ........................................................................................................ Leadership
Reuben F Scarf Foundation ........................................................................... Award for Commitment
Riverina Community College........................................................................ Workplace Achievement
Riverina Math’s Association .......................................................................... Mathematics, Years 7-9
Snowy Hydro Limited ...................................................................................................... Dux of 2012
Snowy Service Centre……………………………………………………………………………SRC Award
Swans of Tumut ................................................................................................Academic Excellence
Tumut Bowling Club ..........................................................................................Academic Excellence
Tumut District RSL Club ...................................................................................Academic Excellence
Tumut Golf Club................................................................................................Academic Excellence
Tumut High School P&C Association .............................. P&C Cultural Award, Academic Excellence
Tumut Newsagency ..........................................................................................Academic Excellence
Tumut Pharmacy …………………………………………………………………….Academic Excellence
Tumut Real Estate ............................................................................................Academic Excellence
Tumut Shire Council ....................................................................................................... Dux of 2011
Tumut Toyota....................................................................................................Academic Excellence
Valmar Support Services ......................................................... Special Education, Senior and Junior
Visy Industries ....................................................... Visy Medal for Academic Excellence, Years 7-11
Walker BDS ................................................................................................................... Mathematics
Zac Zacharia Optometrists.................................................................. Science, Year 10 and Year 12
On behalf of the staff of Tumut High School,
I would like to wish you all a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I hope the holidays will be a safe
and cheerful time for everyone.
Mr Bob Lange
Term 1, 2013
Years 7, 11 and 12 return Wednesday, 30th January 2013
Years 8, 9 and 10 return Thursday, 31st January 2013