BRIEF SUMMARY OF CV: M.ELAINE BOTHA M. Elaine Botha is professor of Philosophy (emerita) from Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada and the North Western University, Potchefstroom campus in South Africa. She graduated from the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands and taught Philosophy at Potchefstroom University for more than 25 years. She taught at numerous universities and colleges in North America, Europe and South Africa and has an extensive list of publications dealing with the role of metaphor in religion, science and everyday cognition. RECENT PUBLICATION Metaphor and its Moorings. Studies in the Grounding of Metaphorical Meaning by M. Elaine Botha. Bern:Peter Lang. 2007 She builds critically on the insights of Lakoff and Johnson et al by introducing a new angle to the discussions concerning conceptual metaphor and its basis in human embodiment. In her proposed alternative to the traditional view of knowledge she argues that the distinction between literal and metaphorical language ought to be revisited and replaced with a view in which the idea of proper analogy and necessary metaphors are acknowledged. The insights gained in this respect are also applied to the changing views concerning theory and observation in scientific theorizing. She argues that all scientific observation is impregnated with theoretical convictions and that metaphors play a decisive role in the models developed to understand reality. She argues for the presence of a fiduciary aspect present in all cognition and demonstrates how this element functions as mediating channel for religious convictions that act as control beliefs in scientific theories. This thesis is demonstrated in a case study on the relationship between religion and science in the work of Michael Faraday. Finally she argues that all human knowledge and action is ultimately rooted in religious root metaphors which can also mislead, distort and derail human cognition and give rise to ideologies. MARTHINA ELAINE BOTHA FULL CV BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Born: 12th September 1938, Krugersdorp, Republic of South Africa. Title Emeritus professor of Philosophy,. Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ontario. Canada. Emeritus professor of Philosophy: University of the North West, Potchefstroom-campus, South Africa. Adjunct professor, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto. Ontario. Canada Church Affiliation: Christian Reformed Church, Fellowship Congregation, Ancaster. Ontario.Canada. Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, Reebok, Klein Brakrivier. South Africa Citizenship: Dual citizen: South African/Canadian EDUCATION D.Phil. 1970. Cultural Studies, with distinction. Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, South Africa, 1970. D.Phil. 1971. Systematic Philosophy. Central Interfaculty. Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1971. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1960-1964;1967. Organiser for adult education (Women and youth): "Afrikaanse Taal en Kultuurvereniging van die SAS en H", Johannesburg. 1969 -1995 Professor of Interdisciplinary Philosophy, Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education Potchefstroom. South Africa 1967 -1971 Graduate student at Free University of Amsterdam and on leave of absence of appointment to Potchefstroom University, South Africa. 1968-69. Library Assistant, Centrale Interfaculteit, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1969 -1971. Research associate, Social Ethics, Centrale Interfaculteit, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1969 -1975. Junior lecturer; 1972 - 1973. Lecturer; 1973 -1975 .Senior lecturer. PU for CHE, Potchefstroom. South Africa. 1978. Visiting professor of Philosophy, Calvin College, Grand Rapids. Michigan. USA. 1975 - 1995. Full Professor, PU for CHE, Potchefstroom. South Africa. 1975: Promoted to full professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Philosophy of Science, PU for CHE, Potchefstroom, South Africa. 1980 New College, Berkeley, California. USA. Summer School course: "Christian faith and the social sciences". 1980 Regent College, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Summer School course: "Christian faith and the social sciences". 1980/81Professor of Philosophy, The Kings College, Edmonton. Alberta. Canada. 1995 - Emeritus professor, Potchefstroom University for Christian higher education, 1990 - 1995 Head of the department of Philosophy PU for CHE, Potchefstroom. 1975 - 1995 Member of Senate Task Force on Faculty Development and Philosophy of Science. Potchefstroom University for CHE, South Africa. 1995 - 2000 Vice-President (Academic) Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ontario. Canada and full professor of Philosophy. 2000 - 2003 Director of Research and Faculty Development, Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ont. Professor of Philosophy, Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ont. 2003 -2004 Director Dooyeweerd Centre, Redeemer University College, Ancaster 2005 Winter: Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Semiotics, Aarhus Denmark. 2005 Fall Part time lecturer Redeemer University College, Ancaster: Metaphor in Interdisciplinary Perspective. 2007 Winter and Fall Course Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa, Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ontario. 2008. Disciplining the Christian Mind. January 2008 Interim course, Calvin College, Grand Rapids. Michigan. USA SCHOLARLY ORGANIZATIONS MEMBERSHIP Philosophical Society of S.A. 1992-1994. Vice-chairperson, Chairperson. S.A. Academy of Arts and Science. Member of the Council of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, 1992-4. Human Sciences Research Council: Sub-program of Methodology Research Program, South Africa. Institute for Research Development: INTERFIL-programme: Chairperson, 1987-1992. International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education. Board Member, 1978 -1982. HONOURS: * Stals Prize for Philosophy awarded by The South African Academy of Science and Arts. ("Die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns"), 1992. * Out of Egypt. Published by Scripture and Hermeneutics Project of The British Bible Society and Cheltenham University, UK, 2004. Dedicated to M.Elaine Botha TEACHING Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Systematic Philosophy. Introduction to Reformational Philosophy. Systematic Philosophy: Ontology and Anthropology. Introduction to Systematic Philosophy. Philosophical anthropology. Social Philosophy. Prospects for a Christian Social Philosophy in a Post modern world. . Philosophical Foundations, Religion and metaphor Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa EDITORIAL EXPERIENCE Academic journals "SAVCW-BULLETIN": Editor, 1972-1975. "South African Bulletin for Christian Scholarship" "KOERS": Member of editorial board, 1976 to 1980. "PERSPEKTIEF": Member of editorial board, 1960 -1964. METHODOLOGY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES: Editor of published papers of a Research project concerning the methodology of the Social Sciences. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY: Member of the Editorial Board, 1989 - 1993. VISITING PROFESSORSHIPS AND GUEST LECTURES 2005 Centre for Semiotics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark 1986 University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. Faculty in Department of Philosophy and Theology. 1985. Port Elizabeth University, South Africa: Graduate students in Theology and Biblical Studies. 1978 Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. Fall semester: Professor of Philosophy 1980/81 The King's College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Academic year 1980/81: Professor of Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies 1980 New College, Berkeley, California. USA. Summer School course: "Christian faith and the social sciences . July 1980. 1980 Regent College, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Summer School course: "Christian faith and the social sciences", August 1980. 1981, 1978, 1975.Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa, USA. Guest lectures. 1981 Trinity College, Palos Heights, Illinois, USA. Guest lectures. PAPERS READ AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES: 2007. Why metaphor matters in education. Third International Congress on Metaphor, Language and Thought, Fortaleza, Brazil, 21 -24 October, 2007. 2006 IAPCHE's Congreso Internacional 2006 (CI06): Christian Higher Education in Global Context: Implications for Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Administration. Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa An Interdisciplinary course and Metaphor and its Moorings (book) in the Research Expo . 2006 Metaphor, domains and embodiment. Second Biennial Conference on Cognitive Science, St Petersburgh, Russia 9 - 13 June 2006. 2003 Embodied metaphor and analogy: hermeneutical keys to the role of fiduciary beliefs in science? Cognitive Linguistics Conference, La Rioja, Spain, July 2003. 2003 Rethinking root metaphors: re-enchanting a disenchanted world. XXIst World Congress of Philosophy Istanbul Turkey, August 2003/.Section: images and symbols 2002 No metaphor without ideological (and ontological) freight. Mind, metaphor and language , Euresco Conference, Kerkrade, Netherlands, April 2002. 2001 Clusters, Roots and Hierarchies of (Religious) Metaphors in the Disciplines. Calvin College Conference on :Christian Scholarship for what? Grand Rapids, Michigan., Fall, 2001. 2000 Metaphor and Religious Language. Open Book and Scholarship Conference, 16 19 August 2000, Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ont. Canada. 1999 Scholarship for reconciliation? A comparison of two models of Christian scholarship: The Free University of Amsterdam and Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, University of the Western Cape, Belville, South Africa, January 1999. 1999 Common roots- different fruits? Paper read at The With Heart and Mind Conference, Trinity Western University, Langley, BC. Canada. May 1999. 1999 Metaphor:The key to Hermeneutics. Hermeneutics Conference held at Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ont. July, 1999. 1998 Prospects for a Christian Social Philosophy. Paper read at Kuyper Centenary, Princeton, January 1998. 1996 Metaphor and Analogy revisited. International Symposium on the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd, held under the auspices of the Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy at Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ont 1995 Mechanistic and dynamistic readings of the Aforce@ metaphor in the work of Michael Faraday. International Conference on Logic , Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Florence, Italy. August 1995. (Volume of Abstracts, p. 314) 1994 The puzzling problem of pluralism. response to a paper by Sander Griffioen. Dooyeweerd Centenary Conference, Hoeven, The Netherlands, August 1994 1992 Reading the two books of God literally: Michael Faraday and the religious and scientific metaphors of power and force. Pascal Centre Conference on Science and belief, Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ont. Canada, August 1992. 1992 The mediating role of metaphor and analogy in the relationship between science and religion. Pascal Centre Conference on Science and belief, Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ont. Canada, August 1992. 1988 Metaphorical hermeneutics: A "logic of discovery for the social sciences?". 18th World Congress for Philosophy, Brighton. England, 1988. 1988 Cultural universals and Christianity. Participant in a Round Table discussion, 18th World Congress for Philosophy, Brighton. England, 1988. 1986 Metaphorical models and scientific realism. Tenth biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 1986. 1982 Metaphorical focus and perspective in scientific theories. The role of language and myth in scientific theories. Third International Philosophy Simposium of the Association for Calvinistic Philosophy, Leusden, Netherlands, 1982 1983 "White and Black civil religion as ideology". 17th World Congress for Philosophy, Montreal, Canada, 1983. 1978 "School and society". Second International Conference of Educational Institutions for Christian Higher Education. Calvin College. Grand Rapids, Mich. USA, 1978. 1978 AObjectivity under attack". Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, Ont. Canada. Social Sciences Seminar. Co-coordinator of conference, with dr. Bernie Zylstra, 1978. FACULTY DEVELOPMENT Potchefstroom university , South Africa1975 -1995 Appointed as Full Professor in Interdisciplinary Philosophy Department with mandate: Development, teaching and administration related to: Faculty development programs for new faculty 1) 1990 - 1995 New Faculty Development Seminars 2) Chair of the Organizing Committee responsible for the introduction of new faculty to the Basics of Christian Scholarship. 3) Developed a special course and curriculum for this purpose. * Curricula for undergraduate courses in interdisciplinary philosophy. * Curricula and Organization of Faculty Development Programs for New Faculty * For new faculty from three African Colleges: Daystar, Zimbabwe and Nigeria * Development of template for Faculty development programs on the integration of faith and learning in African Colleges. First Christian World View Conference organized with this template as basis held in January 1997, Nairobi. Kenia. Read a paper: Christianity Modernity. * Faculty Sabbatical projects on Faith and Learning: Foundational Studies * Development of text books for undergraduate courses in Interdisciplinary Philosophy. * Supervision of Publications of Faculty in the area of Foundational Studies. * Supervision of Faculty research projects in diverse areas. The King's College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 1980/1 Appointed as Professor of Philosophy with mandate to develop and teach Interdisciplinary Philosophy Courses, 1980/81, Edmonton. Alberta. Canada. Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ontario. Canada. Vice-President (Academic). 1995 -2000 Director of Research and Faculty Development, 2000 - 2003. Director:Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy, 2000-2004. Responsible for organization of annual Staley Lectures: 1996 - 2000. Dooyeweerd Centre; Mini - conference on Nature and Grace in Roman Catholic Thought, November 2003. Organization and planning of Faculty Retreats: 1) "Making the Vision visible". Faculty Retreat on finding ways to relate faith and learning in the class room, 1996. Included two projects: * Articulating the Mission Statement in departmental mission statements * Identifying assumptions and presuppositions at work in theories. Developing some faith-filled Christian responses to these presuppositions. 2) "Curricular Goals and Objectives" Faculty Retreat Articulating the insights gained in previous Retreat in overall Curricular Goals and Objectives. Year long project: Specifying the curricular goals and objectives in course outlines of courses being taught, 1997. 3) Core Curriculum Review. Faculty Retreat and Retreat of the Academic Affairs Committee Introducing the notion of Core Curriculum review., 1998. Lee Hardy, speaker, August 1999. Interim report on The work of the Core Curriculum review Task Force May 2000. M. E. Botha speaker 4) Celebration of Christian Scholarship. Series of three Faculty Development Workshops on the development of Christian Scholarship in the Disciplines. RESEARCH Research Affiliation 1.Research Associate, Institute for Reformational Studies, Potchefstroom University for CHE, Potchefstroom. South Africa.Various research projects: * The influence of Calvinism in South Africa. * The role of ideologies in modern society: The nature of ideology. * Perspectives on the role of women in society: The problem of stereotypes. *Perspectives on the university: A community of scholars. * Perspectives on the church: Women: Second class members? 2. Research Associate: Interdisciplinary Committee for Philosophy of Science, Potchefstroom University for CHE Project on the nature of foundational research, financed by the Human Sciences Research Council Republic (HSRC) of South .Africa,1982. 3. Coordinator of research project of the department of Philosophy, Potchefstroom University for CHE: Methodology of the Social Sciences, 1982 -1984. Research findings published in an article: "Theory pluralism", Koers, 1984, (49), 1. 4. Research Associate: Philosophy of Science: Research Project: The nature of foundational research.Research findings published in: Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap, 1985, (21) (1&2). 5. Research Associate: 1983-1984. Pilot Study: Political Philosophy trends in the RSA. In collaboration with prof. P.J.J.S. Potgieter, Political Science, PU for CHE. 6. Research Associate: Interdisciplinary research project of the Methodology of the Social Sciences, Human Sciences Research Council, Republic of South Africa. Research findings published In: Mouton, J., Joubert, D. Botha, M.E. et al.1988. Essays in social theorizing. HSRC, Pretoria 7. Research Associate: Research Project, Department of Philosophy, PU for CHE: The interdisciplinary significance of Philosophy for the Sciences, 1985 -1988. Research findings incorporated in a paper "Metaphorical hermeneutics", given at World Congress of Philosophy, Brighton, UK, 1988. Partially published in : Mouton, J., Joubert, D., Botha,M.E., et al. 1988. Essays in social theorizing , HSRC, Pretoria. 8. Research Associate: "Die probleem van representasie in die literatuur en literatuurwetenskap" (AThe problem of representation in literature and theory of literature.) An interdisciplinary research project. Project leader: Prof Hein Viljoen, department Linguistics and Literature Science, PU for CHE. Research findings published in: "Representasie in die literatuur, wetenskap en die literatuurwetenskap", Literator, 1989. 9. Coordinator of research Project: "Metaphor in Interdisciplinary perspective". PU for CHE. 10. Research collaborator: Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science, Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ont. Canada. "World views as root metaphors in science". Research report. (Unpublished). Various articles published on the basis of this research. See list of publications. 11. Senior Research Fellow, 2004 -2007 Potchefstroom campus, University of the North West, Potchefstroom. South Africa. RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS * Afrikaanse Taal en Kultuurvereniging: Scholarship for doctorate study, 1965 and 1966. * Vereniging vir Christelike Hoër onderwys: Scholarship for doctorate study, 1965 1971. * Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education: Scholarship for members of Faculty, 1969. * Government of the Netherlands: Scholarship for doctoral study, 1967-1971. * Human Sciences Research Council, Rep. of S.A., Senior Research Scholarships, 1975, 1984 and 1992. *Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science, Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ontario. Canada, 1992. * Standard Research Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Grant, Canada, 2001-3. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Standard Research grant. Canada RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto. Ontario, Canada, 1975. Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Boston University, Boston. Mass. USA, 1975. Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 1984. Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science, Redeemer University College, Ancaster. Ontario. Canada, 1992. Centre for Semiotics, Aarhus, Denmark, 2005. PUBLICATIONS: Books authored: 1. BOTHA, M.E. 2007. Metaphor and its Moorings. Studies in the Grounding of Metaphorical Meaning. Bern: Peter Lang. 2 BOTHA, M.E. 1990. Metateoretiese perspektiewe op die Sosiale wetenskappe. Potchefstroom: PU vir CHO. 239p. "Meta theoretical perspectives on the Social Sciences" 3 BOTHA, ME. 1984. Metaforiese Perspektief en fokus in die wetenskap. Departement Wetenskapsleer, PU vir CHO. 106p."Metaphorical perspective and focus in science" 4 BOTHA, ME. 1982. Christelik-Nasionaal : Ideologiese, gesekulariseerde of outentieke nasionalisme : Wetenskaplike bydraes. Reeks F. nr.10. IRS. Potchefstroom. 55p. "Christian national: Ideological, secularized or authentic nationalism?" 5 BOTHA, ME. 1974. Politieke geweld: aard, vorm en voorkoms van die verskynsel. Sentrum vir Internasionale Politiek, nr. 13: 9132.Potchefstroom:PU for CHE."Political violence: The nature of the phenomenon" 6. BOTHA, ME. 1971. Sosio-Kulturele Metavrae. Buijten en Schipperheijn, Amsterdam. 298p. " Philosophical questions of the Socio-cultural disciplines" Books edited: 1988. BOTHA, ME. en RUNIA, K. (reds.) The Family in Crisis. Research report compiled by Botha, ME, Runia, K. et al for Reformed Ecumenical Synod, Harare, Zimbabwe. 1988. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 153p. 1988. MOUTON, J.; JOUBERT, D.; BOTHA, ME. et al. 1988. Essays in Social Theorizing. HSRC: Pretoria. Botha, M.E. Metaphorical models and scientific explanation. Chapter 3, p.61 - 96. Chapters in Books:. 2003 On being a Christian philosopher and not a feminist. In: Philosophy, Feminism and Faith. Groenhout, Ruth and Bower, Mary (eds). Bloomington. Indiana University Press. 2000 Prospects for a Christian Philosophy in a Shrinking World. In: Lugo, Luis E. (Ed.) Religion, Pluralism and Public Life. Abraham Kuyper's Legacy for the Twenty-first Century. Eerdmans: Garnd Rapids, pp. 221 - 242. 2000 Metaphor and analogy revisited. In: Strauss, D.F.M. And Botting, Michelle (Eds.). Contemporary Reflections on the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd. Lewiston.: Mellen Press. 2000. 2000 Christian scholarship for reconciliation? The Free University of Amsterdam and Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education. In: Van Vught, William E. & Cloete, G. Daan. Race and Reconciliation in South Africa. A Multicultural Dialogue in Comparative Perspective. Lanham: Lexington Books.pp.121 - 140. 1999 Spiritualiteit: begrensing as bevryding@ an essay in Bewogen Realisme,(Uitgeverij Kok - Kampen, 1999. p.123-130) published on the occasion of the farewell of Dr. Bob Goudzwaard from the Free University of Amsterdam. "Spirituality: Limits as liberation" 1997 Humanizing the natural sciences: A methodological imperative for a society in transition. Chapter 12, p.295 - 312. Published in: Mouton, J. and Muller, J (eds.) 1997. Knowledge and Method and the Public Good. Pretoria. Human Sciences Research Council. 1995 Representasie in die wetenskap, literatuur en literatuurwetenskap. In: Viljoen, H. (red.) Metodologie en representasie. RGN-Studies in Metodologie. Pretoria:RGN, pp.99 128. "Representation in science, literature and theory of literature". 1996 Science, myth and metaphor. Human Being. Essays dedicated to Stuart Fowler .Doug Blomberg (ed.). Association for Christian Scholarship, Melbourne, 39 - 67. 1996 The role and development of a personal scientific frame of reference. In: Garbers Johan G (ed.) Effective Research and the Human Sciences. Pretoria: University of Pretoria. 1995 Die ontwikkeling van 'n persoonlike wetenskaplike verwysings-raamwerk en die versoening van wetenskap en geloof. In: Garbers, Johan (red.). Opleiding en Navorsing tydens Meesters-en doktorsgraadstudies. Pretoria: U.P. "The development of a personal frame of reference for the reconciliation between science and faith" 1994 Understanding our age. Philosophy at the turning point of the "turns". The endless search for the elusive universal, chapter 2, p.16 - 31. In: Botha, Elaine; Duvenhage, Pieter; Olivier, Bertie; Strauss, Danie; Van der Merwe, Willie; Van Niekerk, Anton; Visagie, Johan (Eds.) Wysgerige Perspektiewe op die 20ste eeu. Bloemfontein: Tekskor. 1990 Voorwaardes vir kultuurbewaring. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 30:3, 169 180. Ook gepubliseer In: 1991. Instituut vir reformatoriese Studies. Kultuurverskeidenheid in Afrika: Verleentheid of geleentheid? Potchefstroom:PU vir CHO. " Conditions for the preservation of culture". 1988 Ideologies - our modern demons. In: Van der Walt and Swanepoel, Rita (eds.) Ideological Struggle in Southern Africa. Flee from the idols! Orientation. nr. 50/51. 39 52. Institute for Reformational Studies. PU for CHE: Potchefstroom. 1988 Objectivity under attack: Rethinking paradigms in social theory - a survey. In: Marshall, P.A. & van der Vennen, R. (eds.) Social Science in Christian Perspective. Lanham: University Press of America. 1987 Neo-Calvinistiese wetenskapsbeskouing (p. 135-154). In: Snyman, JJ en du Plessis, PGW (Reds.) Wetenskapsbeelde in die Geesteswetenskappe. RGN-studies in Navorsingsmetodologie. RGN. 251p. "Neo-Calvinist understanding of scholarship." 1987 Grondslae-ondersoek: Die blootlegging van die onderliggende filosofiese sisteem van wetenskaplike teoriëe (p. 6-20). In: Departement Wetenskapsleer: Paradigmas in die wetenskappe. 'n Christelike perspektief. 'n Feesbundel ter viering van die een-entwintigste bestaansjaar van die departement Wetenskapsleer. Wetenskaplike bydraes van die PU vir CHO. 143p." Foundational studies: The uncovering of basic philosophical assumptions of theories" 1987 Die stereotiepe vrou (p. 18-32). In: Instituut vir Reformatoriese Studies: Venster op die vrou. Reformatoriese perspektiewe. Wetenskaplike bydraes van die PU vir CHO. 258p. "The stereotypical woman" 1987 Die universiteit: 'n Gemeenskap van dosente en studente. (p. 65-84). In: Instituut vir Reformatoriese Studies. Venster op die universiteit. Wetenskaplike bydraes van die PU vir CHO. 195p. "The university : A Community of professors and students" 1984 Christian-national: Authentic, ideological or secularized nationalism? (In: Our Reformational tradition. A rich heritage and lasting vocation). IRS. Potchefstroom. p.470-509 1980 Tweedeklaslidmate? In: Van der Walt, BJ e.a. Venster op die Kerk. IBCpublikasie. Potchefstroom: PU vir CHO. "Women - second class members of the congregation?" 1976 Kultuurkunde. (In: Die geskiedenis van die wetenskap. De Klerk, P. (red.) e.a. Wetenskaplike bydraes van die PU vir CHO. Reeks A: Geesteswetenskappe, nr. 22. Cultural Studies 1975 The idea of the university and problems concerning education; indoctrination and the role of the university. Koers, 40(4, 5 en 6). In: Festschrift J.A.L. Taljaard. Social Theory and practice. Crosscuts and perspectives. Klerksdorp. Instaprint. 1975 Nog ruimte vir 'n Christelike lewensbeskouing in die Opvoedkunde en opvoeding van die 21ste eeu? (In: Die skool van die 21ste eeu. COVSA). "Is there still room for a Christian world view in Education and Educational Theory in the twenty first century?" 1974 Ek en jy en die pilkultuur. In: Die wreld van '79. Publikasie van Korps Veritas Vincet, PU vir CHO p.158-174. 1974 Kleding en ontkleding. Mode-simptome van 'n rewolusionre kultuur. IBS: Reformasie en rewolusie, p.237-254. "Dress and undress - fashion symptoms of a revolutionary culture" Papers Published in Refereed Journals Rethinking root metaphors: Re-enchanting a disenchanted world. Philosophy and Cultures. Proceedings of the XXIst World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, Turkey 2003. Edited by professor Venant Cauchy Published in 2007. 2006. Metaphor, embodiment and fiduciary beliefs in science. In: Time and Context. Relevant Philosophy. Spesiale uitgawe van Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap. D.F.M. Strauss Festschrift, 17 -36. ISSN 1031-1116 2005. Metaphors, domains and embodiment. Koers, 70(3), 401 -423. Festschrift Annette Combrinck. M. Elaine Botha Metaphor and its Moorings. Studies in the Grounding of Metaphorical Meaning. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007 Bern, . XIV, 282 pp. ISBN 978-3-03910-457-4 pb. 2005 Discipling the Scholar and Teaching the Teacher. Koers 70(1) 2005 2004 Clusters, roots and hierarchies of metaphors in Scripture and the quest for Christian Scholarship Koers 69, (3), 2004 28p. 2002 Of light and limits: Philosophy matters. In die Skriflig. Festschrift for prof. J. Ammi van Wyk Refereed journal) Vol. 36:2, June 2002 1997 Education - Christianity - Modernity. Paper read at the Christian Worldview Conference on Integration of Faith and Learning. Nairobi, Kenia, January 1997. Published Journal for Christian Scholarship, Daystar University College, Nairobi, Kenia. 1995 Die ontwikkeling van 'n persoonlike wetenskaplike verwysings-raamwerk en die versoening van wetenskap en geloof. In: Garbers, Johan (red.). Opleiding en Navorsing tydens Meesters-en doktorsgraadstudies. Pretoria: U.P. (AThe development of a personal scholarly frame of reference and the reconciliation of faith and scholarship). 1995 The puzzling problem of pluralism. Response to a paper by Sander Griffioen. In: Proceedings of the Dooyeweerd Centenary Conference, held in Hoeven, The Netherlands, August 1994. Published in 1995 1995 Does Reformational philosophy have an answer to the many guises of pluralism? Koers, 60(2), 1995. 1995 Christelike universiteit in 'n apartheid en post-apartheid bedeling. Koers, 60:(1), 1995, p.121 148.Christian university in an apartheid and post apartheid dispensation 1995 Die Geesteswetenskappe in 'n samelewing in transformasie. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 35:(1), 1995.The Humanities in a society in transition 1994 Understanding our age. Philosophy at the turning point of the "turns". - The endless search for the elusive universal. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap, jrg. 30, 2de kwartaal, 16 - 31. 1994. 1993 The mediating role of metaphor and analogy in the relationship between science and religion. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap, jrg. 29, 4e kwartaal, 1993, 60 -73. 1993 Michael Faraday en die letterlike lesing van die twee boeke van God: 'n gevallestudie oor die verhouding van geloof en wetenskap. Koers, 58(2), 1993,141 - 168. (Michael Faraday and the literal reading of the two books of God) 1991 Voorwaardes vir kultuurbewaring. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 30:3, 169 180. 1990. Also published In: Instituut vir reformatoriese Studies. Kultuurverskeidenheid in Afrika: Verleentheid of geleentheid? Potchefstroom:PU vir CHO. 1991. 1990 Realisme en representasie in wetenskap en kultuur. Literator, 11:2. 1990. 1989 Gespreksmoontlikhede tussen verskillende paradigmas. Koers, 54:190 -207. 1989. 1989 Misplaaste kritiek? Koers, 54: 3 en 4. 1989. 1989 Theory development in perspective. The role of conceptual frameworks and models in theory development. Journal of Advanced January, Vol. 14 (1). 1989:49. 1989 Cultural universals - so what? Koers, 54:74 -87.1989. 1988 Framework for a taxonomy of metaphor. Philosophia Reformata, 53:1. 1988. 1988 Mouton, J.; Joubert, D.; Botha, ME. et al. 1988. Essays in Social Theorizing. Human Sciences Research Council,: Pretoria. a) Botha, M.E. Metaphorical models and scientific explanation. Chapter 3, p.61 - 96. 1987 Interkulturele verhoudinge met spesiale aandag aan die toekoms van Afrikaans. Tydskrif vir Geestewetenskappe, jrg. 27 no. 4, 1987. 1986 Metaphorical models and scientific realism. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Wysbegeerte, 5:3, Augustus, p.83-87. Also published in: Fine, A. & Machamer, P. Proceedings of the 1986 Biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, vol.1, East Lansing, Mich: PSA. 1986. 1986 "Bewitching" or confusing metaphysics. The demarcation between science and metaphysics according to Karl Popper. Koers, 51(4), pp. 430-440. 1986. 1985 Wat is grondslaestudie? Tydskrif vir Christelike wetenskap, 21 (1 & 2)p.27-75. 1985. 1985 Die vorming en ontwikkeling van die kognitiewe vermoëns en vaardighede van die student. Didaktikom, 6(1), April. 1985. 1984 Metaphorical focus and perspective in scientific theories. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Wysbegeerte. 3(2). 1984. 1984 Die pluralisme van wreldbeskouinge, teoretiese paradigmas en teorieë. Koers, 49(1).1984. 1984 A philosopher comments on "The relationship between the philosophy and methodology of the Human Sciences" (by Johann Mouton). South African Journal of Philosophy, 3(3). 1984. 1984 My Christelike lewensbeskouing en my wetenskap. Roeping en Riglyne. 1984. 1983 White and Black civil religion as ideology. Koers, 48(4). 1983. 1983 Self- en naasteliefde. Beweging. 31(3 & 4). Sept. en Des. 1983 1982 Science: Servant or master? Koers, 47:1, p.1-12. 1982. 1980 Islamitiese wetenskapsbeoefening? Koers, 45:4, 280-285.1980. PAPERS PUBLISHED IN REFEREED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 2003. Rethinking root metaphors: Re-enchanting a disenchanted world .Philosophy and Cultures. Proceedings of the XXIst World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, Turkey. Edited by professor Venant Cauchy. 1988 Breë paradigmatiese lyne in wetenskap en kultuur. In: Coetzee, I., Van der Waal, Gerhard-Mark. Kultuurbewaring, veranderende konteks en uitdaging. Internasionale Konferensieverslag van die Suid Afrikaanse Konferensie vir Kultuurbewaring, Kaapstad. 1988. "Broad paradigmatic contours of science and culture" 1986 Metaphorical models and scientific realism. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Wysbegeerte, 5:3 Augustus, p.83-87. Also published in: Fine, A. & Machamer, P. Proceedings of the 1986 Biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, vol.1, East Lansing, Mich: PSA. 1986. 1980 School and society. Justice and the International Economic order. Proceedings of the second International Conference of Reformed Institutions for Christian Higher Education, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1978. Published in 1980. M. Elaine Botha (Ph. D) November 2008 Unit 42 - 38 Elora Drive, Hamilton. Ontario L9C 7L6 Canada E-mail: Phone:905 574 4201 Fax: 905 648 2134