Term 2 – Year 3

KS2 – YEAR 3
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2 – Year 3
Topic/ Unit
Recap of term 1’s work
Numbers 13-21
Days of the week
Days of the week/ happy birthday
Recap week
Where you live/ Nationality
Identity cards/ talking about myself and others
Classroom objects and plurals
ICT session and Cultural Understanding – spring festivals
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2 – Year 3
Week 1
In this session the students will revisit and consolidate their knowledge of
Target Language, greetings, numbers1-12, the alphabet and classroom
a. Throw cuddly toy around group. Once a student receives the toy they
greet each other and say their name. Then throw to another student and
they respond.
b. You can then continue with a game of Simon says. All students could
do actions to match the target language instructions. Teacher can start to
give instructions then select a student to give instructions.
c. A match up activity using a picture of the action and the word. – Class
d. Recap numbers – throw large dice and students take turns to say total.
e. Play “Onze” around group- students can say 1,2 or 3 numbers. If they
end up saying 11 then they are out and have to sit down.
f. Bingo using mini- whiteboards.
g. Re-cap alphabet. Then do alphabet aerobics using grid. (Letters written
and underneath indicate left/right/ both) Students say letters and move
correct arm at the same time. You can select one /two students to come to
front of group to be the aerobics instructor.
h. Use alphabet to spell out classroom objects in French. Students use
mini-whiteboards to display answers. Then students can say meaning.
i. Pictionary - divide class into two teams then one student from each
team has to draw item written on card whilst others have to guess as
quickly as possible.
j. Divide the class into two teams. Each student has a f/c with a letter of
the alphabet. The teacher holds up a classroom object and the students
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have to form the written word by holding up the correct letters in the
correct order at front/back of room as quickly as possible.
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2-Year 3
Week 2
Numbers (13-21)
In this session, pupils will learn how to count up to 21.
Resources needed: cards with numbers and words, dice, number fans,
mini whiteboards.
1-Revise numbers 1-12.
You can ask ‘who can remember …? , ask pupils to repeat after you or
simply show cards and ask what the number is.
2- Introduce numbers one by one or in threes. Do lots of repetitions:
whole class/individual.
3-Question pupils by showing a card and asking what number it is.
4- Show the words, match up, re-order.
5- Games; you can play lots of different games: Bingo, lip reading,
slamming, OXO, connect 4, higher or lower, dice game, …
6- Many songs on numbers are available. You can find a list of publishers
on the NACELL website. www.nacell.org.uk
You can also make your own songs.
7- Numeracy- take the opportunity to practise and revise multiplication
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2-Year 3
Week 3
In this lesson, pupils will be able to say how old they are, ask how old
other children are and understand responses.
1- Revise numbers 1-21: lip reading, sums, …
2-You can use puppets or cartoon characters, photos to introduce ages.
I’m … years old.
Pupils repeat the sentences. You can also use birthday badges with
numbers on.
In turns (you can use a ball or toy to throw) pupils say how old they are.
3- In pairs, children can roll a dice and say their age according to the
number on it.
I’m 3 years old.
4- When the children are familiar with the sentence you can introduce the
question: how old are you?
You can do the microchip activity: Think of a number. Pupils ask you the
question and you say how old you are with a computerised voice.
They can do the same in pairs.
5- Split the class in half. One half asks ‘how old are you?’ the second half
answers. Do it several times then swap. You can ask pupils to use
different tones (tired, angry, happy, …).
6- Introduce the written words and practise the pronunciation.
In French ‘quel’, ‘as-tu’ can be difficult.
Work on silent letters if applicable.
7- Worksheet: match up sentences with birthday cakes, numbers.
Listening activity: read out or play a tape (circle the right age, tick the
correct picture, …).
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8- Link the new vocabulary to previously learnt language and do
How are you?
I’m fine
What is your name?
My name is
How old are you?
After a few minutes of practice, pupils can perform in front of the class.
They can use puppets.
9- Other possible activities:
OXO, bingo, slamming, pelmanism, dominoes, matching up, song.
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2 – Year 3
Week 4 & Week 5
Days of the week/ Happy Birthday
In this session students will learn the days of the week.
a. The days can be introduced initially by the teacher saying them
slowly and using their fingers to maintain the order.
b. After this has been repeated several times the teacher could say one
day and
ask : is it …………. or ………………?(choice
c. The days can also be introduced by using large flashcards with the
words written. (One side French the other English)
d. After several repetitions they could be stuck on the board and used
as a slamming game (either show French side of cards and say
English or show English and say the French.)
e. The cards could be stuck in the wrong order and students could be
asked to re-arrange in the correct order.
f. Students close their eyes. One card is removed and they guess
which is missing.
g. The class is divided into 3/4 teams of 7. Each member has a day
flashcard to hold up when called in French as quickly as possible.
h. The class sits in a circle, they are told a day and when it is called
they change places. (Like Fruit Salad game)
i. Teach a song with an action for each day.
j. Unjumble words on the board.
k. Teach the happy birthday song.
l. Students listen to happy birthday song and put the phrases in the
correct order.
m. Gap fill the missing words of the song.
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2-Year 3
Week 6
In this lesson, pupils will revisit and consolidate their knowledge of
numbers, ages, days of the week and birthdays.
1- Pupils could revise these topics through games. See list of games on
previous pages.
2- Make information cards about themselves or others in the class.
They could add their photo.
This could also be done to send to a partner school if they have one.
3-Display work: nice posters on numbers or days of the week.
Birthday cards.
4- Cartoon strips, story boards, mini books.
5- Computer work:
computer games (bbc, linguascope, Eurotalk, …)
use word/Powerpoint/Publisher to make a presentation or a poster.
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2-Year3
Week 7/ 8
The weather
Pupils should be able to talk about the weather and understand
information about the weather in the foreign language.
You can spend 2 lessons on this topic.
1- Introduce the vocabulary with flashcards or a Powerpoint presentation.
Show 3 pictures at a time and practise. Ask the class to chorus the words
(whole class/ individuals). Use different tones (slow/fast/silly voices/…).
You can add actions as well.
Show a card and ask : Is it cold? Yes or no?
Is it cold or hot?
What’s the weather like?
2- Play Kim’s game- which picture is missing?
3- Play predictions- which card/picture comes next?
4- Play pictionary, miming, draw in someone’s back.
5- Introduce the written words. Match up/drag and drop.
You can then play Pelmanism in pairs or small groups.
6- Again, you can play hangman, OXO, …
7- Song. You can adapt a well-known tune or use a commercially
produced one. See list of resources and publishers at the front of the pack.
8- Weather forecast
Stick a map of the country on the board with cities/ towns clearly
labelled. Cut out pictures with symbols for the different types of weather.
Read out a weather forecast, pupils come up to the board and stick the
correct card at the right place on the map.
Worksheet: Fill in the gaps activity. Pupils have a map with weather
symbols. Children need to fill in the gaps in a sentence or finish sentences
to say what the weather is like in different places.
Eg: it’s snowing in …… (name of the town).
It’s ………… (weather) in Madrid.
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Pupils can make their own forecast and perform in front of the class.
Opportunity to look at real weather forecast on the web and compare
weather in different countries or different part of France (the south/ north,
the Alps and Brittany).
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2-Year 3
Week 9
Where you live/ Nationality
This is a good topic for cross-curricular links and you could use more
than one lesson on this topic.
There is opportunity to look at maps (Europe/ world), labelling countries,
looking at what languages people speak, flags,…
Is there anybody in the class/school from that country?, …
In this/these lessons, children will be able to say where they live: town
and country and understand information given by others.
1- Teach a few countries. (see how to on the next page).
2 - You can use pictures of famous people to introduce the new words.
Eg: David Beckham. I live in Madrid in Spain.
Practise the sentences and do lots of repetitions. Pupils can substitute the
words and say where they live.
Eg: I live in Balsall Heath in England. Pupils can repeat using he/she
You can play Bingo or OXO to practise even further.
3- Introduce the question ‘where do you live?’
You can prepare an information gap activity.
Birmingham, England
Andrea: Rome, Italy
Rachel: Cardiff, Wales
Sophie: Glasgow, Scotland
In turns, pupils.ask their partner:
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B - Où habite James?
A- James habite à Birmingham en Angleterre.
4- Opportunity for listening activity:
- Match up name of person and country.
-Map: listen to the recording or teacher, write the name of the people at
the right place on the map or write names of places by the name or photo
of the people.
5- Reading: fill the gaps in the text or read information and fill in the
6- Other possible activities: song, display work with maps photos of
people (famous people, people in the school), flags, …
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2-Yea r3
Week 9(2)
In this lesson pupils will be looking at maps, flags and colours, and will
find out about cultural facts (avoid stereotypes).
1- You could start by teaching countries: have a map and point at
countries. Pupils repeat. Do 3 at a time, ask questions.
Is it Spain, yes or no?
Is it Spain or Italy?
What country is this?
Once you have taught 6 or more you can number them.
Ask: ‘Number 1, what country is it?’
‘Spain, what number is it?’
You can use mini white boards and children write answers on them.
2- Introduce the words. Write the words on cards. You can have flags as
well. Practise the pronunciation. Reinforce silent letters, etc…
Stick these on the board by the map.
3- Have cards with flags only. Call a country, pupils come up to the
board, select the right flag, stick it on to the map and say the word.
4- Opportunity to find out a bit more about these countries:
-what language they speak
Channel 4 have produced some videos. See Channel 4 website.
Pupils can also do research on the web.
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Associate each country with something but be careful with stereotypes.
Eg: France with the Eiffel Tower.
Italy with Pisa
Spain with Flamenco dancers
5- Introduce nationality.
Use the flashcards from activity 2 (cards with flags and name of the
country) and say I’m French.
Do lots of repetitions, ask questions.
6- Pupils have cards (pictures or flags) and say what nationality they are.
7-Possibility to do display work.
On A3/A2 cards/paper pupils write name of a country, nationality and
draw a flag they can add a picture to represent the country.
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2 – Year 3
Week 10
Identity cards/ Talking about myself
In this session students will be reading identity cards and producing some
of their own identity cards. They will be able to talk about themselves.
a. Recap “My name is…” by throwing a cuddly toy around the group.
b. Use flashcards or pictures of famous people. Students pretend to
be this person and give the answer.
c. Recap the age phrase. Stick a number on the flashcard. Students
then have to say their age.
d. Recap nationality by sticking a flag to the flashcards. Students then
have to say their nationality.
e. Large identity cards are stuck to the walls. Each group of students
has to find the person who ………..is Spanish….is 25 years old etc
It is a relay race and students take turns to find an answer and
return to their group.
f. ID cards can be cut up and the students have to look at the
information and stick them back correctly.
g. Students can each be given a new identity and they need to ask
each other some questions in order to complete the Find someone
h. Students are given a large laminated ID card. They have to listen to
the teacher and correct any incorrect information on the card.
i. Students can be given a template of an ID card so that they can
then produce their own for display. ICT could be used here.
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2 – Year 3
Week 11
Classroom objects and plurals
In this session pupils are going to revise classroom objects and have a
look at different ways of forming plurals.
a. Recap the different items by using realia.
b. Put realia into a bag. Invite a pupil to come and feel an item and
name it in target language.
c. Put items on top of OHP/ or on a table. Pupils close eyes. Remove
one item. Pupils name missing item.
d. Select a pupil to mime an action which demonstrates what the
item/classroom object is used for.
e. Pictionary. Two pupils draw an item and the first team to guess
correctly in target language are the winners.
f. In order to explain how to form plurals a small set of flashcards are
needed. Half of the cards will have pictures of one ruler/ one book
/ two books/three rulers and the other half will have the words for
the items in the target language.
From the examples selected the general rule of adding an extra ‘s’
should be clear, sometimes if it already ends in ‘s’ it says the same
and with words like bateau/oiseau in French you add an –x. Ask the
students to see if they can find a pattern.
g. Once the explanation is clear and several examples are done
together then a set of picture and word dominoes could be used in
pairs of groups. You could even do whole class dominoes when
each pupil is given a large domino to hold and fit in to the puzzle.
h. Snap. Students could work in pairs and produce a small set of
their own plural snap cards.
BRS/NOA 2006
Term 2 – Year 3
Week 12
ICT session and cultural understanding – Spring festivals.
You can spend this session on researching information about the TL
country or you can focus on Spring festivals. Easter celebrations are very
important in Germany, France, Italy but even more in Spain. You can
find a lot of resources on the Internet and in material packs (see list of
publishers in Term 1 pack).
1- Pupils can research information on various places/ festivals and make a
PowerPoint presentation, poster or newsletter. Students can compare
differences between countries.
2- They can learn a song or poem.
3- Read a story
4- Taste some traditional food.
5- Colour in pictures or do wordsearches.
6- Make mobiles or mini books.
7- Make masks.
BRS/NOA 2006