

1. ? are usually brick-red; they form in regions with high rainfall and develop nutrient-poor soils. A.silcretes

B.caliches C.laterites D.kaolinites/kaolins E.bauxites

2. In the ? stage of river formation, the divides are obliterated and the floodplains meet. A.youth B.maturity

C.old age D.rejuvenated

3. ? channels have a high sinuosity. A.straight B.anastamosing C.meandering D.braided

4. The maximum flow velocity in a meandering river is found immediately adjacent to the A.point bar B.cut bank C.thalweg depends upon the type of meandering river

5. Braided rivers are often formed in A.mountains B.monsoonal regions C.semiarid areas D.braided rivers are often formed in all of the above regions

6. Oxbow lakes are formed in A.deltas B.glacial areas C.abandoned meanders D.point bars E.cutbanks

7. In the "A" Soil Horizon, clay and nutrients are A.entrapped B.removed

8. Stream velocity is typically ? at the headwaters of the stream. A.lower B.higher

9. Humus is an important component of A.igneous rocks B.metamorphic rocks C.soils D.sedimentary rocks


10. Salinization and waterlogging are often due to A.irrigation misuse fertilizer misuse

C.desertification D.soil erosion E.climate change

11. Meandering rivers typically have a ? base flow. A.low B.high

12. The constructional phase of deltas depends upon A.waves B.tides C.input from rivers D.all of the above

13. Frost wedging and exfoliation are types of ? weathering. A.chemical B.mechanical

14. Desertification may be intensified due to A.climate change B.soil erosion C.overgrazing D.prolonged drought E.all of the above may lead to desertification

15. A ? is the rapid downward and outward movement of rock or unconsolidated material traveling as a unit.

A.mudflow B.debris flow C.rock avalanche D.creep E.slump

16. ? is pressure-release fracturing due to removal of "overburden" above igneous plutons. A.frost wedging

B.abrasion C.chemical weathering D.bioturbation E.exfoliation

17. Which of the following is a nutrient-depleting plant? A.legumes B.oats C.cotton D.barley D.sorghum

18. ? is the process by which water is released into the atmosphere by plants. A.evaporation B.transpiration

19. Which of the following is a fluvial environment? A.lake B.glacier C.shallow marine/shoreline D.river


20. Point bars are developed on the ? of meander bends. A.inside B.outside

21. ? is a slope built from the accumulation of rock fragments at the foot of a cliff or ridge. A.mudflow B.debris flow C.talus D.creep E.slump

22. Perennial streams flow A.only part of the time B.continually throughout the year

23. Headward erosion often results in increase in mass wasting increase in runoff C.a higher base flow piracy E.a superposed stream

24. Stream terraces may be created by A.erosion B.alluviation terraces may be created by either erosion or alluviation

25. A delta is a ? system. A.contributive B.distributary depends upon the type of delta

26. ? rivers typically develop where there is "seasonal discharge" of water. A.meandering B.braided C.both of these typically develop where there is "seasonal discharge" of water

27. Caliche or silcrete duricrusts often form in A.laterites B.migmatites C.kimberlites D.pedocals


28. ? stream patterns look like a branching tree. A.trellis B.radial C.rectangular D.dendritic E.all of the above look like a branching tree

29. Ephemeral streams have a ? base flow. A.low B.high

30. Streams with a higher gradient would flow A.slower B.faster

31. Entrenched meanders are often caused by A.lowering base level B.lowering base flow C.raising base level

D.raising base flow

32. "Base Level" refers to A.the amount of mass wasting B.the amount of runoff C.erosion in streams piracy E.a superposed stream

33. ? stream patterns would most often develop due to the presence of joints or faults. A.trellis B.radial

C.rectangular D.dendritic E.distributary

34. The angle of repose for boulders is ? than that for sand. A.less B.more is the same

35. Acid rain is often due to A.eutrophication B.burning high-sulfur coal C.both eutrophication and burning high-sulfur coal often triggers acid rain formation

36. The hydrogen ion concentration defines A.Eh B.pH C.this defines all of the above

37. The presence of vegetation ? mass wasting. A.inhibits C.increases

38. Divides separate A.glaciers B.sand dunes C.drainage basins D.sialic and simatic plates E.deltas

39. ? often form in arid climates. A.laterites B.migmatites C.kimberlites D.pedocals E.pedalfers

40. The soil "zone of leaching" is the ? horizon A.A B.B C.C D.R E.O

41. A small amount of water in sediment ? shear strength; a large amount of water ? shear strength.

A.decreases, decreases B.increases, increases C.increases, decreases D.decreases, increases

42. Loam is a type of A.eutrophication B.acid rain C.soil D.subduction zone E.river feature

43. ? is the downslope movement of debris within arctic areas during thawing. A.slump B.talus C.solifluction

D.creep E.transpiration

44. Oxbow lakes are characteristic of ? streams. A.meandering B.braided C.oxbow lakes are equally abundant along meandering and braided streams

45. ? often occurs on granite domes. A.exfoliation B.abrasion C.bioturbation D.frost wedging E.salt cracking

46. ? may be "paired" or "unpaired". A.oxbow lakes terraces C.point bars D.cut banks E.deltas

47. Debris flows and mudflows are ? in semi-arid and arid environments. A.common B.rare

48. Rivers with narrow V-shaped valleys and broad divides are ? rivers. A.youthful B.mature C.old age

49. Misuse of inorganic fertilizers may lead to A.desertification B.cultural eutrophication C.mass wasting

D.slumping E.misuse of inorganic fertilizers may lead to all of the above

50. Point bars and natural levees are most often developed in ? stream systems. A.meandering B.braided

C.these are equally abundant in both meandering and braided stream systems

51. ? is decomposed organic matter. A.regolith B.humus C.pedalfer D.pedocal E.laterite

52. The movement of earth material downslope is A.subduction B.obduction C.suturing D.salinization

E.mass wasting
