Memorandum of Agreement (SAMPLE)


Businesses Benefitting Kids (B


K) Alliance

Memorandum of Agreement


Communities In Schools - Bay Area (CIS – Bay Area)




Ref: MOA between Communities In Schools - Bay Area / [B 2 K Alliance Partner]

Dear [B 2 K Alliance Partner]:

The following agreement between Communities In Schools - Bay Area and [B 2 K Alliance Partner NAME] addresses the partnership between two agencies. CIS is the nation’s leading dropout prevention program whose mission is to create public/private partnerships designed to make available appropriate human services to at-risk youth and their families.

This agreement establishes a non-legal; cooperative relationship between Communities In Schools - Bay Area and [B 2 K

Alliance Partner NAME] for the purpose of advancing and strengthening local partnerships that will commit the necessary resources to provide appropriate services to Communities In Schools - Bay Area identified youth and families.

CIS – Bay Area agrees to:

Promote the products and services of the business partner on its website, social media and other media outlets and on the

B 2 K Mobile application as agreed upon and needed.

[B 2 K Alliance Partner NAME] will provide the following in-kind and monetary contributions to CIS – Bay Area:


We will donate 3% from every printing/copying purchase made to CIS – Bay Area Inc. when a customer mentions

CIS or brings in flyer, etc.

We will donate 1% from every specialty item purchase made to CIS – Bay Area Inc. when a customer mentions

CIS or brings in flyer, etc.

 We will donate $ .05 for every “LIKE” received from Friends on Facebook

This agreement will commerce from the date of signing and will be in effect for one year. Future goals may be established and promulgated from time to time. Amendments to this agreement shall be in writing, approved and signed by the authorized representative of both parties; and recommendations for amendments by either party should be submitted in writing and distributed for each party’s consideration and approval.

Communities In Schools - Bay Area or [B 2 K Alliance Partner NAME] may terminate this agreement upon written notification to the appropriate party.


CIS – Bay Area

Dr. Peter Wuenschel

Executive Director


[B 2 K Alliance Partner NAME]



Federal income tax law requires us to inform you that no goods or services were provided to you in return for your gift.

Therefore, within the limits prescribed by law, the full amount of your gift is deductible for Federal income tax purposes.

This donation will be used solely in the U.S.A.
