Topography and Weathering/Erosion Quiz REVIEW A. Topography 1. How do we represent mountains on topographic maps? a. Steep Sides? b. Gentle Slopes? 2. Draw 5 common symbols on topographic maps. 3. How do we determine the direction a river is flowing? 4. What is the difference between a Contour line and an INDEX contour line? 5. How do you determine the contour interval? B. Weathering/Erosion 1. Define weathering, erosion, deposition, decomposition, and disintegration 2. What is the difference between physical and chemical weathering? a. Chemical weathering—oxidation, etc. b. Physical weathering—wearing down of rocks, abrasion 3. What are the FOUR Agents of Erosion? How do they cause erosion? a. Ice b. Wind c. Running Water d. Gravity 4. What is a meandering stream? a. What side of a meandering stream (outside or inside) has the fastest velocity? b. Meandering stream – c. Where does deposition occur in a meandering stream? d. Where does erosion occur in a meandering stream? Floodplain e. What is an oxbow lake? Pictures of oxbow lakes Meanders.htm f. What is a meander scar? Please also go back and review: The Rules for Topography and Map Symbols Sheet, the handouts over erosion and weathering, stream table lab, topography packet, Satellite Images and Topographic Maps of Texas: An Elevated View, and think back to the rules you followed when making Fantasy Island. Streams Worksheet The map to the right shows the path of a river. The arrow shows the direction the river is flowing. Letters A and B identify the banks of the river. 1.______The water depth is greater near bank A than bank B because the water velocity near bank A is (1) (2) (3) (4) faster, causing deposition to occur faster, causing erosion to occur slower, causing deposition to occur slower, causing erosion to occur The map to the right shows a meandering river. Points A and B are locations on the bank of the river. 2.______What are the dominant processes occurring at locations A and B? (1) (2) (3) (4) deposition at location A; erosion at location B erosion at location A; deposition at location B deposition at both locations A and B erosion at both locations A and B 3.______ Deposition within a meandering stream usually occurs on the inside of the curves because the (1) water velocity decreases (2) stream gradient decreases (3) water is deeper (4) stream is narrower 4.______ A meandering stream deposits most of its sediments on the (1) (2) (3) (4) inside of meanders where the stream flows faster inside of meanders where the stream flows slower outside of meanders where the stream flows faster outside of meanders where the stream flows slower The map to the right shows a meandering stream. Points A, B, C and D represent locations along the stream bottom. 5.______At which location is the greatest amount of sediment most likely being deposited? (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D The map to the right shows the bend of a large meandering stream. The arrows show the direction of stream flow. Letters A, B and C are positions on the stream bed where erosion and deposition data were collected. 6.______Which table below best represents the locations where erosion and deposition are dominant and where an equilibrium (balance) exists between the two processes? (A check mark represents the dominant process for each lettered location.)