Get Ready for Agile Methods – With Care Barry Boehm, USC Draft for January 2001 IEEE Computer column In the last two Software Management columns (September and November, 2001 [1,2]), Jim Highsmith and Alistair Cockburn have been discussing “Agile Software Development.” This is a term summarizing the shared-value propositions of a number of emerging software development methods, such as Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Agile Modeling, Crystal Methods, Dynamic System Development Methodology (DSDM), eXtreme Programming (XP), Feature Driven Development, Lean Development, and Scrum. The two columns summarize and rationalize these shared value propositions, which are available as “The Agile Manifesto” at The core of the Agile Manifesto is that each of the agile methods emphasizes: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools, Working software over comprehensive documentation, Customer collaboration over contract negotiation, Responding to change over following a plan. That is, while there is value in the items on the right, the agile methods value the items on the left more. Each of the agile methods has been used successfully in practice. But in his letter to Computer in December 2001, Steven Rakitin indicates that in his experience, the items on the right are essential, and that the items on the left are easy excuses for hackers to keep on irresponsibly throwing code together with no regard for engineering discipline. He provides “hacker interpretations” that can turn the agile value proportions into chaos generators, for example: “Responding to change over following a plan” Translation: Following a plan implies we would have to spend time thinking about the problem and how we might actually solve it. Why would we want to do that when we could be coding? How can we sort this out? Responding to change has been cited as the critical technical success factor in the Internet browser battle between Microsoft and Netscape. But over-responding to change has been cited as the source of many software disasters, such as the $3 billion overrun of the FAA Advanced Automation System for national air traffic control. In this column, I’ll try to show that: Both agile and plan-driven approaches have a responsible center and overinterpreting radical fringes (by “plan,” I’m including documented process plans: tasks and milestones; and product plans: designs, architectures, and requirements). Each approach has a “home ground” of project characteristics within which it performs very well, and much better than the other. Outside each approach’s home ground, combined approaches are feasible and preferable. Good combined approaches can be determined by using risk analysis to determine how much planning and agility is enough for your situation. Marketplace trends are making agility increasingly important. The Planning Spectrum Figure 1 places various agile and plan-driven development approaches along a spectrum of increasing emphasis on plans. Figure 1. The Planning Spectrum Hackers XP Milestone Adaptive Risk- Driven SW Devel. Models … … Milestone Plan-Driven Models Inch- Pebble Ironbound Contract Agile Methods Software CMM CMMI Compared to unplanned and undisciplined hacking, the agile methods do a fair amount of planning. Their general view, though, is that the planning process is more valuable than the resulting documentation [1], so they often appear less planned than they are. It is true that hard-core hackers can use Rakitin’s interpretations of the agile principles to say that they are agile. But in general the agile methods have criteria, such as XP’s twelve practices, which help people determine whether someone is using an agile method or not. Another encouraging trend is that the buzz of agile methods such as XP is drawing many young programmers away from the cowboy role model toward the more responsible agile methods. The price that XP pays for this, though, is a reluctance of more conservative managers to sanction something called “extreme” [3]. Plan-driven methods also have a responsible center focused on major milestones and their overall content, rather than on micro-milestones (inch-pebbles) locked into an ironbound contract. Excessively prespecified plans overconstrain the development team even at minor levels of change in personnel, technology, or COTS upgrades; and are a source of major contention, rework, and delay at high levels of change. On the other hand, I found on reviewing many projects using the risk-driven spiral model, that projects (particularly larger ones) frequently lost their way without at least three major anchor point milestones to serve as project progress indicators and stakeholder commitment points [4]. Figure 1 also shows the location of the current Software Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and its successor, the CMM-Integrated (CMMI). The Software CMM has often been used in an overly restrictive and bureaucratic way, but can be interpreted to include some forms of milestone risk-driven models. The CMMI, which adds process areas for Risk Management, Integrated Teaming, and Organizational Environment for Integration, can be interpreted to include the agile methods as well. The “Home Grounds” of Agile and Plan-Driven Development Table 1 is my attempt to characterize the “home grounds” (where they perform best) of agile and plan-driven methods, in terms of developers, customers, requirements, architecture, refactoring, size, and primary objective. Let’s discuss each of these discriminators in turn. Table 1. Agile and Plan-Driven Home Grounds Agile Home Ground Plan-Driven Home Ground Agile, knowledgeable, collocated, collaborative developers Dedicated, knowledgeable, collocated, collaborative, representative, empowered customers Largely emergent requirements, rapid change Architected for current requirements Refactoring inexpensive Smaller teams, products Premium on rapid value Plan-oriented developers; mix of skills Mix of customer capability levels Requirements knowable early; largely stable Architected for current and foreseeable requirements Refactoring expensive Larger teams, products Premium on high-assurance Developers. Cockburn and Highsmith emphasize critical people factors for agile methods: amicability, talent, skill, and communication [2]. Larry Constantine’s independent assessment identifies this as a potential problem for agile methods: “There are only so many Kent Becks in the world to lead the team. All of the agile methods put a premium on having premium people…” [5]. When you have such people, statements such as Highsmith and Cockburn’s, “A few designers sitting together can produce a better design then each could produce alone” [1]. If not, you’re more likely to get “design by committee,” with the opposite effect. The plan-driven methods of course do better with great people, but are generally more able to plan the project and architect the software so that less-talented people can contribute with low risk. A significant consideration here is the unavoidable statistic that 49.9999% of the world’s software developers are below average. Customers. In our rapid-development electronic services projects at USC, we have found that unless customer participants are committed, knowledgeable, collaborative, representative, and empowered, the developed products are generally not successfully transitioned into use, even though they may satisfy the customer. Similar conclusions were reached in the XP 2001 “Customer Involvement in XP” workshop [6]. Again, the plan-driven methods also do better with great customers, but have more backup capabilities such as Architecture Review Boards and Independent Expert Project Reviews to compensate for on-site customer shortfalls. Requirements. Highsmith and Cockburn emphasize that agile approaches “are most applicable to turbulent, high-change environments, “ and have a world view that organizations are complex adaptive systems, in which requirements are emergent rather than prespecifiable [1]. However, as discussed above, Agile Manifesto tenets such as Principle 2: “Welcome changing requirements, even late in development,” can be very successful, but can also be misapplied with disastrous results. Plan-driven methods work best when the requirements are largely determinable in advance (including via prototyping) and remain relatively stable, at change rates on the order of 1% per month. In the increasingly frequent situations in which the rate of requirements change is much higher than this, the traditional emphasis on having complete, consistent, precise, testable, and traceable requirements (very important for stable, safety-critical embedded software), will have difficult to insurmountable problems in keeping up. Architecture. The Agile Manifesto values working software over comprehensive documentation, and emphasizes simplicity: the act of maximizing the amount of work not done. This can be interpreted in many ways. Most of them are quite good, but some can cause problems. For example, XP advocates doing extra work to get rid of architectural features that are not supporting the current version of the system, based on the precept, “You Aren’t Going to Need It (YAGNI).” This works fine when future requirements are largely unpredictable. However, in situations where future requirements are predictable, this practice not only throws away valuable architectural support for them, but also creates problems with customers who want developers to believe that their priorities and evolution requirements are worth accommodating. As with requirements, plan-driven methods emphasizing heavyweight architecture and design documentation will have difficult to insurmountable problems in keeping up with rapidly changing requirements. On the other hand, if the directions of requirements change are well anticipated and accommodated in the architecture, plan-driven methods can keep even million-line applications within budget and schedule. A good example is the CCPDS-R project described by Walker Royce in [7]. Refactoring. With great developers and small systems, the assumption that refactoring is essentially free is valid. If so, the YAGNI approach above is low-risk. However, there is some empirical evidence that with less-than-great developers, refactoring effort increases with the number of requirements or stories. And for very large systems, our Pareto analysis of rework costs at TRW indicated that the 20% of the problems causing 80% of the rework came largely from “architecture-breakers” (e.g., architecture discontinuities to accommodate performance, fault-tolerance, or security problems), in which no amount of refactoring could put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Size. Cockburn and Highsmith conclude that “Agile development is more difficult for larger teams,” but cite occasional successful larger agile projects with up to 250 people [2]. Constantine's assessment finds agile methods highly attractive for small projects, but concludes that “The tightly coordinated teamwork needed for these methods to succeed becomes increasingly difficult beyond 15 or 20 developers” [5]. Plan-driven methods scale better to large projects: the million-line CCPDS-R project cited above is an example. However, a bureaucratic plan-driven organization which requires an average of a person-month just to get a project authorized and started is not going to be very efficient on small projects. Primary Objective. Principle #1 of the Agile Manifesto states, “Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.” “Early and continuous” are reasonably compatible for small systems developed by great people. But as discussed under Refactoring, overfocus on early results in large systems can lead to major architecture-breaker rework when the earlyvalue architecture doesn’t scale up. In such cases, a good deal of planning will be necessary (Principle #8 of Lean Programming says, “Ban Local Optimization” [8].) The rigorous plans of plan-driven methods are most needed in high-assurance software. Scott Ambler, the originator of Agile Modeling, says, “I would be leery of applying agile modeling to life-critical systems” [9]. Another major set of objectives for the more traditional plan-driven methods, and of the Software CMM, has been predictability, repeatability, and optimization. But in a world involving frequent, radical changes, having processes that are as repeatable and optimized as a dinosaur’s may not be a good objective. Fortunately, the CMMI and associated risk-driven methods provide a way to migrate toward more adaptability. Using Risk Considerations to Balance Agility and Discipline Particularly in the e-services sector, companies with a large installed base of customers don’t need just one or the other of rapid value or high assurance. They need both. But pure agility or pure plan-driven discipline can’t do both by themselves. A mix of each is needed. Martin Fowler in “Is Design Dead?” [10] and Jim Highsmith in Adaptive Software Development [11] provide ways in which agile methods can be combined with plan-driven methods. Another approach that can help you balance agility and discipline is risk management, which is good for answering, “how much is enough?” questions [4]. Here we will apply it to address the question, “How much planning is enough?” A central concept in risk management is the Risk Exposure (RE) involved in a given course of action. It is determined by accessing the probability of loss P(L) involved in a course of action and the corresponding size of loss S(L), and computing the risk exposure as the expected loss: RE=P(L)*S(L). “Loss” can include profits, reputation, quality of life, or other value-related attributes. Figure 2 shows risk exposure profiles for an example e-services company with a sizable installed base and desire for high assurance; a rapidly changing marketplace and desire for agility and rapid value; and an internationally distributed development team with mix of skill levels and a need for some level of documented plans. RE = P(L) * S(L) Figure 2. Risk Exposure (RE) Profile: Planning Detail - RE due to inadequate plans - RE due to market share erosion - Sum of risk exposures high P(L): inadequate plans high S(L): major problems (oversights, delays, rework) high P(L): plan breakage, delay high S(L): value capture delays Sweet Spot low P(L): few plan delays low S(L): early value capture low P(L): thorough plans low S(L): minor problems Time and Effort Invested in Plans The black curve in Figure 2 shows the variation in risk exposure (RE) due to inadequate plans, as a function of the level of investment the company puts into its projects’ process and product plans. At the left, a minimal investment corresponds to a high probability P(L) that the plans will have loss-causing gaps, ambiguities, and inconsistencies. It also corresponds to a high S(L) that these deficiencies will cause major project oversights, delays, and rework costs. At the right, the more thorough the plans, the less P(L) that plan inadequacies will cause problems, and the smaller the size S(L) of the associated losses. The red curve in Figure 2 shows the variation in RE due to market share erosion through delays in product introduction. Spending little time in planning will get at least a demo product into the marketplace early, enabling early value capture. Spending too much time in planning will have a high P(L) due both to the planning time spent, and to rapid changes causing delays via plan breakage. It will also cause a high S(L), as the delays will enable others to capture most of the market share. The blue curve in Figure 2 shows the sum of the risk exposures due to inadequate plans and market share erosion. It shows that very low and very high investments in plans have high overall risk exposures, and that there is a “Sweet Spot” in the middle where overall risk exposure is minimized, indicating “how much planning is enough?” for this company’s operating profile. With the example company situation as a reference point, we can run comparative risk exposure profiles of companies occupying the home grounds of agile methods and plan-driven methods as summarized in Table 1. For example, Figure 3 shows the comparative RE profile for an e-services company with a small installed base and less need for high assurance, a rapidly changing marketplace, and a collocated team of highly capable and collaborative developers and customers. With this profile, as shown in Figure 3, the major change in risk exposure from Figure 2 is that the size of rework loss from minimal plans is much smaller due to the ability of the team to rapidly replan and refactor, and thus the company’s Sweet Spot moves to the left toward agile methods. Mainstream Sweet Spot Agile Sweet Spot Lower S(L): easy rework Figure 4. Comparative RE Profile: Plan-Driven Home Ground Higher S(L): large system rework Plan-Driven Sweet Spot RE = P(L) * S(L) RE =P(L) * S(L) Figure 3. Comparative RE Profile: Agile Home Ground Mainstream Sweet Spot Time and Effort Invested in Plans Time and Effort Invested in Plans Figure 4 shows the corresponding RE profile for a company in the plan-driven home ground, with a more stable product line of larger, more safety-critical systems. Here, the major difference from Figure 2 is a much higher size of rework loss from minimal plans, and a resulting shift of the company’s Sweet Spot toward higher investments in plans. Using Home-Ground Attributes to Assess Risk Exposure In practice, it is hard to quantify estimates of P(L) and S(L). But if you’re trying to balance your use of agile and plan-driven methods, you can use each method’s “home ground” attributes to determine relative risks. So, for example, if your company or project fits an agile home-ground profile except for having a mix of equally-important customers with less-than-ideal development representatives, you can reduce your risk exposure by conducting stakeholder requirements negotiations among the developers and customers, and documenting the results to minimize the risk of future customer misunderstandings. Or, if your project fits a plan-driven home-ground profile except for highly volatile user-interface requirements, you can use the concept of risk-driven specifications [4] to document those requirements for which it is a high risk not to specify them, and avoid documenting user-interface requirements whose specification would be high-risk. Risk-driven spiral methods and frameworks such as the Rational Unified Process [7], MBASE [12], and the CMMI provide guidelines for finding a good balance of discipline and flexibility, although the current CMMI approach needs more explicit support for agility. Conclusions Agile methods and milestone plan-driven methods are part of a “how much planning is enough?” spectrum. Despite certain extreme terminology, they are part of the responsible center rather than of the radical fringes. Actually, agile methods are performing a valuable service by drawing erstwhile cowboy programmers toward a more responsible center. Both agile and plan-driven methods have home grounds of project characteristics where they clearly work best, and where the other will have difficulties. Hybrid agile/plan-driven approaches are feasible, and necessary for projects having a mix of agile and plan-driven home ground characteristics. Risk analysis of your projects’ characteristics vs. the home-ground characteristics can help determine your projects’ best balance of agility and plan-driven discipline. Risk-driven spiral methods such as RUP, MBASE, and CMMI provide guidelines for finding the best balance. Information technology trends are going more toward the agile methods’ home ground characteristics of emergent requirements and rapid change, although there is a concurrent increase in concern with dependability. Therefore, “get ready for agile methods—with care.” References 1. J. Highsmith and A. Cockburn, “Agile Software Development: The Business of Innovation,” Computer, September 2001, pp. 120-122. 2. A. Cockburn and J. Highsmith, “Agile Software Development: The People Factor, “Computer, November 2001, pp. 131-133. 3. L. Copeland, “Developers Approach Extreme Programming With Caution,” Computerworld, October 22, 2001, p. 7. 4. B. Boehm and W. Hansen, “The Spiral Model as a Tool for Evolutionary Acquisition,” Cross Talk, May 2001, pp. 2-11; 5. L. Constantine, “Methodological Agility,” Software Development, June 2001, pp. 67-69. 6. A. van Deursen, “Customer Involvement in Extreme Programming: XP2001 Workshop Report,” ACM Software Engineering Notes, November 2001, pp. 7073. 7. W.E. Royce, Software Project Management: A Unified Framework, Addison Wesley, 1998. 8. M. Poppendieck, “Lean Programming: Part 2,” Software Development, June 2001, pp. 71-75. 9. S. Ambler, “When Does(n’t) Agile Modeling Make Sense?” 10. M. Fowler, “Is Design Dead?” in G.Succi and M. Marchesi (ed.), Extreme Programming Explained, Addison Wesley, 2001. 11. J. Highsmith, Adaptive Software Development, Dorset House, 2000. 12. B. Boehm and D. Port, “Balancing Discipline and Flexibility With the Spiral Model and MBASE,” Cross Talk, December 2001, pp. 23-28;