Biography of Michael H -

Biography of Michael H. Birnbaum
Michael H. Birnbaum is currently professor of psychology and director of the Decision
Research Center at California State University, Fullerton. He previously served as
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
(1974-1988). He earned his Ph.D. at UCLA with Allen Parducci in 1972. His research
interests include social psychology, judgment and decision making, research
methodology, psychophysics, and mathematical psychology. He has published more than
100 scholarly works, including three books, two of which deal with psychological
research via the WWW. Recent articles feature results that rule out cumulative prospect
theory in favor of his configural weight models of risky decision making.
Index terms:
Between-subjects design, cross-cultural research, debriefing, deception, demographics of
participants, ethics of experimentation, experimental control, experimental drop-outs,
experimenter bias, external validity, generality of results, informed consent, internal
validity, methodology, multiple submissions (participation), pilot research, privacy and
confidentiality, random assignment, random response technique, recruitment of
participants, risks of research, sample size, sampling, web versus lab research, web-based
research, within-subjects design, World Wide Web, WWW.