Psychology Reflection Paper Psychology 1010 Abi Metzger I enjoyed learning about the various theories and concepts presented in this psychological course. I applaud the psychologists and researchers who have gone before me and have given me the privilege of learning from them, even if they are no longer alive. Through the text and lectures, I have learned and thought about a great number of new concepts and ideas. One of the greatest things I learned during this course, and I may be in the minority here, is how incredibly human beings are created in the image of God. I know that the psychology text book is full of theories and concepts based on the evolutionary theory; however, as I studied, read, and thought deeply about the mind, the brain, the cell, the senses, and all that occurs through the existence of these things, the work of the creative God greatly triumphed over random chance and natural selection. Another topic that brought much about much thinking was the topic of psychological disorders. It was quite interesting to know the major differences between disorders, such as depression and the bipolar disorder, what causes certain disorders, and what can help aid in getting rid of disorders. One point I think that the textbook failed to mention, and understandably due to the evolutionary slant, was the reason why such disorders exist. The Christian faith clearly explains the reason for the existence of disorders: sin. So no matter how many psychologists you see, no matter how many counseling sessions you have, no matter how much medication you take, the root problem will never flee unless dealt with. That of course requires searching God out, figuring out for sure whether God, the creator, is more plausible than evolution, and why one should trust in that God. But I would advise everyone to do their own search; listen to wise people and those you trust, but do not base your beliefs off of their opinions. Find the truth. To conclude, taking this psychology course caused me to think deeply about certain matters and issues, even in my own life, that I definitely would not have without having much of the information supplied in the text and lectures. New ideas and concepts have been learned and my faith has definitely been strengthened through this course, and I would not have it any other way.