Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Centre HF Interventional Centre (IVS) 1 Post doctoral fellow position in Wireless biomedical sensor network in the SAMPOS project for 2 years The Interventional Centre at Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Centre HF, (http://www.ivs.no), has 1 Post doctoral fellow position available. The position is available for 2 years and is to be filled as soon as possible. The position is normally allocated to people who hold a PhD degree or similar. The candidate should have a solid background in signal processing and communications. It is also desirable that the candidate has knowledge in software development using C/MATLAB. Applications with all necessary enclosures must be received by May 1, 2007. The position is funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) within the VERDIKT program. The project is on strategies for seamless deployment of mobile patient monitoring systems (SAMPOS) and is a joint effort among Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Centre, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, SINTEF ICT in Trondheim, Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo, and ABB Research in Oslo. International collaborators are EPFL Switzerland, KTH Sweden and Massachusetts Medical Center, USA. The goal of the project is to develop more basic understanding of, and novel and more efficient (principles) methods for signal processing and communication in wireless biomedical sensor networks. The project will mainly address basic research, for improved energy-efficiency, quality-of-service (QoS), and robustness. For more information, please visit http://www.ivs.no/sampos. More information on this project and similar projects can be found at http://www.ivs.no/wsn Job description - Collaborative Context Aware Signal Processing --------------------------------------------------------------- Background Several clinical applications require that a combination of multiple biomedical sensors measuring the same physiological parameter in different locations on the tissue as well as a number of different biomedical sensors measuring different physiological parameters are needed. In clinical applications, the location of sensor nodes and the environment are often defined. Context awareness, i.e., some knowledge of the environment, will provide information to maximize overall utility of the sensor network. Realistic models need to take considerations such as interferences from other biomedical devices as well as home appliances, path-loss due to signal transmission through tissues, and low power emission and radiation. Schmidt et al. studied the use of context awareness for adapting the operating parameters of a GSM cell phone and a personal digital assistant. In a four-layer architecture, the lowest layer is the sensor layer, which consists of hardware part of the sensor. For each sensor, a number of cues are created. Cues are abstractions of a sensor and allow calibration and post-processing. When a sensor is replaced by one of a different type, only the cues are modified. Cues typically include average of the sensor data over a given interval, standard deviation over the same interval, distance between first and third quartiles, and first derivate of the sensor data. In this regard, context aware signal processing algorithms that run on each sensor node may be a good trade off between improved performance and low energy use. Proposed research activities The efficient processing of data in different layers is required, where a short range radio is used for communication among sensor nodes in a cluster. This is an attempt in addressing the problem of how much information should be exchanged between nodes for distributed decision making in sensor networks. One sensor node receives data from other nodes. The sensor layer processes data and makes a decision. This leads to data reduction down to a few bits. This information is placed on a very short data packet that is sent to all other nodes in the cluster. The nodes update their tentative decisions. These decisions are rebroadcast to all nodes. The number of iterations depends on the distributed algorithm. Biomedical sensors obtain samples at different time intervals. As an example we can assume that a temperature sensor will produce samples at every 5 minutes whereas an ECG will produce samples at every 5 milliseconds. This means the sensors are operating in different sampling intervals. Our research focus will be utilizing a priori knowledge of the sensor’s characteristics and the application it is addressing, where sensor nodes are labeled with high, medium, and low priority. The strategy, an algorithm for multi-parameter analysis will be developed to activate inactive sensor nodes based on their priorities and estimated decisions. The estimation of decisions will be based on inter node communication as well as physiological characteristics defined in medicine. We will also address strategies for processing the raw data at the sensor nodes, gateway, and health terminal based on bandwidth capacity, power consumption, available random access memory and processor speed based some of the ideas in MPEG-21. About the Interventional Centre ------------------------------The Interventional Centre is a research and development department, established for advancing the field of image guided and minimally invasive therapy. The centre is unique in that doctors and engineers work together in multidisciplinary groups in a clinical setting. The research work at the center has been focused on the following three areas; MRI, X-ray, ultrasound, video-guided interventions and surgery; Robotics and simulators; and Biosensors, medical signal processing, and communications. There are ongoing 23 PhD programs in both medical as well as technical areas, where many of these are in collaboration with other institutions and universities. In addition to patient treatment, several animal procedures are performed. Lately, three spin-off companies have been established in the areas of biosensors and surgical simulators. We coordinate, ARISER, a project funded by the European Union on Augmented Reality in Surgery and participate in CREDO, on biosensor network. We also have several projects on biomedical sensors funded by the Research Council of Norway, Innovation Norway and Nordic Innovation Centre. Annually approximately 15 master students from the NTNU in Trondheim and the University of Oslo perform their theses. For more information, please visit: http://www.ivs.no/ Terms of employment ------------------The position is available for up to two years. The salary and terms at the Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Centre are in accordance with Norwegian state regulations. Salary will be at NOK 380 000 – 430 000, (approximately US $ 61 400 – 69 500), depending on qualifications and relevant work experiences. Full salary during illness and five weeks paid holidays are according to the state regulations. Further details --------------For further information on the position, please contact Professor Ilangko Balasingham, email ilangkob at klinmed.uio.no, phone +47 23 07 01 01 or Section Manager Dr. Ole Jakob Elle, email ole.jakob.elle at rikshospitalet.no phone +47 23 07 01 12. How to apply -----------Applications must include complete information about education at bachelor, master and PhD levels, and documented scientific experience. Women are especially encouraged to apply. The application should contain following items: 1. cover letter with a statement of your interest 2. curriculum vitae 3. certified copies of transcripts for Bachelor, Master and pHD degrees and course work 4. minimum two letters of recommendations and three references 5. list of publications containing a short description of the work and where it was published 6. Samples papers Send application to Professor Ilangko Balasingham, Interventional Centre, Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Centre, 0027 Oslo, NORWAY. Applications may also be submitted electronically to ilangkob at klinmed.uio.no before May 1, 2007. Please avoid sending large attachments by email.