Tổng quan về Thanh Hoá

타잉화성(Thanh Hoa) 개요
1. 위치 :
타잉화성은 베트남 북중부에 위치하며, 하노이에서 남쪽으로 150Km, 호치민에서
북쪽으로 1,560Km 떨어져 있음. 북쪽은 썬라성, 화응에안성, 서쪽은 라오스, 동쪽은
북부만과 인접
2. 면적 및 인구 :
- 면적: 11,133.4 km² (2009 년 기준)
- 인구: 3,405,000 명
- 인구 밀도: 306 명/km2
3. 행정구역 : 타잉화성은 1 개 도시, 2 개 읍, 24 개 현으로 구성
4. GDP 성장률
2008 년
2009 년
2010 년
2008 년
2009 년
2010 년
575 달러
720 달러
810 달러
5. 1 인당 GDP
6. 경제구조 (2010 년 기준)
농, 임, 어업
공업, 건설업
7. 산업생산가치 (2010 년 기준)
26,450 만불
13,035 만불
4,225 만불
44,210 만불
1. Eco-geographical position
Thanh Hoa is located in the North - Central Region of Vietnam, about 150 km
south of Hanoi and 1,560 km north of Ho Chi Minh City. Thanh Hoa borders Son
La, Hoa Binh and Ninh Binh provinces to the North; Nghe An province to the
South; Hua Phan province, Lao PDR, to the West; and faces the East Sea with its
coastline of 198 km to the East.
2. Terrain
Thanh Hoa terrain is diversified, lowering from the West to the East,
divided into 3 typical areas:
- The plateau and mountainous region has a natural area of 839,037 ha,
accounting for 75.44 % of total area; the mountainous region has the mean attitude
of 600 m – 700 m and the grade of more than 25; and the plateau region has the
mean attitude of 150 m – 200 m, and the grade of 15 - 20.
- The plain region is annually deposited by the alluvials from Ma, Chu, Yen
and Hoat Rivers, having favorable natural conditions, with total area of 162,341 ha
(accounting for 14.61 % of the province). The Ma River Delta is the third largest
ones in Viet Nam, after the Cuu Long and the Red River Deltas.
- The coastal region has its natural area of 110,655 ha (accounting for
9.95% of the province) and 102 km coastline, is relatively flat. Along the sandy
coastline with an average height of 3-6 meters, there is a famous Sam Son beach,
and vast land resource suitable for development of aqua- culture, industrial parks
and sea economic services.
3. Population: 3.45 million people
Thanh Hoa is the third most populated province nationwide, after Ha Noi
capital and Ho Chi Minh City, there are 7 ethnic groups harmoniously living in
Thanh Hoa, including: Kinh, Muong, Thai, Mong, Dao, Tho and Hoa. The ethnic
minority groups mainly live in the mountainous and bordering districts of the
4. Climate
Thanh Hoa is located in a tropical monsoon area with 4 seasons.
- The annual average rainfall is approximately 1,600 - 2,300 mm, and
approximately 90-130 rainy days/year. Relative moisture is from 85% - 97%,
average sunny hour is approximately 1,600-1,800 hours. Average temperature is
23oC - 24o C and gradually lowers in mountainous areas.
- Wind directions: North West and East West in winter, East and East
South in summer respectively.
Characters of climate and weather conditions in Thanh Hoa province: high
rainfall, high temperature, plentiful sunlights. These are favorable conditions for
agriculture, forestry and aqua-culture development and hydro-power exploitation.
5. Administrative structure
Thanh Hoa province has 27 administrative units including 24 districts, 2
towns and one city, distributed into: mountainous region with 11 districts, midland
and plain regions with 8 districts, Bim Son town and Thanh Hoa city; and coastal
region with 5 districts and Sam Son town.
The natural area of Thanh Hoa city is 75.9 km2 with its population of
176,900 people. Thanh Hoa city is the economic and administration centre,
transportation hub to all the districts in the province and neighboring provinces.
1. Land resource
Thanh Hoa province covers a total natural area of 1,112,033 ha, of which
the agricultural land is 245,367 ha, the forestry land is 553,999 ha, the aquaculture
land is 10,157 ha, and the unused land (of which various kinds of land are suitable
for planting cereal, industrial trees and fruit trees) is 153,520 ha. There are 8 major
types of soil, of which the rather large area types of soil are below.
- Acrisols: This type of soil covers an area of 717,245 ha (accounting for
64.6 percent of the natural land area of the province) and is mainly distributed in
mountainous and midland districts such as Quan Hoa, Ba Thuoc, Nhu Xuan,
Thuong Xuan, Cam Thuy, Ngoc Lac, Thach Thanh and Lang Chanh. It is suitable
for developing industrial crops, forest trees and fruit trees.
- Ferralsols: This type of soil covers an area of 37,826 ha (accounting for
3.4 percent of the natural land area of the province) and is distributed in 700 meter
altitude area of Quan Hoa, Lang Chanh, Thuong Xuan, and Nhu Xuan districts. It
is suitable for the development of long-term industrial crops, forest trees and fruit
- Fluvisols: This type of soil covers an area of 191,216 ha (accounting for
17.2 percent of the natural land area of the province) and is distributed in the delta
and coastal areas. It is suitable for developing rice crops, subsidiary crops and
short-term industrial crops.
- Salic Fluvisols and arenosols: These types cover an area of 41,700 ha
(making up 3.74 percent of natural land area of the province) and are distributed
in coastal areas. They are suitable for the development of sedge crops, subsidiary
crops, forest trees and aquaculture.
2. Forest resources
Thanh Hoa is one of rich forest resource provinces that forest area is
484,246 ha of which the estimated wood volume is around 16,64 million cubic
meters. Annual exploitation of wood volume can be from 50,000 to 60,000 cubic
meters. Bamboo forest area (in which there are many types of bamboo such as
Nua, Luong, Vau and Giang) is 188,622 ha with more than one million trees
inside. Artificial forest contains many kinds of tree, for example eucalyptus,
casuarina, pine, cinnamon, rubber trees etc. Bamboo exploitation capacity is one
million ton per year. Thanh Hoa has the largest area of Luong forest in the country
(Luong is a slender and long – sectioned bamboo) that covers an area of 70,000 ha.
Annually, forest area is grown around 4,000 – 5,000 ha inclusive 110,000
ha for paper and wood materials, 12,000 ha cinnamon trees, and 3,000 ha lac.
Especially, Ben En national park where rare fauna and flora gene pools are
preserved is in the southwest of the province. It has been being an attactive
tourism destination.
3. Human resources
- The number of working age people was 2,270,000 in 2010 (accounting for
65.5 percent of the total provincial population). The number of people employing
in the national economy was about 2,045,000 (accounting for 86 percent of the
number of working age population). Most of which worked in the agriculture and
forestry sectors (1,124,700 people), the orthers were in industry and construction
sectors (470,300 people), and in service sector (450,000 people). The percentage
of rural labors of working age population was 55.
Thanh Hoa people are laborious, creative ,hard-working and studious. The
labour force are young and abundant with quite high general knowledge base, and
the number of students graduated from high schools and secondary school is
increasing more and more. The percentage of educated human resource rhythmic
increased year after year, it was 19.6 in 2000, 27 in 2005, 31 in 2007 and 40% in
2010. There are 2 universities, 6 colleges, 14 vocational high school in Thanh Hoa
now. Every year they train about 1,720 engineers and bachelors of economics; and
11,000 technicians who can meet the workforce demand for enterprises and
investors. Thanh Hoa has been accelerating and improving quality of education
and vocational training depending on the social needs and strives to get the goal
that the proportion of educated human resource will reach more than 55 percent in
4. Mineral resources
Thanh Hoa has plentiful and diversified mineral resources. There are 296
mining sites and points containing 42 kinds of minerals, some of which have big
reserves such as wall tile stone (2-3 billion cubic meters), limestone for cement
production (370 million tons), clay for cement production (85 million tons),
chrome (about 22 million tons), serpentine (15 million tons), iron ore (2 million
tons), refractory ceramic materials (including kaolin, quartzite, glass sand), in
addition to gold, mineral sand and other minerals.
5. Water resources
Thanh Hoa has four main river systems: Hoat, Ma, Bang and Yen rivers.
The rivers of the Ma system are the Chu and Buoi. The total length of 16 main and
branch rivers is 1,072 km, the total of catchment area is 39.756 km2; the yearly
average water quantity is 19.52 billion cubic meters. Thanh Hoa has some large
lakes which are water supply for the development requirements of Ma River
downstream, daily life and industry. They are Cua Dat lake (in Thuong Xuan
district) which is the stable water supply for 86.862 ha of cultivated land with the
water capacity of 7,715 m3/s; Muc River lake (in Nhu Xuan district) of which
water volume is 174 million m3 and Irrigation Area is 11,244 ha; and Yen My lake
(in Nhu Thanh district) which has a large water volume that is able to supply
domestic and industrial water for the whole Nghi Son Economic Zone and
neighboring districts. On the other hand, rivers and streams of Thanh Hoa flow
through many rough terrain regions so they have potential ability for hydro-power
development. Especially in Ma River, the theoretical power is 12 billion kWh. The
underground water resources in Thanh Hoa are very plenty not only of water
volume but also of water variety because it is full of deposits of lava and volcanic
rocks here. All these water resources are able to serve the production and
consumption needs of the province.
6. Historical relic and tourist spot resources
Thanh Hoa which is called “The homeland of the national heroes and
cultural celebrities” has maintained and preserved a treasure of cultural and
historical relics and famous scenic beauty spots such as Lam Kinh ancient capital
(in Tho Xuan district) , Citadel of Ho Dynasty (in Vinh Loc district), Ba Trieu
temple (in Hau Loc district), Ham Rong - Nam Ngan war relic (Thanh Hoa city),
Sam Son beach, Hai Tien resort (in Hoang Hoa district), Hai Hoa beach (the beach
which is full with sunshine and wind is in Tinh Gia district), Cam Luong fish
stream (the tream has unique kind of fish in Cam Thuy district), Ben En national
park (the primitive and romantic park is in Nhu Thanh district), Tu Thuc cave (the
cave where there is the legend that Tu Thuc met a beautiful fairy is in Nga Son
district), and Tien Nong bird village (in Trieu Son district) etc. Moreover, nature
bestows Thanh Hoa upon many spectacular caves such as Bich Dao , Long Quang
, Kim Son and Ho Cong etc, and tropical environmental ecosystem that give
Thanh Hoa ideal ecotourism destination and enrich Thanh Hoa people’s spiritual
Thanh Hoa is also mother study land where there are about 1,627 men who
were awarded doctorates from the triennial examinations. 240 of them are the
unforgotten name, for example Truong Cong Phung, Dao Duy Tu, Le Van Huu
etc. Along with this majestic history there are 1,535 relics, of which 134 were in
national relics rank, 412 were provincial level and one is under application to be
UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage now (it is Citadel of Ho Dynasty).
7. Marine resources
Thanh Hoa has 102 km coastline, the area of territorial sea of more than
23,000 square km and seven large and small river mouths which not only are
favorable for fishing vessel to come in and out but also are the fishing centers of
the province; in these river mouths there are thousands of ha of alluvial soil (a rich
mixture of sand and mud deposited by moving water) for aquiculture, sedge crops,
windbreak planting, and salt production. It is suitable for raising garrupas, pearloysters and lobsters in saline water in Me and Bien Son islands and mollusks such
as arca, oyster etc. in ten thousands of hectares of coastal saline water.
The annual harvestable stock of seafood is from 100,000 to 120,000 tons, of
which the annual harvestable stock of pelagic fishes is 50,000 - 60,000 tons, that
of demersal fishes reaches at 40,000 - 50,000 tons and the rest are shrimps, cuttlefishes etc. The annual harvestable stock of high value seafood is 60.000 – 70.000
1. Transportation
Transportation infrastructure in Thanh Hoa province is convenient in
railways, roadways and waterways. Thanh Hoa has 92 km length of the Vietnam
North - South Railway with 9 stations and 8,000 km of roadways with important
national roadway system including National Road 1A (323 km length) running
along the plain and coast, National Road 15A (178 km length), National Road 217
(194 km length) connecting Thanh Hoa province with Huaphanh province of Lao
PDR, National Road 47 (61 km length), Ho Chi Minh highway (130 km length)
and nearly 100% of the communes where automobile roads can lead to district
Thanh Hoa has more than1,700 km length of waterway, of which 487 km
are utilized for 20-1,000 ton vessels moving. Le Mon port is 6 km far from the
center of the city with customs clearance of 300,000 tons of cargo per year and
600 DWT ships can make safe landfalls. Especially Nghi Son deep seaport in Tinh
Gia district was planned out more than 10 wharfs for access of 50,000 DWT ships
with customs clearance of 23 million tons of cargo per year. This seaport has a
favorable location and is covered by breakwater, therefore, frequency of
exploitation of which the unit is day/year is very high. Now the Wharf No. 1 and
the Wharf No. 2 are invested to build for access of 10,000 DWT and 30,000 DWT
ships respectively with the total customs clearance of more than 10 million tons of
cargo per year.
Thanh Hoa will have a grade 4C civil airport of which the detailed plan was
approved at the Decision No. 3384/QD – BGTVT dated November 25th, 2010 and
the location is in Hai Ninh commune, Tinh Gia district with the total area of 213
ha; 1.3 km far from National Road No.1A; along the coastline; 30 km south from
the center of Thanh Hoa city; and 20 km north from Nghi Son Economic Zone.
2. Water supplies
Water supply system has been widened more and more to meet the demand
of households and industrial production. Presently, Thanh Hoa city there are two
existing water supply plants, which are Mat Son and Ham Rong, with the total
capacity of 30,000 m3 per day and up to 50,000 m3 per day under the upgrading
plan for ensuring a sufficiently clean water supply for Thanh Hoa city, Sam Son
town and Le Mon and Dinh Huong industrial zones. A water supply plant is now
under Province’s construction with a proposed capacity of 90,000m3/day to
provide water to Nghi Son Economic Zone and surrounding towns.
3. Power supplies
Thanh Hoa power supply system has been improved both in quantity and
quality, ensuring stable supply to households and production units. The local
national power network include 508 km of high voltage lines, 3,908 km of
medium voltage lines, 4,229 km of low voltage lines, 9 110/35/6-10 KV
transformer stations, 38 intermediary stations and 2,410 distribution stations. Up to
now all city, towns and districts; 98.97% of communes; and 97% households have
access to the national power network.
+ Hydropower resourse development
- Cua Dat hydropower plant includes 2 turbines operating in May, 2010 with the
actual capacity of 97 MW.
- Ba Thuoc 1 and Ba Thuoc 2 hydropower plants has the designed capacity of
- Muc River hydropower plant has the designed capacity of 2000 KW and the
guaranteed capacity of 600 KW.
- Trung Sơn hydropower plant has the designed Capacity of 260 MW.
+ Nghi Sơn I and II thermal power plant has the total capacity of 1800 MW.
4. Post and Telecommunications
+ Post and telecommunications
Thanh Hoa has a post-office centre and 91 post-offices’ branches, 04 multiservice agencies, 565 Village Post Office Cultural Centers in towns and districts.
The ATZ-G5 and electronic switchboard TDX-1B (6.400 telephone numbers)
could contact rapidly and conveniently in domestic and foreign. The microwave
and optical cable system allow widening and using the modern telecommunication
means such as Telex, Fax, Internet, 3G network etc. to serve information in
domestic and foreign. By 2010, all communes and wards had telephones; mobile
phone network covered 27/27 of districts, towns and city, average of 56 telephones
/100 people.
Striving by 2015 for that 100% of communes will be supplied telephone
and broadband internet services; 70% of communes will have public internet
access points; 100% of state management agencies will supply concrete guidance
handle by Internet; and 100% of public administrative services will be posted up in
+ Radio and television
Press, radio and television system has widely spread all over the province.
The percentage of the population covered by radio signals was 99, increased 2 and
the percentage of the population covered by television signals estimatedly reached
at 95 in 2010; that helps people to get the information about economics, culture
and politics; besides and enterprises in advertising their products to all social
classes of people in the province.
5. Banking
Commercial banking system in the whole province consists of Vietinbank,
BIDV, VBSP, Agribank, Saconbank, ACB, VIB Bank, Techcombank, VPBank,
Maritime Bank, GP Bank etc. At present, The banks are renovating and
diversifying forms of capital mobilization, applying modern technology in express
and inter-bank and international payment, ensure safe and effect. The annual total
of credit capital mobilization, loan turnover and dept surplus increase 20%, 17.3%
and 17% respectively.
6. Trade and services
Thanh Hoa trade network has been expanded larger and larger; urban
supermarket and rural market systems have been developed fast, commercial
civilization has many changes. Enterprises belonging to economic components and
business individuals participate in commercial sectors aiming at meeting the
demands of people’s daily life and production development. Supermarket and
shopping center system and markets in economic centers are invested for
construction and are in operation such as Hapro supermarket and Tay Thanh
market in Thanh Hoa city; Thieu Hoa shopping center in Thieu Hoa district; Yen
Dinh agricultural produce market in Yen Dinh district; and warehouses and
commercial stores in the mountainous districts for instance Ngọc Lac, Lang
Chanh, Quan Son and Ba Thuoc. Annual average growth rate of export turnover
for stage of 2006-2010 was 27.15 %. Insides, major export goods of the province
consist of agricultural products, accounted for 10.47%; maritime products.
accounted for 16.98%; industrial and handicraft products, accounted for 38.04%;
and minerals and construction materials, accounted for 11.56% etc.
Export markets have been expanded larger and larger; beside traditional
markets like Japan, South East Asia and China; several products have been
exported to America, Europe.
7. Healthcare, education and vocational training
+ Healthcare: Province and district hospitals have been invested in
upgrading and rebuilding; all communes have medical stations which meet the
standard of people’s healthcare and first aid treatment and emergency medical
care. In the province, by now, Thanh Hoa General Hospital and Hop Luc General
Hospital which have been invested in infrastructure, modern medical products and
high level skill staff meet the standard of medical examination and treatment to
serve people in the province and foreigners. By 2010, there are 75% of the
communes meeting national standard for healthcare and reached 18 hospital beds
per 10,000 people.
+ Basic Education: Thanh Hoa has completed compulsory intermediate
education before the deadline and is now implementing compulsory secondary
education. Every year, local students win many prizes in Vietnam’s National
Excellent Student Contest and The International Science Olympiads and the
number of students admitted to universities more and more increases. Thanh Hoa
always maintains being in the top class of the provinces where the number of
students getting sample scores, highest scores at university entrance examination is
largest. Besides system of state schools, system of private schools are strongly
developed, many schools achieved the national education standards. Currently,
Thanh Hoa private school at the international standard is equipped with modern
facilities and about to put in to operation, this school is able to train the children of
foreign specialists coming to work and live in Thanh Hoa city.
+ Higher Education: The quality of professional education and vocational
training has been enhanced; the connection between enterprises, employers and
training facilities for human resource development has been strengthened based on
social demands. Hong Duc university has focused on investing in building several
high quality faculties and fields of study; the province has been promoting the
establishment of Thanh Hoa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Thanh Hoa
University of Physical Education and Sports, Thanh Hoa Culture Art and Tourism
university based on existing colleges; the network of vocational training facilities
is supplemented and adjusted; Nghi Son Vocational School and Technical School
will be early completed to serve labor exports; training quality and ability has been
improved, the training structure of vocational training facilities and centersand
district-level regular education centers have been reformed to meet the social
8. Urban Area Network
Thanh Hoa has one city, two towns and 24 rural district seats, has been
constructing a lot of new urban areas aiming at meeting the demands of
industrial/commercial/service development. Thanh Hoa province currently has 26
urban development projects with the total areas of 447.5 ha approved by
Provincial People’s Council.
9. Economic and Industrial Zones
Thanh Hoa has been approved the plan of seven concentrated industrial
zones (IZ), at present, five industrial zones and one economic zone have been
established, and invested in technical infrastructure.
- Bim Son IZ has the total area of 700 ha; is located in the Northern part of
the province, adjacent to National road 1A and the Vietnam North - South railway;
is planed out for heavy industrial projects such as mechanical engineering,
manufacturing of automobile spare parts and automobile assembling, cement
production etc.
- Đinh Hương - Tay Ga IZ has the total area of 150 ha, is located in the
Northern part of the city, about 2 km far from the city, 3 km far from Thanh Hoa
Railway Station, 7 km far from Le Mon Port; is planned out for the projects of
production and commercial service, projects of manufacturing and assembling of
high - tech product.
- Lam Son IZ has the total area of 1,000 ha, is 40 km far from the city,
next to National Road 15 and Ho Chi Minh Highway and near Sao Vang military
airport etc.
- Le Mon IZ has the area of 87 ha, is 5 km east from the city.
- Nghi Sơn Economic Zone was established on the Decision dated May,
2006 by the Prime Minister with the total are of 18,000 ha and is now not only the
impetus for the development of the North Central region but also the link
connecting the Central Region with the North Region, the Northwest Region with
Laos and the Northeast Region of Thailand. According to the Decision of the
Vietnamese Government, the investors who invested in Nghi Son Economic Zone
are entitled many investment incentive policies of Vietnamese Government. Here
is a comprehensive and multi-functional economic zone, has favorable location in
transportation of highways, waterways, deed seaport. The projects, which has been
invested in Nghi Son Economic Zone, are fundamental and heavy industries such
as oil refinery and petrochemical industry, high-grade steel industry, shipbuilding
and repair industry, thermal power, construction material industry, consumer
products, processing and export etc. With Nghi Son- Hon Me island transshipment
seaport cluster, in future, Nghi Son will become not only a focal center of seaport;
international warehousing and transport; high-quality sea tourism and
entertainment combining with development of service industry but also a modern
10. Hotel and Restaurant System
Nowaday, Thanh Hoa has system of international standard hotels and
restaurants which is able to supply the demand of organization of international
conferences and workshops such as Lam Kinh hotel, 4-star standard; Sao Mai
hotel, 3-star standard; a large number of 2-star hotels and standard guest house;
and many famous restaurants like Da Lan, Da Lan Star, Hoang Nhi Lan etc.
11. Insurance
As the province has third largest population in the whole country, Thanh
Hoa is considered to be a potential market for all types of insurance. There are top
nationwide insurance companies in the province now in operation for sample Bao
Viet, Bao Minh, Post-Telecommunication insurance, PetroVietnam insurance,
Prudential Vietnam etc. These insurance companies expand their market shares
larger and larger and create fair competition to enhance the quality of customer
- GDP of the province reached 13.7 %.
- Per capita GDP in 2010 was $810 (over 16 million VND respectively).
- Economic structure transformation by 2010 was Industry - construction,
taking 41.4 %; services, taking 34.4 %; and Agriculture – forestry - fishery, taking
- Annual average growth rate of value of agriculture, forestry and fishery
products achieved 2.6 %.
- Annual average growth rate of value of construction and industry products
reached 16 %.
- Annual average growth rate of value of services was 12.3 %.
- Annual average growth rate of turnover and total retail sale of
commodities reached 24.9 %.
- The value of commodity exports and services in 2010 estimatedly reached
$377 million.
- In 2010, there were total about 5,940 enterprises, reached the rate of 575
people per 01 enterprise.
- For 05 years from 2005 to 2010, 254,000 laborers of which 47,000 abroad
to work for a definite time were created jobs.
- Nghi Son economic zone, which is the key economic zone of the province,
has the total estimated investment capital of $10 billion by now.
- Tourism turnover reached 1,200 billion VND.
AND 2020
I. General Orientation
Thanh Hoa province will maximum bring into play and effectively utilize
the resources; create a breakthrough in economic growth and competition;
trengthen the investment in socio - economic infrastructure construction; strive to
achieve GDP per capita of the country by 2015; and become one of the top
developed provinces in Vietnam by 2020.
II. Specific targets
- Annual average economic growth rate will reach 17 – 18 %.
- Per capita GDP by 2015 will achieve $2,100.
- Value added in agriculture, forestry and fishery will increase at 3.5%/year.
- Value added in construction and industry will increase at 22.3 % / year.
- Value added in services will increase at 16,8 % / year.
- Economic structure in GDP by 2015 will be agriculture, forestry and
fishery, accounted for 14.4 %; construction and industry, accounted for 49.7 %;
services, accounted for 35.9 %.
- The annual average rate of capital mobilization for state budget will reach
over 8% GDP up.
- The total value of export commodities and services by 2015 will reach
more than $850 million, annual average growth rate is at more than 17 %.
- The total social capital investment for 05 years will reach about 310,000
billion VND.
-The trained laborer rate by 2015 will reach more than 55 %.
- Annual average poor household rate will reduce from 3 to 4 %.
- Annual natural population growth by 2015 will reduces less than 0.65 %.
III. Major Programs
3.1. Development program of Nghi Sơn EZ and industrial and hightech zones.
The completion of the technical infrastructure will be priority, foreign
investment attraction will be strongly promoted to make Nghi son Economic Zone
becoming the impetus for the province’s economic growth and key element of the
development of the northern region.
The existing industrial zones will be filled rapidly and brought into play
effectively, the develoment of some more new industrial zones will be planed out,
associating with ability, advantage and the needs of regional economic structure
The high-tech zone will be promoted for construction including a high-tech
park, a high-tech service urban zone and high-tech human resource training center
in the total area of 1,300 – 1,500 ha.
3.2. Agricultural Development and New Countryside Building
Clean and high-tech agriculture having capacity, quality, effectiveness and
a large number of goods will be constructed; rural industry, services and
profession will be encouraged to develop, creating the conditions for labor force
structure transformation and promote process of land agglomeration and
centralization for huge production. Planning and Performance of new countryside
building program will be rapidly promoted; striving to 2015, there will be 20% of
number of communes reaches rural new standard (according to the national criteria
for new rural by the Government).
3.3. Socio-economic Development Program in the Western and Coastal
Regions of Thanh Hoa.
Diversified sources of investment capital will be mobilized to construct and
upgrade the socio-economic infrastructure; maximizing excavation of potentials
and advantages for strengthening the development of agriculture, forestry and
aquacultures associating with processing industry; encouraging the development of
commercial services; making a breakthrough in economic structure transformation
and growth rate, combining with socio-cultural development, enhancing universal
intellectual standards, preserving and bringing into play the national cultural
identity, reinforcing the country’s defense and security system, improving people’s
lives, gradually narrowing the gap between the living standards of mountain
people and lowland people.
3.4. Human Resource Development Program
Socialization process will be speeded up and resource mobilization will be
maximized for scale expansion and quality improvement of education and training.
Firstly, human resources education and training will be focused on to meet the
development needs in many field such as oil refinery and petrochemicals, steel
production, management and operation of thermal power and hydropower plants,
manufacture and assembly of electronic components, software production,
automation etc; building the cadres and public servants having good moral
character and capacity to meet mission requirements in the new period; forming
businessmen having wide business knowledge, understanding of law, activity, skill
and spirit, and business culture; fostering talent, training excellent leading experts
in many fields.