NSW Big Event in Knoxville, TN, 2015 Press Release

News Release
601 Eubank Blvd. SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123
(505) 245-2137 Fax: (505) 242-4537
For Release: Immediately
Contact: Jennifer Hayden, 505-245-2137 ext. 102 or 505-410-4674
Suzanne Hobbs Baker, 707-331-1672
2015 National Celebration of Nuclear Science
to Kick-Off in Knoxville, TN
Albuquerque, NM -- Nuclear Science Week (NSW) is a national, broadly observed celebration to focus
local, regional and national interest on all aspects of nuclear science. This year, NSW will be recognized
for the sixth year on October 19-23, 2015, and the NSW “Big Event” will take place October 22-24, 2015,
in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Through collaborations with national and regional organizations, the American Nuclear Society (ANS)
Oak Ridge/Knoxville section will host activities in Oak Ridge and Knoxville, TN – with the Big Event
taking place at the Knoxville Convention Center, October 22-24, 2015 - with a focus centering on the
theme “Bringing the community and world together through nuclear science.”
“A strong focus of this event will be on education for students, teachers, young professionals and the
public about nuclear science activities in the region and internationally,” said Tara Pandya, Knoxville Big
Event 2015 Co-Chair and Research & Development Staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. “The strong
regional presence of a wide variety of nuclear science and energy companies – including Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Y-12 Complex, Provision Proton Therapy – provides a rich culture and atmosphere
of nuclear science research and industry.”
With free admission to this three-day, public event, attendees will partake in various exhibits,
demonstrations and panel discussions on various topics. Such topics will include “History of the Secret
City,” “Nuclear Developments in the United Kingdom,” “Around the World in 80 Minutes: A look at nuclear
industries around the world, including emerging economies and sustainable power” and “Medical
Applications of Nuclear Science.” The 3-day event will also feature a keynote speaker, movie screening
of “Pandora’s Promise”, and outdoor information tables.
More information - including a list of speakers, a program of events and venue information – can be
found at nuclearscienceweek.org under “Big Event.”
Sponsors for the 2015 Nuclear Science Week celebration include American Nuclear Society Oak
Ridge/Knoxville Section, American Museum of Science & Energy, East Tennessee Health Physics
Society, Idaho National Laboratories and Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
For more information on Nuclear Science Week, or to get involved, please visit nuclearscienceweek.org.
The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History is located at 601 Eubank SE in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at
the entrance to the Sandia Science & Technology Park. Formerly the National Atomic Museum, which opened in
1969 and was chartered by Congress in 1991, the Museum serves as a repository and steward of nuclear-related
historical items and is a Smithsonian affiliate. The Museum is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 361 days a year. The
Museum’s website is www.nuclearmuseum.org and the phone number is 505-245-2137.