Name of Unit/Area Women's Center and Women's Programs Name

Western Carolina University
Assessment Summary Form
Student Affairs Division
Name of Unit/Area Women’s Center and Women’s Programs
Name of Person(s) Conducting Assessment Activity
Other Partners Involved in Activity (e.g., faculty, staff, alumni, other departments, community, etc.)
Semester &Year of Assessment Activity
Spring 2005
Objectives for Assessment Activity
To evaluate cast members overall experience while being involved in The Vagina Monologues. I
wanted to gain a sense of what they learned, what they’d change, how they worked with others, and offer
them an opportunity to share anything they wanted about their experience.
Nature of Assessment Activity (e.g., survey, focus group, pre/post-test, etc; instruments used to be
Evaluation form given after the last performance.
Highlights of Significant Findings from Assessment and Comparison to Criteria for Success Established by
The evaluations confirmed our need for more structure and organization; students are juggling other
responsibility as well and the rehearsals were not well planned by the show’s director. Overall, however,
this was a minor issue: cast members felt empowered being involved in something “larger than
themselves”. They were able to learn something new and teach others about violence against women.
Specific Use of Findings in Area(s) and Key Changes Made in Area(s)
We will provide more structure and clear-cut expectations. We will encourage others to step up as
directors/producers/organizers. The Women’s Center will make the cast smaller and more manageable
as well.
Other Comments
Western Carolina University
Assessment Summary Form
Student Affairs Division
Name of Unit/Area Women’s Center and Women’s Programs
Name of Person(s) Conducting Assessment Activity –Sara Stoltenburg
Other Partners Involved in Activity (e.g., faculty, staff, alumni, other departments, community, etc.)
W.I.S.E. Women Student Organization
Semester &Year of Assessment Activity
Fall 2004 [assessment summary was not turned in during fall semester because of timeline]
Objectives for Assessment Activity
To get attendees perceptions/thoughts about the “What Now” post-election panel/discussion. We
also wanted to get an idea of how students heard about the event so that we could continue to outreach
and publicize effectively.
Nature of Assessment Activity (e.g., survey, focus group, pre/post-test, etc; instruments used to be
Quick assessment with following questions:
-Overall impression of panel?
-What the attendee learned?
-How they heard about the event.
Out of the 30-40 attendees only 7 assessments were turned in.
Highlights of Significant Findings from Assessment and Comparison to Criteria for Success Established by
The campus community members who attended felt empowered at the same time realized how
important women’s issues still are. Attendees felt the panelists were well informed, interested, and
knowledgeable about the subject of women’s rights post-election 2004.
Specific Use of Findings in Area(s) and Key Changes Made in Area(s)
It is important that dialogue continues about women’s issues, politics, laws, and policies that impact
women. We had tried to get the College Republicans to join the panel, but after several attempts gave up.
Although none of the evaluations stated so, I believe we need to have multiple view points represented
if/when we hold future panels. I would also suggest a more diverse panel, we had no representation from
women of color.
Other Comments
Western Carolina University
Assessment Summary Form
Student Affairs Division
Name of Unit/Area Women’s Center and Women’s Programs
Name of Person(s) Conducting Assessment Activity- Sara Stoltenburg
Other Partners Involved in Activity (e.g., faculty, staff, alumni, other departments, community, etc.)
Sexual Assault Town Hall Forum was organized by: Health services, Counseling, Campus Police,
Residential living, Judicial Affairs, REACH, {and Women’s Center}
Semester &Year of Assessment Activity
Spring 2005
Objectives for Assessment Activity
Our objectives were “4-Fold”: To see what participants learned; to see how they heard about the
forum (did we do enough publicity and outreach?); to see who our audience was (female/male and year in
school) and to see whether students wanted to offer additional information, suggestions for future forums
such as this.
Nature of Assessment Activity (e.g., survey, focus group, pre/post-test, etc; instruments used to be
Survey placed on all the chairs in the Grand Room-250 chairs total. About half were returned.
Highlights of Significant Findings from Assessment and Comparison to Criteria for Success Established by
There are still a lot of misconceptions about rape. However, some of the positive comments were
similar to those given at the RA-training on sexual assault. Having the information is useful and
empowering. The comments that stood out were:
1) “Sexual assault occurs more than we thought.”
2) “Learned more about campus services”
3) “Statistics were amazing.”
4) “More options for survivors/victims”
5) “Possibly separate audience by offender”
6) “Think more than just about police role in assisting the victim”
7) “Video/Survivor would have been more effective”
Specific Use of Findings in Area(s) and Key Changes Made in Area(s)
We will continue to do gender specific programs as it relates to sexual assault in addition to crossgender presentations. We will have a larger, more interactive presentation next time, which keeps their
attention, and not come across as too ‘parental’.
Other Comments
The majority of surveys returned were filled out by females and freshman. The second largest
group in attendance were sophomore.
Western Carolina University
Assessment Summary Form
Student Affairs Division
Name of Unit/Area Women’s Center and Women’s Programs
Name of Person(s) Conducting Assessment Activity- Sara Stoltenburg and Residential living
Other Partners Involved in Activity (e.g., faculty, staff, alumni, other departments, community, etc.)
Semester &Year of Assessment Activity
Spring 2005
Objectives for Assessment Activity
Although coordinated through residential living, this evaluation is and will be useful for future
presentations done by the Director of the Women’s Center. The purpose of this evaluation was to see
how effective this presentation was. Did attendees learn anything new? Did they feel the presenter was
knowledgeable? Did they feel they were able to get some of their questions answered? What was their
overall impression?
Nature of Assessment Activity (e.g., survey, focus group, pre/post-test, etc; instruments used to be
Survey-- Likert Scale. Four questions with comments.
Highlights of Significant Findings from Assessment and Comparison to Criteria for Success Established by
Attendees overwhelming felt the presentation was useful; the presenter was knowledgeable; and the
information would help them as RA’s. They appreciated my friendly, open approach as well as the Power
Point presentation given to highlight specific presentation items.
Specific Use of Findings in Area(s) and Key Changes Made in Area(s)
For future presentations, other questions should be added to address whether or not the attendees
would change anything about the presentation (such as length, presentation style, handouts) or add other
items RA’s feel are important (but were not covered).
Other Comments
It has been my experience, time and time again, that having open, honest, frank discussions about
sexual assault (and the possibility that it could happen to anyone), empowers students to speak out, talk
with their friends, and take precautionary steps to perhaps avoid being assaulted/assaulting someone else.