ÀãÓ›Èãè¾ã ‡ãðŠãäÓã ‚ããõÀ ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ãäÌã‡ãŠãÔã ºãö‡ãŠ NATIONAL BANK FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Mumbai : 3rd Floor, A & B Wing, C-24, "G" Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai - 400 051. 022-2653 9333 Fax 022- 2653 0090 ãä¶ãÌãñÍã ¨ãÉ¥ã ãäÌã¼ããØã INVESTMENT CREDIT DEPT. Email:icd@nabard.org _____________________________________________________________________________________ Ref.No.NB.ICD.GSS/ 1583 /RSH-4/2009-10 Circular No. 217 /ICD - 44/2009 24 December 2009 The Chairman / Managing Director All Scheduled Commercial Banks / All Scheduled (Primary) Urban Cooperative Banks All RRBs/ADFCs/SCBs/SCARDBs All other institutions eligible for NABARD refinance Dear Sir Centrally Sponsored Scheme - Establishment/ Modernisation of Rural Slaughter Houses As you are aware, meat industry in India has great potential but received very limited attention for its growth and development due to socio-religious factors. Slaughter houses have been under the control of municipal authorities/local bodies but no systematic efforts have been made so far to make meat production a commercial activity. Barring a few export-oriented abattoirs, it has been in the hands of those who have no knowledge of slaughter house hygiene, sanitation, meat quality and animal rights. 2. In this background, it has been decided by Government of India to launch a subsidy based credit linked scheme for establishment/modernisation of Rural Slaughter Houses on pilot basis during the remaining period of XI Five Year Plan with effect from 2009-10 in three States, viz., Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh. The credit linked back-ended subsidy shall be provided on the total financial outlay for the sub-sectors as indicated at para 6.1 of the guidelines. 3. The assistance under the scheme shall be available to any company, partnership firm, NGO and individual entrepreneurs. Capital subsidy @ 50% of the 1 total financial outaly of the project with the upper ceiling as indicated in para 6.1 and 6.2 of the guidelines shall be available for all categories of the promoters. 4. The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, is the focal department for the scheme. NABARD will be administering the subsidy and monitoring the progress of the scheme besides providing refinance support to the eligible financing banks for the term loan extended under the scheme. Extent and interest rate of refinance will be as per instructions issued by NABARD from time to time. 5. The implementation of the scheme shall be monitored by the Central Monitoring Committee (CMC) on a half yearly basis and the State Level Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (SLSMC) will review the progress on quarterly basis. The participating banks will conduct periodic inspections of the units and give a feedback to the SLSMC on a consolidated basis. 6. The SLSMCs in each State are expected to meet quickly after their constitution and decide whether proposal concerning each beneficiary is to be placed before the Committee for approval or proposals of a district/cluster are to be firmed up and bunched together for consideration of the Committee or the Committee would ratify the action taken by the financial institution on individual projects. 7. We request you to circulate the operational guidelines among your controlling offices and branches in the concerned states with instructions to implement the scheme expeditiously and advise your Controlling offices to submit the proposals to the Regional Offices of NABARD in the respective states. NABARD will release subsidy subject to availability of funds from GoI. You may also take steps for giving wide publicity to the scheme. The State Animal Husbandry Department may also be approached for popularising the scheme and mobilising applications from prospective promoters. A copy of the operational guidelines of the scheme is enclosed. English and Hindi versions of the operational guidelines would be placed in the website of NABARD Please acknowledge receipt. Yours faithfully 1 2 (S C Kaushik) Chief General Manager Encl : A copy of the operational guidelines 3 Endt. No.NB.ICD.GSS/1587 / RSH-4/2009-10 of date Copy for information forwarded to 1. The Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001 2. The Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001 3. The Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001 4. The Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, Banking Division, Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110001 5. The Secretary, Planning Commission, Yojana Bhavan, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001 6. The Joint Secretary (Dairy), Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001 7. The Joint Secretary (Poultry), Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001 8. The Advisor (Agriculture), Planning Commission, Yojana Bhavan, New Delhi 110001 9. The Director (Finance), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001 10. The Deputy Secretary (Dairy), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 110001 11. Joint Commissioner (Poultry), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 110001 12. The Deputy Advisor (AH), Planning Commission, Yojana Bhavan, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001 13. Lt. Gen. Narayan Chatterjee, AVSM SM, VSM, Adjutant General’s Branch, Army Headquarters, DHQ, PO, New Delhi - 110011. 14. The Managing Director, National Dairy Development Board, Anand - 388001 15. The Chief General Manager, Rural Planning & Credit Department, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai - 400023 16. The Chairman, Indian Banks Association, Blocks 2 and 3, Stadium House, 6 th Floor, 81-83, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai - 400020 17. The Managing Director, National Federation of State Cooperative Banks Ltd. (NASCOB), J.K. Chambers, 5th Floor, Plot No. 76, Sector-17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 4 18. The Managing Director, SCARDB Federation, 701, BSEL Tech Park, 7th Floor, ‘A’ Wing, Opp. Railway Station, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400705 19. The Chief General Manager, All Departments in Head Office, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development, Mumbai 20. The Secretary to Government, Animal Husbandry Department, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh. 21. The Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh 22. Director, Department of Animal Husbandry, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh 23. The Chief General Manager / General Manager / Officer-in-Charge, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh. A copy of the circular may be made available to each of the District Development Managers. 24. The Director, Bankers’ Institute for Rural Development, Lucknow 25. The Principal, College of Agricultural Banking, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune - 411016 26. The Principal, a. NABARD Staff College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh b. Regional Training Centre, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development, Bolpur Lodge, Bolpur - 731204, District Birbhum, West Bengal c. Regional Training Centre, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development, St. Aloysius College Hostel Complex, Mangalore, Karnataka d. Zonal Training Centre, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 27. PPS to Chairman, NABARD, HO, Mumbai 28. PS to MD / EDs, NABARD, HO, Mumbai (A.S. Patil) General Manager 5 GUIDELINES FOR ESTABLISHMENT /MODERNISATION OF RURAL SLAUGHTER HOUSES 1. Background Meat sector is one of the poorly organised sectors in our country. Though the consumption of meat is on the increase, the quality aspects have remained unchanged. Slaughterhouses have been under the control of municipal authorities and no effort had been made to make meat production an economic activity. Lack of finance, poor private participation, and environmental problems are some of the other constraints felt. 1.2 With enactment of Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, all the food items produced in the country will have to meet a certain level of quality standards in terms of hygiene prescribed. Meat is probably one item, which has not been paid adequate attention in this regard. At present slaughter houses in rural areas are under the control of local bodies like Panchayats and Municipalities. The slaughterhouses maintained by them get least priority and no standards are being insisted on. Production of meat in them cannot be recognized as meat from organized sector. Schemes to improve slaughterhouses formulated in the past have not been very effective, since most of them concentrated on large urban-based slaughterhouses. Even at present, Ministry of Food Processing has prepared a scheme to support large modern slaughterhouses for supply of meat to cities. These will be units of large outlay and help produce wholesome meat for the consumers in these cities. 1.3 To make this sector dynamic, targeting large slaughterhouses will not suffice. Addition of value at the local level will be more ideal, as it will limit transport of animals, contain environmental pollution to local levels, and help animal owners to earn better income by providing them direct access to market. It is important to introduce private participation and make the activity a business. The past shows that slaughterhouses at industrial scale have been successful only in the private sector where they are run as meat producing centres. 1.4 Service slaughterhouses have not been self-sustaining, as the service charges collected do not meet even the running expenses leading to maintenance of units. Small slaughterhouses have not been tried on commercial lines, except in few cases and even in them no systemic investments have been made. A pilot scheme to encourage establishment of rural 6 slaughterhouses in three states and help entrepreneurs to undertake the activity as a bankable venture is envisaged. 2. Objectives of the Scheme i. To establish a new system of slaughter of livestock along with network of cold chain and distribution on commercial basis. ii. To develop models of slaughterhouses which can be run by private entrepreneurs in rural and semi urban areas with population of less than 50,000. iii. To encourage value addition to the products in rural areas so that livestock owners get better income and wastage of byproducts of slaughterhouses is avoided. iv. To ensure hygiene in meat production from the slaughterhouse to consumer table by establishing cold chain and distribution system. v. Minimize clandestine slaughter and provide pollution free environment. 3.Definition For the purpose of the scheme, rural slaughter houses are those which are located in places with a population of less than 50,000. 4. Implementing period and Area of Operation The pilot phase will be implemented during the remaining XI plan period in three states viz. Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh on a first come first serve basis. 5.Eligibility 5.1.Any company, partnership firm, NGO and individual entrepreneur would be eligible for the assistance if they set up/ modernize the slaughter houses / poultry dressing units as per guidelines laid down. They should have the necessary approval of the local body to take up the work. 5.2. Each entrepreneur would be eligible to avail benefit under the scheme for two units per State with a ceiling of four units under the scheme. 6.. Project Costs and ceilings on Subsidy. 6.1. The indicative project costs and ceiling on subsidy for different activities are given below S.No Component (1) (2) 1 Establishing small/medium /large slaughter houses a Model I - upto 50 small ruminants Total financial outlay Rs lakh (3) 66.00 Quantum of Capital Subsidy (4) 50 % of total financial outlay as back ended subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs.30 lakh 7 (1) b c d (2) Model II -upto 25 large ruminants and 50 small ruminants Model -III - upto 50 large and 200 small ruminants (3) 99.00 483.00 (4) 50 % of total financial outlay as back ended subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 45 lakh 50% of total financial outlay as back ended subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 200 lakh Poultry dressing units * Depends on the 50 % of total financial outlay as back capacity, ended subsidy subject to a ceiling of automation etc Rs 200 lakh 2 Modernisation of existing Depends on the 50 % of total financial outlay as back facilities extent of ended subsidy subject to a ceiling of modernization, Rs 200 lakh capacity 3 Byproducts utilization plant Will vary 50 % of total financial outlay as back depending on ended subsidy subject to a ceiling of the capacity Rs 30 lakh 4 Cold storage and cold chain Will vary 50 % of total financial outlay as back depending on ended subsidy subject to a ceiling of the capacity Rs 30 lakh 5 Certification on quality Rs 2 lakh per Rs 2 lakh per unit as grant unit * Total amount of subsidy for poultry dressing units will be limited to 25%, i.e. Rs 10 crore, of budgeted outlay of the scheme. 6.2.1. The capacity and unit costs given above are indicative for all the three models. Units with higher costs could also be considered subject to their feasibility and viability. However, subsidy would be limited to the subsidy ceilings indicated above at para 6.1. 6.2.2 Units with higher capacities and outlays shall also be covered under the scheme subject to their feasibility and viability. Subsidy in such cases, however, shall be 50% of the total financial outlay with the subsidy ceiling of Rs 200 lakh as indicated above 7. Funding pattern Entrepreneur contribution ( margin) - 25% of the total financial outlay (minimum) Back ended capital subsidy - 50% of the TFO subject to ceiling as per para 6.1 Bank Loan - 25% of the outlay (minimum) In case the total financial outlay is more than that indicated above, either the entrpreneur can bring that amount as additional margin or the bank can sanction it as a loan. 8 8.Linkage with credit Assistance under the scheme would be purely credit linked and subject to sanction of the project by eligible financial institutions 9. Eligible financial institutions a. Commercial Banks b. Regional Rural Banks c. State Cooperative Banks d. State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks: and e. Such other institutions, which will be eligible for refinance/cofinance from NABARD. 10. Project preparation and sanction by Banks 10.1 The borrowers will prepare a detailed project report either for establishment of new slaughter houses/ poultry dressing plants or modernisation of existing slaughter houses. 10.2. The value of the land to be computed in the project should not exceed 10% of the project cost. In other words, if the cost of the land exceeds 10% of the project outlay, such value to the extent of 10% of the project cost only should be included in the project . Cost of land thus computed is to be reckoned towards margin money. Cost of land will be computed in the project only when a. The land is purchased by the entrepreneur specifically for the project, b. Cost of land should be the registered purchase value and not the market value and c. The value of that portion of land utilized for the project only is included. 10.3. Standards laid down by Bureau of Indian Standards / Prevention of Cruelty to animals (Slaughter House) Rules 2000 under PCA Act 1960 shall be kept in view while preparing and executing the projects. The entrepreneur / agency seeking assistance under the scheme shall ensure presence of requisite number of qualified veterinary doctors for performing antemortem and post mortem examination of animals brought for slaughter. There should be provision for treatment and disposal of slaughter waste (solid/liquid). Approvals from the local administration and pollution control boards is mandatory for such projects and after obtaining necessary approval, these projects are submitted to the banks for sanction. 10.4. Banks shall appraise the projects according to their norms and if found eligible, sanction the entire project cost excluding the party’s margin as bank loan and forward the project along 9 with their appraisal report and sanction letter to the concerned Regional Office of NABARD for sanction of subsidy. Format of covering letter is given as Annexure I. 11. Sanction of Subsidy 11.1 State Level Sanction and Monitoring Committee is constituted with Secretary / Principal Secretary, Animal Husbandry Department of the State Government as the Chairman and representatives from Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DAHD&F), GoI, lead bank of the State, Meat Industry, representative of Municipal Affairs / Panchayatiraj Department of State Government, expert on meat science and OIC of NABARD Regional Office as members. Initially NABARD shall convene the meeting as and when the projects are received for sanction and later at quarterly intervals to review the progress of the scheme. Banks that have submitted projects for sanction may be invited as special invitees. The SLSMC in each State are expected to meet quickly after its constitution and decide whether proposal concerning each beneficiary is to be placed before the Committee for approval or proposals of a district/cluster are to be firmed up and bunched together for consideration of the Committee or the Committee would ratify the action taken by the financial institution on individual projects. 11.2 Projects received from the banks shall be placed before SLSMC, which will take a decision on sanctioning or otherwise of projects upto an outlay of Rs 2.00 crore. In respect of projects with an outlay exceeding Rs 2.00 crore, the SLSMC shall forward the projects along with their comments to Joint Monitoring Committee at National level, through NABARD Head Office. 11.3 Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) at National level will be constituted with members from DAHD&F , GoI, Planning Commission, Principal Secretary / Secretary / Director/ Commissioner of Animal Husbandry of State concerned, financing banks, meat industry, expert on meat science from ICAR, representative of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Food Processing / National Food Safety and Standards Authority and NABARD. Joint Secretary concerned of DAHD&F will chair the Committee. JC ( Meat) shall convene the meeting at half yearly intervals or as and when projects are received by them for sanction. 12. Release of Bank Loan and Subsidy 12.1 On sanction of the project by the SLSMC / JMC, NABARD shall advise the bank concerned . The bank shall then release the first instalment of bank loan to the agency and then 10 approach concerned Regional Office of NABARD for release of first instalment of subsidy. Format for application for release of advance subsidy is given as Annexure II 12.2 NABARD, on receipt of claim form from the participating bank will release 50% advance subsidy to the participating bank for keeping the same in the Subsidy Reserve Fund A/c (Borrower-wise). The release of subsidy by NABARD will be subject to availability of funds from GoI. 12.3 When the project is nearing completion, the agency will inform the participating bank , who in turn will inform the concerned Regional Office of NABARD for taking up joint monitoring of the project. 12.4 A team from NABARD, local animal husbandry department and the financing bank would conduct field monitoring of the project. 12.5 The bank will then submit the claim for final capital subsidy as per the format given as Annexure III along with the joint monitoring report in the prescribed format at Annexure IV to NABARD, Regional Office, immediately after commissioning the unit. 12.6 After crediting the final installment of subsidy in the reserve fund of the borrower, a Utilization Certificate in the prescribed format (Annexure V) shall be submitted by the participating bank to NABARD to the effect that the amount of subsidy received by them has been fully utilized and adjusted in the books of account within the overall guidelines of the scheme. 13. Repayment 13.1 Repayment Period will depend on the nature of activity and will vary between 5 to 9 years. The repayment period may include a maximum, grace period of 2 years (to be decided by the financing bank as per needs of individual projects). 13.2 The repayment schedules will be drawn on the total amount of the loan (including subsidy) in such a way that the subsidy amount is adjusted after liquidation of net bank loan (excluding subsidy). 14. Rate of Interest Rate of interest on term loan shall be as per RBI guidelines and declared policy of the bank in this regard. 15. Security The security for availing the loan will be as per guidelines issued by RBI from time to time. 11 16. 16.1 Time limit for Completion of the project. Time limit for completion of the project would be as envisaged under the project, subject to maximum of 9 months period from the date of disbursement of the first instalment of loan which may be extended by a further period of 3 months, if reasons for delay are considered justified by the financial institution concerned. 16.2 If the project is not completed within the stipulated period, benefit of subsidy shall not be available and advance subsidy placed with the participating bank, if any, will have to be refunded forthwith to NABARD. 17. Refinance Assistance from NABARD NABARD would provide refinance assistance to commercial banks, RRBs, SCBs SCARDBs and other such eligible institutions. Quantum and rate of interest on refinance will be as decided by NABARD from time to time. 18. Adjustment of subsidy 18.1 The capital subsidy will be back ended with minimum 3 Years lock-in period. 18.2 The capital subsidy should be refunded if the account becomes an NPA. 18.3 The capital subsidy will be adjusted against the last few installments of repayment of bank loan. 18.4 The capital subsidy admissible under the scheme will be kept in the “Subsidy Reserve Fund Account (Borrower-wise) in the books of the financing bank. No interest will be charged on this by the bank. In view of this, for the purposes of changing interest on the loan component, the subsidy amount should be excluded. The balance lying to the credit of the “ Subsidy Reserve Fund Account” will not form part of Demand and Time Liabilities for calculation of CRR and SLR. 19. Monitoring 19.1 At the National level a Central Monitoring Committee will review the progress on half yearly basis. 19.2 The SLSMC will review the progress on quarterly basis. 19.3 The participating banks should conduct periodic inspections of the units and give a feedback to the SLSMC on a consolidated basis. 12 19.4 The progress report of the scheme as per format at Annexure VI shall be sent by NABARD to the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, MoA, GoI, on a monthly basis. 20. Other Conditions The participating banks will adhere to the norms of appraising the projects regarding technical feasibility and commercial/financial viability. All possible care will be taken to avoid duplication of projects under the scheme with similar projects implemented by Ministry of Food Processing Industries in the same areas. The participating banks should ensure insurance of the assets created under the project, wherever required statutorily. A signboard displaying “Assisted by Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India through NABARD” will be exhibited at the unit. Pre and post completion inspection of the project shall be undertaken by the participating bank to verify physical, financial and operational progress as and when required. DAHD&F reserves the right to modify, add and delete any terms / conditions without assigning any reason. DAHD&F’s interpretation of various terms will be final. DAHD&F reserves the right to recall any amount given under the scheme without assigning any reason thereof. Any other pre and post inspection would be undertaken by DAHD&F representative to find out the physical and financial progress as and when required. Other operational instructions issued by DAHD&F / NABARD from time to time will be strictly followed. 13 ANNEXURE I Lr.No. Date The Chief General Manager NABARD Regional Office Sir Pilot scheme for establishment / modernisation of rural slaughter houses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have sanctioned the captioned project a loan amount of Rs. Lakh. We forward herewith the following details for sanction of eligible capital subsidy under the pilot scheme for establishment / modernization of rural slaughter houses for___________________________________ ( type of the project) i. Project report along with clearances from local authorities, NOC from Pollution Board etc ii. Appraisal note iii. Sanction letter We request you to communicate your decision at the earliest. Yours faithfully ( Authorised signatory) Controlling Office 14 ANNEXURE II CLAIM FORM FROM THE CONTROLLING OFFICE OF THE BANK FOR RELEASE OF CAPITAL SUBSIDY(ADVANCE) IN RESPECT OF PILOT SCHEME FOR ESTABLISHMENT / MODERNISATION OF RURAL SLAUGHTER HOUSES (To be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of NABARD) NAME OF THE BANK : DATE: TOTAL AMOUNT OF CURRENT CLAIM : DETAILS OF CURRENT CLAIM : [Rs. lakh] Particulars Name and address of the Entrepreneur Location of the Project Whether SF/MF/SC/ST/Women Bank/Branch address Loan A/c No. Date of sanction Purpose of Loan Capacity ( unit size) Total Financial Outlay Margin Bank Loan Repayment prescribed Rate of Interest Date of release of 1st instalment of loan Advance Capital Subsidy claimed Any other information relevant to the project 1. 2. We undertake having complied with all the instructions contained in NABARD circular No. dated regarding operational guidelines of the scheme and as amended from time to time, while sanctioning above proposals. We request you to release an amount of Rs.__________ (Rupees ) as Capital Subsidy (advance) in respect of the above entrepreneur. Place : Date : Seal and signature of the Branch Manager(financing bank) Authorised signatory Controlling Office of the bank (For the use of NABARD RO, 15 ) The above claim is scrutinised. HO is requested to confirm the release of Advance subsidy amount of Rs. (Rupees only) to be released to ______________ (Name of the Bank). (Signature) AGM/DGM (NABARD, RO) __________________________________________________________________________ (For the use of ICD, NABARD HO) __________________________________________________________________________ Release of Subsidy - Confirmation RETURN FAX MESSAGE Date __________________________________________________________________________ FROM : CGM, ICD, NABARD, HO, MUMBAI FOR: CGM/GM/OIC, REGIONAL OFFICE NABARD __________________________________________________________________________ Pilot scheme for establishment / modernization of rural slaughter houses- Release of advance subsidy - confirmation The claim No. is admitted. Since sufficient funds are available with NABARD, under the scheme, the above proposal of releasing advance subsidy amount of Rs............................. (Rupees ................................................................... only) is confirmed for release. AGM / DGM ICD, NABARD-HO, MUMBAI Date : ANNEXURE III 16 CLAIM FORM FROM THE CONTROLLING OFFICE OF THE BANK FOR RELEASE OF CAPITAL SUBSIDY (FINAL) IN RESPECT OF PILOT SCHEME FOR ESTABLISHMENT /MODERNISATION OF RURAL SLAUGHTER HOUSES (To be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of NABARD) NAME OF THE BANK : AMOUNT OF CURRENT CLAIM : DETAILS OF CURRENT CLAIM : Particulars Date [Rs. lakh] Name and address of the Entrepreneur Whether SC/ST/Women Bank/Branch address Loan A/c No. Date of sanction Purpose of Loan Total Financial Outlay Margin Bank Loan Repayment prescribed Date of receipt of advance Capital Subsidy Date of Joint Monitoring visit Date of commissioning Final Subsidy claimed Any other information 1. 2. 3. 4. We undertake having complied with all the instructions contained in NABARD circular No. ------------------------------------------- regarding operational guidelines of the scheme and as amended from time to time while sanctioning above proposals. We request you to release an amount of Rs.________________ (Rupees ) as Capital Subsidy (Final) in respect of the above entrepreneur. We also certify that the previous claims have been fully utilised and adjusted in the books of account under the sanctioned terms and conditions of the project within the overall guidelines of the scheme. The inspection report and commissioning certificate are enclosed. Place : Seal and signature of the Branch Manager(financing bank) Date : Encl: [1] Joint Monitoring Report [2] Commissioning Certificate Counter signed Authorised signatory of Controlling office of the bank (For the use of NABARD RO, 17 ) The above claim is scrutinised. HO is requested to confirm the release of final subsidy amount of Rs. (Rupees only) to be released to ______________ (Name of the Bank). (Signature) AGM/DGM (NABARD, RO) __________________________________________________________________________ (For the use of ICD, NABARD HO) Release of Subsidy - Confirmation RETURN FAX MESSAGE Date __________________________________________________________________________ FROM : CGM, ICD, NABARD, HO, MUMBAI FOR: CGM/GM/OIC, REGIONAL OFFICE NABARD __________________________________________________________________________ Pilot scheme for establishment / modernization of rural slaughter houses - Release of final subsidy - confirmation The claim No. is admitted. (Ref. Claim No........................ for advance subsidy). Since sufficient funds are available with NABARD, under the scheme, the above proposal of releasing final subsidy amount of Rs................................. (Rupees ........................................................................................ only) is confirmed for release. AGM / DGM ICD, NABARD-HO, MUMBAI Date 18 Annexure IV Format of Joint Monitoring Report Pilot Scheme For Establishement/Modernisation of Rural Slaughterhouses 1 Name 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Members of the Joint Inspection Committee (i) NABARD (ii) Financing bank (iii) Dept. of Animal Husbandry Name, address and location of the beneficiary Name of the project, address and location Name of the financing bank and branch Date of sanction of loan by bank Amt. of loan sanctioned Date of disbursement of first instalment Total loan amount disbursed Date of completion of the project Date of commission of the project 11 Item-wise cost of project As per project report apprised by bank Actual As per indicative cost 12 Source of finance As per project report apprised by bank Actual As per indicative cost 13 14 15 16 Total entitlement of subsidy Amount of advance subsidy released Balance subsidy to be released (i) whether project completed in time (ii) Whether construction is as per technical parameters (iii) Whether requisite licenses, certificates, etc., have been submitted Recommendation of the JMC 2 10 Signature of members : 1. 2. 3. 19 Designation Address Annexure V Format for Utilization Certificate - Capital Subsidy (FOR THE USE OF FINANCING BANK TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE RO OF NABARD) PILOTSCHEME FOR ESTABLISHMENT /MODERNISATION OF RURAL SLAUGHTER HOUSES [Rs. lakh] 1 2 Name, address and location of the beneficiary and project Name of the financing bank : 3 Name & address of the financing branch: 4 Date of sanction of loan by bank : 5 Date of verification by Joint Monitoring Team Date of commission of the unit : 6 7 (i) Total financial outlay (ii) Margin Money (iii)Bank loan (iv) Subsidy received Dt.of receipt from NABARD Rs. Rs. Rs. Amt. Dt.of credit to the Subsidy Reserve (Rs.) Fund a/c of the Borrower (a) 50% Advance subsidy (b) Final instalment of capital subsidy 8 Brief description of facilities created with capacity etc. 9 Rate of interest charged by the financial bank : % p.a. 10 The bank has / has not availed refinance from NABARD 11 This is to certify that the full amount of capital subsidy received in respect of the above project has been fully utilized (by way of crediting to the "Subsidy Reserve Fund Account - borrower - wise) and adjusted in the books of account under the sanctioned terms and conditions of the project within the overall guidelines of the scheme. Place : Date : (______________________) Seal & Signature of the Branch Manager (Financing bank) 20 ANNEXURE VI ESTABLISHMENT/MODERNISATION OF RURAL SLAUGHTER HOUSES PROGRESS REPORT AS ON ____________ State : [Rs. lakh] S.No Name of the beneficiary Bank/ Branch Purpose Total Outlay Bank Loan sanctioned Dt. of disb. of first instalment of loan Adv. Subsidy released Final. Subsidy released Total subsidy released Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 21