【课程名称】(中英) - International Summer School of UIBE

Information Technology and Innovation (信息技术与创新)
名:Minder Chen
United States of America
(终身)副教授 Tenured Associate Professor of Management Information
来自学校:加州州立大学峡岛分校商业经济学院(Martin V. Smith of Business and
Economic, California State University, Channel Islands)
Email 地址:minder.chen@csuci.edu and minderchen@gmail.com
Phone number 联系电话:United States 301-320-4561
本科生、研究生 undergraduate,graduate students
英语 English
Sufficient English language ability to follow lectures and to participate in discussion
Lectures, cases analysis, and group discussion
30 at most.
考勤与课堂表现占 10%;
个案报告 20%;
团队项目 30%。
Class participation 10%
Case Discussion and Analysis 20%
Group Project 30%
Final Examination 40%
【课程学分 CREDITS】
2 学分
2 credits
陈明德博士 1979 年取得国立台湾大学电机系学士, 1983 年年获国立交通大学
企管硕士 , 1988 年获美国亚利桑纳大学管理信息系统学博士学位, 现任
任美国乔治梅森大学商学院信息管理副教授, 及该学院科技管理研究所
所长。曾在美国主持先端信息科技顾问公司(Advanced IT Consulting) ,并
协助创办高鹏电子商务科技公司与兼任高鹏科技总监 (1999-2001) 。陈教
授专精于电子商务(Electronic Commerce)、资讯工程、企业再造(Business
Reengineering)、软体工程工具(CASE Tools)、网络应用开发工具(Web
Technologies)、群体决策系统(Group Decision Support Systems) 、面向对
象分析设计方法(Object-oriented System Development Methodology) 。
• 著述曾在 Journal of Management Information System、Database, Journal of
Organizational Computing, Expert System with Applications, IEEE
Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Journal of Small Group Research, IEEE
Software 等著名期刊登载。
Curriculum Vitae of the Instructor
Minder Chen received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan
University in 1977, an M.B.A. from National Chiao Tung University in 1983, and a
Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona in 1988.
He is currently a tenured Associate Professor of Management Information
Systems in the Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics at California State
University Channel Islands. He was formerly an Associate Professor of Information
Systems and Operations Management in the School of Management at George Mason
University. While at GMU, he was the Director of Technology Program (an Executive
Master Program in Information Technology Management) and Area Coordinator of
the DMIS area. His primary research interests are service science, electronic
commerce, knowledge management, computer-aided instruction, information
engineering, business reengineering and change management, computer-aided
software engineering, collaboration technologies and virtual teams, IT offshore
outsourcing, and object-oriented systems development methodology. He has
published papers in Decision Support Systems, International Journal of E-Business,
Journal of Management Information Systems, Database, Journal of Organizational
Computing, Expert Systems with Applications, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Journal of
Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Computer Information Systems, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Journal of Small Group Research,
Information Systems and e-Business Management, Information Systems Management,
Industrial Management and Data Systems, and IEEE Software.
He is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of service Science journal, Associate Editor of
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, co-guest-editor of a special issue on Web
Services and Electronic Commerce at Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,
2003; the March 1992 IEEE Software special issue on Integrated CASE; a CASE
minitrack coordinator of Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences for a
few years; a program committee member of Methods and Tools for Business
Engineering 1995 Conference, an international program committee member of 1995
Pan Pacific Conference on Information Systems, and an program co-chair of
Workshop on E-Business, 2004.
He was the invited speaker on "XML Web
Services and E-Business" at a pre-conference session of ICIS 2002 in Spain,
sponsored by Microsoft. He gave tutorial on design science methodology at the
2010 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS).
In a world of ever-accelerating change, innovation is the only insurance against
An innovation is the creation and application of a new or significantly
improved technology, product/service, process, or business model that is accepted by
markets and society. Information technology plays a critical enabler in innovation
assisting companies gaining a competitive edge.
In this course, we will cover the following topics: IT strategies and IT-enabled
innovation, social network for social media marketing, creativity and innovation,
disruptive technology, innovation diffusion, e-commerce and Web 2.0, and emerging
IT such as cloud computing, mobile computing, and business intelligent in the context
of innovation will also be discussed. Cases such as Zara, Netflix, Facebook, Google,
Apple, Zappos.com will be used to facilitate discussion and learning.
【课程内容及教学进度 SYLLABUS】
IT Strategies
Case Study: Zara
Disruptive Technologies and Diffusion of Innovations
Case Study: Apple (I) & Britannica
Electronic Commerce and Business Model Innovation
Case Study: Amazon.com and Netflix
Creativity and Innovation in the IT World
Web 2.0, Internet and Social Media Marketing
Case Study: Facebook and Google
Managing Innovation and Changes
Business Intelligence for Innovative Applications
IT Infrastructure, Cloud Computing, and Mobile Computing
Case Study: Apple (II) and Pixar
Customer Service Management and Service Innovation
Case Study: Salesforce.com and Zappos.com
【课程教材 Textbooks】
There is no textbook for this course. Various reading materials from
journal articles, cases, and other online resources will be used. Teaching
slides from instructor will be provided to the students.
【参考读物 Reference Readings】
1. John Gallaugher, Information Systems: A Manager’s Guide to Harnessing
Technology, Flat World Knowledge Inc., 2010. Case studies on Google,
Facebook, Zara, and NetFlix.
2. Johnson, Mark, Christensen, Clayton, Kagermann, Henning, “Reinventing
Your Business Model,” Harvard Business Review, December 2008.
3. Jeffrey H. Dyer, Hal B. Gregersen, and Clayton M. Christensen, “The
Innovator’s DNA,” Harvard Business Review, Dec. 2009.
4. Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs, Simon & Schuster; 1 edition, October 24, 2011.
5. Harland Cleveland, "Information as Resource," The Futurist, December 1982,
6. Michael Porter, "The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy," (updated
version from 1979 version) Harvard Business Review, Jan. 1, 2008. (CSUCI
7. Nicholas Carr, "IT Doesn't Matter," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 81, No. 5,
May 2003. and Responses & http://hbswk.hbs.edu/archive/3520.html
8. Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy
Read Chapter 1 at least. (Google Book) by Philip Evans and Thomas S.
Werster, Harvard Business School Press, 2000.
9. Henderson and Venkatyraman, Strategic Alignment: Leveraging Information
Technology for Transforming Organizations, IBM Systems Journal, 1999.
10. McKinsey Quarterly, “Divide and conquer: Rethinking IT strategy", 2006
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