GENERAL INFORMATION Study program Field of academic expertise Course title Course code Course status ANGLISTICS General Literature Studies Twentieth-century American Literature ECTS Year of study 5 Compuls ory X Elective Number classes III of Lectures Semester 2 Practical sessions VI 0 Professor: Purpose and aim of the course Introducing students to American literature from the Renaissance to the twentieth century. Familiarizing with the major representatives of modern American literature through literary history, criticism and culture. Course content The study of literary and historical context in which American literature emerged, as well as the study of selected works of these periods in American literature which belong to all genres: poetry, prose, drama. The study of American literature of the twentieth century. TEACHING METHODS AND ASSESSMENT Teaching methods (mark in bold letters) Lectures Seminars and workshops Distance learning Consultations Exercises Laboratory work Individual assignments Mentorship Multimedia and the Internet Fieldwork Comments: Assessment method (mark in bold) Oral exam Written exam Tests/Exams Term paper Case studies Activity in class Project Research Assessment (mark in bold the assessment activities and write down the maximum number of points which a student can earn in each activity, as well as the minimum number of points a student should earn in each activity). Exam prerequisites (up to 70 points) Poits Minimum number of points Exams-tests (3 tests) 30 15 Attendance 5 2,5 Participation in class 5 2,5 Term paper 30 15 Research Project Case studies Final exam (oral) 30 16 TOTAL POINTS 100 51 Comments: READING LIST Assigned reading Further reading Course outcome Critical analysis of a text. Vukčević Radojka, A History of American Literature: Then and Now, Podgorica: Univerzitet Crne Gore, 2005. - Kovačević, I. (1983). Istorija engleske književnosti III, Sarajevo: Svetlost.