The Performance of Miniature Metallic PEM Fuel Cells Shuo-Jen Lee, Yu-Ming Lee, Chi-Yuan Lee, Feng-Hui Kuan and Chih-Wei Chuang Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuan Ze University 135 FarEast Road, NeiLi, TaoYuan, Taiwan, ROC Email: ABSTRACT A prototype of metallic PEM fuel cell with thin stainless bipolar plates was tested for their potential applications in portable electronic products. The flow field pattern was grown from the stainless steel plates by the electroforming process. The main flow channel has the dimensions of 300 μm (width) by 300 μm (depth). The dimensions of the micro-features were 100 μm width by 50 μm depth and 50 μm width by 50 μm depth. The material of the electroformed flow field pattern is nickel. A prototype of a single cell with total thickness of 2.5 mm and overall reaction area of 16 cm 2 was assembled for this study. In order to improve its corrosion resistance, the bipolar plates were coated with 5 μm thick of multi-layered corrosion resistant material. In this study, indices of cell performance, with and without micro-features, of flow field concentration distribution, water draining capability were studied by both numerical simulation and experimental measurement. The results show that the micro-features will provide a more uniform gas concentration environment in the bipolar plate flow field. Also, the bipolar plate with micro-features could greatly improve cell draining capability. The results of cell performance tests show that the cell average power density reaches 173 mW/cm2. The long-term tests verify their performance were very stable. Keywords: electroforming, micro-features, metallic bipolar plate, numerical simulation, water draining capability 1. Introduction The miniaturized fuel cells require thinner Recently, because of the rapid development and smaller bipolar plates. The current approach of green technologies and 3C products, the small in developing miniature fuel cells and its bipolar fuel cells as portable power sources are gaining plates more attentions. micro-fabrication technologies like cells is based on adoption of MEMS, CMOS and etc. [1,2]. For example, on the gas temperature, fuel utilization, flow the use of silicon direction and fluid dynamics [6-9]. At lower cell micro-machining and related thin film processes temperature, because of the water transport, the have been employed by several research groups cell relative humidity was not uniform. Also, the as attractive routes for fabrication. Lee [3], by cell current distribution could be effected by the using sputtering and MEMS processes to create gas flow direction. It increases in the gas bipolar plates with depth between 50 μm and downstream direction [10]. 200 μm on silicon wafer. The micro-fuel cell Therefore, for a miniature fuel cell, it is performed normally with cell efficiency of 50 not easy to perform detailed in-situ mA/cm2. Dry etching process, RIE, could measurements during cell operation. Yet, such provide at least 200 μm depth of flow channel on detailed information is essential in improving silicon wafer [4]. However, the conductivity of understanding of water and species transport and, silicon-based bipolar plate is merely 0.5 S/cm. It hence, cell performance. was 10,000 fold smaller than that of a metallic bipolar plate. 2. Research procedures On the other hand, due to smaller In this paper, thin metallic bipolar plates dimensions of the bipolar plate, the fuel with functional micro-features were assembled transport and water draining capability could be into single cells for testing. The 2D gas greatly influenced by the channel size and concentration distribution was simulated by geometry. The pressure distribution in the commercial software, FEMLAB. bipolar plates depends on the Reynolds number First, given the hydrogen related coefficients, and geometric parameters of the small flow velocity and concentration condition at the gas channels [5]. Their results indicated that the inlet and outlet of the bipolar plate, a numerical pressure drop in a fuel cell bipolar plate depends simulation model is established to simulate the on the plate configurations. And for a given flow field hydrogen concentration distribution serpentine channel configuration, it depends on for both with and without micro-features. geometric factors such as channel hydraulic Secondly, using CCD camera and visualization diameter and bend geometry. test to demonstrate the water draining capability In addition, the cell relative humidity of the bipolar plate with and with micro-features. current distributions and water transport depend Finally, the cell performance and 300 hours long-term test was conducted to verify its the steady version of performance stability. The research procedure Navier–Stokes are shown in Figure 1. momentum conservation: equations the for well known mass and The shape and size of the bipolar plate was 4.0 cm by 4.0 cm square with effective area of 0 (1) 2.0 cm by 2.0 cm square. The substrate material p g (2) is 316L stainless steel. The width of the main flow channel was selected to be 300 μm. The Variables in this study include hydrogen depth of the channel was 250 μm taking pressure velocity and concentration. Their parametric drop and flow resistance into consideration. settings and related coefficients such as gas Micro-features are designed with depth of 50μm density (kg/m3, ρ), gas dynamic viscosity (Ns/m2, and width of 50 μm and 100 μm. Figure 2 η) and diffusion coefficient (m2/s) are shown in presents the geometrical dimensions of the 2D Table 1. The modeling dimension of 20 mm x 20 schematic plot. mm represents the size of the bipolar plate. In order to verify the difference between 2.1 Models for numerical simulation bipolar plates with and without micro-features, 2D multi-physics models of bipolar plate all of the boundaries are no-slips except for the flow field for hydrogen and concentration gas inlet and outlet, hydrogen flow conditions distributions were established using FEMLAB are set at the gas inlet, Vi = V0, and at the outlet, commercial software. The fuel’s mass Vo = V1. The hydrogen concentration conditions transportation of an ideal fuel cell system is are assumed to be at the gas inlet, Ci=1 and at composed of complex process such as flow of the outlet, Co=0 gas into the bipolar plate, diffusion into the MEA and flew in the MEA. The focus of the numerical 2.2 Micro-fabrication of bipolar plates simulation is to analyze the gas mass The bipolar plates are fabricated by the transportation of the bipolar plate with and UV-LIGA and electroforming processes. The without micro-features. Therefore, the gas thickness of the bipolar plates is around 250 μm diffusion of the MEA is ignored. to 300 μm. Therefore, Conventional photo resist The resulting transport equations governing of the MEMS process is not suitable. After many the flow in the channels of the bipolar plate are trials, the SU-8 photo resist is found to meet our research goal of obtaining a 250 to 300 μm red color stain. The draining tests are conduct thickness of photo resist after spin coating. with 50 and 100 SCCM (Standard Cubic In order to create the flow field with Centimeter Per minute) hydrogen, respectively. micro-features, two iterations of the complete UV-LIGA and electroforming processes were 3. Results and discussion conducted. The first iteration is to fabricate the 3.1. Numerical simulation results main flow field pattern. The second iteration is Figures 5 and 6 show the results of the flow to create the micro-features. Figure 3 shows the field hydrogen concentration distribution, with results of electroforming of main flow channels and without micro-features, at gas flow velocity and micro-features. of 0.001 m/s and 0.0005 m/s, respectively. The simulated data output on the dotted line of 2.3 Cell performance and water draining tests Figures 5 and 6 were plotted in Figures 7 and 8. A single cell was assembled for cell Figures 5 and 6 indicate that, regardless of gas performance test. The single cell has an overall flow velocity, both of the flow fields seem to size of 4 cm by 4 cm square with 2.6 mm in have the same trend in concentration drop. thickness. A 5-layered MEA, from Fuel Cell In the beginning, at near the gas inlet, the Store, #597010, is used which is composed of hydrogen concentration is uniform in the flow Nafion 112, GDL of carbon cloth material and channel. 0.5 mg of Pt loading on both anode and cathode. micro-features The effective reaction area is 2 cm by 2 cm. The concentration distribution of the flow field with weight of the single cell without the fuel micro-features connectors is 24g. The single cell design is micro-features. However, for the bipolar plate shown in Figure 4. without Thus, the are is functions not equal micro-features, of obviously. to the that the The without difference in In order to verify the water draining concentration drop of each flow channel is capability of the micro-featured bipolar plates, increased from the middle of the flow field. In the water flow visualization test was employed addition, the differences are getting more serious to observe the water draining situation of the when the hydrogen flows toward the gas outlet. bipolar plate. The bipolar plates, with and For without micro-features, are sealed by gasket and micro-features at the position -0.017 of the acrylic plate. The flow channels are filled with Figure 5 (b), the highest concentration channel is example, the flow field without around 0.65. But the lowest concentration with 50 and 100 SCCM of pure oxygen and the channel is around 0.55. The difference reaches flow channels are full of red color stain. The 0.1. water draining time is 3 seconds Figures 10 and The problem could be effectively 11 shows the results of 50 and 100 SCCM. eliminated by micro-features. Figures 7 (a) and 8 At 50 SCCM, Figure 10 (b) shows the (a) show there are no obvious concentration bipolar plate without micro-features still has difference between each channel from the gas water flooding situation. The flooding area is inlet to the outlet. These results indicate that the around a quarter of the flow field. On the other micro-features could help gas diffusion between hand, the flooding area of the micro-feature flow each channel. Thus, the flow field has more field is just at the bottom of the flow field. The uniform gas concentration and the cell could area is less than half of the flow field without perform better. micro-features. Therefore, the water draining capability 3.2 Single cell and results of water draining test The prototype of a single cell is shown in of the bipolar plate with micro-features seems much better than that without micro-features. Figure 9. The optical microscopy, micrometer At 100 SCCM, the oxygen flow rate is and laser displacement profiler were employed increased. The water flooding situation is less to exam the surface profile and height of the damaging than 50 SCCM. Figure 11 (b) shows flow channel. The results showed that the overall the flooding situation of the flow filed without size of the bipolar plate is around 4 cm by 4 cm micro-features. It is still serious than that with square. The height of the flow field channel is micro-featured flow field. around 250 to 300 μm. However, the shape is not From these results, the water draining very sharp which is caused by the chemical capability of the micro-feature bipolar plate is residues left on the pattern before electroforming. better than that without micro-features. There is around 20 μm difference in height over the whole bipolar plates. This might be caused 3.3 Cell performance tests by the initial flatness error of the SS304 plate. It Cell performance tests were conducted could also be resulted from the non-uniformity with 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 SCCM of the photo resist. (Standard The water draining tests were conducted Cubic Centimeter Per minute), respectively. Pure dry oxygen and hydrogen and the cell temperature is controlled at 49℃. I-V results indicated that, all the tests, of without functional micro-features, the internal flooding curves of these cell performance tests were may be very serious. However, the cell with plotted in Figure 12. At the initial test of 50 functional micro-features could improve the SCCM, the internal flooding is not obvious. The draining ability. The cell performance could thus cell performance decreases toward the flow rate be higher. of 100 SCCM. The cell performance stabilized In order to study the stability in when the flow rate exceeds 150 SCCM. For flow performance, the single cell with functional rates of 150 SCCM and 300 SCCM, the current micro-features went through continuous densities at 0.6 V are 190 mA cm-2 and 250 mA operation of 300 hours. The cell was operated cm-2, respectively. with a constant load of 0.4 V. Other settings The leveling of cell performance could be were the same with those of cell performance caused by blockage of micro-features by the tests. Figure 14 showed long-term test results. GDL. Thickness of the GDL, 0.42 mm, is much During the duration, the cell power was larger than that of the micro-features, 0.05 mm. maintained between 0.4 W and 0.55W The optimal current density is 250 mA cm-2 at (75mW/cm2 and 110mW/cm2) and temperature 0.6 V for flow rate of 300 SCCM. The total current output is 1 A and power output is 0.78 W. The average power density is 195 mW cm-2 was between 49 ℃ and 52 ℃. The cell power fluctuated were just slightly. These results Figure 13 shows the results of performance indicated that the functional micro-features has tests for both with and without micro-features. greatly improve the cell draining capability. At the initial test, regardless of functional Thus, the effect of cell internal flooding was not micro-features, the cell performance seems to be obvious. Therefore, the cell performance was the same. At 400 mA/cm2, nearly the end of I-V very stable. curves, the cell voltage with functional micro-features could maintain upper 0.4 V. 4. Conclusions However, without the functional micro-features, 1. Through the UV-LIGA and electroforming the cell voltage decreases toward 0.35 V. Also, process, the high mechanical strength and from the maximum power density point of view, good the cell with functional micro-features is bipolar plate and miniature fuel cell had 173mW/cm2 much higher than without. These been developed. The reaction area of the electrically conductivie metallic prototype of single cell is 4 cm2. The overall size is 16 cm2 with thickness of 2.6 mm. 2. Through numerical simulation, it [4] J. Yu, P. Cheng, Z. Ma and B. Yi, J. Power Sources, 124 (2003) 40–46. is [5] S. Maharudrayya, S. Jayanti, A. P. concluded that the micro-features will Deshpande, J. Power Sources, 138 (2004) provide a more uniform gas concentration 1-13. environment in the bipolar plate flow field. Thus, the cell performance could be [6] P. Quan, B. Zhou, A. Sobiesiak, Z. S. Liu, J. Power Sources, 152 (2005) 131-145. [7] P. T. Hguyen, T. 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Ogami, A. Matsunaga, J. Power Sources, also verify their stable performance. Bhansali, (2004) 40-51. Society 155 (2006) 213-218. The Performance of Miniature Metallic PEM Fuel Cells Hydrogen flow velocity Hydrogen density, dynamic viscosity Hydrogen concentration Bipolar plate modeling Diffusion coefficient Bipolar plate creating by UV-LIGA EMM experiments Water draining test Cell performance test Measurement Long term test Fig. 1. Research procedures micro-feature width 100μm and 50μm Fig. 2. Schematic picture of the geometry model (mm) Fig. 3. Main flow channels and micro-features Fig. 4. Single cell design (a) with micro-features (b) without micro-features Fig. 5. Hydrogen concentration distribution with v = 0.001 m/s (a) with micro-features (b) without micro-features Fig. 6. Hydrogen concentration distribution with v =0.005 m/s Without micro-features With micro-features Concentrationn (x 100%) . v = 0.001m/s 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.01335 Outlet 0.01336 -0.02 0.01337 -0.017 0.01338 -0.01 0.01339 -0.09 X measurement position 0.0134 -0.095 0.013410 Gas0.01342 inlet Flow field vertical distance (m) Fig. 7. Values of hydrogen concentration with v = 0.001 m/s Without micro-features With micro-features Concentration (x100%) . v = 0.005 m/s 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Outlet 0.01302 -0.018 0.01303 -0.013 0.01304 -0.01 0.01305 x -0.09 0.01306 0 Gas inlet 0.01307 0.01308 Flow field vertical distance (m) Fig. 8. Values of hydrogen concentration with v = 0.0005 m/s Fig. 9. Prototype of a single cell Inlet Outlet (a) with micro-features (b) without micro-features Fig. 10. Water draining test at flow rate of 50 SCCM Inlet Outlet (a) with micro-features (b) without micro-features Fig. 11. Water draining test at flow rate of 100 SCCM Compensated cell potential (V) I-V Curve 1 50c.c. 100c.c. 150c.c. 200c.c. 250c.c. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 300c.c. 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Current density(mA cm-2) Fig. 12. I-V curves of the cell performance tests I-V curves of the cell with and without micro-features V (voltage) 130 90 With micro-features Without micro-features With micro-features Without micro-features I (mA/cm2) Fig. 13. Cell performance tests 60 20 Power (mW/cm2) 170 Fig. 14. 300 hours long-term test with micro-features of single cell Table 1. Variables and their parametric settings Parameters Setting values Variables Hydrogen velocity (m/s) 0.001 0.0005 Hydrogen concentration 1 (inlet) 0 (outlet) Coefficients Parameters Setting values Density (kg/m3, ρ) 0.09 Dynamic viscosity (×10-5 Ns/m2, η) 0.9 Diffusion coefficient (×10-4 m2/s) 0.7