Course Syllabus -

PSYCHOLOGY 14: Abnormal Psychology (UC : CSU transferable - 3 Units) | Spring, 2016
Professor: Chadwick J. Snow, Ph.D.
Office: BEH 1306B
Phone: 818-710-4315
Class: Section 0612, T / Th: 9:35am – 11:00am, BEH 1305
Office Hours: M / W: 8:00am – 9:30am | T: 12:40pm – 3:40pm
Textbook: Nevid, J.S., Rathus, S.A., & Greene, B. (2014). Abnormal Psychology in a Changing
World, 9th Edition
The following information is provided to you as an aid in completing this course. Its specific purpose is
to acquaint you with the policies by which this class will be conducted, what you can expect of it, and,
in turn, what is expected of you. You are held responsible for understanding these procedures and
requirements and for abiding by them throughout the course. KEEP THIS SYLLABUS IN A
This course provides a broad overview of the various disorders, dysfunctions, abnormal behaviors, and
other related problems that people may experience. Additionally, the various therapies and treatments
utilized to help people experiencing the above are also discussed.
There are 3 regular exams and a final exam. To complete all 4 exams, it will be necessary for
you to bring a Scantron 882-E Answer Sheet to each exam along with a #2 pencil and eraser.
The 3 regular exams will each consist of 50 multiple choice questions (worth 100% of each exam).
Each regular exam counts for 20% of your grade; thus your 3 regular exams count for 60% of your
grade in the class. Unless otherwise stated, the content of each regular exam will be derived from the
pages you have been assigned to read from the chapters in your textbook listed next to the exam
number in the “course schedule” and the lectures associated with those readings.
The final exam is cumulative. This exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions (worth
100% of the exam). The final exam will consist of a mix of questions addressing facts and
concepts present on the three regular exams (50% of the final exam) and many new questions
addressing facts and concepts from material discussed during the last several weeks of class that
was not present on the three regular exams (50% of the final exam). The final exam is worth 20%
of your final grade. However, your score on the final exam will also replace your lowest regular
exam score if you have a regular exam score that’s lower than your final exam score; in this case,
your final exam would count for 40% of your final grade.
There will be NO make-up exams. If you miss a regular exam, then that will be the exam
score replaced with your score on the final exam. All students must take the final exam.
SPECIAL NOTE: Taking good notes is vital to doing well on the quizzes / exams, which in turn
makes your attendance vital. Therefore, if you miss a class, make absolutely sure that you get
the notes from someone in class. It is not possible to do well in this class without taking good
Paper Assignments...
There are 2 paper assignments in this class. Each paper is designed to uniquely address different
critical thinking skills and writing skills. Paper 1 is worth 10% of your total grade and will require you to
write about 4 pages where you will write a narrative about a fictional person you create who is suffering
from a particular disorder, dysfunction, etc. Then, you will analyze the person, provide and justify your
diagnosis, and offer possible treatment(s). Paper 2 is worth 10% of your total grade and will require
you to write about 5 pages detailing a scientific article. You will critically analyze and review one
scientific article from an area of research in abnormal psychology that you would like to learn more
Detailed instructions regarding each of these paper assignments will be provided to you during
subsequent classes. They will also be accessible on the class website (discussed near the end of this
All students MUST write Paper 1. However, if you are satisfied with the grade you receive on Paper 1,
you do not need to write Paper 2. Instead, your grade on Paper 1 will count twice and replace your
Paper 2 grade (20% instead of 10% of your total grade). Additionally, if you choose to write Paper 2
and your grade on Paper 1 is higher than your grade on Paper 2, then your Paper 1 grade will count
twice and replace your Paper 2 grade. Understand that this only applies to Paper 1 (i.e. your Paper 2
grade cannot count twice and replace your Paper 1 grade).
If you turn in a paper one class period late, you automatically lose 20% of that grade. No paper will be
accepted later than one class period beyond the due date and will result in an automatic zero. Papers
must be turned in to me in person and in class. Paper submissions via email, campus mailbox,
slipping under my office door, etc., will NOT be accepted (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Class Attendance...
Attendance will be recorded in this course. If a student has missed 4 consecutive class sessions
and / or 6 total class sessions, I may exclude that student from the course. However, if you
decide to withdraw from this class it is ultimately your responsibility to follow the appropriate
You MUST turn off your cell phones before class begins. This includes vibrate mode because that can
be heard too. Off is when you push on the power button until all the lights of your cell phone go out. If
you wish to use a laptop in class to take notes, you must sit at the back of the classroom so as to not
disturb other students. If you have any concerns about these rules, please see me at the end of our
first class.
Whenever you wish to speak during class, raise your hand and I will call on you. Oral participation is
STRONGLY encouraged, such as sharing a relevant experience with the class or asking me relevant
questions. However, talking to fellow classmates in class is NOT PERMITTED.
Course Grade...
The 3 regular exams (200 points each)
Final Exam
Paper 1
Paper 2
= 600 points
= 200 points
= 100 points
= 100 points
= 1000 points (100%)
A = 895 – 1000 points
B = 795 – 894 points
C = 695 – 794 points
D = 595 – 694 points
F = Below 595 points
(Below 60%)
Class Website...
Barring unforeseen circumstances, each lecture will be available to you on a website designed
specifically for this class. You must have access to PowerPoint to view these lectures. It is strongly
recommended that you print out each lecture and bring it to class on the day that I will be presenting
that lecture. This will significantly reduce the amount of notes you need to take in class. However,
these online lectures are not a substitute for taking good notes. They are only provided to you so
that you can listen more effectively to what I’m discussing in class and take notes on information that is
not provided in the online lectures. Illustrated instructions regarding this website are provided on the
last page of this syllabus.
Student Learning Outcomes...
I. Students will be able to recognize and analyze various symptoms and diagnosis various major
abnormal behaviors.
II. Students will be able to apply either the biological, learning, psychosocial and developmental
influences of the major psychiatric disorders.
III. Students will be able to apply the diagnostic criteria in the assessment and diagnosis of the
major psychiatric disorders.
Special Services...
It is Pierce College’s policy to provide reasonable accommodations to those students who have
documented disabilities. Students with disabilities, whether physical, learning and/or psychological,
who anticipate needing accommodations for this course are encouraged to communicate with me
early in the semester. Additionally, it is your responsibility as a student to formally request services
by contacting Special Services at 818-719-6430. Special Services is located in the new Student
Services Building, south of the mall, in Room 48175.
If you require subtitles/captions for any video presentations that may be included in this course, you
must inform me of this need during the first week of class, so that I can make the appropriate
accommodations for you in the classroom.
Student Academic Integrity Policy Statement: The faculty and administration of Pierce College are
committed to the belief that honesty and integrity are integral components of the academic process.
The College expects students to be honest and ethical at all times in their pursuit of academic goals.
Students who violate the code of academic conduct by which the College maintains its academic
integrity will be dealt with in a manner reflecting the seriousness of these violations.
I. Violations of academic honesty and integrity occur when a student participates in any act in which
he/she uses deception or fraud while performing an academic activity. Violations include, but are
not limited to, the following:
1. Using study aids such as calculators, tape recorders or notes, when not authorized by the
2. Cheating on examinations, assignments or experiments (allowing another student to copy one's
answers or copying the answers of other students; exchanging information by any means, including
verbal exchanges, sign language, hand signals, secret codes, passed notes, creation of a
distraction for the purpose of cheating; changing answers on a previously scored test, assignment
or experiment; inventing information and/or data.) NOTE: Cheating on a quiz / exam results in
an automatic zero for that quiz / exam without the ability to drop or replace that zero.
3. Allowing another student to assume one's identity in order to fulfill an assignment or take a test.
4. Submitting for a grade the words, ideas, and/or written work (including laboratory notes and
drawings) of another person without giving due credit to that person. This includes purchased
papers or papers written by other students.
5. Falsifying or attempting to falsify attendance records and/or grade rosters.
6. Conspiring with other students to commit any of the above behaviors.
II. Consequences for any offense against academic honesty and integrity:
1. Will include a ZERO “0” on the examination or assignment.
2. May include suspension from the class and other sanctions and/or penalties authorized by the
Board of Trustees for violations of the District Code of Conduct.
3. May include a record of the student's violation placed in the student's disciplinary file.
Feb. 9
Feb. 11
Overview and Methodology
Read Ch. 1 (pp. 2-32)
Feb. 16
Feb. 18
Overview and Methodology
Stress & Sleep-Wake Disorders
Read Ch. 4 (pp. 130-154) & Ch. 9 (pp. 351-360)
Feb. 23
Feb. 25
Stress & Sleep-Wake Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Read Ch. 5 (pp. 158-195)
Mar. 1
Mar. 3
Anxiety Disorders
Eating Disorders
Read Ch. 9 (pp. 334--350)
Mar. 8
Mar. 10
Exam #1 (Ch. 1, 4, 9, 5)
Mood Disorders
Read Ch. 7 (pp. 243-285)
Mar. 15
Mar. 17
Mood Disorders
Addictive Disorders
Read Ch. 8 (pp. 290-329)
Mar. 22
Mar. 24
Addictive Disorders
Dissociative & Somatic Symptom Disorders
Mar. 29
Mar. 31
Exam #2 (Ch. 9, 7, 8)
Apr. 5 & 7
Apr. 12
Apr. 14
Dissociative & Somatic Symptom Disorders
Gender and Sexuality Disorders
Read Ch. 10 (pp. 365-399)
Apr. 19
Apr. 21
Gender and Sexuality Disorders
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Paper #1 Due “Character Analysis”
Read Ch. 11 (pp. 403-435)
Apr. 26
Apr. 28
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Personality & Impulse-Control Disorders
Read Ch. 12 (pp. 439-476)
May 3
May 5
Exam #3 (Ch. 6, 10, 11)
Personality & Impulse-Control Disorders
May 10
May 12
Personality & Impulse-Control Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Read Ch. 13 (pp. 480-508)
May 17
May 19
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Neurocognitive Disorders
Paper #2 Due “Literature Review”
Read Ch. 14 (pp. 523-543)
May 24
May 26
Neurocognitive Disorders
Wrap Up
Jun. 2
Final Exam (9:00am – 11:00am)
Read Ch. 6 (pp. 199-229)
Instructions for Accessing Class Lectures and Materials Online...
1. You need PowerPoint to access lectures. If you don’t have PowerPoint, you can download
PowerPoint reader at
2. Go to this link:
3. Click on a lecture and choose open document. Once opened go to “file”, “print”, and select
the following from this window that opens up…