PROJECT SUMMARY AO Number: DARPA Order K203 Contract Number: AFRL Contract F33615-00-C-3044 Organization: Kansas State University, Computing and Information Sciences Department Subcontractors: none Principal Investigators: Dwyer, Matthew,, (785) 532-6350, 234 Nichols Hall, Computing and Information Sciences Department Hatcliff, John, (785) 532-6350, 234 Nichols Hall, Computing and Information Sciences Department Mizuno, Masaaki,, (785) 532-6350, 234 Nichols Hall, Computing and Information Sciences Department Neilsen, Mitch,, (785) 532-6350, 234 Nichols Hall, Computing and Information Sciences Department Singh, Gurdip,, (785) 532-6350, 234 Nichols Hall, Computing and Information Sciences Department Financial POC: McBride, Roger (785) 532-1848 Controller's Office - Sponsored Projects Accounting Anderson Hall, Room 10 Manhattan, KS 66506-0108 Title of Effort: Automatic Derivation, Integration and Verification of Synchronization Aspects in ObjectOriented Design Methods Period of performance: 06/27/00 through 06/26/04 533575253 Approach: Overview The project emphasizes techniques and tools for developing high-assurance software by providing formal specification and analysis of concurrent and distributed systems. The approach taken does not consider complete formal specification of a system as this is infeasible for realistic systems. Rather, the project focuses on providing developerfriendly specification, analysis, and code synthesis capabilities for crucial system aspects such as synchronization, distribution, modal behavior, and scheduling that are often impact overall system design or are difficult to reason about. Initially, the project focused on developing a framework called SyncGen for high-level specification of synchronization aspects and automatic synthesis of synchronization code. Recently, the scope of the project has broadened to include the construction of an integrated development and analysis environment called Cadena for building highassurance real-time systems using the CORBA Component Model (CCM). Specification, Verification, and Synthesis of Synchronization Aspects Object-oriented design, modeling, analysis, and coding techniques have been used successfully to design and maintain large software systems, but multiple shortcomings in their treatment of synchronization aspects limit their effectiveness in many applications. The SyncGen effort seeks to overcome those shortcomings by providing techniques, tools, and methodologies for (a) high-level, formal, modular specification of global, crosscutting synchronization aspects, (b) automatic derivation and weaving (i.e., integration) of correct by construction synchronization code into core functional code, and (c) automated verification of critical safety and liveness properties of woven embedded code. The SyncGen effort resulted in a tool that allows developers to avoid coding synchronization structures and instead focus on development of core functional code. The approach emphasizes the use of UML's Unified Process to construct core functional components --- synchronization code is not directly constructed. Instead, as an enhancement to the Unified Process at the level of requirements and use-cases, the developer identifies regions in the core functional system behavior that should be synchronized. The synchronization policy for a cluster of regions is specified by constraining the relationships between the number of threads that can simultaneous occupy regions. Given a collection of policies for a cluster of regions, the synchronization aspect code that enforces that policy is generated completely automatically. Once the development of core functional code is complete, it is weaved with the synchronization aspect code by an automatic process that inserts calls to the synchronization code at the region boundaries marked in the code. The synchronization code generated is correct-by-construction, but additional safety and liveness properties are verified using software model-checking technology. This approach is innovative because it allows highly complex code that is often troublesome to develop and debug to be generated completed automatically from a very high-level formal specification (usually the specification is one or two lines long). The specification pattern language is very expressive and this has been demonstrated initially by solving all the exercises from well-known text-books on concurrency (Andrews, Hartley) using it. The approach is very general in that it is language independent: synchronization code generation support has been developed for Java, C, C++ and different synchronization primitives such as 533575253 general monitors for POSIX pthreads, active monitors, and controller-area-network (CAN)-based message passing. Development of High-Assurance Distributed Avionics Applications Using CCM The practical effectiveness of the above work is being demonstrated by applying it to the Boeing Bold Stroke Open Experimental Platform (OEP). The Bold Stroke architecture emphasizes the use of distributed components that communicate via ACE/TAO real-time CORBA middleware. At present, actual Bold Stroke product-line development does not include high-level modeling or analysis, and as part of the MoBIES/PCES projects, Bold Stroke OEP team members have proposed a number of challenge problems related to modeling, static structural and behavioral analysis, and aspect code synthesis. In an effort to provide a comprehensive framework for formal high-level specification and analysis, and code synthesis from high-level design artifacts, we are building the CADENA (Component Architecture Development ENvironment for Avionics applications) tool suit. Cadena is built as a plug-in to IBM’s Eclipse IDE and leverages the OpenCCM open-source Java CCM implementation to obtain integrated specification, analysis, and development environment for high-assurance CORBA Component Model applications. The CORBA 3.0 Interface Definition Language provides a high-level language for describing CCM component interfaces (including both functional interfaces, and events subscriptions and emissions). Thus, it seems like an ideal focal point for addressing the lack of high-level design and analysis in current Bold Stroke product-line development. Cadena allows Bold Stroke OEP component interfaces to be expressed using CORBA 3.0 IDL. These component interface definitions can be annotated with various forms of specifications including state-transition semantics and modal behaviors. Graphical, form-based, and text-based input mechanisms allow developers to easily assemble systems from components. Cadena provides a number of dependency analyses to address challenge problems posed by the Bold Stroke OEP team. Model-checking technology is used to exhaustively explore possible modal behaviors of constructed systems. Once systems are configured at the CORBA 3.0 IDL level, Java/CORBA stub/skeleton code is automatically generated. The Cadena environment provides a number of capabilities not present in current Bold Stroke product-line development. At the most basic level, the tool support provided by Cadena for assembling systems from components is a significant step forward. Moreover, Cadena’s analysis capabilities can significantly reduce design-time efforts. Finally, the automatic component and configuration code generation provide by the CORBA IDL compilation can result in substantial reductions of developer effort, since current Bold Stroke develop does not leverage component IDL code generation at all (it only uses the familiar IDL 2 level code generation provided by ACE/TAO). Finally, the Java code-generation facilities of OpenCCM used in Cadena provide an ideal way to obtain Java implementations of the Bold Stroke OEP example systems. This is important because demonstrating the feasibility of (RT) Java for embedded avionics applications is one of the goals of PCES, and currently there is no other supported effort to recast the Boeing OEP in Java. While Cadena is not a production-quality tool, the goal is to use it to demonstrate a spectrum of capabilities so that Boeing engineers selectively adopt the technologies and tool components that seem most useful. 533575253 FY 02 Accomplishments: The foundations of the SyncGen were described in a number of papers appearing in venues such as the International Conference on Software Engineering, The SyncGen tool that automatically generates synchronization implementation from high-level pattern-based global invariants was publicly released. The released tool focuses on code-level declaration of regions and generation of Java and C synchronization implementations. Prototype code generators for C++/POSIX threads and CAN-message passing systems were also developed. The Cadena specification and development framework based on OMG’s CCM IDL3 was developed that allows Boeing Bold Stroke components and system configurations to be specified at a high-level. The high-level specifications built in these frameworks can be leveraged in several ways, as described below. OpenCCM (an open source CCM/Java framework) has been integrated into Cadena. This enables much of the Java code required for implementing a system to be automatically generated using the standardized CCM IDL compilation. As a consequence, programmer effort is dramatically reduced, and confidence in the code is enhanced since correct code is automatically generated. A dependency analysis workbench was developed for Cadena that allows data and event dependencies between components to be visualized. Moreover, dependency information is used to automatically generate non-functional real-time aspect information such as suggestions for component distribution (e.g., highly-coupled components should appear in the same node in a distribution), execution rates (components that transitively depend on a particularly time trigger should be run at the same rate), and communication optimization (components in the same rate group and distribution unit can communicate directly instead of through a full event-channel). Each of these analysis functions successfully addresses a particular challenge problem posed by the Boeing Bold Stroke OEP team. A prototype model-checking/simulation tool has been developed that can perform exhaustive simulations on state-based Cadena system specifications. This allows developers to reason about complex modal behaviors very early in the design process. Crucial system invariants and event-sequencing properties can be automatically checked, and when a violation is found, the execution trace leading to the violation can be visualized. This capability successfully address challenge problems related to reasoning about modal behaviors posed by the Boeing OEP team. Using the Cadena development and analysis capabilities above, a small repository of example system components and scenarios (configurations) written in Java was developed based on the C++ scenarios provided in the Boeing OEP. This repository is being used as the basis of interaction with other members of the PCES project as the above tools are integrated with those of other teams. A collection of metrics by which the work described above is to be evaluated was proposed to the Bold Stroke OEP team. 533575253 Specific FY 03 Objectives: Perform a second release of the SyncGen tool set that incorporates additional back-end code generators based on existing prototypes and a larger examples repository. Carry out experiments with Rockwell-Collins Advanced Technology Center where SyncGen is applied to generate synchronization aspect code in avionics systems intended for FAA-certification. This will allow the effectiveness of SyncGen to be evaluated in an industrial setting. Integrate FACET (a Java implementation of an aspect-structured real-time eventchannel from Ron Cytron’s PCES project at Washington University) in Cadena. Use this is the primary experimental platform for the Java version of Bold Stroke scenarios. Integrate a CORBA Avionics Data Service implementation by engineers at RockwellCollins (ATC) into Cadena to allow experimentation with other forms of component communication beyond Bold Stroke’s “control-push data-pull” model. Refine Cadena’s model-checking infrastructure so that medium-size systems of hundreds of components can be analyzed for defects in modal-behavior specifications. Develop a technical approach for high-level specification of mode-behavior constraints that allows automatic generation of component code to implement correct mode transitions. Bold Stroke engineers have identified analysis and correct implementation of modal behaviors as one of the most challenging aspects of system development. Adapt SyncGen’s high-level synchronization specifications capture synchronization patterns that appear in Bold Stroke systems. This will allow intricate component communication code that is used currently to achieve various forms of synchronization to be replaced by code automatically generated from SyncGen’s specifications. OMG specifications of CCM describe a robust deployment framework for assembling and deploying CCM-based systems. Since this specification was only very recently finalized, no tool currently implements it. Work with OpenCCM developers to incorporate a full deployment framework in Cadena, and enhance this framework to support deployment of Bold Stroke OEP systems that conform to the OMG CCM deployment format. Perform a public release of the Cadena tool set with a large example repository based on the examples provided in the Bold Stroke OEP. Work with Bold Stroke engineers in multiple evaluations of Cadena in an effort to obtain a system that can impact actual development process. Technology Transition: Besides working with Boeing OEP team members, we are actively working with engineers from Rockwell-Collins Advanced Technology Center on a number of fronts. The primary goal of interaction with Rockwell-Collins is to use SyncGen and Cadena to develop systems that are representative of the types avionics systems that are part of the Rockwell-Collins product-line. An interesting aspect of working with Rockwell-Collins is that they working primarily in the civilian avionics sector, therefore there are a number of interesting issues related to FAA certification that do not appear in the Bold Stroke system. Practically speaking, Rockwell-Collins ATC is interested in using a framework like Cadena enhanced with facilities to support issues related to certification such as automatic test-generation and coverage metrics, object code to source code to requirements traceability, greater support for requirements and specifications management. 533575253 Funding Received to Date: $635000 Unexpended Funds: $132512 (as of June 17, 2002) This is 44% of the FY02 budgeted total. The reason that this is high is that the summer months billed to faculty were not charged against the project until July/August 2002. In fact, due to a slight budget cut received in FY02 (with respect to our request) we will not be able to fund all 4 of our research assistants through the end of September 2002 (only 3 can be funded throughout the remainder of this increment). Date Unexpended Funds Will Be Depleted: September 30, 2002 Required Funding: $299670 will fund the project through September 30, 2003 $374587 will fund the project through December 31, 2003 Latest Invoice: (attached – see following pages) Date Prepared: August 16, 2002 533575253 533575253 533575253 533575253