Parent Council News - Pitlochry High School

Parent Council News
A big thank you to Claire Naylor. After five years as our clerk for Parent Council
she is standing down. We very much appreciate the work she has put in and
wish her a well deserved rest from her duties although she is continuing to do the
in-school paperwork. This leads me conveniently to:
Positions Vacant: Parent Council is looking for a minute secretary and a vice
chair. We meet no more than ten times a year, usually eight. If you think you
could help or know of anyone who can, please contact me at or
Health Week
As well as sponsoring some refreshments and the workshops available for
Health Week and Health Night, Parent Council will be hosting a stand on Health
Night. Here you can find information on what we do and tell us what you’d like to
see more of. We are also promoting mental health through mindapples. You
can visit the site here for more information but do come
along to the stall on the night and fill in your own apple.
Information Evenings
Coming up in the summer term are two parent information evenings.
Internet Safety and GLOW plans to offer an interactive evening that will raise
awareness of how to keep your children safe on the internet and introduce you to
GLOW where you can learn how to access information on your child’s learning
through their online profiles and portfolios.
Write to the Top is another workshop style evening where you are invited to
come and “play school” as a way of understanding how your children are
We would really appreciate advance feedback on whether offering a crèche or
primary childcare for these evenings would be helpful. Estimated start time is
6.30 or 7.00pm at the latest. Contact as before.
On Thursday 1st March Mrs Liney is taking four Pitlochry High pupil
representatives to Aberfeldy for a Fairtrade training day. She would very much
like if a parent volunteer was able to join them. If you are interested then please
contact her at the school or myself at the addresses below.
The recent Fairtrade Café raised £147 for Malawi and the Raven’s Trust. Mrs
Liney wishes to extend a big thank you for monies raised and for the kind
donations of baking from pupils, parents, staff and members of the community.
Social/Fundraising Committee
A social and fundraising committee now runs separately from the main Parent
Council. This has proved a popular decision with a great response for the Bingo
Tea. Congratulations to the team who put on that very successful evening
raising £600. The group is still looking for members, volunteers and ideas. If this
is you then please contact Lorna Mair at the school or the Parent Council as
Connected to the above we will be reviewing the Parent Council Constitution, a
draft of which will be sent out to all parents and guardians in due course so
please look out for this. We will also be putting together an agenda for next
year’s calendar. This is your opportunity to tell us what you would like to see
Parent Council offering.
Karen Downie