Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Feasibility Report: A web-based system for Shellharbour City Cricket Club’s Player Statistics Peter Bramley IPT Major Project Task Page 1: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Contents Page Problem Definition Page 3 Requirements Report Pages 4-8 Summary of Investigation Page 9 Alternative Solutions Page 10-11 Recommendations Page 12 IPT Major Project Task Page 2: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Problem Definition It is my opinion that a new system could be beneficial to manage the data of cricket statistics of a local cricket club, provided this new suggestion is feasible. Currently, the system being used for these statistics is a paper based system, in which the statistics are written down on paper and kept as documents within the club. To access these statistics, cricketers are currently having to physically go down to the club and ask to view the statistics. A photocopy of the data can then be taken. There are several problems that are evident in the existing paper-based system. Firstly, there is only one copy of the entire statistics for the cricketers at the club. This means that if the data is lost or damaged, there is no real way of recollecting the entire set of data, apart from relying on memories, and also on the possible photocopies that may have been made. Also, it is difficult for the information to be obtained by those who wish to see it. If the person who wishes to see it isn’t a cricketer from that club, they may not know where the club is located in order to view the statistics. Current cricketers also may not be willing to travel to the club if it is a long way away, especially if they just wish to glance at a few statistics, and aren’t that worried about seeing all of them. These problems could be reduced or removed with the implementation of a different, improved system, provided it is feasible and suited to the cricket club. IPT Major Project Task Page 3: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Requirements Report We have seen earlier in the problem statement that a new system could certainly be beneficial to manage the data of cricket statistics of a local cricket team. By having a new web-based system, as opposed to the existing paper-based one, the cricket club will be able to display their statistics to people much more efficiently, as there are many existing faults in the paper system. Firstly, there is only one copy of the entire statistics for the cricketers at the club. This means that if the data is lost or damaged, there is no real way of recollecting the entire set of data, apart from relying on memories, and also on the possible photocopies that may have been made. Also, it is difficult for the information to be obtained by those who wish to see it. If the person who wishes to see it isn’t a cricketer from that club, they may not know where the club is located in order to view the statistics. Current cricketers also may not be willing to travel to the club if it is a long way away, especially if they just wish to glance at a few statistics, and aren’t that worried about seeing all of them. This newly suggested web-based system would have many benefits when compared with the old system, and so will be much better for the cricket club to implement. The many benefits include things such as the accessibility of the system, the decreased amount of physical storage space, and the ability to sort to find statistics grade by grade. IPT Major Project Task Page 4: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Requirements Report Cont. Gantt Chart Week 1 Week 3 Week 5 Week 7 Week 9 Week 11 Week 13 Week 15 Week 17 Week 19 Week 21 Week 23 Week 25 PAPER WORK Understanding the Problem Making decisions Designing Solutions Implementation Testing, Evaluating and Maintaining Project Management WEB PAGE CREATION IPT Major Project Task Page 5: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Requirements Report Cont. Original Paper-Based System . Environment: Shellharbour City Cricket Club Purpose: To allow cricket statistics and player bios of a local cricket team to be viewed. Information Processes: Collecting: User chooses which grade contains necessary statistics. Organising: Search for the selected grade’s statistics. Analysing: The chosen grade and all its statistics are located. Storing/Retrieving: Team captains give statistic data to President for main copy Processing: Statistics updated every week, as captains hand in data. Transmitting/Receiving: Data transferred from scorecards to main paper copy ready for displaying Displaying: Statistics displayed to user. Participants: Data/Information: Shellharbour city cricket club president Player’s names/ bio’s Captains from each grade Statistics IPT Major Project Task Different Grades Information Technology: Paper copy of entire statistics Page 6: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Requirements Report Cont. Newly suggested web-based system . Environment: Internet Purpose: To allow cricket statistics and player bios of a local cricket team to be viewed. Information Processes: Collecting: User chooses which grade contains necessary statistics. Organising: Search for the selected grade’s statistics. Analysing: The chosen grade and all its statistics are located. Storing/Retrieving: Statistics page saved after every update. Processing: Statistics updated every week. Transmitting/Receiving: Data transferred from scorecards to web page for displaying. Displaying: Statistics displayed to user. Participants: Data/Information: Shellharbour city cricket club president Player’s names/ bio’s Personal Computer Different Grades Modem Captains from each grade Statistics Internet connection IPT Major Project Task Information Technology: Page 7: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Requirements Report Cont. The new system The new system will be one based on computers and performed over the internet. A computer and an internet host and connection will be among the things required for this new system. The statistics will still be required to be collected each week by team captains, and the club president will still be required to put them all together, however, by putting them in a web page format, the statistics will be easier to access for most people and are also easier to search through. These statistics would include the actual individual scores of players (runs, games, wickets, averages etc.) but would also include the occasional collection of other data. This could include possible news, photos, sponsor sections etc. This new system will not include any programs etc. designed to make the actual calculations of the statistics easier. By putting it in a web page, however, it will be easier to update as you can search and sort far more efficiently than if the statistics were all on paper and had the risk of being lost or damaged. IPT Major Project Task Page 8: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Summary of Investigation The current system in place at Shellharbour City Cricket Club for viewing the cricket statistics of local players is a paper-based system. The entire copy of statistics is located at Shellharbour’s home ground. These statistics are updated by the club president every week, who gathers the data from individual grade teams from the captain each week at training. The major copy edited by the president is all on paper, and must be changed every week. The people wishing to view the statistics of their own performance, or of someone else’s, are able to go down to the club to view the statistics. If they wish to make a copy of a certain section of statistics, they are able to photocopy small amounts of the information. These photocopies can then be kept by the user. This current system that is in use is relatively inexpensive. The only costs associated with the system faced by the cricket club is that of paper for the original copies of statistics, pens to update the data, paper for the photocopies that are made, and the cost of the actual photocopier and its maintenance. Although this system is inexpensive, it does face several problems and restraints. Firstly, the system is pretty inefficient for most people. Only those who are at Shellharbour’s home ground, or are willing to travel there during a time when the president is also there are able to access these statistics. It is also difficult for people to search through the statistics to find the ones they want, as they are placed in no particular order. Also, as mentioned in the problem definition, if the collection of statistics was to be destroyed, there would be no real way to recollect the entire collection. The actual process of updating the statistics is one that is very timeconsuming for the president who is required to update them. The job itself is also prone to human error, especially as it is so time consuming. IPT Major Project Task Page 9: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Alternative Solutions There are two main options that could be considered as new systems that could take over the existing paper-based system. Both options have advantages and disadvantages. 1.) The first system to be considered as a new system is computer based. It involves a similar procedure as the original system, except the statistics would then be stored on a computer. The users would still be required to travel down to the home ground, but they would then be able to print out any copies of statistics that they required, instead of using a photocopier. The security of the data would also be improved, as several backup copies could be easily made. Also the organization and updating of data could take place in a quicker, more efficient way with the aid of a computer and a program such as excel, which would easily place statistics into appropriate sections. Once trained in the required area, this system would also be easier for the club president, and therefore less prone to human error. Technical Feasibility: For this new system to work, Shellharbour city cricket club would need a computer and a printer, along with a program such as excel. All of this technology is able to be purchased almost anywhere and so the suggested project would indeed be technically feasible. Operational Feasibility: Although the suggested system involves computers, and is more technologically orientated than the current paper-based one, I would not expect major training for anyone involved with the new system to be a requirement. The club president may be required to learn a little about the operation and updating of data on a spreadsheet, but with the general knowledge most people currently have with computers, the training will most likely not extend further than that. Economic Feasibility: This new project will lead to a few necessary costs. Firstly, the computer required is not currently owned by Shellharbour city cricket club, and will therefore be an expense to them. This computer will not be expected to be used for many things other than the storage of the statistics, and could be therefore purchased for under $1000. It is quite possible that this computer will already come with a program such as excel, and so will not be an additional expense. A printer may also come with the computer, but, if not, this can be easily purchased for around $100. Paper and ink for the printer will be an ongoing cost that is also involved, but it will also be relatively inexpensive as it will only be used for those wishing to access statistics occasionally. I expect the cost of these ongoing items to be around $20/month. This may be a little more expensive than the current ongoing costs of paper and pens. The total cost for the change in system would then be approximately $1100 plus the ongoing costs of around $20/month. This price could then be effectively reduced by the sale of the photocopier, which is no longer useful. Also, the income generated from sponsorship and players registration should be enough to cover the estimated costs. Due to this, I then think that this system would be economically feasible for Shellharbour city cricket club. Schedule Feasibility: The schedule feasibility is not as much of an issue as the other feasibility requirements, as the complete changeover could be conducted in the off season, which lasts for about 6 months; plenty of time to convert the statistics onto a computer based system. IPT Major Project Task Page 10: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley 2) The second system to be considered as a new system is web-based. It involves relocating all the statistics onto a web page, which anybody would be able to view at any time. Users would no longer have to travel down to the home ground in order to access them. The data could be backed-up, so it is unlikely that the entire collection of statistics could be lost this way. The organization and updating of the statistics would also be very quick and efficient, as they don’t have to be continually written out by hand and can instead by done with the aid of a computer, thus reducing the risk of human error. Copies of the statistics could be made by the users themselves, by printing out a copy on their own personal computers. Technical Feasibility: For this new system to work, Shellharbour city cricket club would need a computer, along with a program such as Microsoft frontpage. Also, an internet connection and web host will be necessary. This technology is able to be purchased almost anywhere and so the suggested project would indeed be technically feasible. Operational Feasibility: Although the suggested system involves computers, and is more technologically orientated than the current paper-based one, I would not expect major training for anyone involved with the new system to be a requirement. The club president may be required to learn a little about the operation and updating of data on a website, but as the website itself will already be constructed, the only training would be in the updating of figures and statistics. Economic Feasibility: This new project will also lead to a few necessary costs. Firstly, the computer required is not currently owned by Shellharbour city cricket club, and will therefore be an expense to them. This computer will not be expected to be used for many things other than updating of statistics and the web site, and could be therefore purchased for under or around $1000. It is quite possible that this computer will already come with a program such as frontpage, and so will not be an additional expense. The internet connection and the cost of web hosting will be an ongoing cost that is also involved, but can be expected to be only around $50/month. These ongoing costs will not be required during the off season, and so these costs can be reduced to running through only half the year. Even so, this cost may be a little more expensive than the current ongoing costs of paper and pens. The total cost for the change in system would then be approximately $1000 plus the ongoing costs of around $50/month. This price could then be effectively reduced by the sale of the photocopier, which is no longer useful. The removal of printing costs is also seen in this system, as users would print out their own data at home as can the income from sponsorship on the web page. Also, the income generated from sponsorship (possibly a sponsorship on this new website) and players registration should be enough to cover the estimated costs. Due to this, I then think that this system would be economically feasible for Shellharbour city cricket club. Schedule Feasibility: As in the previous possible alternative, the schedule feasibility is not much of an issue, as the complete changeover could be completed in the 6 month off-season. IPT Major Project Task Page 11: Feasibility Report Yr 12 IPT Peter Bramley Recommendations The system that I recommend to be implemented, would have to be the web-based system. Personally, I think the advantages that this system holds to the users would be far more beneficial than any other possible system. By allowing users to simply access their data at their own homes presents a very attractive solution to the problem that we currently face in the paper-based system. Also the layout of a web page could be far easier to navigate than any other form of system. The costs of this proposed system would be suitably covered through the income that Shellharbour city cricket club generates, and could itself even be made a source of income through advertising of sponsors on the actual web page. The system itself seems suitable to Shellharbour city cricket club’s needs, as it provides up to date statistics to its users at a minimal cost to the club, and with easy access. This system would reduce the chances of data loss through physical damage, as the data could be easily saved onto a disk, and the data itself can be easily organized as there is no risk of losing a sheet of paper anymore as it is all on a computer. All of these reasons make the Shellharbour city cricket club statistics web page my recommendation to be implemented. IPT Major Project Task Page 12: Feasibility Report